Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 49 Don't reveal and pass through the sky

"Quick, go and save the young master!" The two strong attacked each other, and the smoke and dust were scattered. Shen Wei hurriedly used a color to call a servant while no one could take care of him.

The man usually served Shen Wei and was also good at observing his words and colors. He immediately reacted, agreed, and turned around and ran to the gate of Shen's house.

As for Anlehou Shen Wei himself, he crawled next to the body of Tingchen, who collapsed on the ground. Chen fell face down on the loess road. When Shen Wei turned over his body, he did not realize that his hands were soaked with blood.

The blood was wet and hot, and his body was soft. However, Shen Wei looked at his nose. The twelve- or three-year-old boy was lifeless, and his eyes had long been distracted.

There was a terrible hole in his chest, and the surging blood had already tilted the boy's life clean. Shen Wei sighed in a daze. When he looked up at the sky, he saw the murderer who killed Tingchen, and Tianmu was showing off his power.

For half a day, in the sky, the stars are hidden, and the full moon is lightless. The sky is fluttering like a butterfly, and his eyes burst into red light, firmly binding the body of Jiuhua Taoist.

He held a red and bright, bloody blood-coagulation knife in his hand, and he was floating lightly towards Jiuhua Zhenren, looking at his life.

However, when Tianmu was close to him, at the moment when he thought he was going to do it, suddenly a Sanskrit sound sounded from Jiuhua's body. For a moment, the long-bearded Taoist wrapped in a blue sermon robe suddenly rose, cutting off the connection between Tianmuyan's knowledge and Jiuhua's consciousness.

Tianmu was shocked, but saw that his opponent's originally godless eyes burst into light. At this time, Jiuhua Zhenren shouted, and his right cuff immediately stretched out a sword. The sword was full of glory, and the Buddha was full of vitality and solemnity. Tianmu exclaimed, and an idea came to his heart in an instant: "How is this old Taoist With the Buddhist magic, it actually broke my beauty!"

It turned out that the righteous spirit of the Buddhist King Kong, who got a high monk and had a deep cultivation, was the nemesis of breaking the evil law of Tianmu's free sect. At this moment, Tianmu's eyes were full of Jiuhua real figures. I saw this blue preaching robe, slender body and long beard like a fairy-like Taoist priest waved his sword. In an instant, it was like the moon and the moon, and the flowers bloomed and fell. A sword fell, and the Buddha's power was soaked, and all the evil magic were destroyed at the moment. With a sound, it firmly hit Tianmu's chest.

"Huh..." There was no time to be surprised, too late to scream. With a bang, the blood knife in Tianmu's hand instantly turned into a burst of green smoke and was swallowed up by the void due to the lack of true support. He looked at his chest in disbelief and saw a huge wound in the middle, and the blood gushed out like blood flowers, blooming like that. Gorgeous roses.

"Ah!!!!" Tianmu shouted, and with a bang, he burst into a thick blood. Without saying a word, he swept away.

But in an instant, the blood fog disappeared into the void and disappeared. Jiuhua Zhenren had the intention to catch up with another blow, but he was powerless. He sighed and thought that he had given a breath for the other party and failed to kill him.

"What a powerful blood coagulation..." He muttered to himself and saw that the blood fog that Tianmu made when he finally escaped was a more brilliant blood coagulation technique than the previous day. I'm afraid he couldn't kill him with this blow full of Buddha spirit.

With a bang, Jiuhua Zhenren also jumped up after smashing the giant tripod. He called the Taoist sword inlaid with gold and jade in one hand, and it was Chen Naixian, who fell from the sky.

Chen Nai's first momentum did not diminish, and the use in his hand was still the 30th form of the King Kong Moro Sword Method. I saw him split with one finger. His true spirit was condensed, hegemony and unparalleled, and he was even better than the divine soldier. Jiuhua cut the sword in his hand and chopped on Chen Nai's fingers that condensed sword spirit, and was forced to rebound by the other party's great force.

With a bang, his body fell down, and the ground trembled. The bluestone road that was only 30 feet in front of Houfu's door shattered every inch.

At this time, Chen Naixian made a fierce sound and roar, which was still a constant move. He made a fierce blow with his enlightened King Kong Moro swordsmanship. Jiuhua Zhenren raised his head and raised his head to face a blow. He couldn't stand it. His knees were soft. His left leg suddenly knelt down and hit the bluestone board, which stirred up smoke and dust all over the sky.

Jiuhua's true spirit was stagnant for a moment, and he wanted to gather Taoist Yuangong, but he was firmly suppressed by Chen Naixian. At this time, the two looked at each other. Jiuhua's real eyes showed arrogance and long beard, but Chen Naixian's two eyes were like electricity, which were unparalleled and domineering.

"Good!" Jiuhua Zhenren shouted angrily and shook in his right sleeve. The most holy soldier of Buddhism suddenly slipped out of his sleeve and was held in a tight hand. In an flash, his temperament changed, and a strong supreme Buddha spirit was mixed in his Taoist spirit.

Jiuhua real Buddha and Taoism added to his body, his face was like a rosy glow, and the light and dark overlapped for a moment. The golden light on his body was indeed flourishing. Suddenly, Sanskrit remembered that Jiuhua Zhenren folded the god soldiers and the dew sword together, so that he had enough strength and smashed it down from the long sky. His two fingers condensed the sword spirit of King Kong Moro and was cutting. Chen Naixian on the Lubao sword, with a fierce force, forced the latter out of the air.

It is also said that Chen Naixian, after the war, Yuangong lost money, but he strongly promoted Zhenyuan and fought against the nine real people's sword spirit. After several collisions, his internal organs have long been stirred up. Now Jiuhua real people urge the Buddha and Taoism Shuangyuan, which is like an arm, and his power only rises but does not fall. Chen Nai was pushed hard by him, and only feels like a stream. Qianfeng stacked, and the power of the mountain's head-on collision rushed to him. He couldn't resist anymore. With a bang, he was pushed out by Jiuhua Zhenren.

"Ah!" Chen Nai shouted first and couldn't hold it anymore. His internal organs turned upside down, his throat was sweet, and he spewed out a mouthful of blood. At this time, Jiuhua Zhenren, who had been kneeling on the ground by his King Kong Moro sword, felt light and stood up at that time. At this point in his heart, he began to be really angry and felt that he had suffered a lot of insults.

At this time, Chen Naixian spewed out a mouthful of blood and fell to the bottom of the valley. However, in the face of the tragic death of the morning body, how could he retreat and strongly urged the true spirit? The last trace of anger in Dantian was squeezed by him, and then another sword spirit was sacrificed by him.

"What a search for death!" Jiuhua looked coldly, his left hand cut out, and the right side passed through the sky. The two swords waved, and the two true qi of Buddhism and Taoism were overlapping and entangled, turning into a yellow basket and two light, bursting out.

Chen Naixian has tried his best at this time, but if he did not show the previous glory of sacrificing the sword spirit, he hit two lights and was suddenly broken. The momentum of the two swords of Jiuhua Zhenren did not diminish, adding its power. Seeing that, he was about to be cut off Chen Naixian's body.

Chen Nai first swept over in the face of two energetic lights, sighed, and said to listen to Chen and Qin Tianhu. I have tried my best to avenge you.