Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 38 Poisonous

The territory of the Jinluo Dynasty is strangely distributed. From the sky to the sky, the brocade is a huge five-pointed star. And directly below the five-pointed star is Yunjiang.

Yunjiang is a small independent country. Although it is nominally a subsidiary country of Jinluo, in fact, it is not bound by it. Except for the triennial tribute, Jinjian does not pay much attention to Yunjiang.

Every household in the country, regardless of age or grade, is mainly planted and hunted as a supplement to raise and reproduce.

The territory of Yunjiang has many valleys, and its shape is like a coiled snake. The place with the snake head is the most valued by the people of Yunjiang, that is, the location of the insect valley where the Gu king is popular in the world is located. The valley is humid and foggy all year round, and it is dark and dark day and night.

Because the environment is gloomy and humid, it is very suitable for snake insects to grow, and the valley is full of snakes and poisonous insects. The mouth of the valley is narrow, and you can smell a gust of fishy wind nearly five steps away. The left and right sides of the mouth of the valley are full of ferocious skeletons. The sticky snake-like creatures crawl out of the hollow eyes of the white man's skull, and then slides in along the mouth with less than a few teeth left, which makes people hair all over.

If there are still people who are not afraid of death who want to break in, they will be bitten to death by poisonous insects if they are not scared to death. If the body is left behind, it will become a Chinese meal of various poisons in the valley. Although the king of gentry is good at using poison, he did not know martial arts in order to cultivate the art of raising poison. At the beginning, he chose this valley because no one dared to enter the valley easily because he valued the toxicity of these poisons, which was also a natural barrier.

And Chonggu is indeed as wished by the Guwang. It has really blessed him for more than 20 years, and even provided him with an excellent place to practice gu - the most lacking in the valley are not scorpions, centipedes, poisonous snakes and other living things. The most common things in the valley are usually all kinds of poisons. If you bite me and I bite you, everyone is vigorously. You will live to the death.

However, according to today, Chonggu is too quiet. The grassland in the valley, which was originally full of snakes, insects and ants, was empty. It is rare to kill each other, and the poisonous plants are rarely blocked by moving objects. Now they are swinging freely in the gusts of wind.

A black scorpion with a highly poisonous tail spur quickly ran out from under the rock, but immediately was bitten by a green snake spitting red snake letters on the branches with gorgeous flowers and swallowed down the esophagus.

At this moment, in the only hut in the valley, the king of python, who had always been respected by thousands of people with fear, lay awkwardly on the sand, supporting half of his body with one hand, and his sweaty face was full of anger and unwillingness.

"Who the hell are you? Why on earth did you attack me?"

The cold and long figure with light on his back is expressionless, and only two deep eyes like water can still be recognized in the dark.

"Gun over the things."

He spit out these words coldly, and the tip of the cold sword is facing his face and purple, with black lips, and a middle-aged man with a short figure like a ghost, that is, raising him into an infatuated and cruel king to worship python.

"I don't know what you're talking about." The sharp and rough voice scratched the man's eardrums like sand and rubbing iron blocks. The python hummed disdainfully and looked at the man, and his right hand was placed horizontally on his chest in a precautionary pattern.


Slowly and rationally said the purpose of his arrival, the man's hand holding the sword gradually stretched out and approached the python step by step, "Don't tell me that you haven't heard the name."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Hearing those three words, the python was shocked, but then recovered and turned his head as if to cover up his guiltyness. "I have never heard of such a thing at all."

"Haven't you heard of it?" The man smiled, and his beautiful lips evoked a sarcastic smile. The cold sword stopped on the throat of the python, leaving a shallow blood stain on the blue and purple wrinkled skin that had been changed by many attempts.

"I haven't heard of it, so why did you die?" Taking another step forward, the dark soap boots stopped at the feet of the python, "Do you dare to say that you don't have this?"

The face of the python immediately changed, but after a while, he suddenly piled up a false smile as if he was thinking of something. "Please forgive me, I do have this..."

"Grip it over."

"Yes, yes, hero, please wait..." With the man's consent, the python quickly supported his body with his hand and dragged back a few steps away from the annoying tip of the sword, and then pretended to search for something all over his body.

After a long time, Bai Python took out a small red porcelain bottle from his arms and raised his hand to hand over the bottle. Hero, this is the poison you want. Please take it away.

The man did not speak, but threw away the sword in his hand and took it with his right hand wearing dark gloves. Pull out the bottle cap with both hands.

Seeing this, a trace of cunning flashed in the eyes of the python who had been pretending to be afraid of death. Although it was fast, it was still caught by the man. But he did not stop his movements and still opened the cap of the red porcelain bottle as originally planned. Almost at the same time as the lid was opened, the strange-like insects that had been dark but shining with green light flew out, fell straight into the man's hand, and quickly bit open the layer of cloth that was not too thick and drilled in. It disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Hahaha..." Seeing this, the python immediately laughed, supported his hands to the ground, and immediately stood up with his feet, looking at the man arrogantly, "stupid! Poison-eating is the symbol of successive kings, and there is only one in the world. Do you think I will be stupid enough to give you the real poison devour? Ah ha ha ha..."

"..." The man invisible in the dark did not open his mouth, but stood quietly.

Probably enough to laugh, the python carefully took out a thin-necked bottle inlaid with ruby from his short shirt and held it on his chest with his hands as if showing off. "See? This is the real poison-eating worm. What has just penetrated into your body is the heart-eating worm that took me 20 years of painstaking efforts to raise. This worm is specially designed to feed on people's hearts, so you can enjoy the taste of being gnawed by worms~ah ha ha ha..."

"Oh?" When the sword eyebrows were raised, the man didn't have any emotional ups and downs, and he didn't even move his body.

"Does it eat the heart?" With a playful smile, he threw away the useless red bottle and slowly stroked the bite hole in his right hand. "I don't know if you are the master... I don't know what will happen?" It's interesting to think about it.

"Hmm! Idiot talks about dreams. This heart-eating gu can only be cultivated. Although my master, that is, the last king of gu, has also raised it, he can only tame one every time. Originally, he wanted to keep it for hegemony in the martial arts in the future, but he didn't expect that it would be used to feed you today. I was also very reluctant to give up. Put the bottle containing the poison back into his arms, and the python looked at the person in front of him with triangular eyes gloatingly.

"Real?" Still the sarcastic smile, the man was not annoyed, but just answered faintly, "Since you are so reluctant, let it go back to accompany you."

His eyes suddenly darkened, and the man slowly took off his right glove. On the back of his white hand, the strange black bug was suddenly dead and stopped there stiffly. The pairing of black and white is even more abrupt.

" can you?" Seeing that his heart did not even succeed in biting the man's skin, he died, and his eyes widened in horror, " the hell are you?"

"Hmm." The man said coldly and took off his other glove in front of the python. "My hands, the left master is born and the right owner is dead. Do you know why I wear gloves?" He pinched the stiff bug with his left hand. In less than a while, the bug immediately waved his legs and kept struggling, "See? As long as it is touched by my right hand, it will die immediately without exception, and it will be touched by my left hand. As long as it is not more than three days, I can be saved. It's just that after waking up, you will experience a period of life and death.

"But there is one thing I can't do, that is that although I can save people, I can't let the poisoned person completely excrete the poison from the body." Interestingly, he looked down at the little bug that was still swinging his limbs. The man continued, "So, in order for her to recover, poison-eating is the first choice. ."

"What...what?! ......”

I didn't expect that there would be such a strange person in the world. The python trembled his legs and retreated step by step, and the level of panic also increased to the highest.

"I want to eat poison, but you won't give it..." After a pause, the man approached the python, and the long figure almost enveloped the python on the wall. "You say... How can I make you obedient and hand over things? Huh?"

The evil smile appeared on his lips, making people's heart tremble as if Yan Luo appeared in the world.

"I...I... gave..." I witnessed the beloved insect come back to life, and saw the man's invulsive ability, and knew that he had fallen today. He hurriedly took out the porcelain bottle and sent it out, "Big...Big... Hero, this... Here, poison... Please, don't kill me... I... I kowtow to you! Please, hero..."

The python said and knelt down with soft knees.

"Will you give it?"

The man mocked the corners of his mouth, but this time he did not take the bottle, but his eyes were cold. His slender fingers clamped the chin of the python, forced him to open his mouth with a little force, pinched the little bug that waved his limbs crazily with his left hand, and stuffed it into the dodged mouth of the python.

"Unfortunately... it's too late."