The only immortal in the world

Chapter 280 Shenluo

The alternating black and white Taiji picture is very similar to what Bai Weixuan had seen in the illusion of the furnace of heaven and earth. However, that time, Tianmiao walked in independently, but this time, the Taiji pattern directly rolled her in.

Bai Weixuan is suffering in her heart. Isn't she going to be reincarnated again? Will she still remember what happened in this life? Will you still remember Guang Shihan?

She finally found his white lotus incarnation. As long as she can see him, she is willing to wait. It doesn't matter if she wait for hundreds or thousands of years. But now, this strange Taiji picture suddenly appeared, which involved her defenselessly, which was too sudden.

I don't know how many years it will last to leave this time, and she didn't even have time to say goodbye.

"Alas..." She sighed, and Bai Weixuan looked around helplessly. Although her body was moving at a high speed, the scene around her did not change much. Although the light here is dim, there are shining stars around. At this moment, she seems to have come to the sea of stars, surrounded by countless stars.

"Strange, is the reincarnation tunnel like this?" Bai Weixuan was secretly puzzled, but she didn't expect that the whole space suddenly shook for a moment, and her body suddenly lightened, as if it had fallen from somewhere.

Bai Weixuan opened her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. It was not too far from the ground. She was about to mobilize her spiritual power to fly, but she found that her spiritual power could not move at all, as if it had been imprisoned in place and no longer flowing.

What's going on? Bai Weixuan was shocked. Before she could think more, she saw that the ground was getting closer and closer to her. She screamed in shock, and her body came into close contact with the earth fiercely.

Her buttocks fell fiercely into four petals, and Bai Weixuan grinned with pain. At this time, a cold gaze stared at her. She turned her head stiffly and thought she would see some strange beast, but found that the owner of this cold sight was actually a teenager who was only 17 or 18 years old.

The teenager looked at her sadly. No, it should be the prototype corpse under her buttocks. Bai Weixuan put down the corners of her mouth and climbed aside embarrassedly, looking curiously at the black object that she pressed into a pancake.

It looks a little spherical, black, and the eyes, nose and mouth are not seen, as if it were a pile of briquettes, but this flat briquette clearly emits a trace of fishy smell, and it is indeed a creature.

"I'm sorry, I ruined your pet..." Bai Weixuan was very frank and lenient according to her own guess.

"@#¥%&*#¥%..." However, a paragraph spit out from the teenager's mouth completely stunned Bai Weixuan.

Mother! What is this place? Did she fall into the alien's house? She didn't understand a word!!!

"Can you speak Mandarin?" Bai Weixuan's mouth was ** again and tried to comfort herself. Unfortunately, the teenager's next words shattered her fantasy fiercely.

God, you won't leave me in a place where the language doesn't understand, will you? Bai Weixuan's heart was wailing, and she almost had the impulse to curse her mother. Where on earth did the damn gossip map throw her?!

At this time, the teenager also seemed to find that they didn't understand the language, so he looked at her coldly, pointed to her and pointed to himself, obviously and asked her to follow him.

Bai Weixuan frowned. Her spiritual power was sealed, and she didn't even have the most basic self-preservation ability. If the other party wants to be unfavorable to her, she really can't help it. But then the teenager pointed to the long sword with strong and lethal power, but she couldn't help making another choice, so he had to sigh to keep up with his pace and take one step first!

In this way, she walked for about half an hour. When Bai Weixuan was about to fall asleep, a small village appeared in front of Bai Weixuan. Occasionally, people came and went on the way. Seeing the teenagers coming, they greeted respectfully.

Of course, Bai Weixuan didn't understand half of the greeting.

As soon as the teenager walked into the village, suddenly a tall and strong man came face to face. He looked a little contemptuous. He put his hand on the teenager's shoulder and said something.

As for what she said, Bai Weixuan couldn't understand, but looking at the teenager's anger and forbearance, she knew that the other party would not say anything good.

After saying that, the strong man also looked at Bai Weixuan and left with a smile. At this time, the teenager stared at her fiercely again, and the anger on his face was clear.

Bai Weixuan said that she was at a loss and helplessness. The teenager also seemed to know that she could not understand them, so she sighed helplessly and walked towards the largest building in the village like a defeated rooster.

The buildings of this village and town are strange. They are all made of large rocks, but the rocks are cut very completely, and the surface is also very flat and looks neat. And the building in front of her is particularly rocky, and there is a clear mysterious smell in the cut.

Looking at this situation, it should be the residence of people like the village head. Bai Weixuan glanced around and found that there were not many people in the village at this time, and it seemed that most of them were out.

"Squeak!" The whole wooden door cut into wood was opened from the inside, and a small old man with a cringed body poked his head out of it. He saw the teenager standing in front of the door, smiled gently, whispered a few words to him, and then raised his eyes and glanced at Bai Weixuan and let them in.

The teenager bent down gratefully to thank him. Bai Weixuan did the same, and the two came to the courtyard smoothly.

Following the old man into the inner door, she saw a middle-aged man practicing his moves in the practice field in the room. Bai Weixuan felt dizzy at a glance and quickly turned her head. The teenager beside her was interested in it and unconsciously opened her eyes.

Seeing the arrival of the three, the middle-aged man took over, smiled brightly and came over. The three chattered again that Bai Weixuan couldn't understand, and then the middle-aged man looked at her thoughtfully. He said something to the short old man, and the latter took the order. After a while, he brought back a delicate small box.

Seeing this small box, the teenager's expression was obviously excited. His little face was wrinkled and he said something to the middle-aged man, which seemed to be very confused. But the former just touched his head with a smile and did not explain much.

He handed the small box to Bai Weixuan and nodded to her with a kind smile. Under the teenager's slightly indignant gaze, Bai Weixuan took the box, and her face was still blank.

At this time, seeing the middle-aged man pick up something to eat, Bai Weixuan suddenly realized that she quickly opened the box and saw a milky white pill, a fragrance coming to her nose, and the sufficient aura made people feel refreshed.

Bai Weixuan is not a child in the world of cultivation. She has refined a lot of elixirs, and she can easily tell that the pill is poisonous. She looked at it casually and swallowed it into her abdomen.

The white pill with a trace of sweetness immediately turned into a warm stream flowing all over Bai Weixuan's limbs. The originally frozen spiritual power in her meridians also showed signs of loosening at this time, and a trace overflowed from it for Bai Weixuan to call.

The effect of this pill was extremely fast, and in a short moment, it was very comfortable. After a while, when Bai Weixuan heard what several people said, she could already understand what they meant.

"It's really cheap for you!" The teenager was not very friendly to Bai Weixuan, and seemed to be even more dissatisfied with her because of the pills. Unexpectedly, he didn't say a word of thanks, so he took the magic medicine of Lord Funan so carelessly.

"Thank you for the gift. I don't know, where is this place?" Bai Weixuan curled her lips and didn't care about the teenager's bad eyes. Instead, she punched the middle-aged man and politely asked. She was eager to know where she was left behind and hoped to find her way back as soon as possible.

"This is Shinra Star. Welcome! I am the leader of this tribe, Funan. The middle-aged man smiled and looked very well-restrained and unpretentious. Although he was polite, he also kept his distance. Such a person really deserves to be the leader of a tribe.

"Shenluo Star..." Bai Weixuan was dumbfounded. It was actually a planet that she had never heard of. To be precise, called a star, it was already a fully morphological space, that is to say, this is no longer the space she once lived in, or even nothing else.