Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 68 Welcome back, Ray

An Qiaoya is busy operating and doesn't have time to see the images displayed on the big screen, but other people who have nothing to do are different. Xi Lina put the big screen in front of several people, and she paid close attention to her, and the people standing behind her naturally looked at the big screen.

"Well, this thing is really mysterious. Good boy, it's such a thin piece, and there are actually something running around in it," Chen Duo rubbed his chin and leaned his head next to Sun Haizheng, narrowed his eyes and pointed to the fluctuating curves and various strange characters on the big screen. "What on earth is this material? Of? What on earth is the words on it? I don't seem to have seen it."

Sun Haizheng is also looking at the big screen. Naturally, he knows what Chen Duo means, but he can't understand it. "Everything here is strange. Presumably, this moving and glowing thing should not be made of any kind of material we know..."

He stared at the English characters displayed on the screen again, frowned and studied for a while, "Young master, do you understand what that word means?"

I really can't see why, so Sun Hai is simply turning his head to ask his young master for advice. In his concept, the young master has read a lot since he was a child and should know more than their subordinates.

Unexpectedly, Feng Weiqing just shook his head and said faintly, "I'm not very clear."

He has never seen that font, not Oracle, nor small seal, not even like any kind of text he knows.

"No way, I don't even know that you are so powerful. Is the woman from heaven?" Ah Qing listened for a long time, and then he also jumped out and interrupted, "Isn't it from heaven to get something we haven't seen before? Don't you think so? Isn't it?" As he spoke, he jumped up and asked others for proof.

"Well, that's right!" Sun Hai, who felt the same feeling, nodded and responded with Chen Duo.

"I'll tell you." As he wished to be recognized by others, Ah Qing immediately proudly raised his tail vertebrae. "From my years of observation and research, this woman may be the brightest star in the sky. Let me tell you, the brightest star is called..."

"How do you know she is from the brightest star?" Chen Duo just couldn't see Aqing's pride, so he interrupted, "Maybe she came from the darkest one."

"It must be the brightest one!" Ah Qing became angry as soon as he heard that someone questioned his authority, "That's the brightest star. I dare to guarantee it!"

"Oh? Then why don't you ask if the place where people came is the brightest in the sky?

"Humph, just ask, who is afraid of whom!"

"Yes, who is afraid of whom?"

"Well, I said don't quarrel. Do dozens of times a day. I'm tired of you if you don't bother me." Sun Hai is jumping out as usual.

"What's your business?" The two people who were pulled away said with one voice, and then turned their heads and stared at each other fiercely, "Why do you learn from me?"

"You learn from me!"

"You learned from me first!"

"It's you!"

"It's you!"

Cabbling... So for a moment, the originally empty space capsule was immediately disturbed by the noise of two men, and Sun Hai was covering his face quite speechlessly - damn it, didn't someone say three women in one play? In this way, the two men who are fighting in front of him now can already represent the whole life.

I ignored his noisy men, Feng Weijing quietly looked up at An Qiaoya's petite back. Her hands were busy flying on the air-like but visible keyboard, looking up at the situation in the lifeboat from time to time.

Doesn't this world belong to them? So where on earth did she come from? Why do you know how to operate those strange instruments?

"... After thawing, the temperature in the cabin rose back to 15 degrees Celsius... 30% of the blood is being eliminated and preparing to enter new blood..." The cold machine synthetic female voice echoed in the capsule. With the scene displayed on the big screen, the scene on the big screen made a synchronous report in English. "The blood was transported and began to activate the whole body. Cells, the temperature in the chamber rises to 20 degrees Celsius and begins to dilate blood vessels..."

With the synchronized report of the computer female voice, the space around Serena, who is staring at the big screen, also began to fluctuate, representing her feelings as a smart computer program.

"The capillary has dilated... OK, the next step is to focus on activating his brain cells." With her fingers jumping back and forth according to the memory in her mind, An Qiaoya devoted herself to this new and fun thing - yes, yes, not to save people quickly, but for fun. Who said that the popular science information transmitted to her brain is too cool? Now there is a If she is given a chance to practice, she will be so sorry for God's kindness if she doesn't seize the opportunity to show her skills.

Turning the temperature debugger to raise the temperature in the cabin to about 25 degrees, and the frost in the cylinder has disappeared, and the figure inside slowly becomes clear.

An Qiaoya is not in a hurry to see his appearance. Anyway, at her current height, it is impossible to see that the face called Lei is round or flat, and now he is a sleeping beautiful man at best. There is nothing to expect. Wouldn't it be better to see a real person when she is rescued?

Thinking about this, the movement of his hands accelerated a lot, "Well, the computer shows that his brain cells have resumed their activities... Well, although the metabolism is still very slow, there is always life... The heart also begins to beat... Good! Um...but the breathing is still very weak... Huh? Why does he have such a big hole in his chest? As if he had found a new continent, he suddenly put his head close to the operator and stared at the model of the human body in the cylinder displayed on the computer screen. Anjoya opened his mouth in surprise, god! Selena said that he was frozen to save his life because of the injury, but she didn't say that he suffered such a serious injury. The hole in his chest can basically see half of his heart, and there are burn marks around him... Good boy, how on earth did he get hurt? It's highly technical. But——

"You are lucky to meet Miss Ben. Today, I will save you anyway." Mumbled to look up at the foot of the person in the cylinder in front of her - at her height, she could only see the feet. Angioya lowered her head and searched for the button on the virtual operator that matched the information in her head.

"Fortunately, my heart hasn't been hurt much. It should be enough to take a break..." Biting his nails in distress, An Qiaoya said to herself, "But the big hole in his chest has to be repaired first... Well... Just inject the cell regeneration solution first..." Move your fingers and clicked your fingertips on the screen. On the big hole in the man's chest, the other hand quickly searched and clicked on the keyboard.

Through the display on the big screen, everyone saw that the people who had been frozen in the lifeboat for 1300 years obviously moved their fingers and began to hold their hands slowly.

"Ah, the man inside is really not dead yet?" A surprised voice came from Ah Qing's mouth. Now he is hanging his arm on Chen Tuo's shoulder. The two are close together, looking like a good brother.

"It's incredible..." Sun Haizheng couldn't help sighing, but his partner was not the person sealed in the lifeboat, but Aqing and Chen Tuo standing next to him. Obviously, they had just started to fight to death, but now they have become good brothers hooked up. I didn't expect that. It turns out that men are also so fickle.

Feng Weiqing continued to be silent, but a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes well explained his surprise. Unexpectedly, it could really save his life. If that person is really frozen for more than a thousand years, as the blonde-haired woman in front of him said, then this is really a great miracle.

Selena didn't say anything. She just looked at the screen blankly. Ray's body and the big hole in his chest healed quickly under the action of the cell repair solution. She couldn't say she was not excited. However, she was just an intelligent computer program and could not express her feelings for the time being.

An Qiaoya continued her operation excitedly. In her spare time waiting for the original cell fluid to play its role, she examined all the body of the person inside. It was not until she was sure that there was really nothing missing arms and legs, kidney loss, rupture of the gastric mucosa, etc. Look.

It's okay not to look at it. The person shown on the big screen (Anjoa called him Ray), the guy named Ray is not the white-skinned, high-nosed, blonde and blue-eyed foreign funny boy she was looking forward to, but a standard and authentic oriental man - the kind of unknown nationality. .

The rough face, thick black short hair stands up like a hedgehog, and the skin, which should have been bronze, now looks like a faint iron cyan, which is estimated to have been frozen for too long. On the wide forehead, two thick eyebrows frowned deeply, the eyes under the eyelids rotated slightly, the purple sexy thin lips under the tall nose, and the bearded chin were tightly tightened, as if they were suffering some kind of pain. Except for his head, his whole body was wrapped in a thin silver space suit and surrounded by a black three-finger-wide black belt around his waist, so he could guess how eager Silva was to freeze him at that time that she didn't even have time to change her clothes.

"Tut... It's quite good..." An Joa, who had nothing to do, stared straight at Ray's face on the screen. To be honest, he really doesn't belong to the ranks of handsome men, but he has a very special taste. At least, it looks, um, it seems It's quite powerful. It used to be a captain or a captain of the stormtroopers...

"Well..." Just as An Qiaoya was staring at others, Lei's tightly squeezed lips suddenly opened, and a gentle moan overflowed from his throat, and then the eyes that had been closed for more than a thousand years opened again.

An Qiaoya was subconsciously shocked when she saw those eyes, golden... Unexpectedly, Lei's eyes were a rare golden color instead of the oriental-specific ebony ink she originally imagined.

"lei..." Silva turned to the lifeboat and called gently.

Lei's body moved and seemed to be unable to control his body well. He opened his mouth and tried several times to make a sound, "Xi... Xi Lina..."

Anchoa helpfully helped open the hatch. Silva waved her hand and two giant robots stretched out from the ceiling and gently lifted the thunder out of the lifeboat and put it into her early morning**.

"Welcome back, Ray." Silva looked at him with a humanized smile on the corners of her mouth.