Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 50 Three Thousand White Hairs

The woman frowned deeply and sighed softly, as if she swallowed the original resentment and expectation. After a while, she raised her head, changed her face with a resolute expression, and said to Tong Xiaoxian:

"Teacher, before Tong'er came here, she had two wishes in her heart. The first wish is to be buried on this Lingxia Island and accompany you for a long time. If you can fulfill this wish, then there is no need to mention the second one..."

Tong Xiaoxian didn't answer, and the woman said as if talking to herself:

"The first wish, if you can't agree, this second one is..." She bit her lip, and her temperament suddenly changed. She saw a sharp and decisive murderous intention on her body, and the resentment on her face was also replaced by a resolute and decisive look. She shouted, "Tong'er, who wants to be a teacher in this life Life and death!"

"Hmm?" The fairy's expression moved, but she saw the strong wind suddenly rise under the woman's body. She raised her head and flew into the air, then pulled out the silver handpin from her head and suddenly pricked it in her heart. Suddenly, she saw the woman's scream, and the blood on her chest immediately aroused a bloody dance. With this, the woman's whole body suddenly rose to the peak. The skirt floated in the wind, and 3,000 beautiful hairs flew into the sky.

In the surging blood color, the woman waved her hand to sacrifice an object. When she looked at the fairy, she saw that it was a purple gold method/wheel of one large and one small two circles, and the wheel was densely engraved with Sanskrit spells. She recited the spell with her true breath, and the object suddenly shone brightly, and there was a thunder and lightning sound.

"Zi Lei's military..." He was shocked when he saw this treasure, but he smiled bitterly.

Then, he slowly put the piece of fragrant jade in his sleeve, looked at the woman, and slowly said to her: Tonger, sacrifice your own magic weapon, your death has come..."

The woman stood proudly and said harshly, "If you can't think about what you think and do what you do, how about immortality? What I want in my life is to destroy the jade, and I don't regret it!"

With a resolute face, she flew to the deep space with her head held high. The purple thunder soldier rolled up the strong wind and rotated quickly, and suddenly there was a strange sound tearing the world. Nine days away, Xuanlei stirred.

At this moment, the wind and clouds changed dramatically, and the thunderous dragons and snakes stirred fiercely from the nine days. On Lingxia Island, the sound of thunder and thunder suddenly roared.


About half a day later, a group of white light galloped from the sky, and the white light fell on Lingxia Island. A young man dressed in Confucian clothes came out of this group of light. The man's face was slightly tired, but the dusty servant could not hide his elegant and elegant color. This person was Zhou Hanzhi, who participated in the intercepting of the demon road.

A day ago, he carefully laid out and successfully killed the master of the demon religion. However, before the demon lord died, he put down his words and said who would win and who would lose. In order to know, the truth of the matter can naturally be seen when he returned to Lingxia Island.

Zhou Han stopped being suspicious, but he did not dare to neglect it.

Lingxia Island was far away from the world, and then entered Haizhou from Jinling. From this port, he had to go to sea and return thousands of miles. Zhou Han stopped urging Zhenyuan and did not rest day and night, so he hurried back.

At this moment, he raised his eyes and saw that Lingxia Island, which was like a fairyland, was full of signs of decay and destruction. He remembered the safety of the master who knew the immortals and hurried to his cave where he practiced.

This cave was when he was familiar with immortals coming to live in seclusion. Because he was happy with the feng shui of this place, he cut it with a sword along the foot of the mountain and made this cave. Although it was human, it was like a magic work. He was natural. He was familiar with immortals and ordinary and did not like carving. He usually hid in this mountain. In the middle of practice, I have rarely asked about the world since then.

Zhou Hanzhi still remembers that a few days ago, Tongxiaoxian was still here to point out the shortcomings of his practice with his little sister Zhang Tingwan.

He remembered that on the tenth day of June every year, the master always had a bad face. He either sat in front of the door and watched the sunset crying, or hit the stone and sang loudly. His singing was desolate and exciting, like a wash of the sadness in the sky, and like a melancholy that lasted through the ages.

However, at this moment, the originally towering cliff was caused by some huge force and collapsed. I saw a huge gap on the broken cliff, which was a few feet long, slanting across half of the cliff. It was unfathomable, as if it had been sworded by someone with the power of ghosts and gods. Like splitting.

And the cave used by the master to practice was deeply buried by the collapsed and broken rocks.

"Who did it?" Zhou Hanzhi couldn't help but doubt that he had never seen the master have the opportunity to take action before. Don't say anything. Just mentioning the name of fate can scare people away. It seems that the sky and the earth are cracking. He can't imagine who can fight with the master like this.

He thought again: "I don't know where the master is now. If the enemy has retreated, it is impossible for the master not to come out to see me. It's not that the master has something to do..."

He thought so, and couldn't help but be anxious. Now he flew to the top of the cliff and bent down to look at Lingxia Island, but it was full of a burnt yellow and dilapidated scene. The scenery of the past was actually destroyed.

Zhou Han was shocked. He immediately carried out the Yuangong and spread the voice to the whole island:

"The disciple returned to his life and dared to ask where the master is!"

After shouting several times, the echo echoed throughout Lingxia Island. Between heaven and earth, only clouds were surging, the breeze was traced back, and the waves rustled, except for the sound he was looking forward to.

He thought about the master's comfort in his heart. Despite the fatigue of days, he flew up in the sky and mentioned Yuangong again. His eyes flashed with a fine light and slowly searched along the coast of Lingxia Island. Finally, at a seaside outside Lingxia Island, he found him lying cross-legged on a reef and looking at the rising sun.

The sunset fell like a golden fire, and was about to fall into the sea. The clouds appeared in a golden black, and the turbid waves burned. A gust of wind passed, and the immortal hair was scattered. The dignity of a group of immortals seemed to be assimilated with heaven and earth.

Beside him, leaned against a woman in purple. The woman was half charming and had her own indescribable posture. She whispered in the ear of Tongxiaoxian, "Master, thank you for accompanying me to watch the last sunset of heaven and earth."

Knowing the immortals and not saying anything, he held the piece of fragrant jade in his hand. The jade was round and smooth. I don't know how much he rubbed it on weekdays. The jade is simple, and I don't know how much I miss each other.

The woman leaned against the arms of the immortal, and her beautiful eyes stared at the immortal.

"A dream ripple, a dream ripple" She said softly to herself, "Teacher, you are also hypocritical, which is not only a dream. Why do you still have ripples when you wake up from a dream?"

"But as long as I can accompany you and be by your side, it's good. I will allow you to think about that Xuan Niang."

She muttered and seemed to be self-deprecating. She didn't know that there were some grievances and some satisfaction in her words. The marriages on the three-life stone were intertwined. Who is so infatuated? They only want to follow life and death. The entangled feelings in the world, the infatuous men and women, Gamo is like this?

At this time, I only saw Tongxiao Xian sighing and said loudly, "Well, where is free, where is not free."

He suddenly raised his head and laughed, "Fate laughs at me, and the world can laugh at me..."

After saying that, he passed away.