Genius Master

Chapter 783 Song Xiaolong's Message

"No more nonsense, believe it or not, I'll hang up first."

The picture in his mind made Ye Tian's impression of Malakai's modest gentleman collapse. Sure enough, the biting dog did not bark. Ye Tian never thought that the old horse, who was usually calm and unusually calm, was the same virtue in private.

In fact, it is no wonder that Maracay. You know, most of the places where international mercenaries go in and out are places of war.

They are making money with their heads. If they live today, they may die tomorrow, so few people want to save money or something. The money they earn is either thrown in the casino or posted on a woman's belly.

After hanging up Malakai's phone, Ye Tian thought for a moment and dialed Zhu Weifeng's mobile phone number again.

"Hey, who is it?" After the phone was connected, Zhu Weifeng's voice seemed a little tired.

"I'm Ye Tian. How is Lao Dong now?"

Ye Tian didn't talk nonsense and asked about Dong Shenghai directly. Although what happened in Thailand was caused by the greed of Dong Zhu and the two, the national teacher was against Ye Tian.

"Ye Tian?!"

Zhu Weifeng's voice suddenly raised eight degrees, and then there was a sound of broken glass from the microphone, but Zhu Weifeng was drinking red wine at home, and the glass fell to the ground.

Unable to wipe the red wine on his trousers and shoes, Zhu Weifeng shouted to the microphone, "Ye Tian, are you all right? Hey, buddy, I'm so worried!"

For ordinary people, what happens in neighboring countries is too far away from their lives that no one will care about it.

But Zhu Weifeng was different. When the news came from Moscow that the gang had been purged. He immediately realized that this was definitely what Ye Tian did.

It's just a matter of the Moscow gang. Zhu Weifeng will not be shocked, because he knows that Ye Tian has this ability.

But when the news of Lofsky's death spread to China, he really shocked Zhu Weifeng. He didn't expect that Ye Tian had done such a big thing.

You should know that Elovsky's position in the Russian army. It is almost equivalent to the status of his founding father's grandfather in China. How can Russia give up when he died in such an inexplicable way?

Just as Zhu Weifeng guessed. Russia's military exercise shocked the whole world, and what worried Zhu Weifeng most was after the beginning of the military exercise. Ye Tian became incompable.

In the past few months, Zhu Weifeng has used various relationships to find out Ye Tian's news, but he has not been able to find out Ye Tian's whereabouts. In his heart, Ye Tian has actually been sentenced to death.

So after receiving this call, Mr. Zhu was more appropriate to use the word scare than a surprise. When he first heard Ye Tian's voice, he almost turned over from the chair.

"Can I call you if I have something to do?"

Ye Tian rolled his eyes, and this buddy reacted the same as Mara Kai. You must think that you shouldn't live in this world, right?

"Ye Tian, where are you? Is this a foreign phone call?"

Zhu Weifeng took a deep breath, calmed down and said, "Tell me a place. Dude, I'll fly over right away. Thank you very much. That's so beautiful!"

Zhu Weifeng has grown so big that he has never suffered such a loss as Thailand. Not only was he almost killed by himself, but also Dong Shenghai became disabled in order to save him.

Ye Tian swept the Russian gang. He even killed Froz in Siberia. After learning the news, Zhu Weifeng and Dong Shenghai drank up a box of Maotai.

"I'll be back in a few days. You don't have to come over."

Ye Tian interrupted Zhu Weifeng's incoherent words and said, "How is Lao Dong now? I sent Dong Dazhuang back to him and brought a son.

"Ye Tian, Lao Dong lay on the ground and kowtowed to you three times at that time. You did a really beautiful thing. I thank you for Lao Dong. Why don't I also kowtow to you three times?"

It is the first time that Zhu Weifeng has grown so big that he has spoken to others in such sincere words. He owes Dong Shenghai a life. Even if he is asked to kowtow to Ye Tian, Zhu Weifeng is also willing.

"Get out of here. I'm not dead yet. Why are you kowtoing?"

Ye Tian was stunned for a moment when he heard the words. Listening to Zhu Weifeng's tone, Dong Shenghai seemed not to be with him. After scolding angrily on the phone, he asked, "Where's the old Dong?"

"Lao Dong went to San Francisco last month. He still has some industry there. Ye Tian, don't worry, I have arranged someone to follow him. There will be no problem with safety."

Great revenge, the family still has a seed, and Dong Shenghai has gradually recovered.

It's just that he has spent most of his life abroad and is really not used to living in China. Finally, he insisted on going to the Hongmen headquarters in San Francisco, where he still has some industries that he wants to inherit for his son and grandson.

"Well, there is this disaster in Lao Dong's life. It's a great blessing that he didn't hurt his life. He can enjoy his old age in the future."

After hearing Zhu Weifeng's words, Ye Tian nodded and asked, "After the death of Froz, how is the black market boxing ring in Japan, Thailand and Russia now?"

"It's messy, even more messy than messy!"

Zhu Weifeng smiled bitterly and said, "Those black market boxing fields are controlled by Franz. Under the heads of the dragons, the world's black market boxing organizations have intervened, and it is impossible to fight!"

These black market boxing arenas in Asia have mature markets, especially in Thailand and Japan, which are comparable to the black market boxing fields in Las Vegas. When Franz died, he immediately attracted the attention of many crocodiles.

Because Franz was too strong in his lifetime, no one could control the situation after his death, so except for Moscow, where the bloody case had just happened, places like Japan and Thailand, many people die every day because of fighting.

"Wolfs always eat meat. Let them fight!" Ye Tian raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile, "What about you? You get the moon first. Didn't you take action?"


Zhu Weifeng sighed and said, "Ye Tian, to tell you the truth, my brother has fallen this time, and I have closed the domestic black market boxing ring, not to mention foreign..."

In fact, the domestic bosses know all the things Zhu Weifeng did, but for the face of his deceased grandfather, he turned a blind eye, and no one has ever been serious with him.

However, what happened in Russia this time is actually related to Zhu Weifeng, which is a big deal.

After Lofsky's death, Zhu Weifeng was investigated for more than a month. Not long ago, the wind loosened and his freedom was restored, but in the black market boxing ring, Zhu Weifeng did not want to continue to operate.

And after this, Zhu Weifeng's stimulating nature has almost been honed. He turned the scene out as early as a month ago, and now it seems to be run by a swindler in the capital, who is engaged in dog fighting gambling.

"That's good, okay, I have something else to do, so I'll hang up first!"

When he heard the news he wanted to know, Ye Tian hung up the phone directly without waiting for Zhu Weifeng to say more. The boy's stimulation this time seemed to be light, and he was like a nonsense on the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Tian rubbed his fingers on the phone. When this phone was dialed out, he had to be scolded.

After thinking for a long time, Ye Tian still dialed his mother's mobile phone number and listened to the "dudu" sound from the microphone. Ye Tian, who did not change his face in front of thousands of troops and horses, actually accelerated a little.

When the other party was connected, Ye Tian quickly piled up a smile on his face and said with an almost flattering smile, "Mom, it's me, Ye Tian."

"Bad boy, are you willing to call back? What are you busy with? I haven't heard from you for months? If you don't come back, your daughter-in-law will run away!"

When Song Weilan usually speaks in front of people, she always speaks slowly. Only Ye Dongping and this careless son will make a look like a Hedong lion roar.

"Huh? Mom, don't you know what I did?"

Ye Tian was stunned at first, and then couldn't laugh or cry. He dared to be overshadowed by the old man Song Haotian. He must have made up a reason to hide what he had done.

This is also the case. Song Haotian was afraid that his daughter would be worried and told Ye Tian to go abroad to deal with some things. It is estimated that he could not contact his family for a while.

If not, Song Weilan would not be in the mood to live in the capital. I'm afraid that the mercenaries who had already spent a lot of money have gone to Russia.

After hearing her son's words, Song Weilan said angrily, "Your grandfather is mysterious and unwilling to say it. How can I know what you have done? Where are you now?

Song Weilan still believes in her virtuous old father very much, so she didn't worry much about Ye Tian's safety, but blamed him for not contacting his family.

"Mom, I'm in Cape Town, South Africa. I can go back in a week at the latest!"

Hearing that his mother did not mean to blame himself, Ye Tian couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief. Although he could be cold-blooded and ruthless in the face of the enemy, Ye Tian valued family affection very much.

"Are you in Cape Town? What are you doing there?" After knowing her son's position, Song Weilan's tone in the microphone suddenly became a little unnatural.

"Mom, what's wrong? What's the problem?" Although he has not lived with his mother for a long time, Ye Tian can still hear a trace of worry in his mother's voice.

Song Weilan denied, "No, it's okay. Just come back early. Come by the way, you should pay attention to safety there. The security in South Africa is very bad!"

"Mom, are you hiding something from me?" Ye Tian frowned and suddenly lit up in his mind and said, "Mom, is Song Xiaolong in South Africa?"

Ye Tian can still understand his mother's feelings for Song Xiaolong. Although Song Xiaolong has done a lot of things wrong to her, Song Weilan still doesn't know how to deal with him... She is going to squeeze the train tomorrow. The fat man tries to write another chapter and ask for a monthly ticket recommendation ticket!

. RQ