The only immortal in the world

Chapter 93 Worry about the Three-Eye Fire Crystal

Hearing the words of the three-eyed fire crystal, Bai Weixuan almost didn't smile. She finally couldn't help laughing and said, "Okay, I won't brush you anymore. Don't stare! You hurried to practice before, but I haven't asked you. What is the soul bead?

"Soul beads can enhance your understanding of the origin of the soul. When you break the doorway and temper the heart of heaven, you can get the most perfect heart of heaven." The three-eyed fire crystal hummed softly and still said.

"How can I get it?" Bai Weixuan's eyes lit up, and she had broken through the porch twice, that is to say, she could use the soul pearl when she was promoted to the Yuanying period, and now it is just right.

"Through this fire of the soul without soul scattering, and has treasures that can suppress soul beads." The three-eyed fire crystal said flatly, "If you want to pass through this soul fire, you must cultivate three soul beads and have a soul-like defensive magic weapon."

"..." Bai Weixuan didn't feel anything when she heard the previous sentence, but when it came to the latter sentence, she wither, soul beads? What the hell? Do you still want soul-like defense weapons? I'm afraid that there won't be a few soul magic weapons in the world. Where can she find such rare magic weapons?

"Yes, I received the pure sun fire and a strange thunder and lightning. Let's see what they can do." Suddenly, Bai Weixuan thought of these two things again and asked. Although she knew something about the fire of pure yang, she didn't know much about it. As for the strange thunder and lightning, she didn't know anything about it.

"You call them out and have a look." The three-eyed fire crystal raised her eyebrows and said. Although he was well-informed, it was not Bai Weixuan who said any strange thunder and lightning casually. He could know what the thing was, and he had to look to distinguish it.

"Oh!" Bai Weixuan attracted a cluster of pure yang fire, and the faint cyan thunder and lightning loomed from the flames. Even in the depths that Bai Weixuan could not see, there was a drop of thick golden blood hidden.

"Is this thunderstorm?" When the three-eyed fire crystal saw the faint cyan thunder and lightning, the pupils contracted, and the surprised look on his face was unconcealed.

"Look at your expression, is this thunder and lightning?" Bai Weixuan smiled and suffered so much from the thunder and lightning. If it was not powerful, it would be unreasonable.

"It's not only powerful..." The three-eyed fire crystal muttered, with an unconcealed amazement in his tone that this guy could even get such strange things. At this moment, the three-eyed fire crystal's eyes at Bai Weixuan became unusual. He always thought that she was forgetful and didn't know the importance, but he didn't expect that her performance was so unexpected.

Whether it's practice, honing skills, or killing monsters and making various decisions, Bai Weixuan is extremely decisive and tenacious. It seems that she has changed into a person in an instant, and she doesn't have the feeling of laziness in the past.

"Thunderfire can dispel all darkness and restrain monsters. At the same time, it also has the characteristics of thunder, which is extremely aggressive and can even split the void when it reaches the extreme." The three-eyed fire crystal said, "Another powerful role of Tianleiyan is to refine the will."

"Refine the will?" Bai Weixuan was stunned. Will is related to people's innate and encounters. She has never heard that will can also be refined.

"Well, people who exist in this world must be dominated and influenced by this world. Heaven and earth have the rules of heaven and earth. All creatures living in the world will be bound by rules, and so will people." The three-eyed fire crystal said slowly, and every word shocked Bai Weixuan. "Human will is inherently different, strong and weak, but it will not be too far apart. Generally speaking, with the monk's cultivation and grinding, the monk's will will also be strengthened, but this enhancement is slow."

"The only thing that can greatly strengthen the will between heaven and earth is Tianleiyan, but this is only after subduing Tianleiyan. Otherwise, once you can't defeat Tianleiyan, you will be burned by thunder and your soul will be scattered." The three-eyed fire crystal voice said a little aggravated. He still doesn't understand why Bai Weixuan can get Tianleiyan and resist the terrible attack of Tianleiyan with her strength?

The three-eyed fire crystal never thought that Tian Leiyan would appear in Bai Weixuan's Dantian, and his power would be weakened. At the same time, he did not expect that there would be the existence of an evil immortal and would give up his own cultivation to help Bai Weixuan. What he could not imagine most was the characteristics of chaotic blood.

As the last owner of chaotic blood in the world, Bai Weixuan is also witnessing the magic of chaotic blood step by step.

At the beginning of the chaos, the heaven and the earth were not divided, and the four were not seen. Chaos blood, legend has it that it is the blood of the order of the universe, which exists in the farthest past. No one knows how it came from, and no one can say its best. I just know that this kind of blood is chaotic, turbid, mysterious and changeable, and rarely seen in tens of millions of years.

"Now you are a master of the Yuanying period, and you have the strength to fight. However, you should try to use Leiyan as little as possible. Even if you subdue it, you may still face its counterattack. This kind of thunderstorm is the most volatile. You should be moreware. The three-eyed fire crystal then reminded that it knew that the once capable man had subdued Tianleiyan, but somehow he was finally devoured by Tianleiyan, and his soul was scattered, and the end was very bleak. He did not want Bai Weixuan to have such a situation in the future.

"Well, I will try not to use it. Don't worry, I have a big life and can't die for the time being." Bai Weixuan raised her head and smiled. She didn't care much about it. It's useless to worry. It's a blessing or a curse that can't be avoided. She doesn't like to worry about the sky. The future will be left to herself in the future.

"Cut, I'm not worried." Shaken by Bai Weixuan's smile, the three-eyed fire crystal turned her head and muttered stubbornly.

"Hmm~Hmm!! The kid is the kid, and he is so dishonest. Bai Weixuan burst into laughter. The three-eyed fire crystal looked really funny. Such a wonderful expression made Bai Weixuan a little suspicious. Did this guy really become a human for the first time? Or is this guy born to be an actor? Rich expressions!

"Here are ten of the best spiritual stones. You can take them to practice! The aura of this place is too thin. You won't be willing to absorb it slowly, will you? Bai Weixuan casually waved out a pile of spiritual stones and said that she had got the pile of treasures guarded by the black dragon, and now she was rich, and ten of the best spiritual stones were taken out without blinking.

"Why do you suddenly have so many spiritual stones?" The three-eyed fire crystal was stunned. Although it woke up and slept, it still knew Bai Weixuan's various circumstances. By the time she came to this third floor, it can be said that she had not found any benefits except the pile of herbs and some rags. Now how can there be so many spiritual stones out of thin air?

Is it true that this guy hid himself at some point when he was sleeping?

"Hey, don't look at me like this. Believe it or not, I'll throw a thunderbolt that will make you lose your soul?" When Bai Weixuan saw the suspicious eyes of the three fire crystals, she immediately clenched her fist and said viciously.

"What's so fierce? Be careful not to get married in the future. The three-eyed fire crystal fished the best spiritual stone on the ground. For fear of repentance, Bai Weixuan quickly stuffed it into her pocket, and at the same time, her mouth was unforgiving.

"Cut, do you care whether I get married or not?" Bai Weixuan whitened her eyes and said with three fire crystals, and then smiled cunningly, "You don't want to know where I came from?"

"..." The three-eyed fire crystal closed her mouth and looked at her nose and heart, but she still couldn't help but want to know that the best spirit stone is priceless for Bai Weixuan, and it is also the best spirit stone containing the law of heaven and earth. Now she actually threw so much directly to him, so she must have more, even a lot of the best. Spirit Stone. Where did she get it? Is there a pile of treasures in this hall that it didn't notice?

"You, don't you say it yet?" The three-eyed fire crystal was silent and struggled. Finally, she saw Bai Weixuan's smiling face and couldn't help saying angrily, "Don't say pull it down. Anyway, I'm not interested anyway..."

"Ha ha..." Seeing the three-eyed fire crystal red and her neck red face, Bai Weixuan finally couldn't help laughing. She found that she had fallen in love with the three-eyed fire crystal, especially when she saw the latter's cheeks red because of anger, she couldn't help but be excited.

It's so cute, it's so cute! Sure enough, Zhengtai is invincible! Bai Weixuan howled in her heart and couldn't wait to go up and pinch the tender little face, and then appreciate the other party's shy and angry pink cheeks or wet eyes.

The three-eyed fire crystal is indeed a natural cute thing. No matter how you transform, you can't escape the border of cute things! Thinking of this, Bai Weixuan couldn't help laughing secretly. After the former cast a fire-breathing look, she restrained and pretended to say with a serious face, "These were snatched from the demonized black dragon not long ago." There was an inconspicuous storage bag in the treasure of the Black Dragon, but when Bai Weixuan sorted it out, she found that the space of the storage bag was very large, and it was full of the best spiritual stones, at least millions of yuan, enough for Bai Weixuan to spend a long time.

"The demonic black dragon?" The three-eyed fire crystal frowned doubtfully.

"Hmm! Even in a fire door at the end over there, there is a black dragon, but now it has been slaughtered by me. Well, the body has also been burned. Bai Weixuan did not cover up her bad deeds of destroying her body.

"There are monsters here..." The three-eyed fire crystal was silent worriedly.

"What? Is there any problem?" Bai Weixuan doubted that what the three-eyed fire crystal thought of was far from what she could realize. From ancient times to now, good and evil have been unconsidered. Hundreds ago, she was born with great taboos to suppress the demon clan and worked hard to delay the battle between good and evil for up to a thousand years. Now, this deadline is also about to expire, and the monsters will see the sun again. This The crisis of the world will come in a short time.

"Is the black dragon magical all over?" Three-eyed fire crystal quickly asked.

"There should be! It's black and corrosive, but it doesn't seem to work for me. Bai Weixuan thought for a moment and said.

"There is a magic spirit. It seems that the seal of the Seven Kills Hall will soon be broken, perhaps within the last six months." Hearing Bai Weixuan's answer, the three-eyed fire crystal said worriedly. Magic gas is useless to Bai Weixuan, but if it spreads into the world and rushes into the town, all people will be eroded by the magic gas in an instant and become monsters full of evil thoughts.