Genius Master

Chapter 782 The Disaster of Blood and Light

"Hey, this is really ice and fire!"

More than ten hours later, Ye Tian got off the plane that landed in Cape Town and suddenly felt a heat wave coming. Compared with Siberia, which now has to wear thick clothes, it is like two worlds.

"Is this Mr. Zhao?"

When Ye Tian walked out of the airport exit, a middle-aged man in his thirties greeted him, like Ye Tian stretched out his right hand.

"Mr. Zhao?" Ye Tian was stunned when he heard the words, but he immediately realized that the surname used on his fake passport was surnamed Zhao.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm Qiao Fenglin, the head of South Africa Guanhua Investment Co., Ltd."

shook hands with Ye Tian, and Qiao Fenglin said with a smile on his face, "The car has been waiting outside. Let's go out."

"All right, please, Mr. Joe."

Ye Tian nodded. He could see that Mr. Qiao seemed to have a harmless smile on his face, but in fact, there was a faint light in his eyes, showing that his identity was definitely not just a company manager.

And Ye Tian also knows that in foreign consulates, those counselors and military officers are people who openly exercise espionage work.

And some so-called investment companies are people who secretly collect information about this country. At present, Qiao Fenglin must be shouldering this kind of responsibility.

After the two left the airport and came to the parking lot, Qiao Fenglin gave Ye Tian to an SUV and drove away from the airport.

"Mr. Joe, this car has been modified, right? Is the security in Cape Town chaotic?" The other party did not take the initiative to speak. Ye Tian naturally won't ask, so he turned his attention to the off-road vehicle he was riding.

This is a Japanese car that is more common abroad, but Ye Tian found that the car has not only been modified with bulletproof glass, but also the door is equipped with steel plates. If he hadn't seen the sign in the car, Ye Tianyi would have thought it was an American car.

"Mr. Zhao, it's not chaos. There is no public security in South Africa!"

After hearing Ye Tian's words, Qiao Fenglin smiled bitterly. Seeing that Ye Tian did not close the window, he quickly closed it and said, "Here in South Africa. On average, a robbery/treachery incident occurs in dozens of seconds, and several robbery cases occur every minute..."

As Qiao Fenglin spoke, he took out his right hand under the seat, took out a five-shot rifle, and then said, "Mr. Zhao, this is different from China. If your car window is not closed, when you reach the traffic light, you may be robbed with a gun to your head at any time!"

Qiao Fenglin suffered this kind of loss when he first came to Cape Town. He drove an ordinary car. It was at the traffic light that the glass was smashed and his handbag was taken away with a gun pointed at his head.

"So messy? So how does this country develop?

Ye Tian was stunned when he heard the words. If the public security of a country is so chaotic, who will invest here? Isn't this a self-digging grave?

"South Africa is not afraid that no one will come."

Qiao Fenglin smiled and said, "Here are the largest diamond and gold mines in the world. It can be said that there is wealth everywhere. What is the chaos of public security? As long as you have money, a lot of people are willing to invest here!"

"People die for money, and birds die for food."

Ye Tian nodded and said bluntly, "Mr. Qiao, I don't want to stay here longer. When can you help me go back to China?

According to Ye Tian's meaning, he couldn't wait to get off the plane at Cape Town International Airport and immediately transfer to the flight back to China. However, with Song Haotian's kind arrangement, Ye Tian always wanted to give the old man some face.

After hearing Ye Tian's words, Qiao Fenglin said apologetically, "Mr. Zhao, I'm sorry that you came so suddenly. Some procedures have not been completed yet."

From Ye Tian's appearance in Russia to his arrival in Cape Town, it was only more than 20 hours apart. Although the people under Song Haotian were magical and thousands of miles away, they also needed time to deal with this matter.

And there was a small change in the process, that is, "Ye Tian" is traveling in the Americas with his passport at this moment, so he still needs to use Mr. Zhao's identity to stay in Cape Town for a few days.

Of course, only a few people know about this matter. Qiao Fenglin in front of him has no access. The notice he received is just to receive and arrange for Ye Tian to move in.

After listening to Qiao Fenglin's explanation, Ye Tian said helplessly, "Okay, try to do it as soon as possible. I have something else to do when I go back to China."

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, I will deal with it as soon as possible."

With that, Qiao Fenglin drove the car to the door of a very luxuriously decorated hotel and said, "I have booked a room. You can go in and show your passport to get the room card. Mr. Zhao, if you have anything to do these days, just call me!"

For people like Qiao Fenglin, in addition to collecting some information abroad, there is also a very important job, that is, reception. Every year, he receives all kinds of people.

The confidentiality level of Ye Tian's matter is obviously beyond what Qiao Fenglin can know, so he only regards Ye Tian as one of his many receptionists and has no special care.

"Mr. Joe, then I won't bother you."

Ye Tian nodded with a smile, pushed the door, got out of the car and walked into the hotel, took out the passport with his photo, and got the room card and entered the room.

Although he doesn't care much about Ye Tian's reception, the hotel arranged by Qiao Fenglin is still good. Ye Tian lives on the 28th floor. Standing by the window of the hotel, he can overlook half of Cape Town.

"When you come here, you can always call home, right?"

He casually threw the backpack given to him by Fu Zhengming on the sofa. Ye Tian picked up the hotel's phone. After thinking about it, he did not call home, but dialed Malakai's mobile phone.

"Who are you? Who are you looking for?"

The phone rang more than a dozen times before it was answered there. Maracay's voice came from the microphone. Obviously, he was vigilant enough about this strange number.

Malakai can't be cautious. Although he successfully escaped from Russia with Dong Dazhuang's uncle and nephew three months ago, as a foreigner who stayed in Siberia during that ** period, Malakai was also included in a blacklist.

In the past three months, there have been many new faces around Maracay, and even several emergencies have occurred. If Malacay hadn't been careful enough, he was afraid that he would have been invited to a Russian department for coffee.

"Lao Ma, it's me!"

Ye Tian's English with Beijing accent stunned Malakai at the end of the microphone, and an exclamation came out: "Boss? Are still alive?"

If this call was made by Maracay's love at the beginning of 20th year, he would not be so surprised, but listening to Ye Tian's voice, Malakai had a creepy feeling.

You know, after sending Dong Dazhuang's uncle and nephew back to the capital, Maracay got the news from his peers that Russia dispatched 100,000 troops to kill a powerful Chinese in Siberia.

This news made Maracay take it for granted that it was Ye Tian who died, and he even tried to get back the 20 million promised by Ye Tian.

So at this moment, when he suddenly heard Ye Tian's voice, there was a chill in Mara Kai's heart, and he almost got goose bumps.

"Nonsense, is it a ghost talking to you on the phone when you die?"

Listening to Maracay's voice changed because of fear, Ye Tian said angrily, "Lao Ma, tell me a brief story over there. If the task is completed, I will transfer the money to you in full!"

" it really the boss?"

After all, Maracay also fought in the rain of bullets. After the initial consterilation, he had woken up and quickly said, "Dong Dazhuang's uncle and nephew have been handed over to the man named Zhu Weifeng. They did not have any danger."

Originally, Maracay wanted to exaggerate the difficulties of escaping from Siberia with Dong Dazhuang, but when he thought of Ye Tian's means of escaping safely from thousands of troops, he immediately dispelled that thought.

"Okay, I know. The money will be transferred to your account as soon as half a month and as slowly as a month."

Hearing that Dong Dazhuang's uncle and nephew had been handed over to Zhu Weifeng, Ye Tian was also relieved. When he was about to hang up the phone, a picture suddenly flashed in his mind and he hurriedly said, "Lao Ma, you haven't been very peaceful recently. Let's go to China for a few days, otherwise there will

I don't know if it's because of great progress in cultivation, even Ye Tian's divination has changed. As long as he thinks of someone in his mind now, there will naturally be some pictures about that person.

Just now, when talking to Malakai, Ye Tian "seeed" the scene of Lao Ma running away after being chased by a group of people, so he opened his mouth to remind him.

"The disaster of blood and light? What does it mean? Although Maracay has studied Chinese for a few days, it is obviously not deep enough to understand idioms.

Looking at a scattered picture in his mind, Ye Tian suppressed his smile and said, "It's the meaning that you didn't pay for whoring, and you were beaten to death. Do you understand?"

"I understand... I understand, but boss, how do you know that I didn't pay for a woman some time ago?" Maracay was a little silly when he heard the words, and his face was full of incredible look.

A month ago, in order to avoid the tracking of Russian agents, Maracay strayed into the home of a single woman. Originally, he thought it was an affair, but he didn't expect that it was a prostitute/woman. After a rainstorm, he reached out and asked him for 500 dollars.

But at that time, Maracay could only find a five-dollar steel rigged on his body. Just as he was about to leave with his trousers, the woman gave him a vase on his head.

Although I couldn't do anything about Maracay this time, there was a cut on my head, which was in response to the bloody disaster mentioned by Ye Tian... It's terrible, it's three o'clock again. The fat man is working very hard. It's Monday. Please recommend tickets for support. We don'

. RQ