Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 64 Particle Transmigation

"What...what's going on?" Anjoa waved her hand up and down in Serena's outstretched palm in surprise. Addictedly, he watched his hand pass through the super realistic but untouchable slender hand.

Good boy, is she really a "good sister"?

"I need your help." Without answering Anjoya's words, Helena withdrew her hand and said calmly, but the water-cutting autumn eyes instantly forgot into Anjoya's heart, as if she wanted to see something in it.

And her method is also very effective. Basically, Anchoya is a rough guy. As long as someone changes the topic, she will immediately turn her attention, such as now-

"What can I do for you?" I completely forgot what she was talking about the second before, and An replied stupidly.

"I want you to help me save someone." Elena half turned around, and Angioya saw something shining around her, but she couldn't see anything when she looked closely.

"Save people?" After blinking and being dull for another five seconds, Anchoa said in surprise, "Do you... want me to help you... save... save people?"

"..." Serena turned back and looked at Anjoya in an empty state. She did not answer quickly, but looked at the distance sadly, and then nodded firmly. Yes."

An Qiaoya opened her mouth and looked at her as if she couldn't accept it for the time being, and her mind was full of a complex sketch of a great and romantic scene - a young foreign man and woman in love, a handsome woman as beautiful as a flower. The two carried a travel bag together, thinking that they could meet on the Forbidden Mountain. When he was old, he never gave up romantic life. As a result, suddenly landslides and cracked rocks, and the two were trapped in the mountains - perhaps still under a big stone - the man resolutely blocked the boulder with his body to save the woman and pushed the woman away. Originally, he thought he was dead, but the result was unexpected. Unexpectedly, he did not die, but the woman who was pushed out by him fell to death first (jiongrz) - the dead woman could not let go of her boyfriend who was still pressed under the stone, so even if she became a ghost, she did not forget to try to find a way to save the man - but because she was a ghost, she had no power to directly save people, so she could only ask for Help outsiders - but because of this, she scares others so much that no one dares to lend a helping hand - until she meets her!

So willing to help others, bravely, meticulous and tricky... Er, no, it's resourceful. In order to let them meet again, Anchoya decided to help this favor no matter what!

(Sometime: From the above story, we can imagine how bad An Qiaoya's ability to make up stories is - where did such a modern foreign man and woman come from in this era? The man was not crushed to death by a boulder, but the woman died - how is it possible according to Hollywood's law? Unless there is another woman beside that man~ Besides, I don't know where it is, and I don't know if there is an entrance or exit. How can there be such a stupid person coming in to ask for suffering? Unless that person has psychological problems - he likes darkness.——||)

"You want me to save, is it a man?" For further verification, Anchoya stepped forward with a compassionate look and wanted to take Elena's hand to comfort her, but it was empty - but this did not prevent her from spreading her love.

"Hmm." Although it was strange why Angioya looked at her with that kind of eyes, Serena was not very disgusted.

"Don't worry!" An, who was moved by her story, motioned to stretch out her hand. She folded her hands above and below her hand, pretending that she was holding her hand and looked at Serena with firm eyes, "For your future and for your great sentiment, I'm dying. It will help!"

Selena looked back at Anjoya without any expression. There was no gratitude that the person who was helped should have. When did she become great? Thank you."

"You're welcome. This is what it should be for your great love." A woman smiled and pretended to pat Selena's air-like hand and said happily, "I will do my best to help."

Around the audience: Does this girl know what a free heart is? Or is it really too naive? Casually promise to help others. What if it really kills her?

Just when Aqing finally couldn't see the good appearance of Anjoa and Xilena sisters and planned to jump out and wake up the lost lamb he sent to the door, Anchoa opened his mouth again.

"But can you help me with something before I help you?" A woman stared at Elena with an extremely obscene expression, and her saliva dripped straight down.

If Silva knew what Angioa was going to ask next, she would not have asked back so kindly, let alone answer her questions in a moment, but because she didn't know, she simply asked back directly, "What's the matter?"

"That..." Anjoya rubbed her hands and looked straight at others with a fascinated face, "Can you... let me see your underwear?"

Selena:......⊙_⊙b sweat

A large area surrounded the audience, and the only one who stood was Wang Jie, who had been smiling. The former pretended not to hear it, and the latter did not understand at all - or was he afraid that his wife would be jealous and pretend to be stupid if she knew it?

"Sorry, this can't be done." Silva was quite speechless and could only correct her attitude and formulaic explanation, "I am the master control program virtualized by the computer. I have never had this suit and can't take it off."

"What did you say?" Anchoya dug his ears and suspected that he had heard it wrong. Say it again."

Is a young man crazy? Unexpectedly, there are computer programs! ( Some young master: ... I'm not pandering to Nai's wishes~ Is it easy for me?)

"Selena never cheats. I'm the main control program here." Xi Lina rarely explained word by word, "Otherwise, how do you think I got you here?"

"Isn't it five ghosts carrying?" Anjoya asked with a funny grin. She did think so at the beginning.

"...No" Silva actually wanted to turn her back to Anjoya and listen. As a result, she had not communicated with people for a long time. Although she was helpless, she still did not know how to deal with it, so she answered obediently. "According to the systematic analysis, the five ghosts moving technique was only available in ancient China. Although the art of ambiguity can also take things from the air, it can't move so many people at the same time. Moreover, I won't use the art of disjointing.

"Wow, beauty Sina, it seems that you have done a lot about ancient Chinese culture." Anjoya's eyes are shining.

"It is recorded in the system." Silina answered solemnly.

"Really?" Anjoya's expression was like digging a treasure, "Then what else do you know? Is there any archive of those handsome emperors in ancient China in your system?

"Yes." Helena nodded.


Anjoya's eyes were full of stars, and she almost put the whole cosmic starry sky into it. God, I love you so much! She has always wanted to know the true face of those historical figures since she came into contact with history textbooks! Now it's not easy to have this opportunity to see the face of the long-cherished person... Oh hehehehe...

"Quick, I want to see Emperor Ai and his wife Dong Xian. Can you show me?" Anchoa is looking forward to the famous couple in her heart.

"Okay..." Elena was so noisy by An Qiaoya, and the topic was pulled to the edge of the sky. Unexpectedly, she was also stupid and really went to find the information of Emperor Ai of Han Ai.

And several men who couldn't understand or understand what the two women were talking about simply came together to mutter gossip.

"Young master, what on earth is that girl doing?" Unexpectedly, the ghost of the blonde and green-eyed woman is so close, and I'm not afraid of any surprise.

"I don't know." Although Feng Weiqing was also curious about An Qiaoya's behavior, he felt that he did not have the right to listen to someone's privacy.

"But that female ghost is really not ordinary beauty..." Chen Duo put the tip of the knife on the ground, and his eyes looked admiring at Xi Lina, who was focusing on searching for information with her eyes closed.

"I think she looks very strange and I don't know where she came from." He has been traveling south and north for so long and has never seen anyone like her, with such white skin and blonde hair. "Maybe it's a spy of the vassal country, don't you realize it?"

"I don't think so." Ah Qing and Chen Tuo answered in one voice. They looked at each other the same way and read such a sentence in each other's eyes, "Why do you learn from me? Disgusting!"

"I don't think it's okay..." It's rare to express his ideas but can't be recognized by others. Sun Haizheng whispered, "Two guys confused by beauty..."

"What are you talking about?"


Just as several big men were bickering, Xilena had already pulled out the information, but she didn't open her mouth, just looked puzzled, "It's strange that I found the information of Emperor Ai of Han - but Dong Xian's is not his wife at all. How can he marry a man? Strange..."

"They are not husband and wife in the first place," An Qiaoya came forward and said, "I tell you, they are more married than ordinary couples. You don't know them. They are really loving. I heard that Emperor Ai of Han has not been in the morning for several days in order to be with Dong Xian~"

"Oh..." Although she doesn't know what "become a husband and wife", Silva still behaves obediently. Now she is trying to control the system to investigate what 'early morning' is. "I know they are gay, but I didn't expect them to be so like a couple. Judging from the photos, They are really loving." This is her conclusion.

"Really?" Anchoya immediately drooled and said, "Can you show it to me too? It would be better if there was GV!" She has been looking for the ancient Chinese style of GV~~

"Yes." Serena nodded, but then the topic changed, "But you have to help me save people first." I almost forgot the purpose of bringing people here, Amitabha! Some young master: Xi Lina turned out to believe in Buddhism... Xi Lina: No, this is called blurted out. I checked the history of Chinese Buddhism by the way when I was investigating Emperor Ai of Han, which was very interesting. mou shao:jiongrz)

"Let's talk about it after reading it first." Anchoa coaxed.

"Save people first." Serena also insisted.

"Let's see first."

"Save people first."

"Look first!"

"Save people first."


"Okay, okay, I compromise and save people first." After facing each other, Anjoa raised her hand and surrendered first. "But you have to promise me that when you save your man, you will turn out the famous GVs in history and show me." Everything can be compromised, and this is not negotiable.

"Good." Helena nodded.

"Also, answer me one more question." She still has doubts that have not been solved. "How on earth did you get us here?"

"Use this." Silva put her open palm forward and pulled it up in the void. A square picture flashed in front of Anjoa. Inside was something similar to a flashlight, but much bigger than an ordinary flashlight, and it was black. The place where the light bulb was supposed to be placed was also dark.

"What is this? An improved flashlight?" Anjoa touched it with her finger curiously. As a result, just like touching Xi Lina, she passed through the picture directly and seemed to be virtualized.

"This is a particle beam," Silva took the flashlight-like thing in her hand. "I used this to get you all here."

"How to use it?" Anjoa is obviously very curious. His eyes have been staring at that thing. He looks like he wants to rush up and grab it and play with it, but he can't grab it even if he wants to grab it. Bring people into the beam of light?

"No," Silva shook her head. "It's true that the beam of light shines on what to take away, but it's not to capture people into it, but to separate people into particles. Then use a special container to bring those particles to the destination before reorganizing.

"..." Anjoya's mouth was wide open and she couldn't close it for a long time. Reorganize after particleizing people??? What if the original position of those particles is mistaken when it is accidentally reorganized? At that time, if the eyes grow to the mouth and the mouth grow to the palm - it's terrible.

"Please tell me next time before teleporting me, thank you."

So that she can be psychologically prepared to see that she has no eyes and may shift her facial features as soon as she opens her eyes.