The only immortal in the world

Chapter 281 Test Strength

"What was the name of your original planet? Is it far from here?" Seeing Bai Weixuan's dumbfounded look, the middle-aged man asked kindly.

Bai Weixuan couldn't help smiling bitterly when she heard the words, "I used to be in an incomplete space, and I don't know its star domain or name..."

"Then how did you come here?" The three asked in unison, obviously surprised that Bai Weixuan could come here.

"I don't know..." Bai Weixuan shrugged her shoulders helplessly. She couldn't wait to see that everything was just a dream. Looking back on the moment after her evil brother crossed the disaster, she still feels incredible.

"You don't even know the interstellar coordinates, do you?" The teenager asked tentatively.

Bai Weixuan nodded blankly, and everyone felt a little stunned.

"Huh, idiot!" The teenager gave Bai Weixuan a rude look, and then said viciously, "I don't care about anything else. You have to compensate my Thunder Beast, and you also need to buy the elixir of Lord Funan. Now it's just for you!"

"..." Bai Weixuan was speechless for a moment, thunder beast? Did she hear it correctly? How can that black ball be called a thunder beast?

"Siqi, elixir..." The middle-aged man wanted to say something, but was seriously interrupted by the teenager. "Lord Funan, don't you often say that you can't get a job without merit? Moreover, how can there be a free lunch in the world? Shendan is so precious, how can it be given away for free?

"So, how can I get the fairy stone?" Bai Weixuan knew that the little guy was not going to let herself go. Looking at his posture, it was as if she was a rice cooker. Bai Weixuan is also too lazy to argue. She has always disliked to accept other people's charity. When she took the elixir, she planned to compensate. However, she didn't know how to compensate for a moment. When the kid said this, it was not her intention.

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly. In the whole tribe, this teenager had the strongest self-esteem and admitted his death. Even he, the leader, could not convince this bull. Moreover, it was right to let this outsider practice here. After all, she is so weak that she doesn't even have Xianyuan power.

"You are so weak, the newborn babies here are better than you. I really don't know how you came here." The teenager looked at Bai Weixuan and said dissatisfiedly, "Forget it, come with me!" Lord Funan, I'll say goodbye first.

"Hmm!" Funan nodded slightly. The child's face was disgusting and kind. Although his words were harsh, he was helping Bai Weixuan. Otherwise, with Bai Weixuan's strength, it is really difficult to stay here.

However, Bai Weixuan, who didn't know, actually said that she couldn't even compare with a newborn baby. She looked at her very unconvincedly. Anyway, she is also one of the best masters in the original space. How can she not even compare with a baby?

Although she was angry, Bai Weixuan still forced herself to hold back her plan to be high with the teenager, said goodbye to Funan, followed the teenager named Siqi, and left the big yard.

"Hey, idiot, your bloodline is so low that you came to Shenluo Star to find death?" On the street of the tribe, Si Qi turned his face and said with a straight face.

"I'm not called a feed or an idiot. My name is Bai Weixuan. Can you leave some virtue?" Bai Weixuan took a deep breath and told herself to be patient.

"Little ghost? I'm 180 years old!" Hearing Bai Weixuan's words, Si Qi said with a cold smile. Bai Weixuan couldn't help but stagnate. Is she 180 years old? Is this child joking?

"Don't want to believe that our Shenluo bloodline is noble, and the physical growth is much slower than that of ordinary ethnic groups. However, we are born with the strength of Xuanxian, which is unimaginable by people of your bloodline." Siqi said coldly, "Don't you know that Taoists are divided into the levels of earth immortals, Xuanxian, Taoist immortals, immortals and immortal kings?"

"Well..." Bai Weixuan was choked. She just survived the middle of the disaster and had not been exposed to the level of the heavenly Taoist at all, and Pluto had not had time to tell her. Now that she was shabby by the kid, she suddenly felt uncomfortable all over. Seeing his strange face, she couldn't wait to step on his face.

"What an idiot!" Si Qi shook his head and continued to walk forward.

"Hey, Xiao, Siqi, where are you taking me now?" Bai Weixuan just wanted to call him a kid, but she couldn't help thinking of Si Qi's age and couldn't help changing her mouth. This sounded in Siqi's ears, but it was particularly funny.

"Hmm! Let you crush my thunder beast, and make me be satirized by Wu Nan's bastard. I have to punish you!" Siqi secretly decided to try Bai Weixuan's strength before teasing her, so he still said arrogantly, "Go to the field and test your strength first, otherwise it will be difficult to arrange tasks for you."

"Oh..." Bai Weixuan said softly, and then asked, "Isn't there a large population here? I don't think there are any people in your tribe.

"Everyone has gone out to hunt. This is the daily practice of our Shinra clan, which can also be exchanged for fairy stones." Si Qi replied casually.

"So, there are many tribes in your Shinra clan?" Bai Weixuan said again.

"It's better to say more than miscellaneous, uneven, and there are no lack of scum!" Siqi said here, but a look of indignation flashed in her eyes. Bai Weixuan looked at her words and immediately understood something. The Shenluo clan did not look calm, and perhaps they would often fight.

Moreover, if what Si Qi said is not exaggerated, if she wants to survive here, she must improve her strength as soon as possible. Otherwise, once the war comes, she, who is not even a fairy, is expected to say goodbye to the world soon.

"Well, this is quite common. By the way, Siqi, where did your fairy stone come from? Is there also a fairy stone mine? Bai Weixuan didn't want to stay on the unpleasant topic and quickly changed the topic.

"Hmm! However, fairy stone mines are occupied by major forces, and we can only go to the market to exchange them. This is why the people of our tribe are basically in the wild. In our class, the demand for fairy stones is too large, and we have to desperately earn them. Otherwise, our strength will be pulled down by other tribes. Speaking of this, Si Qi frowned worriedly, as if the prospects of his tribe were a little worrying.

"So, what do you usually use to exchange? How many fairy stones can your Thunder Beast exchange for? Bai Weixuan automatically ignored Si Qi's mood and continued to ask as if she hadn't found it.

"Hmm, what's going on! My thunder beast can at least be worth 80 fairy stones, but it is seated to death by you! If it is still there, I will earn fairy stones at least several times faster than now!" Speaking of the Thunder Beast, the teenager was obviously poked in pain, and immediately stared at Bai Weixuan fiercely, full of resentment.

"Ah ha... Well, we agreed! I will compensate you." Bai Weixuan smiled. She didn't see how powerful the black coal ball was at all, and it was so fragile that she died at once. However, in front of the client, she didn't dare to say that the kid's temper was not ordinary irritable, and she didn't want to be stabbed.

However, 80 Xianshi made this teenager value it so much. Bai Weixuan couldn't help but worry about her future life. Should she run for Xianshi all day long like them?

Bai Weixuan couldn't help shaking her head and losing this terrible idea. She can't stay here for a long time. She must become stronger early and find a way home early.

"It's here! Try it here! If I have the strength, I will take you to do some of the simplest tasks. Unconsciously, the two had walked to a wide grassland. Si Qi pointed to the grassland and said to Bai Weixuan.

Bai Weixuan looked at the flat green grass in front of her and was a little confused. Si Qi asked her to show her strength. Didn't she want her to fight against something? If not, what do you come all the way here? But she didn't see the so-called opponent here, which is puzzling.

"What are you still doing? Your opponent is this grass!" Seeing Bai Weixuan motionless for a long time, Si Qi couldn't help reminding him angrily, and he threw a stone into the grass at will. In an moment, he saw countless green grass flying out and smashing the stone.

Bai Weixuan looked at the stone that turned into powder, couldn't help swallowing saliva, and then gritted her teeth and stepped into the grassland area.