Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 50 Don't expose and go through the sky

At the critical moment, Chen Naixian's sweat was blown away by the cold wind. He felt a trace of coldness, and his mind was much more sober. There were two magnificent swords in front of him, one was the Taoist Zhenyuan, abundant and abnormal, and the other was the Buddha's true spirit, shining yellow golden light, quickly cutting against him.

"I didn't expect this old Taoist skill to be so high, and it is also the original skill of Buddhism and Taoism..." Chen Naixian smiled bitterly.

He has long been away from life and death, but he deeply regretted that he failed to kill Duzong Yubing and avenge the Yuanhe tragedy that year.

There are also two followers who are also servants and friends, the death of Qin Tianhu and Tingchen...

But I don't know why, there is only a deep regret in his heart, but there is no hatred. Perhaps the long-term hatred has long made this person yearn for liberation.

At the moment when Chen Nai first closed his eyes and faced this deadly sword spirit, suddenly, the bright light in the sky flashed in an instant, like a flowing cloud and a wind, shooting several true qi. These true qi did not seem to be emitted by one person, either thick or thin, or wide or light, but the power was enough. They were sent by Jiuhua Zhenren. The sword is over.

There was a loud noise, and the sword spirit dissipated. A familiar voice sounded in Chen Naixian's ear: "Naixian, go quickly!"

"Is he here?" Chen Naixian was a clever man and immediately seized this rare opportunity. In a moment of vitality, he boasted of being a hero. Although he was not afraid, of course he would not die lightly. Immediately, he turned his body, like a streamer, and broke through the air.

"Would you like to run?" Jiuhua Zhenren's cold eyebrows condensed, thinking that Tianmu and Chen Nai can be regarded as strong enemies tonight. If I don't leave one of you two, don't want to be looked down on my meditation. He snorted coldly, turned over his hand and cut off the magic soldiers to attack again, but at this time, a man in the sky roared: "A sword of heaven!"

In an instant, in the invisible void, the true air condensed and turned into a tangible qi sword. This qi sword is about 100 feet long and powerful. The upper fire and thundered, with a whistling sound, it cut through the void and breeze, and was coming to Jiuhua Zhenren.

"Good sword!" Jiuhua Zhenren saw that this qi sword was very powerful and did not dare to neglect it. As soon as he mentioned the true qi, he jumped up again. He put the two swords together, cut it out and went to the sky. Daoyuan superimposed Buddhism and bombarded out a sword power in one fell swoop.

With a bang, this big and powerful tangible sword spirit struggled with Jiuhua Zhenren's sword light, and suddenly broke up. Jiuhua Zhenren narrowed his eyes and stood alone on the void. Looking past, all the monks in the long sky dispersed, and Chen Naixian's figure also disappeared.

The failure made people save this Tianshuxing. At this time, Jiuhua Zhenren glanced at the street and saw that in the ancient Yong City tonight, no one lit the lights. Even the officers and soldiers of the night patrol shrank in the government and dared not come out. I don't know if there was any news from the state government. There were immortals fighting here and refused to send troops to intervene. Shen Wei and his family hid in the Houfu as early as the fierce fight between Jiuhua Zhenren and Chen Naixian. At this moment, the door of the Anle Houfu was closed, and the two lanterns had no light. They swayed against the wind, only seemed even more dilapidated.

There was a mess around. Jiuhua's eyes swept over, and there was a feeling of depression in his heart. He sighed, "I didn't expect that there were so many heroes in the world that I only hated the limited number of lives to meet them."

With a sound, the Buddha's spirit disappeared. He put Jingtian and Zhanlu into his sleeves respectively, and his body slowly fell to the ground.

Stepping on the broken bluestone floor and looking at the cracked stone slab that he had knelt down before, Jiuhua Zhenren smiled bitterly,

Do not avoid the muddy loess under his body, sitting cross-legged and meditating.

When a cup of tea passed by, two heads suddenly stretched out behind the wall. In the night of returning to silence, it was like two black dots. Of course, they were not ordinary people. You know, although the people like to watch the bustle, they are afraid of idle things. It's a big deal. They don't have time for them to hide at home. How dare they come. This mixed water.

Those were the two officers and soldiers sent by the lord of the state government to inquire. It turned out that Master Wang, the state capital, had already heard several Taoists fighting in front of the Anlehou Mansion, and the battle was dark.

The border soldiers were fierce, and immediately one or two generals with troops came to ask for war. If they wanted to capture these illegal Taoist people in one fell swoop, they were scolded and scolded by Master Wang.

Next, he hid behind the house and whispered with his staff. He only felt that if the officers and soldiers were allowed to rush over, this was in the city where hundreds of thousands of people lived. The officers and soldiers were inevitably in turmoil and caused a big trouble. Maybe they would be stabbed into the capital thousands of miles away, and they would have to be included in his own book.

But if you leave it alone, you will inevitably be too faceless. You should know that these generals are not soft and hard, and the masters of power. They will not play any means and will not instruct them to move in the future. Moreover, this happened outside Shen Wei's mansion of the Houfu. If something happens to the marquis, it is not easy for them to let the court to tell.

Therefore, he thought about it and quietly arranged a hundred archers. Taking advantage of the war between Jiuhua Zhenren and Tianque, Tiankuo, Tianmu and Chen Naixian, he arranged them on the roof of the roof and in the depths of the lane. He ordered the generals to lead the army:

"When these people are fighting, don't worry about it. When they are exhausted, just grab a few left alone and use them to commit a worse crime."

Master Wang thought ingeniously about this move, which not only let the officers and soldiers know that they were not a cog and did not cause more trouble, but also successfully arrested two people and told the whole city residents.

When he thought so, he couldn't help but be proud.

Master Wang sent his own direct line and led by his confidant general. They brought strong bows and powerful crossbows. Although the war was stopped for a long time, the old man was there to meditate there, but the general Wang's confidant had long been scared out of his courage and did not dare to lead the crowd to attack.

Many officers and soldiers are also having a hard time. They usually lick blood with their knives. Miao Han fights fiercely here. Dead people are common, but they have never seen such an ordinary fairy fighting method.

Jiuhua's real Taoism is extremely brave, and the means they use fall into the eyes of these people. They think that he is an immortal who can control the wind and fire and kill people thousands of miles. How can their flesh and blood body can cope with it?

They were all extremely nervous and held a strong bow in their hands, but they didn't think that this ordinary weapon could save themselves in the hands of the old Taoist priest. They were extremely scared. Even their clothes were soaked with sweat and dried by the cold wind, and they could not feel it even if they were soaked and dried several times.

The leading general, surnamed Wu, wore bright armor and hid in the guards of his own soldiers. Although he was strong, he had no courage. He only clapped the horse to enter the eyes of Master Wang and became his confidant. He looked up at several fights in the sky and was so scared that his face turned pale. The man muttered and thought When these red and yellow lights flashed in the sky, it was much more powerful than when fireworks were set off during the New Year's holiday. How can I defeat this immortal Jiuhua real person with less than a hundred people?

The two officers and soldiers who were sentinels shook their heads at the mouth of the alley. Looking at Jiuhua's self-control and rest, they turned around and made a few signals. Several of General Wu's men would look at him and wait for him to give orders.

The hearts of these people have reached their throats.

The general surnamed Wu opened his mouth several times and couldn't make up his mind. As he thought, he had been tired for a long time after the old war. If he killed him in one fell swoop, wouldn't he raise his eyebrows among the generals in the future? Those three or four people who usually look down on themselves and dare not look at themselves?

He hesitated again. If there is still Yu Yong, he will say that immortals can fly swords and kill people thousands of miles. Can he recklessly lead people out? Can his life be saved?

He was worried and unwilling. When he was hesitating, Jiuhua suddenly looked up and his eyes swept over. It turned out to be like the depths of the lane, through the officers and soldiers, and straight his eyes fell on the general surnamed Wu.

In an instant, the general surnamed Wu's heart trembled and shouted as if shouting, "Get out!"

He was really afraid. Jiuhua glanced over and crushed the last hesitation in his heart in an instant. This old magic power was so great. As soon as he fell down and ran back without saying anything.

When the officers and soldiers saw the commander running away, they were relieved. Without saying anything, they also ran away. However, compared with General Wu's stumble and running, they calmly closed the team, carried the bow on their backs on their backs, and ran away in an orderly orderly manner.

These people are all veterans. They support their families as soldiers, not murder and revenge. Who is willing to put themselves to death and avoid them? It is the art of being soldiers and ruffians. These people have been familiar with each other for a long time.

They are just the strong clan in Master Wang's eyes, and they don't have any bloody smell. How can they be compared with the real frontier soldiers who are unpopular and fighting day and night?

As soon as Jiuhua Zhenren stared, he scared the hundreds of soldiers. It was a pity that they were carrying strong bows, but they did not release a single shot. The soldiers were like this, but is it a blessing for the country? Jiuhua Zhenren thought about this story between ants. After adjusting his breath for a moment, he slowly got up. At this time, the door of Houfu was tightly closed, and his face did not show a specific expression. He just squinted his eyes and looked at the dragon on the plaque of the tall door of the mansion. The two ancient words: peace.

Immediately, a gust of wind rolled up the leaves in the corner of the street. Jiuhua's real footsteps were empty, like stepping on duckweed, floating, like a shadow. Suddenly, his body turned into a light, silently disappeared into the door and disappeared.

The street corner is deserted, and the door is still closed. At night outside Anlehou's house, it was lonely and confusing for a while. Perhaps the previous war was just an illusion.


The general surnamed Wu led a hundred people who had not been shot and ran away. He suddenly felt cowardly in his heart. He thought that my general was scared to run out of these members by an old man's eyes and said not to be laughed at in the future.

If he was asked to go back, General Wu did not dare. After all, his life was more than face. At this time, a swordsman in gray cloth and a man in white suddenly jumped over the eaves. The moonlight suddenly appeared. General Wu saw it. He blew his beard and shouted for a long time: "Where did the thief come from in the middle of the night? !"

But he said in his heart, "Little thief, you should be unlucky. I'm in a bad mood at this moment. I want you to vent your anger!"