The only immortal in the world

Chapter 300 Blood in the Cave

After handing over the fairy seeds bought in the Jubao Hall to the ginseng demon, Bai Weixuan left the hairpin space.

In the clean cave, Bai Weixuan's figure appeared out of thin air. She looked at the formation she had arranged in the cave and couldn't help raising her eyebrows slightly. Someone had been to this place.

In addition to the array, there were a few fresh blood stains spilled. Bai Weixuan twisted a little blood-stained sand and smelled it, confirming that it was not a monster that was injured. And looking at the color of the blood stain, it should have been left not long ago, that is to say, the bleeding person has not gone far.

Bai Weixuan did not let go of her consciousness to look for it, because she was not sure whether the other party's spiritual cultivation would be above her. If she acted rashly and frightened the snake, it would lead to death.

Thinking about this, Bai Weixuan walked vigilantly along the direction of blood stains into the cave. In the original cave that was not large, a large rock was stolen, revealing one of the winding passages, from which the blood stains spread into the passage.

This place is not far from the Shenyang tribe. She is curious about who will fight here. Of course, more importantly, she has just broken through and always feels that she has endless strength and wants to try her skills.

As the blood stains approached, there were not too many twists and turns. Before long, Bai Weixuan heard a sound of fighting. Five people took action, and it was still a four-on-one situation.

Bai Weixuan looked from behind the rock and found that the person who was attacked was Yun Qi, the thief she encountered in the rare food building, and one of the four people who attacked him was very similar to Yun Fengli. However, Bai Weixuan looked carefully and found that the man's footsteps were floating and his eyebrows were empty. Obviously, she was addicted to the wind and snow, and his body was hollowed out.

Seeing that this person was very similar to Yun Fengli, Bai Weixuan's mind suddenly flashed, and a ** figure suddenly overlapped with the person in front of her.

Yes, Yun Fengli she met has an indescribable unique temperament, and some of which looks elegant. Although she looks very similar to the person in front of her, her temperament is 108,000 miles away. The person in front of her must not be Yun Fengli, but the person she encountered outside the Shenyang tribe who once used the hidden method** with a woman.

It's just that why did they attack Yun Qi? Bai Weixuan was quite puzzled, but she didn't delve into it. She just thought about it. As for why they fought, she was not interested.

Nowadays, the strength of these people is not as good as Xuanxian, and they don't seem to have any attack skills. They all use brute force, especially the man who is very similar to Yun Fengli, who can't cause any damage at all. It's just that the hero can't stand the large number of people. Although it was a brute force attack, the four people still forced Yunqi to be clumsy and dangerous.

There were several wounds on Yunqi's waist. The blood was shed by him. Bai Weixuan looked at him and felt that although the man had stolen her dishes, he also told her a wonderful way to eat wine and dishes. Although she was angry, she also vented it and had no deep hatred.

What's more, this thief is more appetizing for her than the incompetent man who looks like Yun Fengli. She silently pinched a wide range of body formulas and was ready to take action.

"Yunqi, just die! If you obey us, you still have a chance to live. Why do you have to fight to the end for the old man who doesn't care about you? After a long time, he couldn't take down Yunqi. One of the four said lightly. He used a crescent knife, which was supported by a strong immortal power, but it had not yet produced a knife light, which was much worse than Bai Weixuan's broken moon.

"Hmm!" Yunqi snorted coldly, with a blood mark hanging on the corners of his mouth, his face was full of solemnity, staring at the man who opened his mouth, and his eyes were cold. Yunqi held a wide-edged dragonfly in her left hand. Xianyuan swallowed and blocked everyone's attack, but her right hand only grabbed a sword wrapped in linen strips around her waist and could not be seen clearly.

"You can't wear a sword with a sword, Yunqi, are you crazy?" The man who looked like Yun Fengli said sharply. He looked at Yun Qiqi disdainfully, looked at the sword at his waist, and smiled coldly.

"Yun Yangming, you should know the consequences of betraying him, right?" Hearing this sharp scolding, Yun Qi frowned and did not attack. She just reminded her faintly, and her eyes were too lazy to look at the former.

"Hmm! Shaoluo, as long as you die, he will never know about this matter, and he will go down to accompany you soon. Don't worry. The man known as Yunyangming sneered, with a sinister smell in his eyes. Suddenly, he waved the jade-like sword in his hand and shouted, "Don't keep it any more. Kill him, and it will be a big deal."

When the three heard Yun Yangming's words, they all looked at each other and nodded. Although they disdained Yunyang Ming's command, their task this time was to kill Yun Qi. Yun Qi's cultivation was unique and in the use of Da Yue. Their strength was very strong, and it was inevitable that they would pay some price.

So the three of them got together, retreated some distance and began to display some of their cards.

Yun Qi was the end of the crossbow at this time. He knew that it was not good when he saw the three people suddenly retreat. He took a breath and looked at the direction of the exit, with a bitter smile on the corners of his mouth. Looking at a person not far from the exit, Yun Qi knew that she could not escape.

"Then let's die together..." Yun Qi's heart was like ashes. He turned his head to look at Yun Yangming, and a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes.

The three people on the opposite side were ready and opened their eyes one after another. Their weapons glowed coldly, as if they wanted to tear everything apart. Yunqi closed his eyes and decided to forcibly drive his hidden veins to explode when he was attacked and pulled these people down for burial.

However, what puzzled him was that he waited for a long time without seeing the attack of the three opposite him. It seemed that it took a long time to hold it out. He thought it was thunder, but it was just a stuffy fart.

Before Yun Qi could react, she heard a familiar voice in her ear.

"Feed the thief, long time no see! I didn't expect to meet you in such a place!" It was Bai Weixuan who spoke. When she found that Yun Qi was in a bad situation, she took action. Before the three people could launch their strongest attack, they were set there and could not move.

"What did you do?!" Yun Yangming saw Bai Weixuan on the way and became angry, but he saw that the three people were motionless, and he was afraid and frightened in his heart, but he still couldn't help but be fierce to Bai Weixuan. Unfortunately, his calm appearance is extremely ridiculous to Bai Weixuan.

"Idiot!" Without hesitation, she gave Yun Yangming a big white eye. Bai Weixuan didn't bother to see him. What did she do? Isn't that obvious? She fixed them so that they couldn't move.

"Why are you here?" At this time, Yunqi opened her eyes and saw that it was Bai Weixuan, and her eyes were about to stare out. He felt the horror of this woman a few days ago and was almost frailed by her.

"Why can't I be here? If I were not here, you would have said goodbye to the world!" Bai Weixuan came over indifferently and looked at Yunqi with a smile.

"Cough... Well, thank you this time. I owe you a favor." When Yun Qi saw Bai Weixuan say this, her face couldn't help blushing and turned her face and whispered.

"It's almost the same!" Bai Weixuan said, and then she pointed to the three people who were fixed and Yun Yangming, "What should they do? If you want to kill, you can kill whatever you want.

"Well...thank you! There is no retribution for your kindness. In the future, I will invite you to Zhenyu Building. You can eat whatever you want, and you can eat as many times as you want!" Yun Qi saw that Bai Weixuan didn't care, so she also smiled and said half jokingly.

"All right! However, I have a big appetite. You have to be mentally prepared. Bai Weixuan looked at Yunqi with a smile and thought that the woman was still thinking about what he had stolen last time! He has a big appetite, and it seems that he needs to prepare more.

However, thinking about the people opposite her, Yun Qi's face became gloomy again.

"Yunyangming, it's okay if you degenerate yourself. How dare you to eat inside and outside and collude with outsiders to deal with my Shenyang tribe? If you have anything to say, go and tell me to the leader!" Yun Qi stared at Yun Yangming with a frosty face and said coldly.

Yunyangming stepped back two steps in a daze. At this time, he knew that he had failed. The woman who was killed halfway unconsciously bound his three accomplices. More importantly, she knew Yun Qi, who was from Yun Qiqi.

With three accomplices missing, Yun Yangming can't even beat a finger of Yun Qi. There is no doubt about winning or losing. Did he fail? Yun Yangming looked at Yun Qi with a cold face, and he suddenly laughed.

"I won't fail. How can I lose? Yunqi, you look at me too much!" Yun Yangming laughed. He suddenly stretched out his hand and held something. He saw that the three people who had been fixed suddenly turned into a blood fog, and Yun Yangming jumped into the blood fog and immediately disappeared.

Yun Qi rushed over and only smelled the blood all over her nose, and she didn't even see Yun Yangming's shadow. He looked at the blood fog anxiously and had to retreat. Before long, the blood fog landed on the ground little by little, forming a pool of bright red blood stains.

"Damn!" Yun Qi cursed regretfully. Yun Yangming's move made him lose evidence. There was no evidence. He could not explain the facts to the leader at all. Even if it was explained, as the leader of the Shenyang tribe, he would not only listen to his one-sided words and believe it.

"What are you going to do next?" Bai Weixuan looked at the blood faintly and raised her eyebrows. She wanted to try her skills, but unfortunately, she met five people at once, and she had seen two of them. If she really wants to fight with real strength, and for her identity, she won't kill people, will she?

"I don't know, let's go back to the Shenyang tribe first! I have to remind my brother." Yunqi said.