Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 82 as intoxicated as lonely

In the depths of the black cave, a drop of cold water dropped on the slippery stone path and scattered into a soft sound.

This sound transmitted bursts, echoing unconsciously, and the long dark cave seemed particularly quiet.

In order to protect Qi Miao, Zhou Hanzhi stood up and received a palm. The palm was powerful and inexplicably majestic. His flesh and blood was a muffled hum and was knocked down at the moment.

After this palm, Qi Miao magically suffered only some dark injuries. However, when he leaned over to look at Zhou Hanzhi, he found that most of his chest had been collapsed by the power of this palm, and his face was bloodless and half fainted.

His body was full of anger and diarrhea, more like a tilting autumn rain, panicked and chaos, and escaped from the whole body. Qi Miao was sad in his heart, regardless of his injury, constantly conveying the true qi to Zhou Hanzhi's body, and finally temporarily stabilized his injury and awakened him.

After that, the two adjusted their breath separately, and Qi Miao's mind couldn't help echoing Zhou Hanzhi's previous thoughts to confide in her. All kinds of amazing words set off waves in her mind. How could these many secret things be instilled in her at the same time? How could it make people not stirred and look suddenly?

She endured all kinds of things in her heart. Seeing that Zhou Hanzhi's injury was unharmed, she made it clear to him. After that, she would have her own strength to check the road and ask him to meditate here, rest and wait for his return.

Zhou Han stopped silently, but did not object. He knew that as soon as his sister knew her background, there must be all kinds of mysteries in her heart that needed to be solved. Her heart was full of thousands of thoughts, and what reason could he find to stop moving forward.

He met Qimiao's eyes, and there seemed to be a thousand words to say in his chest, but finally turned into a voice of caution. The latter nodded, bowed, and walked away to the thick darkness.

Zhou Hanzhi saw her gradually disappear at the end of the cave. He couldn't help thinking that she had just sacrificed her vitality to save herself. For a moment, her heart was full of feelings. On this journey, her heart journey and all kinds of memories, but she didn't know where to think of...

In the distance, the seven wonderful footsteps came softly, showing the silence in the cave. The footsteps gradually became a little, and the cave was covered with thick darkness, with only a pair of eyes shining, staring at the end of the darkness. In those eyes, there was full of reluctant expectations.

Qimiao walked all the way and did not look back. The stone road in the cave stretched diagonally into the distance, slightly tortuous. At this time, the aura in the cave was so abundant that it was incredible that he walked all the way and felt that his cultivation was slowly increasing.

I don't know how long it took. When I turned back, there was only a thick darkness. The gloomy and cold water attribute in Qi Miao's body seemed to resonate with the full aura around it. Unexpectedly, it was surging and did not stop. Under this, Qi Miao only felt that the aura in the eight strange meridians in the body was filled, which made it indescribable. It's full of uncomfortable feelings.

She took a deep breath, forced herself to adjust herself, and suppressed the surging water cold true qi. At this time, it was clear in her heart that the deeper she walked along the way, the more abundant the aura around her, and the deeper the impact on the cold true qi in her body. At this moment, the speed of the true qi in her body is getting faster and faster. Can't help thinking about the end of this mountain road? Is it not far away?

Qi Miao thought like this, clenched his teeth, under internal and external pressure, and walked a few steps. At this time, the streamer in front of him was like a spark, and a magnificent picture appeared in front of him. A white light belt shone a few feet away in front of her, and among the light belt was a courtyard layout. Among them, the scenery has its own characteristics and is magical and gorgeous. Compared with the cave where Qi Miao is located, it seems to have entered another world.

Is this the three immortals I've been looking for? Qimiao squeezed her lips, but did not rush to enter. Instead, she gently waved a cold water and true air. She saw a blue light shooting between the light belt several feet away, but it made a loud sound, missed for a moment and suddenly disappeared, and the scenery in the light belt was still still not affected by this true air attack at all.

She was a little settled and thought about it. She found that what she expected was showing some fragments of the exotic scene, and how she entered it did not seem to be as simple as stepping in.

Thinking hard, both the people and the children of Naju Yunxuan stressed that if they want to enter the three immortals, there must be one thing. Since the three immortals are the three immortals' orders, this thing is the key to entering the alien world in this light belt.

But about the order of the three immortals, the piece held by the immortals has not been passed on to Zhou Hanzhi. Lei Ruotong has another piece in his hand, which is nowhere to be found. Only Xia Hongyuan holds a piece, but the other person's shadow is not here. Maybe he has already entered the three immortals. Since Qi Miao is outside the three immortals, how can he get it? What about this piece of Three Immortals.

She meditated hard and couldn't do it. Thinking that she had reached the gate of the Three Immortals, she couldn't help crying and laughing. However, at this time, the scenery in the light belt was changed, and a colorful stream suddenly sprinkled out, which was projected on Qi Miao.

Qiniao's heart was shocked. When she wanted to make a move, she only felt the colorful changes in front of her, and the brilliant glow unexpectedly rolled seven wonders and brought her into this light belt.

The glow flashed for a moment, and the scene in the cave was quiet without any change, but the figure of the beauty who had stood in front of the light belt disappeared.

The glow suddenly rolled up, among which the five colors were gorgeous, and Qi Miao passed in front of her eyes. It turned out to be a scene of mountains and rivers, and her figure was transformed into this colorful glow, dragging a beautiful and elegant light and shadow, as if it were a dream, slowly drifting past the vast mountain, and also flying by the blue water sprinkled with broken gold, watching the river flowing, and the clouds drooping low. , the golden light is overflowing and colorful. At this moment, Qi Miao's heart is full of white clouds and dogs. The world is boundless, and there is no place to find a sense of return between heaven and earth.

She came all the way, but there was only a one-month time limit, but the north and south overlapped, and the road of love and the road of heart were all gained. At this time, she felt a lot in her heart, and she suddenly said in her heart that the three immortals were just the precipitation and sublimation of human feelings.

The vast scenery all the way was instantly hidden, and the glow suddenly lit up for a moment, and the light and dark in front of Qi Miao's eyes overlapped. A elegant courtyard was suddenly born in Hongmeng. Among them, the carved jade wall railings on four sides and glazed mirrors in the window lattices reflected the brilliant sun. The water in the courtyard was gurgling around, white clouds floated, and the mist looked like a fairy cave.

The glow held Qimiao, put her lightly in this courtyard, and then disappeared. As soon as Qimiao fell to the ground and raised her hand, she only felt the fragrance, light but not greasy. Her eyes were fragrant and flowers were arranged aside, but it seemed to be beautiful, which was enough to show the master's feelings.

In the middle of this courtyard, it is not the kind of water-based pavilion, drinking and viewing. Next to the gurgling water, only a few stone stools and a stone table are placed. It is thought that the owner is natural and does not like to deliberately, but with the winding water, it is enough to enjoy it.

Qimiao looked at him casually, but he did not hear the movements of others, but he saw the fairy clouds and mist separated on both sides. Among them, he was shocked by a figure, but he saw a person kneeling a few steps away, with a satin yellow shirt, a high bun, and a Confucian scarf, but it was not Xing, the original housekeeper of Ju Yunxuan, who had been killed by Xia Wenqing's curse before. Business?

I saw this man kneeling down, his hands drooping, and burying his head deeply. Unexpectedly, he couldn't raise his head and looked silent. Qi Miao was puzzled in his heart and couldn't help thinking: "This Xing Ye is dressed as a Confucian, but he is carrying a Buddhist practice. Ordinary people don't know that once they pass, they have to be deceived by him. This time the three of us chased him. Then Xia Hongyuan came here, but why didn't he come here? What was sent out by one palm before was a vast and incompetent true spirit. Even He Xumi, who had seen it before, did not have such power. How could Xingye have such cultivation under the serious injury?

She held all kinds of questions and finally had no solution after thinking about it. Seeing that Xing Ye knelt on the ground and still had no response, she couldn't help asking tentatively, "Housekeeper Xing?"

After asking, Xing Ye turned a deaf ear. Qi Miao didn't know his life or death. When he was about to lean over to explore his nose, he heard a woman sighing leisurely: "He is not Xing Ye..."

Qimiao suddenly reminded that the woman's voice came in an instant, as if it was not far or near, and it came from behind her. She didn't take care after entering the yard, but stepped up, but she didn't know when there was a person behind her, and there was no sound of footsteps.

She was not shocked. She gently resisted a cold air in her hand. Her left fingers saw a cold light, but it was stuffed in her right sleeve. Then she moved her footsteps. When she turned around, she avoided Xing Ye behind her and leaned sideways around the flowing water. Others could not stand on the side of the sneak attack, so she slowly raised her head.

However, she was stunned and saw that there was nothing behind her. Except for the layout of the yard and the ethereal breeze, there was nothing.

At this time, a faint smile came, and it actually sounded from behind her. Qi Miao moved in an instant, and her skirt floated and quickly looked around behind her. This time, she was caught by her.

In the depths of the water, a woman in purple suddenly floated on the water. Qi Miao's heart was stunned. She only felt that the woman in purple, with her skirt sleeves, flawless, and high hair tied with a high bun. The phoenix-tailed silver hairpin on her head obliquely inserted diagonally on her head, which was eye-catching. At this time, the water kept flowing, and although the woman's figure was flowing, The waves fluttered, but they were scattered but not messy. Although the woman's face in the lake was slightly not real, her hands were soft, her skin was like gel, her head moth eyebrows, and her eyes were lifelike.

Qi Miao saw her holding her cheeks in one hand and jewelry with jade rings in her hand. She was like a touching woman at this time. She appeared in front of her in this burst of water.

She didn't know what she was going to say, but she heard the woman mutter first, "Like, it's really..."

When Qi Miao was puzzled and was about to ask again, he saw the woman sneering. Suddenly, her eyes were like light and electricity. She forced her to look over and said harshly, "Since you are here, why don't you meet the man in real body and turn into Xuan Niang in order to deliberately humiliate me, Lei Ruotong!"