Tiandao Jingxiong

Chapter 18 Next to the south of the Yangtze River

In the evening in summer, the scorching sun lost its fire. The more golden it burned, the softer the light it cast. The breeze blew finely, bringing a trace of coolness. The distant tenant farmers and hunters opened their clothes, talking and laughing, and walking back to the city from the gate path east of Yuhang.

Qi Miao and Ling Shuiyue walked out along the East Gate. They were luxuriously dressed and had extraordinary temperament. They didn't ask much about the gate, so they let them go straight out. In fact, this place is not the kind of conflict place of Guyong City, and they have never been on the front line of war. Therefore, the gate of the city gate is usually not closed at night, and there are only one or two pairs of officials. Soldiers patrol back and forth to prevent theft or anyone from walking through the water or something.

To the east of Yuhang City, there is a lush and beautiful peak, which is Jiulu Mountain. The mountain is not big and the trees are lush. It also looks very beautiful because of the clear spring flowing around the mountain. There is a temple built at the foot of the mountain. This temple has several temples and is located along the mountain, which also looks majestic and solemn. Ask the name of the temple, which is the famous Yanshu Temple that Qimiao and Lingshuiyue are looking for.

At this time, at the front door of the mountain temple, the summer tree was standing in front of the door, with his hands together to deal with another person. There was a large broom beside him. When a guest came, he was cleaning the fallen leaves in front of the door.

Qimiao and Ling Shuiyue's bodies were falling behind this person. Qimiao looked up and saw that the man in front of him was a monk. He was dressed as a close religious, with a wide yellow and red robe, wearing a dustpan-shaped hat as bright as a chicken crown and a line of dense spikes scattered on his head. He was also wearing two rows of dark blue. The colored Dharma belt is black with tantric spells written on it, which is quite unique, showing that this person's identity must be a nobleman in the religion, which is different from ordinary Buddhist practitioners.

At this time, he was saluteing the little Shami who swept the floor and asked, "Buddha cultivates the sun, moon and stars. Everything in the universe is a magic eye, and the fallen leaves in this place is also a kind of everything. The little master worked hard to sweep it. Is it good?"

"Ah?" It is estimated that not long after entering the Buddhist sect, when he heard the monk's question, he was stunned and opened his mouth. He didn't know why. He blushed and said, "What are you talking about this master? I can't understand a word."

Hearing what he said, the monk smiled. He was of medium height and his face was fat. When he smiled, his eyes were deeply wrapped in folded skin, but he showed a trace of contempt.

"Hey, big monk!" Hearing this conversation, Ling Shuiyue was quick and called him, "What's wrong with you after sweeping the fallen leaves in front of the court? It's difficult for others here!"

"Oh?" The monk looked back and looked at Ling Shuiyue, who was not tall and beautiful, and the temperamental young man in white beside her. After singing Amitabha Buddha, he said unhurriedly, "When I came up the mountain, I heard this little master complaining and said that he was sweeping day by day, year after year, spring, autumn and winter. There are all fallen leaves. It's not troublesome to sweep it. It's really annoying..."

"Is that right?" Ling Shuiyue said bluntly and rushed, "Even my little brother Qiu Xin will complain about the falling leaves in the pavilion in autumn and winter, and it is very time-consuming and laborious to sweep them from time to time!"

"Oh?" The monk's heart suddenly moved and asked, "Do you dare to ask what school the female benefactor came from?"

"Well... My father is Taoist Ling Zongyun. What's wrong with the big monk?" Ling Shuiyue did not hide it and answered him generously.

"Amitabha, it turned out to be the daughter of a master, disrespectful and disrespectful." Hearing standing in front of him was the daughter of the righteous leader Dao Tong Ling Zongyun. The great monk saluted again and asked with a smile, "The daughter of a master should have a high opinion. Can you solve the doubts of the poor monk?"

"What doubts?" Ling Shuiyue was puzzled by what he said.

"I said earlier, when I saw this little master sweeping the fallen leaves on the ground with anger in his mouth, I didn't feel puzzled. The fallen leaves on the ground are also a kind of creation of heaven and earth. I, a Buddha, cultivate the Buddha's mind without being a foreign object, so why do I have to be ordinary? Sweeping the fallen leaves in front of the door is just to maintain the deity of a temple, which is a move to cultivate my heart. ?"

This passage contains half a Zen machine, and Ling Shuiyue also doesn't quite understand, but she also knows that what the monk wants to say is probably that since they are all monks, the world has fallen, forgetting the secular world, and why don't you let go of the fallen leaves in front of the door, but Ling Shuiyue is strange. She asked: "Monk, the fallen leaves in front of the door have swept by Isn't it good to be clean?

"Do you want to be clean in front of the door or in your heart?" This monk was still smiling, but his words were full of sharpness.

"Oh?" Ling Shuiyue was a little annoyed. "The front door is clean. If you look neat, you will feel comfortable, right?"

"Haha..." Looking at her shyness, the monk laughed unconsciously and asked, "If the front of this door is not cleaned, will you be annoyed?" It turned out that Shiqin brushed the dust and talked about this state. The cultivation of the monks on Jiulu Mountain is nothing more than this, and I know the monk today.

In his words, he cast his true power, and his voice was not loud, but the sound was quite far away. This monk was also an old man of Yanshu Temple. He thought that as soon as he entered this place, he must be noticed by the senior monks in the temple, so he fought at the foot of the mountain to make several senior monks in Yanshu Temple understand.

"Big monk, big monk, are you crazy or stupid?" Ling Shuiyue finally couldn't stand it. Her red lips opened gently, but she said like a bead, "You say that everything in the universe is the same matter whether you sweep it or not. Then why insist on sweeping or not sweeping the fallen leaves in front of this door? Is the former a phase, and the latter doesn't count?"

"Hm?" The monk was asked by her, and the smile on her face was slightly frozen. When she was touching Ling Shuiyue's mouth, the girl did not give her time to think, but kept rushing to ask, "The fallen leaves that have not been swept away are fallen leaves. Are the fallen leaves that have been swept away not fallen leaves? The fallen leaves have not changed, but what do you worry about him, the big monk?

"Ah?" The monk was obviously stunned,

"In addition, you said that you can't borrow foreign things to cultivate your mind. Why can't you cultivate your mind with the help of foreign objects? If you say so, sweeping the floor is an external object, but a group of people sitting on the futon, holding a book from morning bells to evening drums, isn't it also with the help of foreign objects, reading scriptures is to practice Buddhism, and sweeping fallen leaves is not a practice of Buddhism?

"You..." Ling Shuiyue wanted to say it again, but she saw that the monk's expression was suddenly stunned. His eyes were dull and empty, and her mouth was slightly open. This expression shocked her, and what she wanted to say was also taken back.

"Dent leaves sweeping and not sweeping are all fallen leaves. Reading scriptures and sweeping the floor can also practice Buddha..." I saw this monk muttering and saying it several times in a row, and his shape seemed to be a little crazy.

"The autumn wind sweeps away the fallen leaves, Buddha is predestined, master, Miss Ling is still young, don't care about her." Qimiao beside him looked at the monk stunned, frowned, and said unscrupulously. Don't cause any trouble to himself and Taoism. Then he gently opened his mouth and round the way.

"Haha, a good autumn wind sweeps away the fallen leaves, Buddha is predestined!" At this time, the door of Yanshu Temple suddenly opened, and two monks in colorful coats and rosary beads came down. The two men were carrying the sun. One of them was quite tall and jumped down the front steps three times. The latter one was a little fat and his footsteps were relatively reserved. However, when the man raised his eyes, Qi Miao suddenly was shocked and shouted, " Stupid monk!"

It turned out that the man was a stupid monk who suddenly realized the way in Ju Yunxuan. When he saw this white clothes, he asked you to look at him and call, as if he had met some acquaintance, he was slightly puzzled and echoed, "Where has the donor seen the little monk? I can't remember."

Qi Miao realized that he had recovered from his male body. He smiled helplessly and said that he would find time to explain to him later. At this time, the door of Yanshu Temple was open. The two monks must not come for the two of them, but for the monk.

Sure enough, the slender and beautiful young monk rushed forward and saluted the monk, "Master, the little monk Baoxiang is polite."

The monk was still a little stunned, but he did not forget to return to Baoxiang's etiquette. He saw the other party smile and said, "My teacher Jue Ren heard the master's voice and questioning in the temple and taught me to pass some words to the master."

"Say..." The monk was a little decadent at this time, but it was better to go and rise in momentum first.

"The master said that if the master studied the various Dharma of the Tantra Zen sect carefully, he must know the one thing recorded in "Basically Say All the Pinayyya Miscellaneous Things": When the World Honored One died in Dolin, he saw that the earth was not clean, so he held a broom and wanted to sweep the garden. After hearing it loudly, Shalifu, Damu Qianlian, Dajiaye, Ananda and others all held brooms to sweep the garden together. After the Buddha and his disciples finished cleaning, they entered the canteen and sat down. Buddha told the bhikkhu: "There are five victories for anyone who sweeps the earth, one is pure in his heart; the other is pure in his heart; the third is the joy of the heavens; the fourth is planted with righteous karma; and the fifth is born in heaven after life."

"Hm..." Naturally, he knew what Baoxiang said. After listening to him, he nodded.

"The master also said that when he came into the world, he was born for practice, and he was also a person who embraced the moon in the water." The fool followed Baoxiang's words and preached on the side.

"Haha, it turns out that I am the moon in the water..." I suddenly figured it out, with a long smile, shook my head, and said helplessly, "It turns out that the Dharma I have studied and the way I have learned are not even as good as this childish girl. Zen Master Jue Ren is broken in one word, and I am exactly the person in turn!"

"Amitabha..." Baoxiang and the fool put their hands together and said respectfully.

With a wry smile, without looking at the people at the scene, he only turned around and went all the way. Ling Shuiyue was wondering why this monk left without saying hello, but he suddenly said, "Female benefactor, thank you for drinking on the head and waking up..."

"What should I do?" Ling Shuiyue was confused, like falling into the fog, but at this time, he heard the sound of each wheel:

"Two masters, please tell Zen Master Jue Ren that the little monk should enter the world and practice again to forge the Buddha in my heart. A year later, he will visit Yanshu Temple again to discuss that matter with him..."