Genius Master

Chapter 93 Large Household Room

, Ye Tian, to be honest, how did you fool my master? Don't even care about my daughter?" In the car back to school, Wei Rongrong was still a little indignant. It was the first time that she had been so reprimanded by her father for the first time, and the culprit was obviously Ye Tian.

"Cough, how to say it's a deception? Is this natural science? Wei Rongrong, let me ask you, what are the four books and five classics of Confucianism? After hearing Wei Rongrong's words, Ye Tian shook his head. If he didn't persuade the little pepper, he might give himself some stumbling in the future.

Wei Rongrong raised her eyebrows and said, "Of course I know. The four books refer to the Analects of Confucius

Mencius, University and Doctrine of the Mean, while the Five Classics are the Book of Songs, Book of Songs, Book of Rites

"Zhou Yi" and "Spring and Autumn", how about it, right? Since the Southern Song Dynasty, the Four Books and Five Classics have been a must-read book for Confucian students. It is similar to the Bible in Ye and the Koran in the Yi religion. It is used as a proposition book and textbook for selecting talents in the feudal imperial examination.

It's not out of time. On Umbrella Day, I'm afraid that nine of the ten students don't know what the four books and five scriptures are. Wei Rongrong can answer it, which makes Ye Tian a little surprised.

"Well, Sister Wei, since you know that Zhou Yi is one of the five classics, you should also know that the Yi Jing is known as "the head of the group scriptures and the source of the road". Is the knowledge derived from this not worth paying attention to and discussing?"

Wei Rongrong was a little speechless when asked by Ye Tian. He hesitated and said, "It's different. That's feudal superstition, and it's the dross in traditional culture."

Ye Tian sighed when he heard the words, "Senior Wei, there are still many unexplained phenomena in modern technology. You can't put on a feudal superstitious hat, can you?

Feng Shui is also known as metaphysics. The biggest difference between it and science is that metaphysics attaches importance to the echo of the soul, while science focuses on material empirical evidence. If it is denied because feng shui cannot find empirical evidence, it is a complete negation of telepathy.

Man is the spirit of all things. He not only marries a material life, but also a spiritual life. To be fair, since science cannot prove the theories of the five elements of gossip in the theory of feng shui, we must face up to its existence.

Of course, whether you believe it or not depends on your personal choice. Just as I can't force you to believe it, Sister Wei, you can't deny this traditional culture that has evolved over thousands of times. Ye Tian and his father have debate about whether feng shui is a feudal superstition. I don't know how many times they have done Hearing it, Qingya and Wei Rongrong were stunned.

Until the car was parked at the gate of Huaqing Garden, Wei Rongrong was still recalling Ye Tian's words. Although she was still a little unconvinced, she couldn't find anything to refute Ye Tian's words.

The next morning, at the gate of Huaqing Garden, where Wei Hongjun drove in person, picked up Ye Tian, who had skip class, went out for breakfast, and then parked the car directly in the parking lot of the stock exchange.

"Good uncle Wei, is this the stock exchange?" After entering the exchange through the back door, Ye Tian was immediately shocked by this scene.

In the huge exchange hall, it is already full of people at this time. Some people are talking happily, and some are staring at the whole display screen on the wall with a sad face, which is a place that condenses all kinds of life.

There are also some old men and women holding a basket to sell steamed buns, deep-fried dough sticks, tea and eggs, and their business is very diversified. They not only sell food, but also some stock market newspapers. Basically, they run around the hall and all the things are sold out.

"How about it, 1 Xiaoye, is it lively here?" Seeing Ye Tian's surprise, Wei Hongjun laughed proudly.

At this time, the [China] Chinese stock market is still in the stage of exploration and development, and computers have not yet been popularized. If you want to invest in stocks, in addition to telephone entrustment, you must come to the exchange, which also creates the appearance of the stock market boom.

"Oh, Boss Wei, you are here. Have you eaten yet? Do you want to taste the steamed bun you just bought?" Mr. Wei, do you have any news today? Let me tell my little brother that a stock I just bought last month was trapped, and even the money for dinner is almost gone..."

"Boss Wei..."

"Mr. Wei..."

As soon as Wei Hongjun appeared in the trading hall, those hot people who were originally discussing gathered around with a hula and talked about him.

"Guys, let's talk later. Let's talk later. I have something to do today. Let's get in."

If it is put on weekdays, it is said that the Red Army should be polite to everyone, but today it is to take Ye Tian to see the feng shui. I really not in the mood to talk to these people. At the moment, I pleaded guilty, pulled Ye Tian and said, "Go, go upstairs..."

"That's Boss Wei. I heard that it's one of the best in the large household room"

"That's not true. When others speculate in stocks, it's hundreds of thousands of yuan as soon as they buy it. How can they go to the big house?

..." "You don't know that Boss Wei was trapped..." Watching Wei Hongjun and Ye Tian guarding the second floor through the doorman's control, the people below also dispersed.

"Uncle Wei, everyone is speculating in stocks. Why do those people seem to be very flattering to you?" With Ye Tian's eyesight, we can naturally see the attitude of those people towards the Wei Red Army, but from the heart of respect or flattery. He didn't understand. Will the people in the large household know more information?

After hearing Ye Tian's words, Wei Hongjun smiled, looked at the noisy hall, and said, "Isn't it bothered by the money? Ye Tian, there are many gates in this stock market"

In this era, the big household room is quite a mysterious place in people's eyes. The big household room and the stories that happen inside are always talked about by Yunyun shareholders.

It seems that the people who are in the large household room are all people who call for wind and rain. Their every move has become the focus of observation of many retail investors. It can be said that the rise and fall of the large household room is simply a miniature bonsai in the national securities market.

Ye Tian is not a person in the circle, and Wei Hongjun is not afraid to tell him that he is now in the initial stage of the [Zhong] national securities market, with a small number of stocks and less circulation, so there is a serious imbalance between supply and demand.

These days, slightly larger customers have the strength to manipulate some stocks with smaller circulating disks.

The reason why Wei Hongjun has been able to make a fortune in the stock market in the past two years is that it has conspired with these large households to make a lot of wealth by building positions, washing dishes, pulling up and shipping.

With a huge amount of capital, these big families of the Wei Hong Army can indeed call for trouble in the stock market. The reason why the small retail investors I just saw just now want to get close to the Wei Red Army and have a relationship is that they just hoping to make some gossip and make some money.

Wei Hongjun was also operating the shares of Bank of China with several large investors this time, but they were not lucky this time and encountered the introduction of a series of policies, and the Bank of China also took the lead because of its chaotic management and was directly taken over by the central bank.

"No wonder the Red Guard is not the loss this time." After listening to the explanation of the Red Guard, Ye Tian also understood in his heart that he had made enough money in the past few years.

Although the failure of the operation of Bank of China shares directly reduced his money by half, compared with the funds he invested in the stock market, the Wei Hongjun still made a lot of money.

"The environment here is really good." As soon as he got to the second floor, Ye Tian felt the coolness brought by the air conditioner.

Compared with those investors who endured the hot weather and gathered in the bustling environment of the stock trading hall and looked up at the digital on the electronic board, the environment on the second floor is undoubtedly much better.

But even if it is a large household room, it is divided into three, six and nine.

According to the introduction of Wei Hongjun, there is usually 100,000 yuan to go up to the second floor, but those people can only sit in the small space separated in the hall. Of course, one computer per person can be guaranteed.

As for people who invest more than one million yuan in the stock market, they have a separate fully enclosed office. This privacy also makes it more convenient for real big investors to operate on the stock market.

"Good morning, Mr. Wei..." "Mr. Wei, I'm late today..."

"Mr. Wei, would you like to have a few drinks at noon?"

Walking on the second floor, there are also many people greeting the Wei Hongjun. For these prospective big families, the Wei Hongjun is still unattainable.

"Hey, something has been delayed. Haven't it opened yet?"

"Mr. Wang, you're welcome. I can't do it today. I have something else to do. I'll invite you tomorrow." Wei Hongjun's attitude towards these people on the second floor is obviously much better. He said one by one with a smile on his face and took Ye Tian to the front of his own big corpse room.

A beautiful girl who has been following them since they went to the second floor, took out the key and helped the Red Army open the door.

In the east of the whole second floor, the structure of the door is triangular, the bathroom is located at the point of the triangle, and the door of the large room is on the opposite central axis, directly facing the bathroom.

When the girl opened the door and saw Ye Tian standing around at the door, Wei Hongjun waved and said, "1 Xiaoli, help me make a pot of tea. You know the best tea..." "Ye Tian, what's wrong?"

After Xiaoli's back, Wei Hongjun found that Ye Tian's eyes were staring straight at the opposite side of the door and said, "It's a bathroom, which is specially decorated for us. It hasn't been done for a month..." At this point, Wei Hongjun seemed to recall. He couldn't help looking at the bathroom and said Ye Tian, isn't that the problem there?

"Let me take a look


Ye Tian nodded and walked to the bathroom, but halfway, he turned back and said, "Uncle Wei, there was a large potted plant in the middle, right?"

Wei Hongjun was stunned when he heard the words and replied, "Yes, but the potted plant is a little in the way. I asked the people of the securities company to move it away..."

"Uncle Wei, no one cares about you about this matter. You recruited it yourself." After hearing Wei Hongjun's words, Ye Tian smiled bitterly.

: The fourth update, congratulations on the love of the lamb. Thank you for your strong support.