Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 45 Break up with the bitterness

"Oh, what did the fairy think of?" Ling Zongyun Qidao.

"Previously, the spirit tree was devoured by the true qi in my body, and a part of the true qi of Muyuan was actually obtained by me..." Qi Miaoruo said thoughtfully, "Just now, there seemed to be a spiritual light in my mind, which seemed to be an occasional gain, but I can't say what it is. Let me have a try first."

"Good!" Ling Zongyun nodded. You know, if the monk can realize what I realized at the moment when the spiritual light suddenly appeared is very beneficial to improve his skills, he will stand aside and protect the seven wonderful ways.

Qimiao lowered her eyes and meditated, stretched out her white jade arm and took a flower in the shape of her hand. Suddenly, the true breath in her body seemed to move with her heart. Suddenly, an inaudible green light lit up in the middle of the palm of her hand. This green light rose from the heart of her hand and slowly flew over the two people, but did not enter a locust tree beside the roadside. I went in.

In an instant, Qi Miao felt a faint breath of life flowing in these locust trees.

At this moment, there was a buzz in the seven wonderful consciousness, and her ears were full of the rustling sound of branches. She was stunned for a moment and looked up. The night was quietly silent. Ling Zongyun looked at herself with a concerned face, but the surrounding scenery was silent.

She closed her eyes again and tried to capture the message conveyed by the swaying sound of the tree. This time, the voice became clearer and more real. Slowly, she heard it. She heard the locust tree chanting her name. He said that his name was Dragon Claw Acacia.

Looking up, these locust trees that originally looked ferocious and clawed are no longer as scary as ghosts.

She listened more carefully, as if every locust tree was shaking its branches and leaves and making a rattling sound to him. She caught it with her heart and gradually understood the long and sad mourning of the locust trees: they were mourning the companion who was shattered by a sword, and they were also mourning the departure of the old master. They are still sad about the tragedy of the spirit tree.

She really felt that these locust trees, the roots of their roots, were tightly grasped, deeply rooted at the feet of her and Ling Zongyun, spreading in every inch of the land where she was still, and coldly watched the story of every scene that happened on this land.

At this moment, Qi Miao clearly felt that they had become her ears, and they had also become her eyes.

She looked along these eyes and saw Xiao Tianxu holding Mr. Jingliu's body, flying north for a while, and then

Turn back to the southeast. He flew by in a hurry, as if to tear up layers of darkness

"Mado, follow me..." She said to Ling Zongyun, and then jumped high and rushed to the bottomless night sky...

After Ling Zongyun followed Qi Miao, the two flew in the vain night sky, and the night looked like a face everywhere

color, but the seven wonderful eyes clearly flashed with different brilliance. The two people either turned around or went straight forward for more than half a cup of tea. The surrounding scenery was still faint. However, in the seven wonderful eyes, there was a trace of joy, and the expression on their faces seemed to see a glimmer of hope.

The sky shook, and the two broke through a hazy fog. What appeared in front of them was the strange stone and the foothills of Lingyan with green trees. They were happy and flew down from mid-air.

When he looked back, the quiet residence seemed to be swallowed up by the layer of Liu Lan behind him, and his color could no longer be seen.

At this time, the two finally left the quiet residence. At this time, they thought carefully about the story that happened this night, and it was like falling into a dream. Looking back on Mr. Jingliu's sad life, it was not limited to sighing.

In several wars, Ling Zongyun and Qi Miao supported each other, and the friendship between them also emerged from it. At this time, they got out of danger and smiled at each other. Ling Zongyun smiled and said to Qi Miao: "Today, I was able to get rid of the ban of the quiet residence array, and helped me understand the strange poison in my body. The fairy's contribution is really high. Zongyun is very ashamed and has never thought of anything. What a good way to crack this array is to grow for dozens of years.

"Don't say that, Taoist priest. You and I met by chance, but I have been rescued by you many times. I should thank the Taoist priest well." Qi Miao's words were sincere. She thought that in order to save him, Ling Zongyun gambled with Xiao Tianxu and suffered three palms, and then in order to protect her, she also risked to carry Yuangong to take her away. Naturally, she was grateful from the bottom of her heart.

Ling Zongyun is a noble man who is empty and doesn't like to be pretentious. At this moment, he hears Qi Miao's words and is sincere, so he is not pretending to be modest. He thought for a moment and said to Qi Miao, "This matter is over. The fairy should leave as soon as possible, take Jinling to the north to go to sea, and return to Lingxia Island as soon as possible, and let the master know the immortals. You protect and practice in isolation to completely refine the cold and true qi in your body.

Hearing this, Qi Miao was gloomy again, but she immediately thought that after she got this true qi, she really didn't bring any harm to herself except that she could not recover the man's body for the time being. On the contrary, she saved her life and absorbed some Muyuan Zhenqi.

Moreover, although her fake Zhang Tingwan can't really go to Lingxia Island to meet Tong Xiaoxian, the first person of the right path, she believes that her cultivation can fight against her. Lei Ruotong, who stands at the peak of the demon religion, should have a way to save her.

In the worst, he handed his true spirit to Lei Ruotong, rebalanced the demon forces, and saved Danyang and the sect from the war, and he gave up his life without regret.

Thinking of this, Qi Miao smiled quietly and said, "So I go north, but I don't know what my plan is to grow?"

"Alas, I'm going to go to Wang Xueyu's house to worship, and then rush back to Daotong to see my two daughters. There are right and wrong in this world, and Zongyun doesn't want to get involved anymore."

At this time, he groped out a brown-red rectangular wooden card from his arms, which was painted with two simple and powerful characters in black paint: Daotong, he handed this wooden card to Qi Miao, and the latter took it with a little doubt.

"This card is a token of my Taoism. Seeing this, it is like seeing the leader, and I will give it to the fairy here. After the fairy's future success is unimpeded, you can come to Yangming Mountain Daotong to find me." Ling Zongyun brushed his beard and smiled.

"Well, I will definitely visit." Qi Miao was stunned, blinked his eyes and replied, "So Taoist priest, let's say goodbye here."

"Okay, see you later!" Ling Zongyun arched his hand.

"There will be a later" Qi Miao gave a gift. At this moment, the sun had just climbed through the branches of the mountain, and the sun shone obliquely on Qi Miao's face. Her face became more and more beautiful, and her eyes were brighter and more bright. She smiled lightly, and she was as fresh and bright as fresh after the rain.

The two looked at each other for a moment, suddenly smiled, and then moved forward separately.