Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 81 Dream is as drunk and lonely

The broad sea sky pillar, towering in the sky, Qi Miao and Zhou Hanzhi went deep into the divine pillar, and their figures disappeared into the bottom of the divine mountain hundreds of feet away. In the final stage of groping for it, they encountered a slap attack.

This palm is magnificent and powerful. In a hurry, Qi Miao and Zhou Han can't stop gathering the true qi to compete with it. When Zhou Han stopped griting his teeth, he has already stood up and hit this palm head-on, unloading most of the power of the palm for Qi Miao, and ushered in a space for breathing in its spell-playing defense.

At this time, Zhou Hanzhi's left hand was not far away, and the emperor's fan was quietly placed in a pool of blood. Qi Miao caught a glimpse of Zhou Hanzhi's blood. She was worried and hurriedly helped him up. Under this help, she was even more surprised to see that Zhou Hanzhi's front chest was knocked down by this palm and collapsed from the shirt. The blood kept oozing, thinking that the whole chest was smashed, his face was as gray, his eyes were closed, and no matter how he called, he was silent.

Seeing this, Qi Miao was shocked. She picked up the man and leaned her against the stone wall and took her hands to explore his veins. However, she felt that the true qi in the person's meridians was stirred up and empty, and her anger was constantly leaked out. She saw that she crossed a true qi and entered Zhou Hanzhi's body, but it was like a mud cow into the sea. It was silent and a cup of water. Far away Not at the speed of dissipating anger in the human body, Qi Miao gritted her teeth, and the true qi kept crossing into Zhou Hanzhi's body. Finally, Zhou Han woke up leisurely after shouting his pain.

He first looked at Qimiao, who looked at himself with a concerned face, reluctantly squeezed out a wry smile, and glanced at his body. He only felt that his whole chest was smashed by the power of this palm. When Han coughed a few times next week and spewed out a small mouthful of blood. When Qi Miao wanted to speak, Zhou Hanzhi waved his hand and stopped her and said, "Master Sister, the next way, my brother can't accompany you anymore... Then you have to go by yourself..."

When Qi Miao heard the words, for no reason, she couldn't help but grieve. She thought that although Zhou Hanzhi was calculating, she was sincere to herself. She had already regarded Li Miaohua, Zhou Hanzhi and the fools as her own family and relatives. At this moment, when she saw them walking or died one by one and away from herself, she suddenly felt the sadness of heaven and earth.

"I don't have much time. Please write down what I want to say first..." Zhou Hanzhi coughed a few times again, grabbed Qi Miao's sleeve and tried his best to say.

Qimao looked at him with a sad face, nodded, and thought uncertainly about a question. Should she tell this person the truth or give him the last comfort on the road of life? At this moment, listening to Zhou Hanzhi's slow voice, he spoke very softly and didn't speak fast. He only heard him say to Qi Miao:

"Our master... Tong Xiaoxian is actually dead..."

"What!" Qimiao was shocked, and the thoughts in her mind were also swept away. Unexpectedly, the demon religion was on guard against day and night. The first person of the right path has long been alive. You know, what she worked hard all the way was to do was to help Lei Ruotong recover her skills and avoid the danger of solving the war. She thought that the demon religion continued to fight against this righteous path. Therefore, what Zhou Hanzhi said was like a bolt from the blue.

Zhou Hanzhi shook his head and said with a wry smile, "When I rushed back to Lingxia Island... I only saw the last face of the master. He was with a woman in purple, and both of them sat down... cough... This woman in purple is full of domineering martial arts. If I expected it, it should be Lei Ruotong..."

When Qi Miao heard the words, his heart shook and was shocked, which was even better than before. It turned out that he and the people of the demon religion who worked hard to rescue have been dead for a long time?

Her heart shook and trembled. When she heard the news of the immortal's death, she only felt that she had been forbearance and endured all the things she had to accomplish, but suddenly turned into nothing.

She seemed to have lost her life goal, and her heart was empty, and she was stunned and speechless.

Zhou Hanzhi felt that the beautiful figure in front of him was blurred. If he could still see the other party's expression so strange, would he think of any other story? Now next week, Hanzhi knows that his body is angry and lax, and there is not much time left, so he can only struggle and continue to say, "There is another big secret... But it was not the teacher who told me that it was the last thing the woman in purple said... That's right, sister, you are the master's biological daughter..."

"What?" Qi Miao was shocked and lost her words. She turned around and thought that this should be advocating the relationship between Tingwan and Tong Xiaoxian, but she didn't know what Zhang Tingwan and Xuan Niang were involved in...

Thinking of Xuan Niang, Qi Miao was in a trance for a while, and the beauty appeared in her mind again. As early as before, in the hazy fantasy, Qi Miao saw this figure many times, and vaguely identified the nobleness of the woman's gorgeous skirt with the same face as her own appearance, pinched the corner of the cuffs, gently squeezed her red lips, and frowned and sighed.

I don't know why this woman's figure makes her have an inexplicable familiarity and intimacy. When she thinks of her, she is faintly painful.

After that, when she came into contact with the people in Longhu Mountain, she saw the picture of Xuan Niang. Seeing her lifelike appearance in the painting, her appearance was exactly the same as her own women's clothing. Instead, she thought about it. That is to say, Zhang Tingwan, Xuan Niang and her women's clothing, the appearance of the three people should be the same... .

She only felt a burst of dizziness in her mind, and her mind was a little confused. She vaguely thought that there should be some connection between herself and Zhang Tingwan and Xuan Niang, but she didn't know what was related to Tongxian?

When Han stopped coughing violently next week, blood kept pouring out of his mouth. Qi Miao saw him spit out mouthfuls of blood foam. Knowing that the life of the last heir of the immortal had reached the last moment, she couldn't help struggling out of her constant thought, and a thought came to her heart, "I must save it. He can't let him die here..."

Qimao picked up Zhou Hanzhi horizontally, gritted his teeth, carried out the true qi of Lingmu in his body, and continuously transformed his vitality and transported it out, turning it into a green feeling, and handed it to Zhou Hanzhi.

Zhou Hanzhi coughed a few more. He was in a coma in his consciousness, and woke up for a period of time. He raised his eyelids feebly. Unexpectedly, he was seeing his sister's spiritual tree Zhenqi, who had rescued fools, Qin Yi and Chen Kai, healing himself. He couldn't help but wake up suddenly and was shocked.

When Qimiao treats stupidity, it is to absorb the vitality of nearby trees and transfer them to heal their wounds. At this time, there is no living thing that can be absorbed by them. The vitality that keeps flowing into her body is undoubtedly the sister's consumption of her vitality to cast spells.

He was shocked and quickly waved his hand to stop him and said, "Don't mess with me. I'm not as serious as the previous two demons... Cough... This palm has long cut off all my life. The immortals are hard to save. You have to force... If you save me, I'm afraid I'll lose my life for many years!"

Qi Miao was speechless and only cared about stimulating the few spiritual qi in her body. Her mind floated and had been stirred by several things in Zhou Hanzhi's words, and she could not detect the surging of true qi in her body at this moment, which was difficult to resist.

Despite Zhou Han's dissuasion, she gritted her teeth again and urged Zhenyuan. The greenness was accompanied by vitality like a continuous source of the tide of the river. At the urging of it, she kept pouring into Zhou Hanzhi's body, and the withered body on the latter's body gradually became full of vitality, like sprouting in the Spring, like the tender green breeding, a vital machine. It grows quietly from its body.

Zhou Hanzhi only felt a burst of itching pain in his body and almost fainted. He was weak, but like a person who was about to sink to the bottom of the lake, he was slowly picked up. He slowly saw the light of life. The injury on his body gradually healed, the broken ribs continued to rise, and the collapsed chest slowly recovered, among which The cracked organs gradually recovered, and people also became energetic.

The true qi that originally overflowed also slowly gathered in Dantian. Zhou Hanzhi gently spit out a mouthful of turbid gas. Under the guidance of the seven Miaomuling true qi, Huangting in Danzhong wanted to carry out the skill and practiced it for a week. He urged anxiously: "Sister, I have been able to use my own healing. You should stop your skills and don't consume yourself anymore. It's alive..."

Qimiao nodded and collected the true spirit of Lingmu, which made him slowly return to the sea of Dantian Qi. At this time, he stagged and fell a few steps. Then he found that he was already exhausted and empty in his body.

When Zhou Han stopped trying to help, he could not lift his strength. Although his injury was basically healed, he was not angry enough, and it was even difficult to stand up. The real and fake brothers and sisters ignored each other and felt embarrassed. The two met for a moment and couldn't help laughing.

At this time, Qi Miao suddenly asked, "Brother, do you know that the people in the Dragon and Tiger Mountain of the Demon Sect found Xuan Niang in the painting and the master?"

Zhou Hanzhi thought for a moment and thought for a moment, but frowned and shook his head and said, "The person in this painting is lifelike, exactly the same as you. However, before the master went first, he never mentioned the name of Xuan Niang to me, but if I guess correctly, is she is yours..."

In order to avoid the teacher, Zhou Han stopped meditating, but Qi Miao was clear. She had also guessed that Xuan Niang was a descendant of the Shen family and might be her biological mother, but it was difficult to figure out the root of this. At present, she had to make a closer investigation.

The two meditated for a moment and adjusted their breaths. Fortunately, since the previous slap of Moyu, there was no movement here. After the aura originally accumulated in the cave was dispersed by this palm, there was a slow convergence, invisible, and added a boost to Qi Miao and Zhou Han's healing and recovery.

At half a cup of tea, Qi Miao's work was completed on Sunday. She spit out a turbid breath and stood up. She shook her sleeves and shouted in a low voice. The true air overflowed outside her body and hit two sections of the cliff wall, which was even more shocked. At this time, Qi Miao was self-reflective and found that her injury was better. At this moment, she said to Zhou Hanzhi: "Brother , your injury is serious, and now you are recovering. It's not appropriate to move your body any more. You can rest here and let me take a deeper look at it.