Heavenly Wolf Line

Chapter 174 Goodbye to the jade statue

Chu Tianyu was not shocked by the scene in front of him at all. He still looked at Chu Bahai and said lightly, "You should know that I follow your purpose, so you don't have to instill things in the Chu family. These are not interested in me at all!"

Chu Bahai didn't care at all and said with a smile, "Parents all over the world, who is willing to let their children run away? Ling Yun has always been my favorite son. Do you think I will kick him out of the house without any emotion?

On Chu Bahai's old face, his smile gradually faded, replaced by a face of helplessness and pain.

The brother and sister Chu Tianyu looked at each other and felt a little unbearable. Although Chu Bahai's words were not clearly stated, they also proved their guess.

"So, let's go in and talk! There should be no eyeliner in it, and you can speak freely!" Chu Tianyu looked around and said.

Chu Bahai's slightly stiff face finally softened. Chu Tianyu's cleverness made him smile with relief and took the lead in walking towards the ancient stone gate.

"Squeak--" The heavy stone door opened, and a hill came into sight.

It is also a little far-fetched to say that it is a hill, because the hill is only ten feet high, and the whole mountain is completely shrouded by tall trees, and you can't see the real situation inside.

Chu Tianyu couldn't help but be surprised. Although the hill is only ten feet, it is still a little higher than the stone gate. The only possible explanation is that this hill is like a small world of Pangu's heart and is an independent space.

"The Chu family is worthy of its profound background. I don't know which outstanding figure can create such a space. It's really amazing!" Chu Tianyu said in his heart.

Chu Bahai saw the surprised eyes of the brother and sister and explained, "This is something left by the ancestors of the Chu family. It is an independent space in itself, completely different from the outside world, and the aura is twice as much as the outside!"

Chu Tianyu was about to ask, but a ricke figure appeared in front of him and slowly walked to the three people. Although his movements were slow, Chu Tianyu did not look down at all.

I have been looking at this space and have not found any human figure, but the old man can flash out of thin air, and although his speed is extremely slow, his hands and feet are integrated with nature and darkly.

Chu Tianyu, who has a sense of heaven, can see this clearly, so he expects that the old man must be a master, and his cultivation is definitely above the grandfather in front of him.

When Chu Bahai saw the old man, he also saluted slightly and said, "Mr. Gong, this is my grandson and granddaughter. Take them here to see it!"

The old man known as the old man also raised his old face slightly and replied with a little trembling, "The owner is polite. The old man is just a gatekeeper. Since he is a son of the Chu family, there is no reason to stop him. Please go!"

After saying that, his body suddenly disappeared in a flash!

Chu Tianling opened his eyes wide, his beautiful eyes flowed, and he looked around for the figure of the palace in doubt, but there was no harvest at all.

Chu Bahai turned around and said to Chu Tianyu, "What do you think of Gong Lao's cultivation?"

"Return to the original, a generation of masters!" Chu Tianyu only answered simply, but his admiration for Gong Lao in his words was sublimated to the height of a generation of masters.

Chu Bahai nodded with a smile and said, "I have good eyesight. Mr. Gong's qualifications are the oldest in the whole Chu family. All I know is that when I first took over as the head of the family, he was already guarding the mountain gate here!"

Chu Tianyu couldn't help but be stunned. Looking at Chu Bahai's kind eyes, he saw something that was the pride of the Chu family.

"Let's go! Many of the direct disciples of the Chu family are practicing in it. I'll take you to another place!" Chu Bahai took the lead in walking towards the dense woods.

The Chu Tianyu brothers and sisters hurriedly followed. Chu Bahai was not happy. The two flashed infinitely and followed him through the dense forest. The surrounding trees were generally the same, and even Chu Tianyu gradually lost his way.

Chu Bahai stopped all the way and took the two of them through for about a quarter of an hour before stopping in front of a cave.

"This is a forbidden place in the forbidden land. Only the owner and the elders have the right to come in. Do you two brothers and sisters dare to go in with me?" Chu Bahai said with a smile.

Chu Tianyu smiled and put it off. Since we have arrived here, the answer is naturally yes. Chu Tianling also said, "Father has taught us to be as fearless as wolves, only what we don't want, and we don't dare to dare!"

Chu Bahai sighed and nodded, "Lao Wu! You always surprise me so much. Even educating my children makes me impeccable to you. Let's go!"

Flashing into the cave, the sight gradually darkened, and the surrounding stone walls were full of torches, which was not dark. The cave was not long, but it was winding.

Chu Bahai was the first, and the speed was extremely fast. The two brothers and sisters also changed infinitely and infinitely, followed closely.

The three stopped in front of a stone room, and the space was also wide. This stone room should be regarded as a stone hall, with a 20-foot radius, surrounded by a big night pearl, with excellent vision.

When Chu Tianyu looked around at the stone cave and looked at a jade statue in the east, a stormy wave suddenly turned up in his heart.

The jade looks like a young man, holding a long green gun, handsome and elegant, especially the sunny smile at the corners of his mouth, which makes his heart no longer calm.

He is very familiar with the figure of this jade statue, because he has seen it twice, and both of them left a deep impression on him.

The first time was on the island in the middle of the lake in the misty ghost forest, the stone statue that brought himself into the inheritance also made Chu Tianyu secretly doubt whether the mysterious person who had been paying attention to him would be him.

And the second time, in the mysterious starry sky in the sea of knowledge, one of the several pictures he saw was also the young man, especially the long gun in his hand, which was simply the same.

Chu Tianyu opened his mouth wide, and the doubts in his heart gradually abound. What kind of person is this young man? He has seen him in several mysterious places all the way.

But why is there no rumor about this young man in the legend, or even his name? Who the hell is he?

"Is this the ancestor of the Chu family?" Chu Tianyu couldn't help asking, but his heart kept pounding.

Chu Bahai shook his head. He didn't care about Chu Tianyu's strangeness, but took two steps straight and knelt down on the futon in front of the jade statue. At the same time, he said, "You also kneel down. No matter what you think of your identity in your heart, this senior, you still have to worship!"

Chu Tianling's heart moved and Fang wanted to speak, but he saw Chu Tianyu kneeling on the futon unexpectedly. At the same time, he also knelt down and couldn't help showing doubtful eyes.

With her understanding of her brother, he will never kneel down because of Chu Bahai's words, unless his brother knows this person and has received his favor.

Chu Bahai continued: "He is not the ancestor of my Chu family. In fact, the ancestor of my Chu family is just one of his subordinates in those years."

"Who the hell is he?" Chu Tianyu still tried to calm down the excitement and asked.

A trace of helplessness flashed in Chu Bahai's eyes and shook his head and said, "I really don't know who he is. I only know that the ancestor of that year once followed this senior and lived for a period of time. Our Chu family's marksmanship and practice are also from the guidance of this senior. When the ancestor was dying, he set up this jade statue. , the head of each generation came to worship. The ancestor never said who he was. According to the ancestor, it was not that he did not say it, but that he did not dared to say it.

"No matter how powerful it is, it's just a person after all. What's the dare? Is it because of a set of shooting techniques that the arrogant blood of the Chu family was buried? Chu Tianyu was a little disgrift.

Chu Bahai sighed: "It's not just a set of shooting techniques. During the period when his ancestors lived with him, he was deeply impressed. It can be said that without him, there would be no current Chu family. Although the ancestors didn't say much about him, the respect between words was from the bottom of his heart!"

Chu Tianyu knew in his heart that the ancestors of the Chu family must have received a lot of favors from this person, which made him have no objection in his heart, so he respected this person so much.

"Finally, it turns into a pinch of dust. How brilliant it is?" Chu Tianyu also sighed, and his eyes also fell on the face of the jade statue.

Suddenly, the cold jade in front of him seemed to come alive. The young man's face was clearly imprinted in Chu Tianyu's eyes, and the sunny smile at the corners of his mouth gradually became vivid.

In particular, those deep and natural eyes seemed to be full of infinite vitality, which made Chu Tianyu's thoughts stop abruptly, and his mouth opened in shock.

"Wow--" Everything in front of him suddenly disappeared, and Chu Tianyu blinked his eyes in disbelief.

"No, this is definitely not an illusion!" Chu Tianyu firmly said that the resonance from the bottom of his heart at that moment made him firmly believe what he saw.

At this time, Chu Bahai's voice also came to his ears: "No, this senior is not dead. According to the ancestor, the ancestor has been with him for 30 years and has also changed from a teenager to an old man, but the face of this predecessor has not changed at all. The ancestor said that his skills may have surpassed this. The limit of the world will not be limited by the cycle of life and death at all!"

"How can this be? Although the skills of Taoism can prolong life, they will never make people immortal. This is impossible!" Chu Tianling said.

"I believe he is still alive!" Chu Tianyu suddenly raised his head, looked at the jade statue without blinking, and said word by word.