Steal the sky

Chapter 46 Run for Life


When he rushed out of the cave, Yan did not return and immediately shouted loudly. The warriors who were fighting with those almost crazy barbarians outside the cliff made peace one after another, and then rushed to the way when Yan Bugui and others who surrounded the center.

After the ravages of explosive charms, red fire arrows, and more than a dozen waves of arrow rain, there are no more than 800 barbarian soldiers who can stand up at the scene. And the martial artists who can retreat intact are about 300. Although the barbarians were seriously killed and injured, the warriors who went deep into the mountains and forests to cooperate with the wind patrol department to carry out military affairs were almost injured.

Liu Suifeng staggered forward with the help of several guards. As he fled, he stared at the three black stone tablets on Buqi's shoulder, and his eyes were about to spit out fire. Lu Quyuan had a short dagger in the palm of his hand, and several times he couldn't help but want to throw the dagger at Don't beghou's heart, but looking at Yan Bugui and others, and Lu Chengfeng, who was always by Begging, Lu Quyuan suddenly lost his courage.

"Damn it, the first skill was occupied by him!" Lu Quyuan complained to Liu Suifeng in a low voice.

Liu Suifeng's face was ugly. He clenched his fist and couldn't wait for a thunder to fall from the sky to kill him. He turned his head angrily, but in horror, he found that the body of the Fire King was lying crookedly on the ground not far away, covered with a thin layer of ice, and his death was extremely miserable.

His body suddenly trembled, and Liu Suifeng almost softened on the ground.

The old child demon was seriously injured, and his spine was crushed. He had no miracle. He is a useless person in his life. Mr. Fire also died here inexplicably. How can he explain to his father Fu Yangjun when he goes back? With his father's identity and power, there are only three or four innate worships in the family. It was easy for him to invite two innate fetal-level practitioners to do their own business.

"It's over!" Liu Suifeng's face was pale, and he had no strength at all. He completely relied on several guards to drag him away.

Don't beg felt the malice of Liu Suifeng and Lu Quyuan. He ran forward with three black stone tablets on his back and grinned at the two. Liu Suifeng looked at the body of the fire king in a daze and did not respond to Begging's smile. Lu Quyuan panicked and hid his right hand with a short dagger behind him.

Don't beg for a cold eye, the corners of your mouth are squeezed, and the lines of your lips have turned into a dangerous blade.

A group of people ran in front of them, and hundreds of barbarian soldiers roared and rushed this way. Several seriously injured barbarian beasts got up from the pile of corpses, burning strange fire-like waves all over, and urged the last bit of energy to catch up. The sound of iron drums in the mountains and forests in the distance is getting closer and closer, and the sound of birds and beasts running from the mountains and forests in the distance can be faintly heard.

Escape, escape, don't beg them to quickly rush past the beach where Lu Chengfeng arranged a platinum knife array.

Hundreds of barbarian soldiers have caught up, and the top of their heads suddenly became dark. A large group of giant baldnesses in bloody feathers made a shrill roar and flew from the mountains and forests in the distance to the top of everyone's heads. The wings of each Vulture are open, and the wingspan is about seven or eight feet. On the back of the Vulture, there are three or five small birds and barbarians, pulling away their bows and arrows to attack.

"Ren up!" Yan Bui roared: "If we escape this wave of bird barbarians, we will be 60% sure to go out alive!"

Lu Chengfeng roared, suddenly bit the tip of his tongue, spewed out a blood arrow, and accurately hit a pile buried in the beach. With his own blood to stimulate the array, the three piles almost immediately shined dazzling white light, and the ground spewed out a thick water mist-like platinum essence. The platinum essence gathered this time is extremely strong, which is more than a hundred times stronger than the last time it was arranged in the military palace.

With both hands, Lu Chengfeng quickly launched a large array with all his strength. And he used the most powerful way to destroy the foundation of the array to stimulate all the energy in the three piles in an instant. The three array piles burst out a blind light and suddenly burst.

A three-foot-thick platinum spirit piled up on the ground made a high-pitting and harsh sound of gold and iron bumps, and thousands of palm-sized moon-curved machetees condensed out of thin air. Lu Chengfeng spewed out a mouthful of blood again, waved his hands towards the void, and thousands of machetes made a sharp roar at the same time, tearing the air, like a meteor shower in the retrograde world, bringing countless cold lights to the high altitude.

** The sound of breaking kept coming. As soon as more than 500 giant baldves rushed to the top of everyone's heads, they were hit head-on by the platinum knife. The spirit of the platinum essence, the fierce spirit of the master of heaven and earth, is extremely sharp and can't be stopped. About 300 baldves were pierced by a machete at the first time. The machete roared and tore up the huge body of the bald, breaking through the bodies of the birds and barbarians behind them.

The birds roared, and countless blood rains sprayed in the air. Lu Chengfeng's red eyes pointed to the arc machete in the air for countless months and shouted harshly, "Crack!"

Only a golden iron cry rose to the sky, and thousands of machetees exploded at the same time, turning into the cold light of more than 100,000 mung beans. The remaining baldnesses and bird barbarians were beaten into a sieve by the cold light, and fell from the air with strange screams. All the baldnesses and bird barbarians were obviously not alive.

The dense cold light was like a sudden hail, shooting down from high altitude with a sharp roar, covering several barbarians and beasts and about 800 barbarians chasing from the rear in an all-round way. The sandy beaches in the square circle are covered by cold light. Those barbarians have nowhere to hide, and they can't hide. The crude animal armor and iron armor could not stop the invasion of the cold light, and these barbarians were almost beaten into meat sauce in an instant.

The sad howling came from the cliff in the rear. Not long after, from the cave they had just rushed out, I couldn't tell how many barbarian old and weak women and children rushed to kill them with all kinds of crude weapons. Those barbarian children who had just been able to run, and those barbarian old people who were already unable to move, gritted their teeth and rushed out of the cave one by one and chased Begging and others.

However, they just barely made a posture of pursuit. Don't beg them to escape very fast. How can these old and weak catch up with them? But the resentment emanating from the old and weak bodies with red eyes makes them feel like needles on their backs and stinging all over their bodies.

The self-exploding pile instantly killed hundreds of baldves and the bird barbarians on it. Lu Chengfeng laughed three times and was about to continue to run away. As a result, his legs softened and he almost fell to the ground. He vomited several mouthfuls of blood in a row, and used all his strength to drive the platinum knife array to destroy the foundation, and the power of the large array, which could last for several months, burst out in the moment of sorting out. The true qi in Lu Chengfeng's body had long been exhausted, and the loss of blood was even worse.

At this time, there was a burst of flowers in front of his eyes, and the real air in his body was empty. How could he have the strength to run?

Don't beg to grab Lu Chengfeng and put it on his shoulder. He pressed his left hand tightly on Lu Chengfeng's back heart and slowly injected the essence of the blood that he had just now, but had no chance and no time to absorb, slowly injected Lu Chengfeng's body. Lu Chengfeng only felt that his whole body was hot, and the huge essence of qi and blood was constantly injected into his body. His eyes suddenly became as bright as stars, and his whole body was suddenly full of infinite power.

"Wonderful!" Lu Chengfeng couldn't help praising, "Don't beg, what kind of method are you? It's really wonderful."

Don't beg for a crooked mouth and shouted in a low voice, "Shut up! I'm supplementing your consumption with my own energy. Of course, it's wonderful!"

Lu Chengfeng immediately closed his mouth obediently. He cooperated with Don't beg to enter the essence of qi and blood in his body, slowly adjusted his luck, and quickly replenished his own consumption. Under the impact of the huge atmosphere of blood injected by Begging, Lu Chengfeng was stuck for several years, and the important thresholds on Ren Du's second vein and several other strange meridians, which he had been unable to break through, were faintly loosened.

The ecstasy drowned out Lu Chengfeng's heart. He vaguely felt that the aura of heaven and earth around his body was slowly integrating into himself, which was a scene that could only be seen in the cultivation of the innate realm. He simply ignored the affairs of the outside world, and all his mind was concentrated in his body. He kept replying to the true qi, cooperating with the extremely important heat from the palm of Don't begging, wasoling the acquired and innate barriers.

Don't beg Lu Chengfeng and three black stone tablets, and run into the woods.

Yan Bugui roared a few times, waved his hands around casually, and more than 300 warriors who followed closely behind him were divided into ten teams under the leadership of the wind patrol department and quickly dispersed in the forest. Yan Bugui led seven subordinates, led a group of old people such as Buqi, Lu Chengfeng, Liu Suifeng, etc., and ran forward quickly along the old road.

No one present had any objection to Yan's practice of not returning to distract everyone. Even if you can figure it out with your knees and make up a few more teams, everyone will have a lot of hope of running for their lives. Otherwise, the goal of getting together is too big, and more than 300 people in the mountains and forests is definitely not enough for barbarians to chase.

The dense sound of iron drums in the rear came from afar, and the sharp horns rose continuously, as if the whole mountain forest had been mobilized.

Yan Bui led the crowd forward and whispered, "Fortunately, all the villages along the way had been swept away when they came. Otherwise, if we were stopped by the barbarians in those villages on the way back, we would all have to die here."

Another member of the wind patrol department clicked and said with a wry smile, "Listen to this noise, I'm afraid that more than a dozen other barbarian tribes nearby have been mobilized. Hey, who told us to take away these black stone tablets? Those barbarians regard this treasure as a gift from the gods.

Yan did not return to sneer and said, "The treasure of heaven and earth, those who have virtue live in it. Do these barbarians deserve to enjoy these treasures? Hurry up, everyone. As long as you can leave the mountain forest alive and offer these three black stone tablets, the general will definitely give you a heavy reward! The fiefdom of that county will be rewarded in terms of merit at that time.

Yan not returning mentioned the reward of a county again. Lu Chengfeng, Liu Suifeng and Lu Quyuan's eyes were all bright. In a county of the Dayan Dynasty, the biggest role of the seizure of the black stone tablet this time was Lu Chengfeng and Liu Suifeng. Don't beg, who carried the black stone tablet, was the doorman of Lu Chengfeng, and the elite guard brought by Liu Suifeng rushed into the cave and swept the last barbarians.

Those martial artists recruited in Xiaomeng City are the role of drumming. For them, the reward of heavy money is very good. The reward of this county, even if He Yan does not belong to the per capita share of these wind patrol divisions, it is also a big piece of fat.

Liu Suifeng suddenly shouted. He jumped up and grabbed the three black stone tablets on his back.

"Don't beg, the credit is everyone's. Don't try to swallow your comrades alone, continue to work hard to smash votes! Tickets, tickets, tickets!

Comrade Bajie, the deputy moderator of the book review area, has been rehabilitated for a month or two due to physical reasons. Let's wish him a recovery soon! X