Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 67 Blood Take

Anchoa has been staring at the cylinder.

I can't tell what kind of transparent tube body is emitting a trace of cold air. The orange-red halo leaked from the top of the cylinder, and there may be frost inside, making the whole cylinder look a little blurred. The figure Anchoya saw stood so straight in it, like a sleeping baby. Anchoa needed You have to raise your head to see the top of the cylinder very hard. In this way, the person sealed in the cylinder should also be quite tall.

"This is..." An Qiaoya stepped forward and curiously looked at a console more than half a meter high at the lower end of the cylinder, which was densely covered with buttons.

"Thunder is in it." Elena also moved over, stood beside Anjoya and looked up at the person who didn't look real. "He has slept for more than 1,300 years, and now it's time for him to wake up."

"Oh, is this your master?" Anjoa habitually pouted and walked around the cylinder with her chest. "It's very high. I don't know how it looks." Future earthlings, if they don't save their lives, they will be sorry for their ancestors. Anyway, they are all the same.

Seeing the appearance of the giant cylinder, several people who recovered from the shock of the high-tech capsule immediately followed.

"Young master, there is a man in it." Wang Jie said to Feng Weiqing with a smile, "I don't know if he is still alive."

"Idiot!" Before Feng Weiqing could answer Wang Jie, Aqing, a talkative guy, had already opened the chatter box first. "Look at the smoke outside, you can know how cold it is inside. It's frozen, and it's still impenetrable inside. How can it still be alive? In my opinion, he is now a well-preserved body at best.

"Do you know?" Hearing Aqing's words, An Qiaoya immediately turned around and looked at him jokingly, "What if I say he's not dead yet?"

"Impossible." Ah Qing immediately denied, "This girl has said that he has slept for more than 1,300 years and has been dead for a long time. He is definitely not alive."

Selena didn't say anything. It should be that she didn't respond to anyone other than Anjoa.

"You all know it's 'sleeping'. How can it be dead?" An Qiaoya was unyielding. She leaned her upper body forward and stared at Ah Qing with a straight face. "Let me tell you, I'm here to save him."

"How can it be that no one can live that long for more than 1,300 years," An Qiaoya just finished speaking, Chen Duo immediately inserted in, "unless it's a monster."

Anchoa wiped his nose funnyly and then grinned, "Yes, he is a monster." For the ancients, the future earthlings and such high-end technology seemed to them to be like monsters.

"However, this monster still needs me to save it." Smiling and wrapping the long black hair hanging on her shoulders around her fingers, Anjoa turned to Silina, "Selena, let's go, what do I need to do?"

"I need you to help me operate the control buttons on the cushion," Silva came to Anjoa and looked at the orange-red lifeboat together. "Because I was in a hurry to urgently seal the injured thunder in the lifeboat, I didn't check whether the link between us was strong, and it turned out to be in the space-time tunnel. When it fell, the shock was too large. The link between me and the lifeboat was disconnected, and it still can't be linked. Because I just use the projection tool to project my virtual image now, there is no entity that can't operate it at all, so I have to help me complete this process with your hand.

Anjoya was stunned, but then asked her own question, "Since you need entities to help you operate, why not find those robots? The whole ship is controlled by you. You should be able to control them to help you.

"No," Serena shook her head. "You don't understand that Ray has been frozen for too long. His white blood cells and platelets may have degenerated. I need to borrow human blood to replace him so that he can survive smoothly. How can those robots provide blood?" She stretched out her finger to the cleaning robots that had been obviously stopped working. "Beside more, human genes must be used to start the lifeboat, and there is no living person on the ship. Except for Ray, who was only seriously injured, almost all the crew members can't stand the tearing when jumping in space. I pulled it to death."

"I'm sorry..." Anchoa replied subconsciously, but then screamed as if he thought of something, "He, he..." The frightened hand pointed to the person standing upright in the lifeboat, "He wants... to use human blood...blood to save life?"

Because the program couldn't understand Anchoa's idea, Elena immediately nodded obediently, "Yes."

Hearing her affirmative answer, An Qiaoya's face immediately turned green like watercress, and soon turned into ghost-like white, and then iron gray, black... It's not wonderful.

No way! How much blood does such a big man have to provide for him to save? She is just a little girl. The blood from all over her body may not be enough for him. Besides, if the blood all over her body is drained, she will become a mummified body even if she does not die!

It's really killing her... Thanks to her promise so fast... It's over!

"That..." turned around and made psychological preparations. An Qiaoya forced herself to open a "strong" smile, but accidentally pulled her face, which looked quite funny. "Can you change it to another way to save people... Look, my small arms and calves," An Qiaoya rolled up her sleeves to show white. Xi's arm, "Look, I don't have enough blood. How can I have so much tomato juice to save your master? Don't you think so?"

Selena shook her head, and Anjoa's face looked like dirt.

"Do you really have to use my blood?"

Is today really the date of her death? 5555... She wants to escape immediately, but... However, she doesn't even know where the hatch is. What's more, all the places here are controlled by others. Even if she finds the exit, she can't escape... God will kill her!

"Well," Silva nodded again, and then turned to the red hole the size of a person's finger in the secret part of the lifeboat. "I only need 150CC of blood, and the lifeboat will automatically analyze and sort according to your blood type and DNA, and then recreate a batch of blood."

Oh~ So that's it. She thought she was going to contribute her whole blood, which scared her to death. But did artificial blood appear in 3033? Think about it. It has been more than a thousand years since her original world. Maybe artificial blood was just a common thing for human beings at that time.

"But..." Anchoa scratched her head awkwardly, "I'm more afraid of pain... Is there any way to draw blood without pain?"

"No," Silva shook her head. "Because the machine is broken, we can only draw blood in the most primitive way."

"Ah?!" Anjoa's face can be wrinkled compared with the bitter gourd, and the dark clouds above her head can almost thunder and rain.

"I'll do it." Feng Weiqing, who had been silently watching the interaction between the two, suddenly stood up. He approached An Qiaoya and stopped beside her, but his eyes looked at Xilena. "If you have to have someone to donate blood, then," he stretched out his slender hand. "My blood should be okay."

"Young Lord!" Almost at the same time, Sun Haizheng, Ah Qing, Chen Tuo and Wang Jie all exclaimed. The young master was simply nonsense. They didn't know the origin of this ghost-like Fanbang woman so rashly stood up. If there was something, how could they explain to the castle owner?

"Young master, think twice." Sun Haizheng persuaded painstakingly. The picture is that his young master can clearly think about the automatic retreat and not to be a lonely hero.

"Don't say it." Feng Weiqing didn't even look back. He just raised his right hand to signal the bald head to stop talking, "I've made up my mind. It's useless to say more."

"You..." An Qiaoya looked up in surprise at how high her two heads were. She wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it. She just stared at his side face with moving eyes.

"As long as it's human blood." Surprised by Feng Weiqing's initiative, Xilena, a computer program girl who never looked at others, was finally willing to give him alms.

She took a step back so that Feng Weiqing could move forward. Now you can take blood."

Feng Weiqing was about to go up immediately. An Qiaoya immediately reached out and grabbed his cuff and looked at him anxiously. She couldn't tell why the strange feeling in her chest was. Anyway, she didn't want him to go there.


Feng Weiqing lowered his eyes and looked at An Qiaoya's apricot eyes looking up. After a long time, he raised his hand, hooked the corners of his mouth slightly, and gently patted An Qiaoya's head. "Don't worry."

With that, he pulled away An Qiaoya's hand that had been pulling his cuffs, came to the lifeboat, raised the knife in his hand, and scratched his palm without blinking.

Sun Haizheng and others' hearts were immediately tightened, while An Qiaoya raised her throat in her voice, and her face also turned pale when she saw the emerging red.

The bright red blood flowed down from the scratches on the palm of Feng Weiqing's palm. His face was inconvenient. He clenched his hand and put it on the secret hole on the base of the lifeboat to let his blood fall down.

"All right." I don't know how long it took, but Serena finally shouted to stop. Feng Weiqing withdrew her hand and retreated.

"Actually, you don't have to stand up." After he loosened his clenched palm, Angioa immediately tore off a piece of cloth on his sleeve and rushed to help him bandage it up. While dressing, he said with chokingly, "Even if you don't come out, I will do it after complaining, you..." She raised her head and quickly looked at him and lowered her head again, "... ...Thank you."

Feng Weiqing always looked at her with a smile, allowing her to wrap herself in a hurry, but she didn't say a word.

In his heart, now An Qiaoya is the same as Xuemei who has been watching since he was a child. However, Xuemei will never be as energetic as her. Xuemei is a quiet and virtuous lady, but she is not. She behaves like a citizen in the market, but she is not allowed to be a lady. People feel disgusted. They can say whatever they want and do whatever they want. Naturally, they are not pretentious and not the most beautiful, but the beautiful face is full of expression, and it is always full of vitality that people can't help but watch.

Other girls have been crying for several days when they were almost insulted by flower pickers, but she is different. It's just that she hasn't seen her for a day, but she can recover so quickly, and she has the energy to run around, bump into other people's cave and be caught by others. Not to mention that she can still be bold. He knew him for help and beat up the people who revealed their whereabouts. In danger, he not only did not scream and hide behind the men, but calmly scolded Lei Wanqian to express his position. After coming to this inexplicable place, he did not feel cramped because of his unfamiliarity with his place, but got along with those strange things. To be honest, her various faces made Feng Weiqing curious, and even inexplicably looked forward to what she would show next.

"All right." Anjoya tied the cloth tightly, and then loosened Feng Weiqing's palm and looked up at him. Unexpectedly, he met his dark eyes as deep as midnight, so he fell in and couldn't get up.

His eyes are really beautiful. An Qiaoya thought that the clear black pupils reflected her stupid look at him in the middle of winter. Has she not been in love with a man like this for a long time? Why does her heart beat so fast? Moreover, her face also feels so hot...

"It's time to start." Xi Lina's voice sounded around the two again, successfully pulling back the three souls and seven souls of An Qiaoya.

"Oh... I got it." Embarrassed, Anjoya forced herself to look at the lifeboat.

"The emergency system of the lifeboat should have made the blood now, as long as the thunder is thawed and injected into his body at the same time." Silva looked at Anjoya and explained, "You press the red button over there."

"This one?" Anjoya asked, while placing her hand on the most conspicuous red button.

"No, it's the little one next to it."


"Yes, press it."

"Press... huh? What is this?" Before Anjoya could react by obediently pressing the red button that was only a little more than her index finger, and a small round hole suddenly cracked on the control panel next to her, and a sharp needle stretched out from it and pricked her finger at a lightning speed.

Anjoya almost jumped and withdrew her hand. At a glance, a small blood bead appeared on her head. She put her finger in her mouth and looked at Elena angrily, "It hurts!"

"This is to get your DNA so that you can start the next program." Xi Lina replied blankly that she was not a human, so she couldn't feel the pain of ten fingers.

"Humph," Anchoya pouted and showed the words "I'm very unhappy" naked on her face.

And just as she played with her little temper, the thing that stabbed her with a needle had shrank back. After a while, the seemingly sophisticated control panel actually sank whole. When it rose again, it had changed, and the whole thing had become flat, and in front of her appeared. A flashing light picture is the sophisticated control panel she just saw.

"Wow!" Angioya looked at the thing that could only appear in science fiction movies in front of her, and her mouth had already broken through the O-type. "It's really cool!"

"The fake control panel was set up just to prevent others from destroying the lifeboat, and now this is true." Elena looked at Anchoa calmly and said, "Now look carefully at the small screen above, and it will tell you what you should do."

"Oh." Anjoya answered and looked carefully at the small screen about the size of her eyes. While she was staring at the screen, the unconscious lines on the screen also began to fluctuate and gradually flashed quickly into pictures. Angioya felt as if something was forcibly breaking through her eyes into her mind.

"Do you know how to operate it?" Xi Lina asked.

"I understand...I understand." Angioya raised her head in a daze and replied, "God, the things she just saw... are so handsome!

"Now that you understand, please save Ray."

"Hmm." Biting her lower lip, Angioya took a deep breath, and then stretched out her hand and inserted it into the constantly rotating aperture. The virtual panel in front of her immediately flowed through a burst of white light like electricity, and the original blurred button became clear.

Pulling back his hand, Anchoa stretched out five fingers and pulled it in the air, flattened the original vertical control panel, and then immediately danced ten fingers and quickly jumped back and forth on the control panel.

With her operation, the orange-red halo in the cylinder began to fade, and the frost inside gradually melted, and bursts of white smoke emerged from the top of the cylinder. Silina did not know where two red lights scanned back and forth on the cylinder, showing the scene inside on the big screen from time to time.