The only immortal in the world

Chapter 138 Ice Spirit

"These are just aids. If there is a chaotic demon, the demon clan will not disappear." Tianmiao shook her head and then said worriedly, "Those demon kings are not afraid. I'm afraid that the demon king will come again. Few people in this world can compete with it."

"Tianmiao, can I ask how practitioners appeared in the thousand years after the Protoss disaster?" Bai Weixuan asked. Under the mixture of many information, she seemed to have caught a trace of unusual. There were no practitioners in the prosperous period of the Protoss. Now, in just a thousand years, practitioners have generally come to three continents. Whether it is practitioners in Qinglian mainland or martial arts in the ancient rock continent, their cultivation methods are from What's the matter?

"I don't know this. According to Yan, this is destiny and the future trend of the world. Human beings are self-improvement, and the Protoss withdraw from the stage of history. Tianmiao shook his head and said,

"Fate..." Bai Weixuan chewed this word and always felt that there was something wrong. Whether it was a powerful Tianmiao or Mu Xiyan of the empty bunch clan, they all took fate as a guide for everything, and what is fate? Who will be in control?

"Xiao Bai, can I call you like three eyes?" Just when Bai Weixuan was slightly distracted, Tianmiao looked at her seriously and asked.

"Yes, yes, you can call it whatever you want." Bai Weixuan was stunned at first, and then a little embarrassed. What is the situation now? Before the seventh generation, you appeared at the same time as yourself and now, and chatted as two different individuals?

"Do you remember Tianxuan?" Tianmiao smiled slightly and looked very soft.

"Of course, remember, Tianmiao, you said you never know what love is, but can't you really see Tianxuan's dedication to you? He has done so much for you, but what have you done to him? I..." Speaking of Tianxuan, Bai Weixuan suddenly woke up. Thinking of Tianxuan's various things, she couldn't help standing up and said angrily.

"Hehe! You are really completely different from me!" Seeing Bai Weixuan's face in the atmosphere, Tianmiao couldn't help laughing, and then closed her eyes a little tiredly. After a long time, she said, "Tianxuan should have said that we are one."

"Actually, Tianxuan is my body. It's just that I only have part of my memory, and most of my active will is in Tianmiao. Tianmiao said quietly.

"What?" Bai Weixuan was dumbfounded. She always thought that it was just Tianxuan's wishful infatuation, but unexpectedly, she also heard such words from Tianmiao's mouth. However, they were obviously two individuals. Why did they all say that they were one? Bai Weixuan is a little confused. This kind of existence is really incredible.

"I was originally a trace of chaotic qi, which turned yin and yang to create the appearance of a divine clan. As soon as I was born, I had two bodies, one was a Meizu god and the other was an empty god. Otherwise, do you think that because of my identity and strength, I can start reincarnation? Tianmiao said with a self-deprecating smile.

"But you are obviously two individuals!" Bai Weixuan's mouth became a little dry, one person, two bodies? Two different identities?

"All appearances are just illusory, and what the essential thing is like." Tianmiao said, "I don't have much time. This is the last time I've been here. The future depends on you. I can't predict what will happen in the future."

"So fast?" When Bai Weixuan heard Tianmiao's words, she suddenly became anxious. She still had a lot of questions to ask her. How could she leave like this?

"Hmm! You don't have to do what I asked Tianxuan to tell you. Although I don't know why, Xi's soul has been reincarnated. The true soul of Ziyang has also disappeared, and the realm of Ziyang will not be opened again unless you can become a true immortal. Tian Miao looked slightly positive and looked at Bai Weixuan.

"Well, I can't guarantee it, just try your best..."

Originally, Bai Weixuan wanted to say this, but she never dared to guarantee the future. However, seeing Tianmiao's slightly expectant eyes, she swallowed the words in her heart, nodded solemnly, and said, "Although I don't guide myself what will happen in the future, I promise that as long as I am still alive, I will become a true immortal."

Fee that Bai Weixuan's determination came from nowhere, Tianmiao lowered her eyes and smiled from the bottom of her heart. Her body gradually became blurred at this time, "Well, I'll help you in the end!"

"Ah?" Bai Weixuan was shocked and quickly wanted to hold her and said eagerly, "Hey! Wait! You haven't told me if I can go back to the original world?

"As long as you want, you can." Tian Miao smiled faintly, and his voice gradually faded away until it finally disappeared. Her figure directly turned into a white light, rose to the sky and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Bai Weixuan stood still, and her outstretched hand was still frozen in place. Her face suddenly changed several colors, but in the end, she couldn't stand the indignation in her heart. She pointed to the place where Tianmiao disappeared and roared: "Bastard Tianmiao, you are a death stick. What do you mean 'as long as you want, you can'? Come back and make it clear!!!"

The huge roar made this space tremble a little. Unfortunately, no matter how loud she roared, Tianmiao could not hear it and would not respond to her at all.

A brief silence, and then under Bai Weixuan's surprised eyes, there was a heavy snowfall in the sky here.

A large area of snow fell from the sky, as thin as snow-white feathers.

Son, an ice-blue light flew through the void and fell in front of Bai Weixuan. It's a water chip that is only one finger long, and the whole body is ice blue, like ten thousand years of black ice.

is the water chip given to her by the ice dragon at the beginning. It is said to be the secret skill of the dragon clan. The name seems to be the ice soul formula. She didn't care at that time and threw it into the seventh spiritual crystal. Before that, she had completely forgotten it.

At this time, when she saw the water chip, Bai Weixuan couldn't help thinking of all kinds of things about herself and others in Mashan. She sighed and didn't know how the colored dragon was now and what Mashan looked like.

Reaching out to pick up the water chip in front of her. Before Bai Weixuan could see more, the ice blue bracelet on her wrist lit up first.

The bracelet and the water chip are reflected, and they seem to be sensitive, approaching each other. Bai Weixuan didn't have time to stop it at all. She saw the water chip and sticking to the bracelet. At the same time, the two turned into an ice blue light and rushed into Bai Weixuan's Dantian.

Bai Weixuan's current cultivation is not only stable in the early stage of Yuanying, but also not far from the middle stage of Yuanying. The divine consciousness has abnormally reached the early stage of the god. Compared with the beginning, her strength can only be described as horror. Even if Binglong sees it at this moment, he will be amazed.

Originally, the later the cultivation, the more difficult it is to improve, especially the gateway between the Yuanying period and the out-of-body period, which is very difficult to break. Once this porch is broken and the out-of-body period is reached, the monk's soul will undergo a qualitative change.

The original heavenly heart can come to the outside world from the sea of knowledge, and the heavenly heart is invisible and bodyless in the outside world. It is just a touch of thought. Others can't hurt it at all. It can be said that it is a divine travel between heaven and earth, coming and disappearing without a trace.

When it comes to the out-of-body period, monks can also practice the attack power of Tianxin. Although the attack power of Tianxin is not very strong, at some times, the gap between enemies with little difference in strength is fatal.

These are all later. When the ice blue light suddenly rushed into Bai Weixuan Dantian, Yuanying in her Dantian trembled, and her whole body was covered with a layer of frost in an instant, which made Bai Weixuan tremble like falling into an ice cave.

Then, messages spread into Bai Weixuan's sea of knowledge through the ice and blue light.

The first condition of the ice soul formula is to condense the ice soul. Only the existence of ice soul can the ice soul formula be used.

The ice dragon clan is born with ice spirit, and there is no need for this step, but Bai Weixuan, as a human, has to use the water chip given by the ice dragon to condense the ice spirit.