Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 142 All Zhai is natural (repair)

The blue sky and white clouds, the shadow of the trees, the cool breeze, lying on the open-air carriage moving at a uniform speed, with your hands behind your head, listening to the creaking sound of the rolling cars by the ear, and the charming fragrance of wildflowers on the roadside at the end of the nose. This scene is really extremely comfortable.

"I said Chitose, you really don't know why your second king arrested me?"

Through communication along the way, An Qiaoya has known according to Wang Qiansui's description that the second king he said was indeed the culprit who knocked her out with one palm and sent her to the rice field - that is, a little man in her house now.

I really don't understand. She has nothing to do with him. Why did she kidnap her so much? And he also sent such a natural fool to pick her up - An Qiaoya glanced at Wang Qiansui, who was sitting cross-legged in front of the carriage. Should it be said that it was A Yi's miscalculation or did he really have the confidence that he would follow this fool obediently?

Anchoa, who had a blue wheat straw in her mouth and changed into a coarse cloth men's clothing, crossed her hands behind her head, raised one foot and shook, squinted at the white clouds floating in the sky, and imagined them as two naked men hugging each other in her mind. ( A young man: It's really imaginative...)

"I don't know," Wang Qiansui, who was driven to the horse's fart, shook the whip and looked sideways at Anchoa, who was lying with no image. "No matter what the two kings say, we..."

"You will do it," Anchoya interrupted him impatiently. "You have said this five times since now!"

After roaring, she whispered, "I really don't know what kind of magic that Ayi can confuse people to this level..." Maybe she should ask him for advice, and maybe it will come in handy in the future. This is a very, very important leadership skill in the modern world workplace. .

"That's true." Wang Qiansui argued aggrievedly for himself, "The second king is really good. In our stockade, he is our god. We will definitely abide by what God says."

An Qiaoya turned over and sat up, crossed her legs, and squinted at Wang Qiansui. "I know that you absolutely regard him as a god, otherwise you won't say that kind of stupid words that you will die for him," she curled her lips and continued, "but I'm quite curious. You keep saying that your stockade and your stockade, until Which village are you from?" I don't know if I have a friendship with my father? However, when it comes to it, how can there be friendship when they all openly come to her house to bind people? Is it... a sequel to gang disputes and gang hatred?

And she is the unfortunate one destined to be a hostage - because she is the most careless kidnapping among the whole family - and the facts do prove this, such as now. Counting this time, she should be the first... how many times have she been kidnapped? The second time? The third time?

"Short Beishan Wei Lock Village!" Speaking of his cottage, Wang Qiansui immediately showed excitement, "Our village will definitely become the largest cottage in the world under the leadership of the two kings!" Pulling the reins, Wang Qiansui turned his head to the sky and shouted devoutly as if he were worshipping an idol. Finally, he did not forget to clenched his fists and crossed his arms compared with the standard posture of a Tutankhamun mummy.

broken mountain? Obscene village? ......What a good name!

Anjoya squint at him with an embarrassed face, thinking helplessly in her heart, the second king, the second king... and the second king again! He will hang up if he doesn't say a few times a day, right?

"I really don't understand." Chewing the poor wheat straw in his mouth, An Qiaoya frowned and stretched out his finger and poked Wang Qiansui's back, which was still starry over there. "You don't even know the names of your two kings. What's more, he hasn't been to your cottage for a long time. Why did you all die to him? The heart is down?" Don't they doubt that they have been drugged and lost their minds?

Although Wang Qiansui was steriled when he heard the words, he immediately put his hands on his chest very devoutly. "Because the second king said that he would help us rebuild the cottage and develop the Weisuo village into the best stockade in the world, so that everyone will no longer have to live a meal without a meal." He turned his head with a firm and yearning look on his face, "Moreover, the second king also promised that he would help us take back the fields and houses taken away by the Green Forest tyrants, so that we can have a house to live in."

After listening to his words, Angioya was completely stunned.

"So you are so poor..." She really didn't know that Wang Qiansui's clothes were full of patches, but they were still quite clean. She still used this year's popular patch style. Who knew that people were really poor and couldn't afford to buy clothes!

So, Ayi deliberately sneaked into Anfu and took a lot of trouble to kidnap her to rescue the villagers of the 'dirty' village? However, that day, he broke Chief Liu's neck without blinking, but he couldn't see that he was a kind-hearted person.

Maybe he did it for another purpose? For example, take her as a bargaining chip to force his home and be his stepping stone as a disaster? ( Mou Shao: I'm still living for disaster. What kind of martial arts do you otaku know~~ Mou Qiao: Go cool off while you die! Otherwise, Pia will fly!)

"Who said we were poor?" Wang Qiansui was immediately unhappy to hear this, and his face immediately wrinkled. Although he was very ordinary and passers-by, when he frowned, with the cross scar on his cheek, it still smelled like a copycat bandit. "Although the houses and fields in our village have been taken away, at least we still Able to be self-reliable. We don't steal, rob, or rob families to do something that is unreasonable, but we can support ourselves!"

After saying that, he only heard a "hu" sound, parked the carriage under a banyan tree on the roadside, then walked to the place where the roots of the tree were coiled like dragons, and chose a clean root to sit down.

yo? Have you lost your temper?

Angioya raised her eyebrows and felt a little sorry. She didn't expect that he was so self-respecting, and she seemed to have really hurt him inadvertently - although they are strangers at all, and her current status is still his prisoner. How can she say that both of them are sworn ends? Why does she feel guilty?

Sitting in the car for a while, it was confirmed that he was really angry and reluctant to leave, so Anjoya also slowly climbed out of the carriage, slowly walked to him and picked up a higher place than him and sat down, and then looked up silently at the dense banyan leaves on his head.

When the wind blows, the green leaves turn into a rustling sound, which sounds so pleasant.

"I'm sorry, I apologize."

After a while, Anchoya said inadvertently, "It's my fault. I shouldn't have said that."

The poor also have the ambition of the poor. This time it is indeed her fault. She changed it.

"...In fact, it's nothing," Wang Qiansui's face was obviously a little better when he heard her apology. "It's true that we are useless to give Lv Lin Ba a chance to steal our house and fields."

Anchoa did not refute, but listened quietly.

"That's why you believe in Ayi... That is, your two kings will really help you get everything back?" Pooh spit out the chewed wheat grass in her mouth, and An Qiaoya looked up with her hand to look at the sunny day in the shade of the trees.

"...hmm." After a long time, when An Qiaoya almost thought that he would not answer again, Wang Qiansui suddenly opened his mouth and said quietly, "The old and young people in the stockade have suffered a lot in this turbulent world. Some of them are after offending their enemies and destroyed by the family overnight, and some are too straightforward to be persecuted by the court. And the non-commissioned officers who can only go into exile, although we will not complain about heaven and earth, we don't want to be bullied again anyway.

"We," Wang Qianxue raised his hands and watched the light pass through his cocoon palms, with some desire flashing in his eyes. "We... we just want a place that can shelter from the wind and rain, a place where we can eat and eat and eat, and live a stable life."

"In this case, why do you still listen to your two kings? He said that he wanted to be obscene... Oh, no, it is the first village in the world, won't that make your future life more unstable?" Anjoa frowned and said, "I don't care how simple you are, but now you should at least know that not everyone can take the first name in the world. You have that good ambition. Even if you are really lucky to get the first place in the world, do you have the ability to maintain it? If so, how long can it be maintained?

"We have two kings!" Wang Qiansui immediately defended, "We have two kings. He is strong and so smart. He can definitely..."

"Yes, let's count your two kings as a god, but even so, he can't stay at your cottage all his life, right?"


An Qiaoya looked at Wang Qiansui, who was hesitant, knew that what he said had worked, and immediately continued to work hard. "What if those unfaithful people in the world attack you when you two kings are not in the cottage? How many chances do you think you have to win? You know, this is the first big cake that everyone is coveting!"


"From what I just heard from you, you can't beat the Green Forest tyrant, which proves that your combat effectiveness is not strong. Don't look at me like this. That's the truth, otherwise you won't be forced to be displaced." An Qiaoya met Wang Qianshi's resentful eyes and shrugged his shoulders and said frankly, "Isn't it?"

"We...we...I..." Wang Qiansui clenched his fist and tried to speak several times, but every time he only said two words and there was no follow-because he really couldn't find a reason to refute it. Their cottages would become the current situation. They should all blame themselves for their inferior skills.

"Without combat effectiveness, how can you get back your own things? Not to mention developing into the largest fortress in the world. Do you have that person who has the energy and the number of people to manage? It's none of her business. An Qiaoya can always be calm and out of her affairs, and then slowly carry out logical analysis.

"I..." Wang Qiansui's lips moved, but he couldn't say anything. An Qiaoya's words were bloody, and he could not refute or refute them.

The truth is always cruel.

"If you just want to take back the houses and fields that belong to you, according to the cunning personality of your two kings, it is not impossible," stood up, An Joya casually picked up a branch on the ground and sketched it randomly, "But if you want to be the first of the day and want to live a quiet life at the same time, even I'm not from the world, and I think I need to tell you that it's absolutely impossible. After hitting a big XX on the ground, An Qiaoya looked up at Wang Qiansui, who was deeply shocked. "You'd better reconsider and be more stable, so as not to get a head start." Self-emptness usually doesn't have a good end.

"But...but...the second king said..."

Wang Qiansui's ordinary face turned red, and he didn't know whether he was angry by An Qiaoya's words or because he was anxious. He grabbed his ear hard and shook his head to say something.

"What do you two kings have?"

An Qiaoya raised her eyebrows. It's hard to imagine how the people who lived without Ayi's presence? If the whole stockade is stupid with him, it will be really strange not to be bullied home.

"The second king ordered that as long as we stockade the girl later, we can realize all our dreams." Wang Qiansui thought of this and suddenly looked at An Qiaoya with a worshipful face, "I think you must have some extraordinary skills. All the people in our village rely on you!"

"Damn... rely on me?!" Is he joking? Or is there something wrong with her ear? Anchoa's pretentiously dig out her ears. This is the first time that someone said that she has extraordinary skills besides causing trouble! It's really strange, strange!

"I think you all made a mistake. I'm just an ordinary person. I can't do anything but eat, drink and play. I can't write or martial arts... Well, well, I can operate a computer, use offic software on the Internet and speak English... But there is no computer and network for me here." And no foreigner needs to use her as a microphone translation language... Anchoya frowned and muttered, as if she really had nothing to eat and drink.


After listening to An Qiaoya say a lot, Wang Qiansui's simple mind suddenly couldn't keep up with the speed of running. He only heard such a key point when the progress was seriously behind, "It turns out that your ability is to talk to the eagle!"

"Well?!" What's he excited about? English = Eagle? - Well, it does sound like TM.

"Girl, girl, you are really a master, hidden!" Wang Qiansui's eyes were as excited as if he had found the big secret treasure.

"Girl, please, please help us with the cottage. We can only rely on you, girl!" With that, his knees softened and he knelt down in front of Anchoa!

An Qiaoya didn't expect him to make such a move. She jumped aside immediately on the spot. Unexpectedly, he knelt down in a different direction, "Girl, please help us!" Wang Qiansui's face was sincere, so he almost hugged Anchoa.

"You, you...what are you doing? Why do you kneel down to me? It will break my life!" What the hell is she talking about? An Qiaoya turned around again with regret, and then quickly jumped to him before Wang Qiansui had time to react and stretched out his hand to pull him up. "There is gold under the man's knees. Why don't you get up quickly!"

"Chitose, no matter whether there is gold or silver under the man's knees, Chitose only asks the girl to help the whole village. As long as the girl is willing to agree, Chitose can be a cow and a horse to serve the girl for a lifetime!"

Anjoya is stunned. What is he talking about? Is it really so miserable? How dare you ask her, a person who knows nothing, to help them take back their houses and fields? Do you have a rough fight with those old people who are used to the world? Spit on each other? Or should a woman scratch each other's face and then remove their hair? Is there any mistake!

When she was at home, she was covered by several brothers. She could be lawless and respond to her needs. If her famous brothers were by her side, she might be able to happily agree, and then slave the group of men with a small whip. She threw herself as a shopkeeper and watched the battle. Maybe she could really help him. We are the first in the world, but the question is that now she is alone, without half an acquaintance around her, and she is also a loser who can do nothing. How can she help? It's good to save your life and wait for your family to find it! Chivalry and righteous things have never been done when they are alone, right?

"Get up, I really don't have that ability..." An Qiaoya tried his best to lift Wang Qiansui, but his leg seemed to be nailed to the ground and sprouted, and he couldn't pull any of it.

"Girl, I beg you to help us. The second king said that only you can help us, then you must be able to help us. If not, Chitose kowtowed to the girl, girl, please!"

The second man is the second man. He said he knelt down and said that he really kowtowed!

Seeing his decent hands on the ground and knocking his forehead on the sand, Anchoya was really speechless. As for...

After a long time, Anjoya finally couldn't see it.

"Get up first, I promise you." If she doesn't agree, I guess his head will explode. She doesn't want to see the disgusting picture of her brain spraying all over the ground. Anjoya estimated that although Ayi kidnapped her, he actually planned to use her to threaten her brothers to help. Anyway, now that my identity is the savior, let's go to see the situation with this stupid idiot Wang Qiansui first. I believe they won't do anything to her.

Alas, she is really not an ordinary life. She is really not causing trouble. It's all because she came to her! Alas, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother 6, father, thunder, please forgive me!