Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 51 Three Thousand White Hairs

Zhou Hanzhi finally found Tong Xiaoxian, but saw that he died suddenly. He was shocked and flew up to the sky like that reef.

His heart was inexplicably shocked, surprised and sad, and filled his heart with all kinds of complex feelings. There were thousands of words to ask and thousands of words to call, but thousands of words were held in his throat, but only two words were squeezed out in exchange for a lifetime of sad shouts:


A trace of shadow has been wiped on the sea, but under the calming sea, it is full of darkness, just like waves of doubts that stopped last week.

"Don't disturb us" The woman turned around and saw Zhou Han rushing eagerly. When she was not far away, the woman returned and threw out a strong force, and the latter stagnated and fell from the air.

Zhou Hanzhi only felt that the woman in front of him waved her hand lightly, and a strong force hit him like a tide of electricity in an instant, and he could not react.

At this moment, it seemed that a huge force of mountain stone was added to him and slapped it on the ground.

He fell on the coast, and the fine gravel cut through his originally elegant and handsome face, and his long robe rolled over the sea sand.

He struggled to stand up, but heard the woman's head not look back and said coldly:

" Just stand there, don't come and disturb us, and don't ask anything..."

She thought for a while and said to Zhou Hanzhi, "Tong Xiaoxian should have something to tell you, so I'll say it for him."

Zhou Hanzhi struggled to get up from the ground. He didn't have time to brush away his confusion, and saw the woman throw another thing. He caught it. It was the green, simple and round ancient jade that the master used to play with. She muttered softly:

"Now that I'm with you, I don't need her..."

These murmurs, and there was a trace of self-deprecation in the sadness, as if it was for Tong Xiaoxian to listen to, and it seemed to be his inner monologue.

Zhou Hanzhi wanted to rush over and take another look at his master, and took a look at the woman's prestige. He always liked to move and easily didn't let himself set foot in the dangerous place, so he was hesitant, but he didn't know whether to ask.

"Your sister Zhang Tingwan was originally the biological daughter of Tongxian. In order to be afraid of the harm of his enemies, he concealed it."

The woman mocked and couldn't help thinking: "enemy? Isn't it about himself, but he doesn't know that he has been his infatuated enemy in his life.

She vaguely felt that the love she had loved in her life did not know herself. How could she hurt his flesh and blood? She shook her head and smiled bitterly at the corners of her mouth, but Zhou Hanzhi couldn't see these. He heard the truth of his sister's life and was even more surprised. At this time, he only heard the woman pause and told him in a cold tone:

"This woman's life is tortuous. She was ambushed by several mysterious people many years ago, her mother was killed, and there is also a twin brother who has been separated for many years but his life and death are uncertain. I have not found any clues about the identity of these mysterious people for many years. If you are willing to investigate, go to the three immortals and keep one of them in the sky. Weapon..."

"Are you?" Zhou Han was shocked and asked in a hurry.

"Enough!" The woman waved her hand, and another strong wind came. Zhou Han couldn't resist it, and his body took a big step back. Go away. The island will soon sink under my blow.

"What" Zhou Han couldn't help but lose his voice.

The woman ignored her again. She looked at the dim sunset, looked at the golden sea and whispered, "In this world, I have no regrets. In this life, I have no regrets. Farewell, this heaven and earth."

The woman held the face of Tong Xiaoxian and stared affectionately.

"Xiaoxian, we can finally be together..."

If you don't miss it, is it that the nostalgic person has gone? There is no regret, is there really no regret? However, a purple light appeared under the woman's body, which caged her and Tongxiao Xian.

At dusk, the sound of the waves was wrapped in purple light. The two slowly faded and changed into two lights. They intertwined with each other and circled to fly into the air. The intertwined, I don't know whether they were lingering or entangled. In this way, they rose higher and higher, and their souls entered the sky. , flying in the sky.

"Master!" Zhou Han stopped shouting. At this time, he could no longer care about his own honor, humiliation and comfort. In the depths of his mind, pictures emerged: the master or kindly coaxed him to play games with his sister, or taught him to practice with his sister, or severely corrected his shortcomings. Between the three people, for more than 20 years, little fragments of life were full of fragments of life. Huai's thoughts turned into a sense of sadness and inexplicable sadness.

He only felt that he could not lift his true anger, and the long distance from the reef in front of him seemed to have been pulled far away. This short road seemed to have never been found.

He was full of regret and hatred. He always did not like to take risks. When he was in danger, his hesitation made him lose the opportunity to meet his master for the last time.

Between the world, the coastal reef has long been empty. Only the waves beat on the reef, smashed a few waves, like dream bubbles, and immediately melted away. However, in front of Zhou Hanzhi, the unrestrained and elegant back of the immortal still seemed to lie there cross-legged.

He seemed to be crazy and rushed to the reef. There was still a familiar breath of the master, but he no longer showed his previous figure. Zhou Hanzhi grabbed his hands in vain in the air, as if to leave a wisp of the master's soul. His face had long disappeared from the calmness of the past, and the two lines of tears were turbid; His heart is full of regret. If time can be reincarnated, he will not hesitate under the woman's action, so he will not regret to see the master again.

At this moment, although it is a sunny day, Zhou Hanzhi's heart, but if it falls into the eternal night. Although in spring, his ears are like listening to the cold sound. If you ask him, his heart is frost and snowy, because he lacks the figure with his hands behind his hands.

He suffered great changes, and his heart was restless, and one question mark after another flashed in his mind. He looked at the fragrant jade in his hand. The jade was crystal and simple and green. He couldn't help recall that when he was a child, he sat in front of the master under Chenghuan's knees. He often saw him close his eyes and kept playing with this jade, and recalled for many days. The little sister who came out of the island to help the right way smiled brightly. In addition to the plain warbler's laughter, she was good at making heroic words. When she thought of this, she couldn't help turning a thousand times in her heart.

Thinking of the woman who had just sighed about her sister's background, many secrets, which made him suspicious. He settled his mind, suppressed his grief, thought carefully for a while, and finally sighed. His whole body was full of light, and then he broke through the air.