Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 143 Find someone

Thunder is very depressed, very depressed!

Why did he drive all the way back to the capsule under the Forbidden Mountain? It was a pair of pliers, screws and lasers for maintenance and start-up. Obviously, no fault could be found, but after restarting, Xilena still had no way to search for Angioa's whereabouts in the whole range.

He doesn't understand, he really doesn't understand! Even if it is a used embroidery needle, Silva can accurately locate it, but these days, no matter how one of them digs three feet into the ground, they still can't find any clues about Anchoa - she has really evaporated the world now.

It's over. He also patted his chest and promised the boss of the An family that as long as he arrived at the Forbidden Mountain, he would immediately save Joya, but it had been almost a day, but he didn't find any trace of her.

Remember that he couldn't sleep in the middle of the night and went to the kitchen to steal food. He happened to find that An Qiaoya was arrested. After finding that she was taken away by a man dressed as an Anfu servant on the communicator she left behind, An Shengjie immediately ordered everyone in Anfu to gather in the front hall to remove the rest that had been clicked. Everyone, even if they were dying or were carrying out a 'two river crab sport' somewhere, didn't care about the people around them. They quickly got up one by one and gathered at the fastest speed.

The three general manager neatly and quickly checked the number of people and checked their names and identities, but the final result was that there were not a few subordinates!

Not only An Shengjie's gloomy face, but also Thunder began to be confused.

Since no servants in the house have left, who is the man captured by the video recorder? A woman dressed as a man? No, it's impossible! Although the figure is tall and thin, it is not as slender as a woman. So, the only possibility is that the person secretly changed his upper and lower people's clothes and swaggered into Anfu in the dark!

But it's not right to think about it. Anfu has always been cautious about using people. As soon as he enters the house, he is required to recognize all the people in the house in the shortest time. There is no reason not to cause suspicion when he has a new face?

Thunder was about to open his mouth, but he didn't expect that An Shengjie, who was beside him, suddenly flashed, challenging the height of human limits, and then several ups and downs in the air and disappeared in the night in an instant.

Good... Awesome! What a great X's physical ability!

Although he has seen hundreds of light skills performances since he came here, Thunder can't help cheering for An Shengjie! It's so beautiful that it can fly to a height of more than 20 meters at once, God! He can simply be a superman in modern times, guaranteed to be popular all over the world!

"What the hell happened?" An Shengwei frowned and came out from behind the layers of people. Behind him was Yu Yan, who had been expressionless. Because of Du Xiang's affairs, he went out for the first time in many years to wander around to calm down. As a result, as soon as he got home, he found that the whole Anfu was like a blow-up, and almost everyone gathered in front. Here comes the hall. What the hell is this for? Is it a rebellion?

"Young master, just come back." An old man came out of the crowd with an anxious face.

"Fubo, speak slowly," An Shengwei patted the old man on the shoulder and motioned him not to panic, and then raised his head and looked around to stand as a subordinate like a scarecrow. "What's going on?"

"Young master, miss... she... she was arrested!" The old man shook his hands and was excited for a long time and couldn't recover. "That... The villain who kidnapped the young lady also killed many people in the house, even my little Zi'er...555555, beasts are really not as good as beasts!"

"Fubo, are you kidding?" An Shengwei felt that his face twitched fiercely, and faint blue veins began to burst out on his forehead. "How could the young lady be abducted in the house? What about the third young master? What about other nursing homes? Where is everything?!" In the end, An Shengwei almost roared. So many people were here at the same time, and they all looked flustered. No matter how much he deceived himself, he could not lie to himself. This was fake!

"This...this..." was scared by An Shengwei's suddenly raised tone and ferocious expression, and Fubo began to stammer a little. "Three...the third young master has chased... and gone out..."

An Shengwei's face is comparable to that of Rasha.

"I said, big brother," Thunder swayingly approached An Shengwei, but he was still very careful to maintain a certain distance. Under the imperceptibility of An Qiaoya, he also called him Brother An Shengwei. Anyway, he was more than a few thousand years older than him. This big brother called it was not unfair.

An Shengwei suddenly turned around and stared at him, frowning like a hill, showing his extreme displeasure and upset. He squeezed his thin lips and looked at Thunder coldly. The man who seemed to have a 'legated' with his little sister. What are you doing?"

stared at by his inexplicably hostile eyes, Thunder couldn't help taking a step back. Although he was the captain of a ship and an outstanding warrior in the universe alliance, in the era of space battles, everyone used hot weapons to bombard me. You gave me a laser and gave you a grenade. , the range is long enough, and it depends on whether his head is turning fast enough. People don't have to negotiate and communicate face to face at all, so that he is seriously lacking in communication experience now, and he can't help but tremble when he is stared at by an ancient man - what a bastard!

"That..." Well, why did you stare at him so hard? He just came to beat the soy sauce. Is it wrong to accidentally hit the soy sauce king? Thunder swallowed and was surrounded by sympathetic or gloating eyes. He suddenly felt that he wanted to be striped of the fish basking on the beach.

"If you have something to say, just say it."

An Shengwei frowned and a little doubted what Qiao Ya's vision was and how she could have an affair with such a useless guy - but then again, her previous fiance Liu Liang was also an extremely scum figure. Compared with him, Thunder was relatively normal.

"I think I should be able to find Joya's whereabouts and bring her back safely." Relying on Xilena's powerful control network.

"..." An Shengwei narrowed his eyes and didn't wait for the furious follow-up.

"But I need the fastest means of transportation," Thunder saw An Shengwei's interest and immediately added, "No matter what, as long as you can get to the Forbidden Mountain in two days."

"Forbid the mountain?" An Shengwei raised his eyebrows. If he remembers correctly, it is the old nest of Lei Wanqian's scum.

"That's right," Thunder nodded, "I think you should also know that Lei Wanqian has been caught by the government, and Lei Jiao has frequently collapsed, right?"

An Shengwei still can't figure out what medicine is sold in the thunder gourd. "The sixth brother did mention it in the letter." However, at that time, he was busy dealing with business disputes in Huaixiang and didn't have time to pay attention to it. "What does this have to do with finding Qiao Ya?"

Of course it's related! His nest is also there. How can he start Silva if he doesn't go back there? How can Elena trace the whereabouts of Angioa without starting?

Thunder said fiercely in his heart, but he didn't dare to say anything more, "As long as I get to the Forbidden Mountain, I only have a way to find Joya, but I ask that I must get there as soon as possible." If it's too late, who knows what will happen to Anjoa. Two days is long enough for her to die a hundred times.

"..." An Shengwei was silent and didn't say anything. He just waved to Yayan, who was dressed in black and stood silently like a transparent man. "Ya Yan, do as he says."

"Yes!" Yan Yan reacted immediately.

Thunder also thought that he would get a good horse, sweat and blood BMW or something to give it to him, but as a result--

qiu yan lifted his front with only one hand, and then jumped to the roof when he had no time to question, and then ran straight to the north at an unimaginable speed under the dark moonlight.

At this time, people gradually dispersed under his command, and there seemed to be a thunderous and hoarse cry in the air, "TMD, I'm afraid of heights!!!"

Alas, I'm worried.

In the capsule, Thunder held his forehead and sighed at the big screen for the Nth time. Maybe he'd better stay here and not go back to his home, otherwise he will definitely be strippered and shown to the public.

Not far behind him, Yu Yan stared at him with an indifferent face, but at a close look, it was not difficult to find that he was trapped in a transparent cylindrical glass material. With the sword in his hand, he could not split it open and come out.

As for the ceiling--

Two figures, a red and a green, floated on the electronic screen rack, touching them from time to time, looking curiously at this strange thing that they had never seen.

"Why do you want to interfere with the radio wave to prevent them from finding Sister Qiao Ya?" The green figure sat on the metal beam acting as traffic with fragrant cheeks in his hands and asked sullenly.

The old man with a white beard in red buried his head and put his hand into the light bulb and twisted it hard, "Don't you want to make a chance for that guy named Feng?"

"Opportunity?" The fair girl shouted, "I only saw that you ignore my sister's life and death. Do you know that she will be in danger if she is kidnapped like this?"

" Calm down!" The old man with white beard waved his hand and played with the booty in his hand. "You know, women in the world like heroes to save the beauty very much. Haven't you heard of the book?"

"Heroes save the beauty? Who, who, who?" The girl in green widened her eyes.

"Who else is there besides that horrible guy?" The old man with white beard said carelessly, "That man has awakened. He has a soul attached to the Molian Fairy. Relying on that, he will definitely rush to save people at the first time."

"What if something happened to my sister before he rushed there?" The girl in green is still worried. Her sister is a mortal who has no power at all. What's more, she is still a weak woman without the power to bind chickens. What if something happens?

The old man with white beard shrugged his shoulders, put the booty back to its original position, and muttered carelessly, "It's not the first time... It's useless to be nervous..."

Unfortunately, the girl in green is tied to Anchoa and has no time to listen to the old man's nagging, otherwise she will have to jump up and scold her. No, I'm going to follow you to protect my sister. You stinky old man, you don't care about your sister, I'll take care!"

After saying that, the girl in green waved her sleeves and disappeared into the air.

"Huh? Hello? Are you leaving now?" The old man in red found that he had been abandoned this time and quickly followed him. "Smelly girl, wait for me..." I don't want to think about his old man's age!

When both of them disappeared into the air, Xilena, who had been standing behind Thunder, suddenly turned around, and her emerald green eyes stared doubtfully at the place where an old and a young man disappeared. It was strange, why there was such a strong fluctuation just now? She explored it with infrared rays, and there was obviously no life there. It's really strange...