The only immortal in the world

When Bai Weixuan and the three returned to the location of the four mythical beasts, a light from the North Star suddenly shone on her. By the time, the seventh spiritual crystal in her arms flew out without warning, emitting an eye-catching light in the light. Then, the white light gradually condensed together, forming a round ball of light.

The light sphere blended with the seven-generation spiritual crystal pin, and a dazzling blue light suddenly rose on the seventh-generation spiritual crystal pin. Suddenly, the red, orange, yellow, green, blue and six colors reflected each other, like six strange stars with different light, intertwining the seven-generation spiritual crystal pins.

Before Bai Weixuan realized what was going on, she got the information opened by the realm of the Holy Spirit. Infinite blue light radiated from the pincer and shone on the sky. Bai Weixuan turned her head and saw that under the blue light, light blue clouds covered the whole sky, and light blue light came from the clouds and fell on this spiritual treasure land that had been soaked by immortality.

In a hut, the middle-aged Taoist with spirits squinted his eyes and looked at the sky. On this day, he saw too many strange things and didn't care about adding another one. For him, what happened to the outside world had nothing to do with him. He just endlessly bought sin in this dark space.

When the blue light fell, he just narrowed his eyes slightly, as if it was a little strange to blame the dazzling light. He put together the clay pot in his arms that carried the whole world and turned over silently.

A blue light fell on his body and penetrated into the pottery pot in his arms. The drowsy people did not find it. At this time, a light flew out of the pottery pot, and a magnificent woman appeared in the dark hut.

The divine light scattered from her, dispelling the darkness around her.

The middle-aged Taoist suddenly felt that the light outside him became a little dazzling and couldn't help raising his sleeves to resist, but a slender hand suddenly grabbed his arm, and the familiar breath came to his face.

"Xuanlang..." The woman's voice was choked and excited. She looked at the haggard and depressed appearance of her lover and was heartbroken.

Hearing the familiar voice and the haunting call, the middle-aged Taoist's body suddenly stiffened. He carefully raised his head from his arms, with a touch of tension on his dirty face. When he finally saw the man's face, he could no longer calm down. He suddenly got up from the ground and held her in his arms with great force, "ming Fei..."

His voice was hoarse and vicissitudes, but in just a few days, he seemed to be decades old. The monster came so fast that he didn't have time to come to rescue him. When he returned to their house, he only saw the body of his beloved.

He once killed hundreds of monsters with a knife, but found that every time he harvested a life, the emptiness in his heart was getting bigger and bigger. He knew that she didn't want him to kill more evil, so since then he gave up killing monsters and got drunk day by day.

It doesn't matter if he is eroded by the black rain. It doesn't matter if the world is destroyed. Without her, his life is just to continue to survive to remember her.

Now, God has sent her back to him. The middle-aged Taoist hugged the trembling man in his arms and suddenly caught a glimpse of the blue light outside the Taoist outside. If he understood something, he calmed the excitement in his heart, let go of the person in his arms, took her hand, and said gently, "Ming Fei, go and thank our savior."

"Hmm!" Tears flowed on the woman's face and nodded quickly.

The two walked outside the house and saw the blue light all over the sky. They looked at each other and knelt down on the cold ground together.

The heavy snow rose one after another, and it was even more dreamy and ethereal in the blue light. Bai Weixuan stood in mid-air and saw the figures kneeling on the ground one by one. She couldn't help but be stunned for a long time. It was not until the snow fox said "Holy Spirit Salvation" that she suddenly realized.

She once asked the Ice Fox King, and the Ice Fox King also said that the heart of the Holy Spirit she was looking for was far away in front of her. At that time, she didn't understand what it meant, but now she understands it.

As a being born with this world, it has the heart of the Holy Spirit, which is very clear. No wonder they all say that this is destiny. No wonder the position of the heart of the Holy Spirit in the map given to her by God has been changing.

The North Star returned to its throne and the Holy Spirit saved the world. It turned out that the three-eyed fire crystal was the dominant of the world.

"Senior Xuehu, did you already know that the heart of the Holy Spirit is on the three-eyed fire crystal?" Bai Weixuan asked calmly, but the answer was already clear in her heart. She seems to want to blame the snow fox for not explaining it to her, but she doesn't seem to want to know such a fate earlier. She looked up at the sky and felt that fate was really a strange thing.

"Senior, do you know how to open the melting furnace of heaven and earth?" Thinking of the last sentence of the three-eyed fire crystal, Bai Weixuan couldn't help asking.

However, unexpectedly, Xuehu shook his head sadly, "Only Tianmiao can open the melting furnace of heaven and earth. As for how to open it, only she knows how to open it, just like only she can find the six reincarnations."

"Really..." Bai Weixuan sighed quietly. It seemed that if she wanted to open the melting pot of heaven and earth, she still needed to explore and work hard by herself.

"I think you may be able to leave this space and venture into the world of heavenly Taoists. There may be an answer you want. Pluto walked over and spoke lazily.

"The world of the heavenly Taoist?" Bai Weixuan muttered that the confusion in her eyes suddenly dissipated a lot. She was somewhat curious about what the space Tianmiao once lived in was like, and what happened to Miluo Tian, a so-called "robber on the corridor of destruction".

Heavenly Taoists, they can destroy a space with one hand, and an idea can destroy an incomplete form of time and space. What kind of appearance do these powerful beings survive?

Thinking of Tianmiao's indifference, Miluotian's greed, and Pluto's laziness, Bai Weixuan suddenly felt that the world of Taoists seemed to be particularly wonderful.

How's it going? Have you decided yet?" Pluto said with a smile, "Maybe we can find a way home~"

"Go home? Do you want to go home too?" Bai Weixuan raised her eyebrows and caught the connection in this paradoxical words.

"Well... I just feel that I still have a home to go back!" Pluto touched his chin thoughtfully and said half-seriously and half-jokingly.

Bai Weixuan scolded, and she suddenly thought of Miluo Tian's words. He once mocked that Pluto was a poor person who lost his memory. Is it possible that this lazy guy really has any unspeakable past? Looking at Pluto suspiciously, Bai Weixuan felt more and more that this person had something in common with some people in her world.

He seems lazy but is careful. He seems ordinary and actually has amazing strength. He doesn't look, but he can turn defeat into victory at the most critical moment. He does not expose his strengths, but he always makes people who don't know him fall into the trap of his ordinary appearance. Miluo Tian is the most Good example.

He must be a smart person, but at the same time, he is also a casual person.

"This space still needs time to grow. For unnecessary trouble, our four mythical beasts will cast spells to hide it. I will stay in this space. If you come back one day, you can use this spiritual knowledge to send me a sound. Xuehu turned out a dark jade card and threw it to Bai Weixuan and said.

"What is this?" Bai Weixuan took the jade card and asked curiously.

"This is a universal sound transmission jade card for heavenly Taoists, which is very convenient!" The white tiger said, "Fortunately, with the Holy Spirit to save the world, my people have returned to normal. After hiding this space, I will bring them back to the vein of the beast god."

"I follow my mother~" Xiao Yi quickly said, and the rosefinch beside him flapped its wings and said honestly, "Then I'll follow you!"

"Brother, how about you?" Bai Weixuan looked at Qing Hanxuan.

"I have almost completed the disaster period. After the disaster first, I will go to the world of the Taoist with you!" Qing Hanxuan smiled and said.

Ah? Brother, are you about to get through the disaster? Bai Weixuan was shocked, and then she remembered that there was a disaster.

"Hmm! One year and a month later. Qing Hanxuan nodded calmly. Bai Weixuan couldn't help opening her mouth. Then she remembered that she needed Xianyuan Power to go to the world of the Taoist. She had not yet reached the disaster period, let alone the disaster, and she could not leave this space at all.

"So, I have to practice until the period of disaster, and then I can't go out after the disaster?" Bai Weixuan pointed to herself with a bitter face.

"Hmm!!" Everyone nodded together.

Bai Weixuan burst into tears.