The only immortal in the world

Chapter 139 Rebirth

The crystal chip given by the ice dragon contains the power of his own ice spirit, which can guide Bai Weixuan to condense the ice spirit. However, the conditions for condensing the ice are also harsh. It must be in an extremely cold place, led by wind and snow, and must be able to resist the erosion of cold air.

It can be said that if Bai Weixuan hadn't reached such a height now, if she had forcibly used this crystal, she would have been directly frozen into ice sculpture.

However, Bai Weixuan also knew that although the ice dragon was a little pale and bad, it was still dragon-like and would not harm her in such a inferior way. The reason why the water chip would start spontaneously was probably related to the ice blue bracelet in her hand.

However, Bai Weixuan does not have extra time to think about this at this moment. Her Dantian is now covered with ice and snow, and Yuanying trembles under the erosion of cold air.

"Ni, Nima, no, don't you bully, bully and betray others like this?" Bai Weixuan's voice was so cold that she couldn't help trembling. She quickly sat down, ran her spiritual power all over her body, and entered Dantian, trying to disperse the cold with spiritual power.

What dumbed her was that once those spiritual powers entered Dantian, they were directly frozen into ice slag and fell on Yuanying, bringing a piercing cold.

Bai Weixuan's heart sank. This time, she played too much, and even her spiritual power was ineffective. She was afraid that she would be frozen to death by the ice before she began to condense the ice.

Moreover, the pure yang fire cannot be used at this time, otherwise, she will die faster. Thunderstorm? Not to mention, I'm afraid it's better to commit suicide with pure yang fire.

There is only chaotic blood left, and I don't know how this unfavorable chaotic blood will react. While focusing her expectations on the chaotic blood, Bai Weixuan tried to relieve the cold from the inside out.

The spiritual power around her body is running, but it does not enter Dantian. The little heat flow generated also slightly relieves the cold of the body. However, compared with the body that is about to be frozen, this temperature is undoubtedly just a drop in the bucket.

Bai Weixuan's strong consciousness did not have any discomfort, but her body began to freeze slowly, and her blood stopped flowing little by little until the end, even the spiritual power could no longer work. She seemed to have turned into a conscious ice sculpture and sat there motionless.

There was no way in her heart. Bai Weixuan had to use this sober effort to mobilize everything she could mobilize, and she was still making the final dying struggle.

In her meridians, the golden chaotic blood stopped flowing, emitting a soft golden light, as if she had fallen asleep.

But she, who had been staring at the chaotic blood, did not find it. At this time, in her sea of knowledge, the colorful heavenly heart turned autonomously, and the aperture, which was not the size of a fist, grew at a visible speed.

"Hold the god and stay together with the cold." Bai Weixuan finally looked at the motionless chaotic blood and knew that she could not rely on it this time, so she took the idea of risking it. According to the water chip, she gave up resisting the cold, but united her mind and truly sensed the power of cold with her body and heart.

Originally, Bai Weixuan thought that with her current cultivation, she could directly refine the ice soul without freezing, but unexpectedly, in just a moment, she had to take this last step, which was also the worst step.

There is a great risk of sensing the cold force. If it can't be sensed, her body will die directly within three days. At that time, no matter how powerful her consciousness is and how unique and perfect her heart is, she will no longer be able to return to heaven.

The time is only three days. Whether she can break the cocoon and be reborn depends on whether she can feel the cold power in these short three days.

Bai Weixuan knew that she didn't have much time, so she was very careful. Instead of thinking about other methods, she concentrated her mind and devoted herself to sensing the cold power.

At this moment, not only her whole body is covered with ice and snow, but also Yuan Ying is pressed under the ice and snow, which can be said to be ice from the inside out. In a sense, this can also be regarded as a kind of time and place.

As for whether it can be achieved in the end, it depends on Bai Weixuan's creation.

Time flies, and the snow in the paper has been snowing for three days in a row. These three days, in the outside world, are only three short hours, but for Bai Weixuan, it is no less than three years.

Is the power of ice and cold so easy to feel? In addition, she owns the hottest things such as pure yang fire and Tianleiyan, which has nothing to do with Bing Han. If it hadn't been for the water chip given by the ice dragon, she would have really been able to communicate with the power of Bing Han for another three years.

What's more, it's only three days! Seeing that the time limit was approaching and her body was gradually dying, Bai Weixuan had just touched the threshold of the cold force and wanted to step in, but it still took some time.

However, what she lacks the most now is time.

Bai Weixuan tries her best to keep herself calm, ignore the changes in her body, and communicates with the cold power as usual. However, at this moment, her heart can't be completely calmed down. How can she not be afraid of death? But now she can only make a desperate bet.

"Isn't the power of ice and cold, the power of ice and cold, another force similar to spiritual power? I don't believe it, I can't take it!" There was also a deep obsession in her heart. Bai Weixuan was fierce in her heart, became soft and strong, and directly forced to extract the power of ice and cold.

As time passed, Bai Weixuan's body had shown signs of collapse, but she couldn't care about it at all. The power of her soul directly covered a hundred miles here, and the strong breath swept the whole space like a storm.

Her arms were cracked, and her knees had begun to crack, leaving traces of a road about to collapse on her face, as if it would collapse the next second.

Sum, the space trembled, and the snowflakes flew in the sky, and the huge invisible waves piled up a thick layer of snowflakes, setting off a white storm.

Bai Weixuan trembled within a hundred miles. Between the shaking of the sky and the earth, ice-blue energy sprung out like bamboo shoots after the rain, shooting at the center of the storm like arrows.

On the ice crystal hill, Bai Weixuan's body, which was about to collapse, was suddenly covered by ice blue light, and the broken place was recombined and repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon, it returned to its original state. And her body was also shocked, and a little bit of ice suddenly peeled off from her body surface and scattered to the ground.

At the same time, the ice-blue energy from all directions rushed directly into her body, swam through the eight strange meridians, and finally merged into her Dantian.

At this moment, Bai Weixuan's Dantian, on her little Yuanying, the frost has completely melted, but a ice-blue protective film has formed on it.

A stream of ice-blue energy directly passes through the protective film and is injected into Bai Weixuan's baby.

Ice soul is the soul of ice, which cannot get along with Bai Weixuan's seven souls and six souls, so it can only exist in Bai Weixuan's original baby and become the soul of the baby.

At the critical moment, Bai Weixuan also breathed a sigh of relief and found that she had almost completely died, and she couldn't help but be afraid for a while.

However, Fortunately, everything has passed. Now she has successfully acquired the power of ice and cold power, and the rest is to refine the ice soul and really have the ice soul.

Time passed away like water, and the ice-blue energy in the ice and snow was still flying towards Bai Weixuan's body.

In this ice and snow, Bai Weixuan maintained this knee-deep posture as usual. I don't know when the snow above her head has stopped, and I don't know when there are a few more ice fruits on the snow tree.

Around the ice and snow, Bai Weixuan's skin did not leave a trace of snow, but it seemed to be integrated into the snow color, becoming as white as ice and snow, pure and flawless.

Two years have passed. When she opened her eyes from practice, two years have passed, and it has been almost two and a half months in the outside world.

For the first time, she has been away for so long that she doesn't know what's going on outside.

Two years later, her cultivation has also broken through from the early stage of Yuanying to the later stage of Yuanying. As long as she breaks through the porch again, she can enter the period of enlightenment. However, before breaking through the entrance, she still needs to make some preparations to refine some necessary elixir to help clear the barrier.

As for going out, it needs to be slowed down.