The only immortal in the world

Chapter 355 Guidance of the Beast God

Half a month, Bai Weixuan and others naturally couldn't wait. They had a trick with the White Tiger Beast King, and their days passed quickly. On this day, in the martial arts practice field of Hushen City, a handsome man in black quietly came.

When all the tiger and knife guards saw this man coming, they kept silent and stood with their chests straight, respectfully watching him enter the mansion of the White Tiger Beast King.

The man in black went straight through the front yard hall and walked into the lively martial arts practice field. In the martial arts field, Bai Liyu, Pluto and others are fighting with the tiger knife guard. Bai Weixuan is also rarely interested. She doesn't use other forces and only fights with a big knife.

Her knife skills are consistent and tricky. Even the tiger knife guard in the name of the knife are surprised. The big knife is waved like silk in her hand. If it is soft and strong, it looks not only very beautiful, but also extremely lethal. The gentle and soft shot can fly out the strong and brave tiger knife guard.

When the fight was to the full end, five or six tigers and sword guards rose up to attack, and Bai Weixuan could also travel from the middle and shuttled through the crowd like a butterfly.

"Good knife!" A faint voice came from the side of the martial arts arena. Bai Weixuan's face moved and she was quite shocked. The man appeared silently, and she was not alert at all.

However, when the White Tiger Beast King and all the Tiger Sword Guard saw this man, they knelt down on one knee and said, "See Lord Beast God!"

"Don't be polite, get up!" The beast god smiled, and a gentle force suddenly held everyone up.

"It turned out to be Lord Beast God. I'm going to be rude." Bai Weixuan and others were shocked to see that the other party was actually a beast god and quickly arched their hands and said.

"It's okay, Yu Li, but I don't receive it well. I'm here to just have a chat with you!" The beast god smiled faintly and said.

"Lord Beast, please!" Bai Hu was conscious and quickly greeted everyone into the courtyard. The guests sat down, and Bai Weixuan looked at the beast god thoughtfully.

"Can the Beast God tell me something about the wonder?" She couldn't help opening her mouth, and Bai Weixuan looked at the beast god with a little hope.

"Why do you need to mention some things in the past? Tianmiao has nothing to do with Xuanwu's vein. Strictly speaking, she is also a victim. The beast god looked at Bai Weixuan with a smile and opened her mouth calmly.

"Victim? Why?" Bai Weixuan said doubtfully.

"If you must want to know, when you become a fairy and you come, I will naturally tell you everything. Now, the less you know, the safer you will be. The beast god smiled low and said half jokingly and half seriously.

Bai Weixuan's breath stagnated, Xianzun? That is only in the legend, which is higher than the fairy king. If she wants to reach that level, she is afraid that the yellow cauliflower will be cold.

"Lord Beast is not kidding, is he?" Bai Weixuan smiled bitterly.

"Do you think I'm kidding?" As the beast god said, a pair of bright but extremely deep eyes looked directly at Bai Weixuan. The thick and deep precipitation made Bai Weixuan unable to believe what this person said.

"But...what can I do?" Bai Weixuan muttered that she would not naively think that as long as the seal of the four mythical beasts was opened, Saturn could return to their arms. If so, the snow fox would not be helpless to be captured, and Tianyuan's vein was not worthy of being called the first force in the world of Tiandao.

What can she do now? How will she drive away the outsiders on Saturn and save the whole Saturn? Nowadays, Bai Weixuan is undoubtedly confused, and the beast god seems to see her confusion. Her deep eyes narrowed and said, "Come with me!"

The beast god said and got up and walked to the inside. Bai Weixuan nodded, appeased the worries in the eyes of Qing Hanxuan and others, and followed.

In the hall, the beast god stood with his hands on his back and looked forward, as if he had fallen into some meditation. It was not until Bai Weixuan approached that she came to her senses, waved an isolated formation in the hall, and then released her terrible power.

"Feel it carefully!" The voice of the beast god sounded at the same time. At first, Bai Weixuan only felt her head buzzing, and then an inexplicable mysterious frequency began to shake her mind. Again and again, she suddenly seemed to see the shadow of a huge white tiger on the beast god in black.

The white tiger is powerful and domineering, soaked with a terrible breath, as if every hair contains endless power, and this power has been branded as the white tiger and completely belongs to the white tiger family.

"Self-made rules... destroy the world..." Bai Weixuan muttered to herself, as if she were addicted to this mysterious power. At this time, the beast god suddenly put away his power and looked at Bai Weixuan with deep eyes.

"Do you feel it clearly?" The beast god asked.

"It should be clear." Bai Weixuan was a little attached to the disappearing power. She woke up and said.

"Whether you don't know, this is the only hint I give you. How many things you can figure out depends on how much you are." The beast god frowned unhappily and was obviously not very satisfied with Bai Weixuan's answer.

"Thank you, Lord Beast God!" Bai Weixuan completely woke up and said quickly when she was shocked. She knew very well that after careful analysis of the power, she could see only one. The beast god was willing to show it to her, just like being hit by a pie in the sky, which made Bai Weixuan feel dizzy.

The beast god was silent and said, "Go to visit the Dragon and Flying Phoenix, and then go to the ruins of Xuanwu's vein!" When you get there, you may know what you should do. With that, the body of the beast god gradually disappeared in place.

Bai Weixuan silently bowed to the place where the beast god used to be, and then retreated from the side hall to meet everyone's doubts and concerns.

"Go to the Dragon's vein!" Bai Weixuan exhaled and only said one sentence. The white tiger beast king was clear, and the big stone in everyone's hearts was slightly settled. Although she didn't know what the beast god said to Bai Weixuan, at least she found her self-confidence and goal, didn't she? That's enough. As for where to go and what to do in the future, it is no longer important.

"This is a star domain map, and I think it will be very helpful to you!" The White Tiger Beast King turned his hand and took out a drawing with a faint halo, handed it to Bai Weixuan, and told him, "Be careful all the way. The dragon-like guy is relatively grumpy. You should take care of it more. In fact, they are also very good!"

"Good!" Bai Weixuan smiled and took over the map. "Senior Beast King, I've been disturbing these days. When Cang Saturn returns to the original owner, I will come to thank you!"

"Yes! The beast god is more popular than I thought. If there is a chance in the future, I must come here to have a good time!" Pluto also said that as soon as he said this, everyone laughed. Indeed, the beast god gave everyone a good impression. If there is a chance in the future, I'm afraid that Pluto will come here much more than him.

"Good! Then don't be a senior. Call me Brother White Tiger. I'm a beast god. You are welcome to come again at any time!" The White Tiger Beast King also smiled and issued an invitation boldly.

And the invitation lasted for thousands of years. When Saturn really became prosperous, the beast god was also regarded as a guest by the people of Cang Saturn because of the white tiger generation, which can be said to have benefited endlessly.

Of course, this is only a later story.


After saying goodbye to the people of the beast god such as White Tiger, Bai Weixuan and others went on the road again. This time, the goal is the dragon that is not far from the beast god.

The Shenlong vein is also the one where Xiao Yi is located. Bai Weixuan sighed slightly. She didn't know how Xiao Yi is now and how she was treated in the Shenlong vein.

After crossing several desolate star fields and resting on an ordinary planet for a while, Bai Weixuan and others finally stepped into the land of Shenlong.

The star domain of the dragon vein is dark gold, which looks like a dark golden nebula from afar. In fact, these dark gold are emitted by the people of the dragon vein, which is called the power of dragon spirit by human beings.

Stepping into the outermost planet, Bai Weixuan and others were soon surrounded by a group of dragons.

"Exit from our planet or don't blame us for being rude!" The clan of Shenlong vein is indeed, as the White Tiger Beast King said, which is very unfriendly and even particularly xenophobic, so that the expulsion of outsiders regardless of status can be seen.

"We are here to find someone." Pluto quickly raised his hand to signal his harmlessness.

However, this was not accepted by the clan of Shenlong. Instead, they showed their weapons more angrily: "Get out! We don't have the person you are looking for!"

"I'm Xiao Yi's mother. Where was Xiao Yi taken by you?" Bai Weixuan did not try to show her goodwill, but looked at the leading dragon clan coldly and asked lightly.

"What Xiao Yi, we don't call Xiao Yi!" The dragon people are still tough, but some people's faces have changed slightly.

"Then don't blame us for rushing!" Bai Liyu said lightly and pulled out his weapon.

"Wh! Don't be impulsive. I think these dragon brothers will be happy to talk to us about Xiao Yi. Where did we find Xiao Yi at the beginning? Pluto pretended to stop Bai Liyu, smiled, looked at the dragon people, and said as if he were Xiao Yi's father.

"Uh, where is it?" A simple dragon man was stunned and then blurted out that the origin of the new genius little golden dragon had always been a mystery in their clan.

"Hey! I said, this brother, if you take us to see her, we will tell you the original!" When Pluto saw that someone was hooked so soon, his handsome face smiled into ** and leaned over and almost said.

"Really, really?" The benevolent man showed a gossipy face and asked doubtfully. The dragon clan next to him slapped him on the head with anger and said angrily, "You idiot!"

"He is not stupid at all. At least he can get the news of Xiao Yi's past, and you can't get anything!" Pluto raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"Hmm! Who are you, Xiao Yi?" The dragon man looked aggrieved and shouted.

"Fathers!" Bai Weixuan answered first, and her eyes unconsciously had more warmth. Those days when Xiao Yi surrounded her, even in such a harsh environment, her mood would be indescribably relaxed.

She always remembers that at that time, Xiao Yi called her mother and Guang Shihan's father. They were like a real family.