Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 37 The Tiger Fights against People

Jia's little boy:

When you read this letter, you can only prove one thing - your father, I really can't stand Ah Fu...

That day, you didn't let it follow you down the mountain for fear that it would scare others to cause trouble. Dad, I also listened to you and locked it up, but you know, what Afu hated most was to be locked in the woodshed, so it didn't howling all night... To be honest, Dad, I really can't stand it! Oh, not only Dad, but basically everyone in the stockade is about to be deaf by it! If this letter can reach you safely, it means that someone in the stockade kicked Fu out and it found you very well... If you can't see this letter, it means two things. One is that Fu is still in the stockade, and the other is that Fu was eaten on the way to you! Ah, maybe even the skin on the body has been made into a shawl or carpet for human use.

Joa's father's little boy, when you see Ah Fu, don't think of your father and me, because I really didn't do it! Dad, even if I have ten guts, I dare not not listen to you.

But people... Oh, no, the tiger has gone, and Dad can't do anything about it. According to Dad--

How about this? Anyway, Ah Fu has grown up in the mountains and has never seen the world. You can take it with you. It's time to get married and have a baby!

If someone asks if it is a tiger, you can say that it is a tiger dog, a specialty in our mountain.

Okay, that's all. God bless the day when this letter is not in your hands ~ Amitabha Buddha, good and good!

Looking at the letter paper taken out of the copper bell hanging under Ah Fu's neck, Anjoya felt that she was about to be strangled by the black line on her forehead.

Tiger dog... Thanks to Father Ann, he came up with it! I'm also getting married and having children, Kao! Isn't this pure intention to make trouble for her? Where is she going to get a 'wife' for Afu?

It's enough to walk all over the street with a tiger-like 'tiger dog'. Is it possible for her to ask if there is a female tiger dog to marry her male tiger dog every time she goes?

God! Give her a break!


A circle of firewood burned, and the light emitted illuminated the small cave. The slightly wet wood crackled in the orange flames. The two beasts sat quietly around the fire and tried to fill their five internal organs temple.

This natural cave is located under the flat ground covered with snow. Due to the uneven terrain, the cave is small and can accommodate four or five people. There is also a large piece of earth and stone on the top of the cave, which is also a back wind belt, which can just tie the horse outside.

The cave should have been the nest of some kind of large beast earlier, and it was still covered with messy hay, but later it should have been moved to a new house or been clicked, so it was abandoned, just letting Afu, who had been following them all the way, be dug out with a sensitive sense of smell.

Given that the weather outside is too cold and unsafe - this time it is followed by Ah Fu, who can guarantee that they will pass by the kind herbivores they know or next time? So An Joya thought about it, simply moved her luggage and other things and decided to sleep in this cave tonight - although the stone floor is a little cold, it is better than squatting in the snow for the night. At least when she wakes up in the morning, she will not find herself buried in the snowy pile and almost suffocating.

At this time, Anjoa was sitting on the innermost haystatch, holding a large piece of hot meat in his hand, and his cheeks kept chewing. Although it is the most primitive barbecue without any seasoning, it is better than the delicacies of Anchoya, who can't live without hot food.

Originally, I thought that the brother and sister could only rely on a thin rabbit to fill their stomachs tonight. Who would have thought that Ah Fu's whereabouts were sneaky, but at least they knew how to get something in advance to honor their masters. Now the meat in their mouths are all the antelope it brought here.

"Oh~~" lies on the closest place to the mouth of the cave. Afu has three hot meat buns on his head - two of them are masterpieces of An's brothers and sisters who have just been tortured by psychological pressure, punishing them for coming out in a black light and scaring people, and the other is An Qiaoya's painstaking efforts** smashed out with steamed buns earlier~~ (Afu: Whoo...) Shaking his long tail and patted his back with appropriate force, and the two huge claws pressed the front legs of the burnt antelope in front of him, howling unevenly from time to time. Why? What on earth is this for? Obviously, it is the prey, but it can only be divided so little? A tragic world!

"Okay, okay, don't howling any more. Isn't it to roast the meat now so that you have food tomorrow? Just put up with it." Blowing his hot fingers, Anjoya grinned and explained seriously. Of course, if she said this, the huge meat with a strong fragrance on her hand would be more convincing.

"Oh..." Fu turned his head disdainfully and ignored her. Humph╭(╯^╰)╮! Don't think it's an animal that's easy to cheat if it doesn't talk. Ah Fu's IQ is the best of the same kind and an elite of different kinds! Want to cheat it? No way!

"Hey, small sample! Give me Joe to play big cards."

Afu's reaction, An Qiaoya raised her eyebrows, swallowed the meat in her hand, grabbed the hay beside her and wiped her hands, suddenly stood up and jumped in front of a big white cat, smiled ferociously, grabbed its thin front leg in her mouth at a lightning speed, and then returned to Afu When he didn't react, he knocked on its huge white head like a joke, "You, you, I didn't say you. If Dad hadn't said in the letter that he wanted me to take you out to see the world and help you find a daughter-in-law and give birth to a fat baby, you thought I would let you follow?" Then stretch out your evil hands and pinch Afu's cheeks, control the force, pull it up, and directly make a nondescript smile. "Look how beautiful it is now. It's less than ten years to smile."

"Oh!" After being robbed of food and his cheeks were pulled, Afu roared angrily and showed his white teeth to bite Anjoa. Unfortunately, the latter did not take this trick - it has lost its effect on her since he learned that it was An Shengtu's follower.

"Hey, just save it. I've seen through Nai's tricks for a long time!"

In return, in order to avoid Ah Fu's real hair, An Qiaoya let go of it after ridiculing it and sent back the stolen leg of mutton by the way. The latter took the leg of the sheep in his hand, then stared at her with pink and sad eyes, and turned his head and was sad. ( Ah Fu: ... Draw a circle curse ~ Those who take my meat will be single all their lives!!!)

"Yeah?! Are you angry like this?" After receiving Ah Fu's sad and contemptuous eyes, An Qiaoya blinked, lay back on it, and scratched the soft hair on its neck with her hand. "Okay, okay, I apologize. Is that okay?"

"..." Afu stood up resolutely, turned his head and pointed his fart at Anchoa!


"Okay, little sister, don't tease Ah Fu. There is still some meat here. Eat more. An Shengtu, who had been sitting silently beside the fire for barbecue, couldn't stand it. He cut the crispest and tenderest one on the oily antelope roasted on the fire with a knife and threw it to Anjoya, and then cut off a piece for himself. The rest is directly strung up with branches and put in front of Ah Fu. "Oh, these are all for you."


Afu was naturally very happy when such a big piece of pie suddenly fell from the sky. He shook his head and waved his tail and came up to An Shengtu for a while, and almost jumped on his face and chirped fiercely.

An Qiaoya, who was cold to the side, used the white part of her eyes to look at Ah Fu several times, "Huh, the dog is powerful!" ( Fu: I'm a tiger! Not a tiger or dog... Oh~)

"Fourth brother, shall we continue to travel tomorrow or take a day off here to avoid snow?"

When he got up and returned to the haystle, Anjoya yawned tiredly and rubbed his eyes again. After living in modern life for so long, I have never taken a bus when I go out. No matter how bad I am, I can ride a bicycle. I don't have to be the same as now. Not to mention the useless means of transportation, I have to travel on a freezing snowy day. Sometimes I have to have three meals. Angioya's body brought from modern times has long been untenable. . I can't help sleeping to death when it's dark.

"Well, how about the little sister?" An Shengtu patted Ah Fu's hairy head, and the latter returned with a friendly hand licking gift.

"I don't want to go..." With that, I yawned again and had enough to eat and drink. Now I don't have to worry about waking up from the snow. Anchoa's eyelids are naturally getting heavier and heavier. "I'm so tired..."

"Are you so tired?" An Shengtu thought about it and didn't seem to feel anything. It's only been four or five days since I came out of the cottage, which is nothing for them who practice martial arts. It's energetic to take a break and take a nap.

However, the little sister is a female, and her body is not as strong as their men. After walking for so long, she must have been unable to stand it for a long time. I just shouted tired today, which shows that his sister is not ordinary.

"If you are tired, then we won't go tomorrow. Hide here, because it will snow heavily around noon tomorrow.

"Oh...", Anchoya pulled the quilt placed aside, went to the hay, and rolled himself directly into a caterpillar. "That's all right... Fourth brother, I'll go to bed first. Good night."


An Shengtu picked up the blanket in her luggage and was about to cover An Qiaoya. The weather is cold, and the little sister can't be frozen.

" blanket... give the blanket to the fourth brother..." Squinting her eyes, An Qiaoya turned her head and pushed the blanket back. Because she knew that An Shengtu didn't wear much, she put the blanket on the luggage next to him early in the morning.

"Fourth brother is not afraid of the cold when he has a blanket..."

An Shengtu paused and then grinned, "Okay, then the fourth brother will take down the blanket. Go to bed."

"Well...Okay..." The ending is getting smaller and smaller. Before An Qiaoya said the whole story, she had huddled directly into the quilt to play chess and fart with Zhou Gong.

An Shengtu put away the blanket, moved the fire next to An Qiaoya, and patted Ah Fu's head to signal it to go next to An Qiaoya. Then he rest assured and continued to sit on the mountain wall and continue to eat the mutton that was already a little cold.