Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 139 Kidnapped

(Three have been collected... I think I have been promoted to the name of Jingdezhen... cover my face and burst into tears)

The first person to find out that An Qiaoya was missing was not any subordinate in Anfu, not An Shengwei, let alone An Shengjie, but Thunder who drank too much during the day and got up hungry in the middle of the night to find something to eat.

At first, he didn't think so much at all, but when he yawned and approached the kitchen from his own room, because there were no electric lights in ancient times and the corridors were all dark, so our brother Thunder accidentally tripped over a large object lying on the ground and almost fell to eat. Shit.

I thought I had kicked the potted plant, but I found that the large object was actually a person, and it was a big shrimp arched and bleeding - there was a bright but simple dagger inserted in his stomach.

Judging from his sword and martial artist's costume, this person should be a nurse. It is estimated that he was killed by a knife during the patrol, and it seems that he has just died, and the blood is still a little warm. The murderer's killing method is quite clean and neat. A man praised unkindly in his heart, and the ancients were quick and accurate.

After stretching out his toes and kicking the man's foot and making sure that he was dead, Thunder raised his eyebrows and had no research on the damage and techniques caused by hot weapons to cold weapons. It's better to do it better to flash people first. Let's leave a family to settle down and brains about such things.

So he shrugged his shoulders and finally bypassed the body of the nursing home, thinking that anyway, it was someone else's housework. He had better fill his stomach first and then consider whether to help inform him.

Touching the stomach that has been protesting, Thunder continued to walk forward. However, he met a frog thrown to the ground at the corner, which was also dressed as a guard, but this time the cause of death was a neck twisted - his chest facing the ground. What a cup.

Crossing the frog, Thunder continues to move forward. Anyway, it's none of his business. The key is to fill his stomach and sacrifice the five viscera temple.

So, a man continued to pretend that he was blind, ignored countless bodies all the way, and finally touched him to the kitchen door.

Raising his legs unkindly stepped over the body of a maid in purple lying on the threshold, walked into the kitchen, sniffed, lifted the lid of the pot on this side, and then turned over the vegetable basin over there.

In fact, even if there was a scene like a war, the kitchen was not affected. Except for the maidservant who fell on the door who desperately poured blood, there was only a small piece of porcelain bowl fragments on the ground, and there was no problem.

Thunder crossed the fragments of the porcelain bowl with a blank face and found a cage of cold steamed buns from the steamer beside him. He took one in his mouth and put three in his hand. When he was about to turn around and leave, the tail of his eyes suddenly saw a silver strip in the open space not far away next to the pile of debris. Something, like a modern watch, and looks familiar.


As he was about to leave, Thunder went straight to the silver Dongdong and bent down to pick it up.

At a glance, the steamed bread in Thunder's mouth fell off gorgeously.

Damn it, something happened to Joa!

Behind him came the rustling sound of clothes rubbing as people walked away. A cold wind blew by. Thunder only felt a coldness behind him. He turned his head and looked. A long figure with light on his back stood so straight behind him, with a cold murderous atmosphere all over his body. Fortunately, he had experienced countless winds and heavy rain. Be bold, otherwise you have to be scared to lie down.

"San Shao, could you please not be so haunted next time?" Standing up, Thunder wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. The magnetic field of the third young master of the An family was so strong that he couldn't help but accelerate his metabolism every time.

An Shengjie didn't say anything, and his face was gloomy and terrible. His eyes, which were already like a ten-thousand-year iceberg, were even cold that they could freeze to death. Before Thunder could react, he suddenly pulled out the soft sword wrapped around his waist and put it on Thunder's neck - the latter immediately stiffened.

This is the second time he has been put on his neck with a sword. The first time he was by the captain of a secret mobile force of the An family named Yuyan - now he knows that his name is not Qiu Yan. This time, he was the third young master of the An family - does he have a grudge against the family?

Carefully leaned his neck back as much as possible, and the thunder asked with a earthy face, "San Shao, what do you mean?"

An Shengjie's answer was to press the sword on his neck a little first, and then asked in a cold voice, "Where's Joya?"

Thunder was stunned and dared to think he was the murderer?

TNND, how can he get involved in this kind of thing even if he has nothing to do? He is really unlucky to get home. Seeing that this black pot of killing and overselling goods is going to be buckled on his back, it will be too late if he doesn't explain.

Thunder roared vigorously in his heart, but he hurriedly explained, so as not to lose his head inexplicably. Yan Yan was easy to fool, and An San Shao was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"I just knew that something had happened to her, and now I'm going to find her. If you don't believe me, this is her communicator." Thunder handed the silver watch to An Shengjie, "I gave her this communicator. Basically, as soon as you put it on, you can lock the person's position and talk to people with the same communicator thousands of miles away..."

"Let's talk about it." After all, Thunder has lived at home for a period of time. An Shengjie also probably knows who he is. It's just because he can't wait for Joy to go back and see the bodies on the ground, so he is very angry that he wants to find someone to kill.

Now he has ruled out the possibility of thunder in his heart, so he waved his sword neatly and withdrew his waist.

Thunder choked and breathed a sigh of relief. He suddenly remembered that he was explaining the high-tech product of the communicator with an ancient man who had never seen on TV.

"Well, to put it simply, that is, this thing, this communicator, as long as a person puts it on, will identify that person as the master, and there are only two situations where it can be taken down. One is that the owner removes it with his own hands, and the other is to confuse the system inside with a very strong magnetic field and cannot identify the owner. People fall."

"So you mean... someone took this thing off Joya and robbed her?" An Shengjie narrowed his eyes and stared at the communicator in Thunder's hand.

"That's right." Thunder nod, "Basically, I'm sure that Joya will take this thing down, because there are too many things in it that she needs. In addition, it is also quite convenient to wear on her wrist. I believe she won't want to take off such a useful thing and throw it away in the face of danger."

"..." An Shengjie was silent, just signaling Thunder to continue with his eyes.

"If she continues to wear this thing, then I can track her through the communicator in my hand and get in touch with her in time." Thunder pulled up his sleeves to show the communicator on his wrist. "But now that the communicator has fallen off, it's hard for me to know her exact location."

An Shengjie continued to be silent, but he seemed to be thinking about something. After a long time, he said coldly, "... I have checked the wounds of those people, and they are all killed, but I can't see what martial arts it is." Moreover, 'he' does not seem to have specific weapons. Those who can be solved with two hands are absolutely solved with two hands. The capital of the dagger with dull porcelain bowls and chopsticks is a killing weapon picked up by 'he', and he can't find out who did it at all.

"I don't think you went to chase people immediately because you also know that no matter how powerful the murderer is, he has not been able to take Joya out of the house for such a period of time, so you want to find some clues to find the suspicious person first, and then solve the whole thing at once, right?"

Thunder, who had been tossing and inspecting the communicator, suddenly said.

An Shengjie said, "Only the nurse here is dead, and other places are safe and sound."

In other words, even the murderer is not brave enough to airlift Joya out of Anfu immediately. After all, the number of defenses in Anfu is still quite large. It is absolutely impossible to take a big living person away quietly without shocking anyone. No matter how strong your martial arts are, Anfu's guard is not a fuel-efficient lamp, not to mention his eldest brother guarding it near the front door.

"So what if I say I have a way to see what just happened?"

An Shengjie raised his eyes and said, "Say." This is undoubtedly the fastest way to know who the murderer is and find out the whereabouts of Joya.

It's really neat.

Thunder curled his lips, but he didn't have time to care about these now. He opened the communicator on his wrist, and only a little finger-sized Helena immediately appeared on the surface of the communicator, "Good evening, Ray."

"Selena," as soon as the communicator was connected, Thunder immediately spoke to the miniature of Elena, "Joa's communicator has fallen off and the person is gone. I want you to help me see what just happened, who took Joia away, and where is she now?"

"Rae, I know you're very anxious, and I'm also in a hurry, but I'm sorry," Serena made a difficult expression on the surface. "I turned on the hibernation maintenance mode three hours ago, and it was automatically set for half a month later. Now I can't adjust the imaging function of the satellite."

Thunder was dumbfounded when he heard the words. No way, why don't you sleep early and don't sleep late, but sleep at this important juncture?"

"I don't know the prophet." Selena answered honestly.

Thunder breathed. Indeed, no matter how awesome the computer is, there is no way to predict the future, so...

"Rae, although I can't use the satellite to let you see what happened in the past, since you said that Joya's communicator has fallen off, I believe it should record more or less. You might as well have a look." Selena couldn't bear to see Thunder frowning higher than the Himalayas, and the expression on her face was more bitter than bitter gourd, so she opened her mouth to remind.

"Wh! That's right!" After being reminded by Silina, Thunder immediately remembered that he still had another future invention and one of the important clues in his hand.

"Selena, I really love you so much. You are really my savior."

With that, he immediately put the communicator that originally belonged to Anchoa on his hand. Now the communicator can no longer recognize the owner, so basically as long as he can use it, everyone can use it.

Thunder put on the communicator and beat it for a while, and finally lit up the originally dim screen again.

An Shengjie has been calm about Xilena's appearance, but he was slightly shocked at the beginning, but then returned to his previous coldness and expressionlessness.

Calling up additional video and playback functions from the communicator, Thunder selected the one closest to this moment in a group of videos, only two minutes and three seconds.

"I found it! I didn't expect there to be a video." Thunder said excitedly, speculating that the video function should have been inadvertently turned on.

The projection function is called out, and the display interface of the communicator is aimed at the wall, and the faint light immediately forms a square with a length and width of more than 80 cm on the wall. Thunder pressed the 'Play' button.

The picture was first dark, and then a small faint orange light appeared on the screen, and then the picture suddenly shook, and then only listened to a "bang", as if something fell from a high place, and then a short woman screamed, "Ah!" Both Thunder and An Shengjie recognized that this was An Joya's voice, and the chirping sound should be from the porcelain bowl that fell to the ground.

"What's going on, young lady?" A strange man's voice suddenly appeared, and An Shengjie couldn't help clenching his fist. Even across the screen, he could feel the strong murderous spirit of the man when he said that sentence.

Thunder stared at the screen. At this time, Anchoa's hand should be placed near her mouth, because from the video, you can see the complete kitchen and the man who is almost jumping out of the picture on the left side of the screen, but the light is limited. In addition, the man is backlit, so there is no way to see clearly at all. What exactly does he look like?

"It's okay." In the video, An Qiaoya's voice sounded again, with a trace of fear and panic.

The picture shook strongly again, and then Thunder and An Shengjie saw the fragments of the porcelain bowl on the ground, and a woman's hand wanted to pick up the fragments, but at this time--

"Hm!" I don't know what happened. There was a muffled hum in the video. An Shengjie's hand was held tightly again, and his whole body exuded a strong murderous atmosphere.

The picture shook irregularly from side to side, then there was a sound of footsteps approaching, followed by a crackling sound. The picture showed a rapid fall, and then hit the ground and bounced twice to the door. Through the crooked picture, you could faintly see a purple figure running over, but was immediately broken by a porcelain bowl before entering the door. The film was hit in the throat and fell to the ground and died on the spot. Thunder glanced at the maid in purple who fell on the threshold and thought that she had died unfairly.

The picture still maintained a very ecstatic angle, and then a thin man in Anfu's clothes picked up An Joya in his hands and quickly walked out of the door and integrated into the night - the picture stopped here.

Seeing this, he knew almost what he should know. An Shengjie didn't even bother to say a word. He turned around and immediately ran out. It was estimated that he asked the housekeeper to gather all the servants to count the heads and let people carry out a big search throughout the house.

Turn off the communicator, and Thunder followed him out of the kitchen. To be honest, he is now scared. Is Anjoa, a stupid woman, born to be kidnapped and play missing games? This is the Nth time I have been tied up...