Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 63 Super Girl Out

"Alas..." Another sound, long and continuous playback in the empty hole, the nerve lines that several people had just relaxed immediately tightened again.

"Who?!" Angioya looked around cautiously, but it was so dark that she couldn't see who it was. Who is there?"

"You're finally here..." The female voice said leisurely, as if the voice came from all directions. In the only bright place, An Qiaoya and others could not see what kind of situation was around them.

Is it finally here? That woman - because she is a female voice, Anjoa calls her a woman for the time being. What's going on? Who is she waiting for?

With their eyes, they motioned everyone to lean around the lying elder Mo. Except for Qi Meng, who still hid behind An Qiaoa and did not dare to move, everyone else automatically gathered around and back to back, picked up the only weapons left by their hands and carefully observed around in case something suddenly emerged from the darkness. Out, the current situation is quite unfavorable for them, because it can be said that it is quite dangerous for them to be dark.

"I said," holding the sword in his hand and paying attention to the place a few meters in front of him. Ah Qing lowered his voice and said, "It has been said that there will be something unclean here. You still don't believe it."

"Joya..." Qi Mengla An Joya's clothes behind her were pitifully shrank back, and her face was paler than before. I'm afraid..."

"Cut, women are really timid! But it's a ghost..."

"Aqing." Feng Weiqing's face sank. Don't say a few words."

The sound is not loud, but it is enough to make Ah Qing obediently shut up.

"Hmm. If you don't say it, don't say it. The advice is against the ear... Ah, why did you hit me on the head?"

"If you hit you, I will hit you. Do you still have to choose an auspicious day?" Anjoya stared at him, took back the "little hand of love" specializing in punishment, and hummed from her nose. "If you dare to talk nonsense to scare Xiao Meng again, it won't hit you on the head next time. I will directly find someone to blow you **!"

"You violent woman! You, you..." Ah Qing stared back angrily and wanted to fight, but he was embarrassed to do it because he stared at him again. Although he didn't really intend to fight back, he just felt angry. Wait for me, I... One day my Qing will get it back. Wait, hum!"


An Qiaoya was also too lazy to pay attention to him. She patted Qi Menghuan's hand on her waist, signaling her not to be afraid, and then looked at Feng Weiqing, who was close to her. The latter also looked down at her at this time. Their eyes were handed over under the dim lights. An Qiaoya saw shallow worries in his eyes and ...A trace of embarrassment?!

Embarrassing? How could it be! Is he embarrassed?

Realizing this, An Qiaoya immediately widened her eyes and wanted to search for Feng Weiqing's beautiful eyes again, but the owner of the eyes did not give her this opportunity. Almost the moment she looked up at him again, she immediately turned her face back, leaving only her beautiful side face for viewing.

However, how can Angioya let go of this opportunity to explore others? Well, of course, this person usually refers to a person who is "spiring" by her - such as Feng Weiqing. Without the heart to pursue the strange voice, she moved forward without a trace, thinking about how to prove that the embarrassment really existed in Feng Weiqing's eyes.

But her moving footsteps stopped abruptly in the next moment--

"Ihavebeenwaitingforyouforalongtime..." The previous female voice appeared leisurely again, but this time it was Anjoa, a foreign language graduate, who was most familiar with English - from primary school to university, to work. It's straightforward. Can you not be familiar with it?

So with little hesitation, Anchoya immediately asked back instinctively, of course, also in English, "Whoexactlyyouare?" Whyyoutalkingtomebutrejecttoshowmeyourface? AmIknowyoubefore?" Because of her anxiousness, her voice was inevitably a little louder, and her clear voice was surrounded in the dark like the female voice just now.

"..." After a long time, no one answered, and the dead silence was still maintained around. However, Ah Qing couldn't control his curiosity and looked at her and asked, "Hey, what the hell were you talking about just now?" No one can understand it.

Chen Duo, who had been staring at the field he was responsible for monitoring for for a long time, heard this. He was extremely bored and addicted to it, so he glanced at him and mocked, "As long as the girl knows it, you know how to use it? If you don't understand, just stay and talk less. The more you talk, the more shameful it will be.

"You!" Aqing almost jumped angrily. Fortunately, Feng Weiqing hit him with an eye knife in time to silence him obediently, but he was still full of resentment and ready to go back to find the culprit.

And An Qiaoya didn't notice all this at all. She frowned heavily and thought about what the person wanted to do. She spoke Mandarin and English all of a sudden, and she didn't show up. She didn't make it clear whether she was an enemy or a friend. Did she think it was fun to play them mysteriously like this?

"I don't know who you are or what you want us to do, but would you please come out?" After thinking about it, An Joa still decided to say, "Don't hide anymore. We need to talk." In case the person didn't understand, she deliberately repeated it in English.

This time, the words seemed to have an effect, and only smelled a rustling noise like a radio FM. After that, the female voice appeared again, "I... need your... help..." When saying this, the female voice seemed to be very weak and hoarse, as if she was suddenly about to run out of oil.

"Since you need my help, come out and talk face to face," An Qiaoya explained patiently, "I'm not used to talking to the air." Now that others are asking for her, isn't it too much for her to take Joe?

The man didn't answer any more, but the noise became louder. After half a while, she spit out a word in a low voice, "...Okay."

Almost at the same time when the good word sounded, the space in front of Angioya suddenly twisted like vapor blown by the wind, and a woman's figure gradually formed by clouds gathered for no reason, which was quite strange.

Anchoa has no reaction. She hasn't seen any horror movies in modern times. She has already practiced King Kong's body and a strong heart, so in her opinion, it's the same as the high-tech scenes in American blockbusters, just 3D.

On the contrary, Aqing looked straight at Chen Duo, Wang Jie, Sun Haizheng and others. They all said that time has ghosts and hell. They finally saw it today.


Qi Meng, who had been burying his head behind Anchoa for a while, finally poked out his head to catch his breath, but he saw the process so he immediately screamed, rolled his eyes, and immediately fell back. Anjoara couldn't pull it. Fortunately, Wang Jie helped him to pick her up in time. , put it on the ground together to accompany Elder Mo.

Feng Weiqing also stared at the changes in front of him. Although he was also surprised, he did not have much emotional ups and downs. He just silently raised the long knife Chen Duo gave him to protect An Qiaoya. Be careful." He said.

This is the second time he said this to her. An Qiaoya opened her mouth slightly and turned her head to look at him. Her eyes fell on the high bridge of his nose and deep eyes that did not squint. After that, the corners of her mouth cracked with a big smile and nodded vigorously, "Hmm."

Feng Weiqing knew that she was looking at him. Although he had been seen by women like this since he was a child, he didn't know why, as long as he was saved by him yesterday morning, he was locked in a dungeon and saved by him again, but he didn't remember his mysterious little girl at all. Looking at him with innocent eyes like fire, there is such a trace of warmth and smile in his heart, and there is an inexplicable feeling fermenting.

While An Qiaoya still stuck her eyes to Fengweiqing and couldn't concentrate for the time being, the outline of the woman who appeared in front of her became clearer and clearer. Her dazzling golden long wavy hair, her turquoise eyes as beautiful as Afu glittered with watery luster, and the high nose bridge and sexy lips unique to foreigners. And the tall and hot figure wrapped in a black leather coat can be regarded as a Hollywood star super beauty.

Anchoa's mouth opened into O-shaped, wow! Meet a foreign girl dressed in modern clothes in an overhead Chinese ancient environment! This probability is just like digging a diamond in the toilet! A young man interrupted: I said what a bad metaphor you are...)

"I'm Helena Jugwado. You can call me Sina." The sexy beauty looked at Anchoya and said. The turquoise eyes are so straight on her black eyes that it is troublesome to move to others to have a look.

Confirming that Qi Meng was fine, and the woman's natural sixth sense did not give a warning, Anjoya also walked forward with confidence. However, she was held by hand after walking a few steps. She subconsciously turned her head and happened to look at the deep ink eyes of the upper wind guard. This time, she saw clearly that there was indeed embarrassment inside, but more worried. The sight then fell down, and her eyes fell so straight on the hand between the two. Feng Weiqing's palm was wrapping her little hand, and the bronze skin was matched with white softness. An Qiaoya looked at it, and her heart began to be a little overjoyed. It seemed that it was not difficult to attack this handsome man.

Aware of Angioya's vision, Feng Weiqing also followed him. As soon as he saw his hand still holding others tightly, he immediately coughed twice and pretended to let go as if nothing had happened. He looked up to the distance, "Be careful."

"Well, I know." An Qiaoya happily stared at Feng Weiqing's embarrassed pale red face, but her heart bubbled happily, oh yeah! If it weren't for the wrong place and characters, she really wanted to sing. It's not difficult for this handsome man to turn around!

"My name is An Joya, and you can also call me Joya." Taking back the hand that was still left by Feng Weiqing, An Qiaoya almost floated forward, said to Xi Lina with a smile, and stretched out her hand at the same time.

Unexpectedly, the other party did not extend his hand equally politely. He just stared at An Qiaoya's outstretched hand strangely. After a long time, he said with an embarrassed face, "Sorry, I can't shake hands with you."

"Huh? Why?"

An Joya asked strangely, even if she is a ghost, she should be able to describe her appearance so clearly. Isn't it difficult to reach out to human beings for physical contact?

"Look," Silva stretched out her hand and stretched out her white palm up in front of Anchoa.

An Joa looked down strangely, and then sighed, "Well, it's very white, and your fingers are also beautiful."

Silina: Black line...

"I told you to touch me."

"Oh." After the misunderstanding, Anjoya smiled awkwardly, and then obediently reached out and put his hand down to the hand.

"Huh?!" A group of people and others all widened their eyes. How could it be?!

Angioya's hand passed through that hand so straight, as if through a layer of air without hindrance.