Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 144 Rest

On the night when An Qiaoya was captive, An Shengjie rushed out of the city to find someone. Unfortunately, he was disappointed. He almost turned the whole capital back and forth. He even visited the palace, but there was no news about his little sister. This made him angry and frustrated at the same time - he couldn't even protect his sister and hurt her so much. He was a real failure as a brother.

There is no movement from the eldest brother. From the servants, he knows that the boss has been moved recently. He not only found the woman who took his child's body, but also got a daughter, but he is not in the mood to congratulate them now. At least not now. I guess the eldest brother should be worried now - because At present, even the most loyal and powerful hitman Yan has disappeared with the thunder. In the past, the well-trained nurse and the servants were still poisoned by food almost at the same time. They lie down and moaned, and completely lost their combat effectiveness. Now Anfu is simply a mess.

Is it a bad year? Why does he always feel that Anfu is particularly eventied this year? And there is nothing good. Even he and his eldest brother, who have always been able to calm down and control themselves, are helpless in the face of Joya's many captive disappearances, and it is difficult not to feel irritable and frustrated.

Stepping into the courtyard with a dusty face, before he could rest, a dark guard in black suddenly turned over from the roof and jumped to the ground, knelt in front of him on one knee, holding his hands and bowing his head and shouting, "Three Masters."

An Shengjie put his hands behind his back and looked condensed, "Is there any news?"

The man in black nodded heavily, "I will find this under the willow tree three miles away from the city." With that, he took out something from his arms and put it in his hands, holding it with his hands.

An Shengjie took it and took a look, but it was a glazed golden step shake, simple and smooth silver with the emerald fringe at the top. Isn't it the glazed silver plate green hairpin he gave her as his gift on her fifteenth birthday?

When he last saw Joya, didn't she wear this hairpin on her head? An Sheng clenched his palms, and his face looked cold like ice that had not melted for thousands of years. "Is this the only one?"

"There is another set of women's gowns," the dark guard in black replied quickly, but then hesitated, "It's just..."


The dark guard lowered his head, "It's just that there is a strange smell on that dress, so I'd better ask you to cover your mouth and nose first."

"It doesn't matter," An Shengjie raised his thin lips slightly, "Take it out."

"Yes!" The dark guard in black responded, and then took out the tight package of the bag behind him from the beginning, neatly untied it and put it on the ground in front of An Shengwei. Suddenly, a strange smell came to my nose, like the smell of all kinds of rotten debris mixed together, which was quite disgusting.

(Some young master: It's really hard for you, poor child, you have to run so far with such a stinky thing...==)

An Shengjie frowned, but then calmly squatted down and grabbed the dirty dress, but when he saw the light green skirt, his face had completely changed.

Daw! This is Joya's clothes, that's right!

But now the clothes and hairpins are all there, but the whereabouts of the most important person are still unknown, God! Why are you so cruel! Didn't Joya get hurt enough?

An Shengjie gritted his teeth and clenched the cloth in his hand with hatred. Has the little sister encountered anything wrong?! Damn it!

"Are you sure there are only these two things? What about people?" Closing his eyes, he sighed in his heart.

"This..." The dark guard in black hesitated and didn't know whether to say it or not.

"Let's be honest."

"My subordinates found this dress in a thatched hut by the lake, and the hairpin was found twelve miles north of the lake. In addition, someone had seen a man like a beggar buying a man's robe from a nearby hunter with a woman dressed in green, so..." At the beginning, he quietly looked at An Shengjie's face, "So my subordinates boldly guessed that the young lady should have been taken to Youzhou."

"Youzhou?" An Shengjie muttered, and then frowned and filtered all the information about Youzhou in his mind.


Youzhou... He basically knows the slightly famous Jianghu people on the other side of Youzhou, and he knows how many pounds they are, but he can sneak Qiao Ya out quietly like that night. He believes that the group of big and rough people on the other side of Youzhou will never do it. So... Is there any other master he doesn't know living in seclusion there?

If you hold the dress in your hand and think that you can pass through the gate without any obstruction, it is only possible for the people in the city to leave the city before dawn. An Shengjie guessed that the person who kidnapped Joya must have hidden her in the car of Yexiang and smuggled her out of the city without hiding the guard general.

It's only that I was dizzy at that time, and I didn't calculate it. The man didn't suddenly enter Anfu to pretend to be a family man, but had planned for a long time and ambushed in it for a period of time before starting.

He didn't expect that the man could hide Joya in a corner of Anfu first, and then show up when he asked everyone to gather by name. Naturally, he would think that the man was dressed as an outsider and immediately chase him out of the house, and that person could take the opportunity to move Joya to another place to hide.

is really a miscalculation.

But now there is finally news about Joa. Even if there is only a little hope, he will not give up!

"Go down the order to alert the whole team of the dark guard leading to Youzhou, pay close attention to any news about the young lady, and be sure to ensure the safety of the young lady before we arrive!"

Joa, the third brother will never give anyone a chance to hurt you again!

An Shengjie clenched the silver hairpin in his hand and silently swore in his heart.


The closer to the legendary "broken back" mountain, the more excited Anchoa became, and even the adventure cells in his blood began to be ready to move.

That night, the two barely spent the night in a small shabby house.

The burning sound of firewood in the kang, the firelight illuminates the small space, pulling the shadow of the two people around the fire.

Wang Qiansui puzzledly looked at Anjoari picking up a long wooden board, then pulled down a long cloth strip, put the cloth on the table, spread it out, and then put it on the board.

Then, Anjoya put her hand on the board, pulled the white cloth with one hand and wrapped it around her arm until the whole arm was wrapped in the white cloth and could not be seen. After that, she held one end of the cloth with her left hand, bit another end of her teeth, tied the cloth tightly with her head sideways, and then tied the rest. The cloth went around his neck, returned to his arm, and then knotted it.

Wang Qiansui was stunned and puzzled, "Girl, why do you tie your hands?"

"Because I'm hurt." Anjoya answered that her face was not red or breathless, and she was even a little proud.

"But your hand is clear..." has always been flexible.

"Oh, that, my hand was almost healed, but I was tied up by your second king... That guy. In the past two days, I found that my bones were hurting again, so it's better to fix it to avoid becoming crippled."

In fact, her hand had been taken back to the capsule on the day of her injury and was easily cured. However, in order to pretend to be pitiful and sympathized, she asked her not to treat it too perfectly. She deliberately left a period of time for the bone to heal naturally, and in order to emphasize the fact that she was injured, she was specially wrapped in a thick Bandage. Although the arm occasionally hurts faintly, it is not unbearable. Because Wang Qiansui didn't know her, she was relieved to liberate her right hand and let her move freely these days.

But tomorrow they will go to that 'obscenity' village. In order to protect herself and for that, she'd better wrap the bandage first.

"That's right, Chitose, I said I've known you for so long, and I've been hearing you talking about your two kings. What about the great king of your family? What kind of person is he?

Wang Qiansui glanced at An Qiaoya, and then scratched his head with an embarrassed face, "How to say, our king... he..."

"Huh? How about him?"

"...he is a good man."

"And then?" Anjoya 'packaged' her arm and moved to test whether it was firm. After making sure that she would not wear it, she immediately walked to the ground with dry straw piled aside and sat down against the cylinder. In addition to being a good man, what other characteristics does he have? She frowned and tried to search all the descriptions of the mountain king in her mind from the ancient costume TV series. "For example, he likes to rape |** plunder... Well, no, you said he was a good person..." Then she frowned, and even began to bite her lower lip this time. "Let's put it this way, your cottage is you. The second king is the master, does this mean... Well, that... your king is actually a... cough... a person with little status?"

In fact, she prefers to use the word straw bag, but Wang Qiansui, who is eager to protect her master, may be unhappy, so she is forced to change her words. Think about it, a cunning guy who has just entered the village is so respected. Wang Qianshi talked about their two kings all the way, but he never mentioned the king. To be honest, if the king is not too useless, he is usually not very close to the people. In comparison, she would rather believe in the former, because listening to Wang Qiansu's tone, their king is not so arrogant and unable to approach, so there is only the item of incompetence.

Wang Qiansui opened his mouth and looked at An Qiaoya with a fog face. It seemed that he didn't understand, "Why did the girl ask that? We are very good."

"Yes, yes, I also know that he is very good," Anjoya drew helplessly, but because it was inconvenient for his hands to be tied, so he stopped. "But it's useless. The problem is that you seem to respect the second king more than him, don't you?"

Now he finally understands, "Nothing, we also respect our king. There is no one in the world who can be as good as our king.

Wang Qiansui also sat on the ground casually, opened the package on his body, and touched a green fruit from inside, which he picked on the road.

Lost one to An Qiaoya, picked up another one and took a big bite, "Actually, our king is not bold. He could have fought to the end with the green forest bully, but for the safety of our village, old and young, he chose to give up the cottage, so we don't blame him. He is really good for us. Kong just helps everyone do things, not fierce, and is very kind to everyone," he paused, as if thinking about the wording, and continued after a long time. "However, you know, when a person has really been tortured by hunger for a long time, he must still complain more or less in his heart, although we didn't say it, but It's the king who must know it in his heart.

Anchoa raised his eyebrows and said, "People have always been selfish." She refers to those villagers.

"So later, Ayi... When your two kings appeared and said that he wanted to help you develop into the first village in the world, he chose to retreat behind the scenes and handed over all the power of life and death to your two kings?"

"It should be...isn't it." After all, he is not their king. How does he know what the king thinks? He has no ambition and just wants to live a safe life. How do you know what those superiors are thinking?

"Is everyone dissatisfied with your king?" Anchoa asked, "What about you? Do you blame him?"

Wang Qiansui lowered his eyes and did not answer, but quietly nibbled at the fruit in his hand. After carefully nibbling all the pulp, he put the fruit stone on the ground next to his house and wiped his hands on his clothes.

Then he shook his head and spit out a few words under the gaze of Anchoya eager to know the answer, "I don't know."

An Qiaoya was silent, and Wang Qiansui also became quiet.

After a long time, she raised her head to break the deadlock.

"...Well, your king should not abuse prisoners, right?"

It's evening now. After tonight, they will arrive in the short north mountain tomorrow.