Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 138 Lightning Demon Attachment

In the hidden cottage, I escaped the annual wolf disaster. Taking advantage of the blooming days of the spring tail, and the spring seed has passed, now everyone is doing nothing. Therefore, the most common thing I see in the stockade is that men get together in twos and threes to shout and guess boxing and drink, or women with small The child enjoys the cool breeze in the shade under the tree and gossips at home.

On the contrary, their village owner, An Yuanyi's father, is busy cleaning up his things in his room with a sweaty face.

"Wow, hu, hu, it's really exhausting..." How long has it been since I went down the mountain? Is it really old? Why do you feel tired after moving such a little thing?

Moving the last heavy wooden box outside the door, Father An fell down on the high-backed teacher's chair, tilting his head, and his two thick feet were so big on the table, and he stretched out his tongue and shrugged his head to exhale.

What? You ask him why he didn't ask his servants to help?

Alas, talking about this father Ann is very sad and regretful. When he set up the village, he drank high for a moment, and under the shouts of the crowd, he set a village rule: anyone who goes out to go down the mountain should pack their own luggage! Even as the owner of the village, he is the same.

After so many years, everyone has obediently abided by this gang rule. How can he, the village owner, know how to break the law and break his word and get fat?

(Zhong: Why did so many people help An Qiaoya pack her luggage when she went down the mountain? A young man: cough, cough... That's because Father An exchanged it for three days of water for the people in the whole village... A father snotted and tears: For my dear Qiao Ya's little baby, is it easy for me?)

"I'm just going to see that girl, hiccup... big boss... hiccup... do you need to move so many things?"

Li Jian, who was holding the wine glass in his left hand and holding the wine cup in his right hand, sat comfortably on the threshold. The old face blushed slightly and obviously drank a lot. The wine began to attack made him a little unclear.

Angry glanced over, Father An turned over, quickly flashed in front of Li Jian, grabbed the wine cup in his hand, looked up and poured it into his mouth. Li Jian almost died of distress, "Oh, big boss, drink slowly and save some for me..."

Father An stared at him with contempt, poured the last drop of wine into his mouth under Li Jian's distressed eyes, and then threw the wine cup out of the door - Li Jian's face turned green.

Isn't it just a matter of asking two more sentences and drinking all his Tibetan wine? His heart hurts.

Although Li Jian was sad and sadly there, Father An, who was so happy, hummed the half-hearted mountain song and happily continued to pack his things.

His Qiao Ya's little obedient finally returned to the capital safely. He hasn't seen her for so long and wants to die. Anyway, the matter on the cottage has come to an end, and he can go to his baby daughter in the capital with peace.

With a smile, Father An happily shook his waist and twisted his fart to pack his sheets and pillows. ( ...For Mao, even bring this for Mao???)

Anyway, the wine has been drunk. Li Jian was sad for a while. After remembering that Father Ann had given him the key to the wine cellar, he immediately became psychologically balanced - as soon as the boss left, he immediately went to the wine cellar to have a good drink, hehe.

Touching the two eight-character beard on her lips, Li Jian thought with a smile and suddenly felt psychological balance.

"Dad! Dad! Are you all right?" An Shengtu's roar came from outside the door, and the footsteps seemed to be getting closer and closer. After a while, a burly and comfortable figure rushed into the door like a runaway bull. Standing at the door, he carried the light on his back and wore a colorful tiger skin around his waist. At first glance, he was as powerful as Hercules.

"It's almost ready." Father An took the time to turn his head and look at his fourth son, continued to bury his head to pack his bedding, fold it up three or two times, and then pulled the hemp rope to tie it into a ball.

"Everyone is waiting for you. Can't you hurry up?" He stretched out his hand and scratched his neck impatiently, and his beard was upturned. When An Shengtu frowned, he was really like a big black bear - standing in the market, and the custody could scare many children cry.

"Lao San hasn't brought back a letter for so long, and I don't know how Joy is now. It's really urgent."

"Don't quarrel, it's almost over!" Father An kept rolling the paved straw into a tube and put it aside. Then start to dismantle the mosquito net...

A thin figure came out from behind An Shengtu, and his beautiful face was full of doubts and... a little contempt. The Qingfeng, who has changed back to the set of ethnic shorts and shorts he wore when he met An Qiaoya and others, stood side by side with An Shengtu, one tall, one short, one strong and one thin (shou?) It happened to form a strong contrast - by the way, the light was blocked outside.

"Cough, that... Uncle, there should be bedding and bamboo mats in the capital. I don't think you need to bring it."

Father An paused, but then continued what he was doing - he began to dismantle the bed board. After half axiang, he said without looking back, "I will recognize the bed."

So Qingfeng Petrochemical broke the ground again, and Li Jian was shameless, leaving An Shengtu to be calm - indeed worthy of being a father and son!


On the other hand, on the way to Jingzhou, the dart team escorting Guanyin struggled to move forward in the raging storm. Even though they had put on their cloaks, the drifting heavy rain still drenched everyone completely, and the raindrops hit their bodies, just like needles. When the rain fell on the yellow land, it washed out a pool of mud. Under the lightning and thunder, the frightened horses hissed one after another, and the scene was chaotic.

In the case of ** horses refusing to cooperate, the people who were almost thrown down several times finally had to choose to walk barefoot and trek forward in the yellow dirty water with a deep foot and a shallow foot.

The dark clouds in the sky are gathering more and more, and it seems to be like they have settled them. As long as they go, it will be dark. In addition, the rain will block their eyes, and the visibility is very low. If their group of people are not practitioners and their eyesight is higher than ordinary people, I'm afraid they will really be trapped here.

"My God, what kind of face has changed?" An Shengqing scolded angrily for the Nth time, "It's inexplicable!" If it's going to be windy, rain, thunder and lightning, won't wait for us to come back in Jingzhou?! MD! Don't you want to get along with us?" So many innocent people have died in the drought in Jingzhou for so long. Why don't God see the heavy rain to make people survive? Now they finally want to send food and silver, but this beaten-off God is making trouble again!

Feng Weiqing, who followed him, took a few steps forward, reached out and patted him on the shoulder as he passed him, and then continued to help push the carriage with Guanyin forward.

"Everyone, keep up, don't get separated." The Yulin Junjia, who was responsible for management, shouted loudly, but the sound was immediately drowned out by the thunderstorm that had already hit the torrential rain.

Angryly pulled the hat on his head forward, An Shengqing waved a small whip and abused the thief God in his heart with a stinky face. Then he read the three-character scripture in a low voice all the way, pulled his feet out of the mud that flooded his calves and continued to move forward.

However, it is estimated that he was found secretly scolding God. Just as An Shengqing was less than three steps away, his toes buried in the muddy water suddenly stepped on a round and hard thing. His whole body was out of balance and was about to fall back. Although he caught the stave that followed him in time, he still couldn't stop sliding. The trend.

The muddy water seemed to have a suction to pull his feet, and it was like a poisonous snake winding up and tightly wrapped around his calf, pulling him into the water, but suffering from the turbid water now, he couldn't see what was doing inside.

"Damn it!" An Shengqing couldn't help frowning and shouting loudly. At the same time, he pulled up his whole leg with a force. But before his feet were lucky enough to see the air, the monster in the water immediately pulled it back with greater strength. Now, a peerless beauty finally broke out. "Which turtle grandson insisted on pulling your young master? Do I eat muddy water? TNND has the guts to get out of here and fight one-on-one!"

After being drunk by An Shengqing, other people who lowered their heads and ran forward desperately finally found something wrong and quickly stopped the team. Several people immediately ran over to help, but they were rejected by An Shengqing.

"No, I'll do it myself." He can't do it. The second son of his family will not be able to deal with this turtle egg that can only hide in the water and hold people secretly!

"What's going on?"

Walking in front of him, Feng Weiqing found that the convoy had stopped inexplicably. He immediately frowned and turned back. He happened to see An Shengqing grabbing the horse with one hand and pulling his right leg with the other. At this moment, the right leg was stiff at a 35-degree angle to the surface of the water in an extremely strange posture. An Shengqing leaned back and pulled his leg up. But then he was quickly dragged back. And every time he pulls, the water level rises more and more, and he sees that An Shengqing's whole thighs will be flooded. But in fact, judging from the appearance of others standing, the water is only half a calf high at most!

Now, no matter how stupid Feng Weiqing is, he knows what's going on now.

silently lifted the hat at the beginning, Feng Weiqing walked to An Shengqing with an expressionless face, squatted down, and leaned into the water with five fingers!

"Damn it!" An Shengqing's whole body suddenly stiffened, the muscles on his cheeks trembled a few times, his face became very ugly in an instant, and his whole body trembled slightly uncontrollably.

"Second Master An, Second Master An!" Several imperial guards who were quite friendly with An Shengqing immediately surrounded and just picked up An Shengqing's body that was about to soak into the sewage. Second master, are you all right?

" feet..." An Shengqing gritted his teeth and frowned, "My feet... lost consciousness."

When Feng Weiqing heard the words, he immediately stood up. Just now, his hand groped in the water for a while and didn't find anything at all. The only thing he found was that An Shengqing's feet seemed to be stuck in a hole.

"All of them step back, return to their posts, and move on!"

Looking up at the growing storm, Feng Weiqing decisively ordered, "Get out of here immediately!"

"But the second master..."

"This is an order!" He straightened up and let the cold rain hit his face. Feng Wei said without blinking his eyes. His voice was not loud, but it miraculously reached everyone's ears. "Send Guan Yin first, and the second son and I will meet at the gate."

"...yes." Since Feng Weiqing said so, others no longer refuted anything. They handed over An Shengqing, who could barely stand on one leg, to Feng Weiqing, and silently returned to their mounts and drove the carriage forward.

When the sound of the car finally turned away, Feng Weiqing lowered his head and looked at An Shengqing's stiff leg soaked in the water, and his eyebrows were knotted again.

"Future brother-in-law, I can only rely on you now. Don't humiliate my sister."

Even if his face is very ugly, An Shengqing can still make fun of Feng Weiqing without changing his face. "If you can't find my second brother-in-law, you don't want to marry my Qiao Ya."

Feng Weiqing didn't hear it. He silently raised his right palm to carry his internal strength, and then slapped An Shengqing on the ground near the foot in the water. There was a loud noise, and a large splash of water suddenly spewed out from the bottom, flew into the air and then slowly fell down, and the already turbid water surface kept bubbling. . The sewage surrounding An Shengqing's thighs immediately receded by more than ten centimeters!

Taking this opportunity, Feng Weiqing firmly grabbed An Shengqing's arm with both hands and exerted a force under his feet. The two flew out of the water and docked on the big stone next to them, and the thing that had been trying to pull An Shengqing down to take a shower also flew out of the water. After a few turns in the air, he fell into Fengweiqing. In the palm of your hand.

Of course, An Shengqing was curious about that thing, and the pressure on his feet was light. Even if his legs still felt sore and numb, he could at least stand up. And the first thing he did when he stood up was to inspect the thing in Fengweiqing's hand - a metal ball with a diameter of about 20 cm. The ball was shining cold light. Even without the sun and any candlelight, it still emitted a faint light, like a night pearl, but there was no night pearl.

"What is this?" Is this the ball that just bullied him? Is the originator hiding in the ball? An Shengqing thought, and his eyes were also staring at the metal ball angrily, "NND, right? Let me see if I don't break you in half!" Stretching out his right index finger, a green poked at a ball with hatred!

After half-sound——

Shaking his face and slowly withdrawing his fingers, An Shengqing announced degrily, " fingers are numb..."

At this time, the thunder in the sky became louder, and even the lightning became much thicker, drilling around in the dark clouds, which was very ferocious.

Feng Weiqing turned his right five fingers and put the metal ball in front of him. Looking at the light that seemed to be getting brighter, his mind was in a mess, as if something was about to break out of the cocoon.

"Why are you okay with it? Won't your hand feel numb? An Shengqing came forward curiously and asked. His eyes have been staring at the slender five fingers of the wind guard holding the metal ball.

"No." He spit out a word faintly, and Feng Weiqing frowned more tightly. Instead of feeling that his fingers or other body parts were numb like An Shengqing, he felt an indescribable sense of familiarity.

"Is it because I'm handsome that I'm easy to bully?" An Shengqing is entangled.

He was trying to hide sadly and find a place to circle to express his anger, but he didn't expect that his back was suddenly pushed hard. Before he could react, he immediately jumped into the muddy water in a graceful posture without any hesitation.

A thunderstorm suddenly sounded in my ear.

"Bah..." He stood on the ground with his hands and vomited out the yellow muddy mud that choked into his throat. An Shengqing almost roared. NND, who is he provoked?

"Surnamed Feng! Don't think that I dare not tell Joya that you just saved me...!"

turned around and had no time to exhalve with angry questions and roars. When he saw the scene in front of him, An Shengqing almost gasped and rushed to the big stone at the fastest speed of his life.

The place where he had just stood has been blown up into flat ground, and the Fengweiqing, who is on the other side of the boulder, is still standing on top, but at this moment, his temples are scattered like crazy. His black clothes have been torn into fine cloth strips, and you can faintly see that there are dark red on the skin. Blood stains. And on his chest, a shocking blood hole suddenly appeared, and dazzling blood gushed out like free money.

He stood so straight, allowing blood to run out of his body.

An Shengqing looked up and wanted him to lie down to stop bleeding quickly, but a pair of Feng Weiqing's eyes immediately suffocated.

That's a red... blood-like pupil. Cold and ghostly.

Has he been possessed?