Natural dull young master

Chapter 17 East Window Incident

When I woke up and arrived at my destination, I had missed a good play.

Walking on the road, I think the atmosphere is very strange.

Because, when a servant on the road met a familiar person, he said, he said, "Hey, you know?" It's like a big treasure advertisement in a previous life. When he met the person who was asked, he shook his head and pulled the person to the corner with an excited face. Then, from time to time, someone joined in and said "whisper", saying something interesting, he looked up at it. When he got around and saw no one, he continued to talk about it with great interest.

Is that a secret phrase?

This is the first thought that has turned around.

It's too obscene, they all whisper!

I'm really curious about their speech. It must have been something earth-shaking during my sleep. For example: Lin Zhenhuai and the maidservant of Mofu were found fighting in the pavilion for 300 rounds?

This idea is like a plate of delicious food in front of my eyes, stimulating my brain nerves.

I quickly tiptoed and moved to them without disturbing them. The whisperer saw me so well and nodded slightly to me with admiration, which was regarded as acquiescence to me to listen to his gossip.

“..... Today, I saw a good show. Do you know who the protagonist is? After saying that, he looked at the person who pricked up and listened to his key points with a mysterious face, as if he was saying, beg me, beg me quickly.

I really want to press him to the ground and beat him hard. I didn't see that I was in a hurry, and I had to pretend to be mysterious and appetizing. It's too unkind to be a person.

I didn't have the heart to wait for him to vot, so I asked directly, "Who is it?"

The man looked very satisfied and finally didn't continue to pique people's appetite. As soon as I finished speaking, he continued: "It's Miss Mo and the second young master of Lin Fu!"

I couldn't help asking, "Which Miss Mo?"

He looked at me like an idiot for a while and sneered:

"How many ladies are there in Mofu? It must be Miss Mo Shaolian!"

I resisted his impulse and continued to ask, "Where did you find it?"

The gossip man raised his head and looked around. He was wary and knew that no one was coming, so he said mysteriously:

"I heard that it was in Miss Mo's boudoir!"


The exclamation sounded abruptly.

I saw the surprised eyes around me and said quickly:

"Sorry, sorry, I'm so surprised. I really didn't expect the second young master of Linfu to be so arrogant!"

The second young master of Linfu was so shameless that Miss Mo Shaolian looked humiliated and held an uneven look.

They suddenly showed up and then talked about it with great interest.

passer-by A: "The second young master of Linfu is too arrogant. How dare he be so presumptuous in Mo Mansion. Do you really think Mo Mansion is his backyard?"

passer-by B: "That is, even if we admire our young lady, we can't be shameless to break into the lady's boudoir."


I didn't join their discussion and left quietly while they were not paying attention.

Walking on the path, I lowered my head and meditated and digested the information.

When this play comes out, the marriage between Lin Zhenhuai and Mo Shaolian is a certainty and there is no turning point. I just don't know what's going on.

I remembered Lin Zhenhuai's incident in the pavilion. Obviously, he hooked up with Mo's maidservant. After a nap, the person he hooked up with was Mo Shaolian, and the place changed to Mo Shaolian's boudoir.

I don't know how Dumb did it? Is it possible that like in the novel and movie, he used ecstasy fans, and then put two people who didn't do anything together, and then happened to let the servant find out?

In a blink of an eye, I may have used ** or something. Did Zhou Gong's thing in a daze and was found?

I vaguely touched a trace of truth, but I still couldn't believe that this was what A Dumb could do. After all, how can he do this alone?

Suddenly, I stopped and looked uncertain.

A Dumb seems to rarely appear when I am working. Most of them appear in front of me on time when eating. In private, I rarely take the initiative to care about what he is doing. Does he go out every day?

I looked complicated and uncontrollable for a moment. It seems that he has the means to breathe a sigh of relief and seems to be very lost.

Although he had known for a long time that he could not see his behavior from the surface, after knowing that the play was directed by him, the ripples in his heart could not stop spreading outward.

Sure enough, no one is as simple as the surface. No matter what Dumb has done, I'm just a little maidservant, which has nothing to do with me. Maybe if A Dumb wins power in the future, he can still have a steward to do it.

I comforted myself like this, but I couldn't help sighing, as if I wanted to spit out all the depression in my heart.

At the moment he saw Dumb, Dumb was already standing in the pavilion waiting for me. After seeing me, his dull face was loose and he said in a flat tone:

"Yes, young master, I will go to the lobby of Mofu later. Follow me and don't walk around!"

I saw that he didn't mention anything to me, but just said this sentence, and the astringency in my heart kept tossed.

I suppressed the discomfort and didn't come forward to ask him about Lin Zhenhuai's follow-up. Just said lightly:


Go over him and walk behind him with his head down.

Dumb seemed to sense my difference and looked back at me puzzledly. He didn't know why and knew that it was not a good time for me to ask me, so he stood aside, as if waiting for someone.

In a short time, the housekeeper of Mo's house ran to us in sweat and couldn't help saying:

"Master Lin, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. The old slave was just dealing with the problem and forgot it for a moment."

A Dai just shook his head at the housekeeper of Mo with a dull face, saying that it didn't matter.

The housekeeper Mo expressed his gratitude and took us to the hall.

When he arrived at the lobby, he saw Lin Zhenhuai kneeling on the ground. Master Lin scolded him with a hateful face, and Master Mo also changed from the smiling appearance of "Mile Buddha" to a gloomy face.

There is a mountain rain in the lobby, and the wind is full of dullness.

I was shocked by this low pressure, but silently followed Dumb.

Master Lin and Master Mo both noticed that the depressing atmosphere of our group had subsided a little.

As soon as Master Lin saw A Dai coming, he stopped scolding Lin Zhenhuai and turned around and said unhappily:

Where did you just go? Why did you come here now?"

Master Lin fell a big stone in his heart. Fortunately, the eldest son arrived in time, otherwise, he didn't know how to continue.

Instead, he complained about Lin Zhenhuai's failure to talk about things in private. It's good to be disturbed by him. Any conditions must be reopened, especially in the face of Mr. Mo, an old fox who meets his opponent, he will definitely not miss such an opportunity and squeeze him fiercely.

Thinking of this, his heart was like being cut by a knife, and his suppressed anger rose again. He kicked Lin Zhenhuai:

"You unfilial son, usually don't have a constitution. This time I asked you to follow you, but you did such a bad thing. If you still keep your life, I don't know how many disasters you will cause! Why don't we end it here? It's also an explanation for Mo Xiandi.

With that, he pretended to run to a bodyguard to draw a knife. Unfortunately, he walked too slowly and said something. The bodyguard next to him did not understand, so he took a few steps back.

The corners of his dumb mouth with his head down evoked a sneer, and Yu Guang looked at Master Lin's funny sarcastically.

"Brother Lin wants to kill his son, but after all, this is my brother's mansion. If something happens, it won't sound good." Master Mo said in a low voice, and his words were undisguised mocking Mr. Lin.

Master Mo was also very angry. Originally, the last time the flower thief gave him a headache, but he didn't expect that Mr. Lin came to marry him, but his son Lin Zhenhuai did such an indecent thing again. Even if he appreciated Lin Zhenhuai from the bottom of his heart? Is it comparable to the scandal of his daughter sharing a room with a man again? Therefore, looking at Master Lin's acting below, he really didn't want to continue to lie with him.

When Master Lin heard the words, his expression was stagnant and his face was a little hung up, but his psychological quality was still very strong. After a few words, he recovered. He apologized and said with a sincere face:

"Brother Mo Xian, in such a situation, I'm sorry for what I said for my brother. I didn't say anything more. After I went back, I called the matchmaker to marry your daughter."

Master Mo's dark color was a little looser. He knew that the result was the best, but he still let out a "hum":

"I hope Brother Lin will not forget today's words, otherwise, Mo is not easy to bully!"

leaving a sentence, he picked up tea, lowered his eyelids, and didn't look at Master Lin's group of people.

This is euphemistically letting Master Lin go.

Master Lin also knew that he was wrong about his affairs today, and he didn't care about Mr. Mo's attitude. He dealt with Mr. Mo in a few words and said that he wanted to go back home.

During the whole process, Lin Zhenhuai didn't say anything, whether he was reprimanded by Master Lin or two old foxes decided his marriage in front of him.

I'm a little curious, what's wrong with Lin Zhenhuai? Looking at the lost appearance, is there any other change in the middle of the journey?

When we were about to go home, an abrupt woman's voice appeared, which made us all stop.

"Dad, I don't want to marry him!"