Genius Master

Chapter 94 Pointing

... What do you say one by one, one by one? After I heard Ye Tian's words, the expression on Wei Hongjun's face was very wonderful. Pointing to the place where the pot was originally placed, he asked in disbelief, "Ye Tian, is it because of the potted plant?" Ye Tian nodded and said with certainty, "If I'm not mistaken, it should be like this, Uncle Wei. Although it's just a potted plant, whether to move or not, the impact on feng shui here is completely different..."

According to the theory of feng shui metaphysics, heaven and earth are divided into yin and yang. As long as there is a space where it exists, there is yin evil spirit and good luck. Whether it is at home or office, it is impossible to avoid it.

The strength of the yin evil spirit is also unevenly distributed in different places. Generally speaking, the most filthy place in a place, of course, it is necessary to count the toilet.

The door of the office of the Red Army is facing the toilet door.

In addition, the office is at the axis of a triangle. After the flow of the evil spirit, it will be gathered at this point. That is to say, the evil spirit of the whole second floor points to the office of the Wei Hongjun.

Originally, a potted plant was placed between the two doors, which can block the filthy atmosphere of the toilet and change the circulation of the yin qi on the whole second floor.

But who knew that Wei Hongjun didn't know which tendon of his head was wrong, but let people move the potted plant away. In this way, the feng shui pattern was completely changed, and the spirit of Yinsha was all gathered in his direction.

Although the evil spirit here is all formed naturally, which is far less than the feng shui killing situation clothed by Ye Tian in those years, if the time is a little longer, Wei Hongjun will not say that he will be a loss of money, even he will at least be seriously ill.

"Damn, it turned out to be like this, Ye Tian, you go to the office to sit down, and I'll find someone to move the potted plant back..." After hearing Ye Tian's explanation, Wei Hongjun patted his thigh angrily and didn't have time to greet Ye Tian. He hurried to find the person in charge of the I'm not afraid to toss those staff.

Looking at Wei Hongjun's wind and fire, Ye Tian shook his head with a smile, pushed open the door of the large household room, looked up, and the bitter smile on his face that had just dissipated returned to his face.

This large room dedicated to the Wei Hong Army covers an area of about 20 square meters. A large boss table is facing the door, and there is a row of black leather sofas and a coffee table on the right.

On the wall behind the boss's desk, there is a volume of enlarged modern imitations from Wang Ximeng in the Song Dynasty.

The picture displayed in front of Ye Tian is full of mountains and rivers. The rivers are intertwined, the smoke and waves are vast, and the momentum is very magnificent. Hanging in this office, it looks magnificent.

However, from the perspective of feng shui, this painting is equivalent to a life-threatening charm. The lines of the whole painting are fierce and horizontal, which will give people a very bad psychological hint. Moreover, the Song painting is multi-colored and dark, which has the effect of absorbing evil and gathering yin.

In Ye Tian's opinion, if it hadn't been for Wei Hongjun's strong popularity, he would have been sitting under this painting for a long time. I'm afraid he would have been seriously ill at this moment.

"Hurry up, put it here, yes, yes, it's here, 1 be careful..."

Just as Ye Tian was looked at the layout of the large household room, Wei Hongjun shouted at several people and put a large indoor potted plant more than two meters high on the original position.

"Mr. Wei, didn't you think you were in the way a few days ago? Why is this moving back again?" A man who looked like a manager in a suit and leather shoes asked Wei Hongcao with some puzzlement.

Wei Hongjun smiled and said, "There is no grass in this office building and it's not good-looking. It's done. Just put it here, Manager Wang, Quanjude in the evening, I'll be the host." "Yes, Mr. Wei's treat me. That's really a big eater. I'll definitely


Manager Wang of the stock exchange obviously did not associate Wei Hongjun's behavior with the feng shui pattern. After hearing Wei Hongjun's words, he didn't ask any more questions and left when the staff arranged the potted plants.

"Ye Tian, what are you looking at?"

Put the potted plants back in place, and Wei Hongjun pushed the door of the office. "The potted plants have been put back, and there will be nothing to do in the future, right?

"The feng shui outside must be all right, but..." Ye Tian shook his head, pointed to the picture of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and asked Wei Hongjun, "Uncle Wei, how long has this painting been hanging? Don't you have it in your previous office?

Hearing that the feng shui outside had returned to normal, Wei Hongjun's face showed a happy face and casually said, "I didn't have it before. A friend gave it to me last month. It happened to be decorated here and hung up. What's wrong? Is there something wrong with this painting?" There is no problem with the painting, but there is a problem with the place where it is hung. Uncle Wei, please take this painting down. It's not appropriate to hang it..." Ye Tian is too lazy to tell him the reason. It's not an ordinary waste of words to explain to the layman.

"Well, okay, I'll take it off right away..." Wei Hongjun quickly moved a chair and took down the painting. When the businessman said about feng shui, he would still hold the idea of being more or less credible.

"Ye Tian, look, what's wrong with Uncle Wei?" After taking off the painting, Wei Hongjun asked Ye Tian carefully.

Ye Tian shook his head when he heard the words and said, "There is no other problem, but Uncle Wei, this feng shui can change people's luck, but it is not immediate. You have to solve the problems you had some time ago by yourself..."

"That's it, that's it, I know..."

Wei Hongjun nodded repeatedly. He is not the only one who was trapped by the Bank of China. Now he is trying to find a way. If it really doesn't work, he will cut the meat and withdraw from the market. The Red Army still has the courage.

"That's right..." Ye Tian suddenly remembered something and looked at Wei Hongjun and asked, "Uncle Wei, you care so much about the feng shui pattern at home. Why don't you ask the person who helps you with the feng shui pattern at home to show the feng shui in the office?" Ye Tian looked at the layout of the porch of Wei Hongjun's home, which was definitely done by people who were well feng shui. If that man could come here to have a look, Wei Hongjun would not have fallen in such a big way some time ago.

"I thought so, but the master is from Hong Kong. By chance, I asked him to go home to have a look. Now he has already gone back..."

Wei Hongjun smiled bitterly when he heard the words. He was the feng shui of the family he asked the master to show him in 1992. At that time, he spent 100,000 yuan of "hard work" when he got two or three hundred yuan a month's salary, which was an astronomical figure.

You know, when the master came to Beijing at that time, the people around him were enough to make the Wei Hongjun look up to him. If it hadn't been for the Wei Hongjun who could talk to the master, he wouldn't have invited others at all.

The man went to Wei Hongjun's house, took a compass and looked around. He casually drew a picture of the porch, pointing out a few points of placing objects. There was not even half an hour before and after. Wei Hongjun respectfully sent 100,000 yuan of "hard work". Originally, Wei Hongjun felt a little worthless, but from yesterday After Ye Tian told him about the feng shui at home, Wei Hongjun realized that he really had to pay for a penny, and other people's 100,000 yuan was not in vain.

In fact, Wei Hongjun doesn't understand that feng shui and people's own luck are complementary to each other. Some people with poor luck can gather qi through feng shui to make their fortune prosperous.

And those who have strong luck, who are often in places with bad feng shui, will also weaken their own fortune. Just like those who have strong feng shui and their own luck at home like Wei Hongjun, can't avoid breaking money and eliminating disasters.

"Hehe, the feng shui master in Hong Kong is really a foreign monk who likes to recite scriptures"

Hearing Wei Hongjun talk about the reason for this matter, Ye Tian laughed. Ye Tian once studied this phenomenon, which has a lot to do with Sinology.

Due to some measures taken by the post-liberation government, in just a few decades, the traditional culture that has been circulating in the country for thousands of years has been almost completely forgotten.

It's like a three- or five-year-old child who went to a private school in ancient times can shake his head and recite the Three-character Classics. Now few people can learn some basic classical Chinese, which can only be learned in high school and college.

It can be said that Sinology has lost its proper status and glory in the mainland.

However, in Hong Kong and Taiwan, it is a different situation. In the war years when the domestic situation was relatively chaotic half a century ago, many people with profound national literature went to settle in these two places, which had a great impact on the development of local culture.

In modern times, traditional Chinese characters are still used in these two places. The question of which engraving is better will not be discussed, but it is undeniable that in some places in Hong Kong, Taiwan and even abroad, the preservation and inheritance of traditional Chinese culture is much more complete than that in China.

As a feng shui metaphysics that is inseparable from the traditional culture of [China], it should naturally become more popular in these places, just like the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong film. It is necessary to ask Mr. Feng Shui to choose an auspicious day to worship Master Guan. This is not a superstition, but more of a tradition.

"Uncle Wei, you're all right here. I have classes in the afternoon, or I'll go back first?" Ye Tian just pointed out some of the indoor and outdoor feng shui pattern of this large family. Although it is of great significance to the Wei Hongjun, it is really a trivial matter in Ye Tian's eyes.

Ye Tian doesn't want to exaggerate. As for how much money Wei Hongjun is willing to give, it depends on his own mind.

"Ye Tian, why don't you play with me today and have dinner together tonight?"

Wei Hongjun is still a little unconsertable. Anyway, the "master" last time still observed with a compass for more than half an hour. Ye Tian is leaving in less than 20 minutes. Isn't it too fast?