Steal the sky

Chapter 47 Killing Marquis

Seeing Liu Suifeng fighting for credit, Yan no return suddenly raised his eyebrows: "Son of a bastard!"

Yan is really angry and anxious. I don't know how many barbarians will chase them later. In this mountain forest, barbarians are like fish in water, and their combat effectiveness will at least more than double. And the big swallows outside the mountain forest entered the mountain forest, and it's good to play half of their cultivation. Everyone should work together to escape from this mountain and forest to have a chance to receive a reward. Liu Suifeng suddenly fought in the insiders. Isn't this looking for death?

Don't beg's reaction was extremely fast. Liu Suifeng grabbed it with one claw, and his body immediately soared into the air, turned over and stepped out.

He stepped heavily on Liu Suifeng's chest. Liu Suifeng screamed and spewed out a mouthful of blood. He was kicked seven or eight feet away by Begging. He hit a big tree and almost killed him.

Lu Quyuan screamed: "Don't beg, do you dare to hurt the little prince?"

Don't beg for staring at Lu Quyuan and Yi Yan fiercely, grabbing Lu Chengfeng and running forward without saying a word.

Several guards of Liu Suifeng rushed up and mixed up with Liu Suifeng, who was hit so dark that he didn't know whether he was alive or not. Liu Suifeng's remaining thirty guards raised the nine-fold crossbow angrily and were about to deduct the motive. Don't beg, his figure is extremely flexible. Those guards have just raised the nine-fold crossbow, and he has already dodged behind a big tree with Lu Chengfeng.

After Zhang Hu and Hu Wei rushed to the big tree, they had two more nine-fold crossbows in their hands, which were also aimed at the guards of Liu Suifeng.

In a fight just now, Liu Suifeng's guards died a lot in the battle. Zhang Hu and Hu Wei picked up two nine-fold crossbows respectively, which came in handy at this moment.

Seeing that it was a rebellion in the nest, a blue light rushed out of the back of the swallow, and the wind-breaking wolf roared angrily. Yan did not return and shouted harshly, "Who dares to do it? Immediately abolish all the titles of his family. Yan will do what he says!"

Don't beg and patted it casually. He pressed Zhang Hu and Hu Wei's hands. He laughed and said, "Lord Yan, I don't beg the most regular! Never do those messy things! Cang Tian testified that I rushed into the barbarian pile and snatched them from their altar!"

The seven patrol divisions around Yan Bujiu's body lit up one after another, and the shadows of the broken wind and green wolves gushed out behind them. They crossed into a row and blocked the guards of Liu Suifeng. Yan shouted harshly, "Don't beg. That's right. He robbed this stone tablet from the barbarian pile. Liu Suifeng, if you dare to do anything wrong, someone Yan will kill you now!"

Yan didn't return to be cruel, and Liu Suifeng immediately lost his courage. He hurriedly ordered his guard to put down his weapon and obediently followed Yan Nogui to continue to run forward. Several people in the wind patrol department tightly protected Don't beg beside him, for fear that Liu Suifeng would do something else.

Don't beg. Don't feel a continuous and tough force coming under the palm of your hand. Lu Chengfeng has a faint airflow hovering around him. With the naked eye, you can see the pale white Geng metal aura and earthy aura of earthy slowly injected into Lu Chengfeng's body.

With the help of the essence of blood and qi input, Lu Chengfeng, who had been stuck in the acquired peak realm for several years, finally broke through the obstacle between the innate and the acquired, and successfully entered the innate realm. Judging from the attributes of heaven and earth aura actively absorbed by Lu Chengfeng's body, he actually practiced the skills of the dual attributes of earth and gold, and his physical attributes were also the dual attributes of earth and gold.

Liu Suifeng and Lu Quyuan's faces changed tragically, and Lu Chengfeng became a congenital master? Liu Suifeng is fine, but Lu Quyuan instinctively thought of one thing. Will Liyang Lu's attitude towards Lu Chengfeng change because of this matter? Will the status of the real eldest son of the Lu family in Liyang, that is, Lu Quyuan's second brother, Lu Quhai, be threatened?

Yan's return is ecstatic. There are countless barbarians chasing and killing in the rear. This time, these barbarians will definitely use all their strength to chase and kill them by all means. At this critical juncture, there is an innate master in his group, even if it is just a small innate existence in the realm of innate, which also has an extra weight to save his life!

"Congratulations to Mr. Lu. As soon as you enter innate, it is equivalent to a carp leaping over the Dragon Gate!" Yan did not return and immediately congratulated Lu Chengfeng.

The wind patrol department also looked at Lu Chengfeng with envy. Although they are all beastly warriors, they all rely on the power of the soul parasitant of the wind-breaking green wolf to have combat effectiveness equivalent to the innate realm of innate absorption, but their own cultivation is still the peak realm of the acquired. They can only be regarded as pseudo-innate at most, which is essentially different from Lu Chengfeng, a real master of innate cultivation.

Lu Chengfeng laughed three times, hugged his fist and bowed deeply to Don't beg: "Don't beg, brother, you and I will really be close relatives in the future!"

Don't beg, pull Lu Chengfeng fiercely, carry three black stone tablets and run forward. As he ran wildly, he shouted, "Don't be sour here. Let's be close to your relatives. Run for your life. I've heard something wrong!"

Lu Chengfeng listened, and his face suddenly changed wildly. He grabbed Zhang Hu and Hu Wei and ran forward with them.

As soon as you enter the innate, the meridians and collaterals of the whole body are unobstructed without hindrance. The real qi in the body is continuous and long, and the aura of the outside world keeps pouring into the body to replenish consumption. Even if you run wildly in the forest with two people, you will not feel With a gentle inhalation, there is a true qi like the Yangtze River in the body. It is just a few feet away in one step. It is really like the wind, indescribably relaxed and smooth.

Feeling the indescribable flexibility of the innate realm, Lu Chengfeng laughed and said, "Don't beg, take advantage of the wind to share the glory and wealth with you in the future!"

Yan Nogui stared at Liu Suifeng and Lu Quyuan fiercely and gave them a warning look, which led them to continue to run forward.

There has been a faint roar of beasts in the rear. After about a sip of incense, three strange beasts riding on the trunk and running in the air, the barbarian warriors who exuded a strong black atmosphere roared and chased after them.

The three strange beasts are similar in shape to those of the merlociraptor known to be beggars, but they are covered with dark scales, with three or five sharp horns on their heads, three toes on their thick and developed hind feet, and their toenails are two feet long, which are as sharp as knives.

The strange beast jumped in the air, grabbed the trunk of the tree a few feet high from the ground, and flew all the way forward. Where they passed, the big tree held by several people was caught by the three foreign beasts out of countless holes the size of water tanks, and the foreign beasts almost chased behind the crowd like a whirlwind.

Don't beg, Lu Chengfeng took Zhang Hu and Hu Wei to the front, and those who fell on the finishing surface were Liu Suifeng's weakest guards.

Three strange beasts suddenly rushed down in the air, and three dark columns of water spewed out. The water column with a pungent smell sprayed seven or eight guards on one face. I don't know what the black water is. The corrosive power is stronger than Wang Shui. I only heard Liu Suifeng's guards scream a few times. Their skin and flesh melted into poisonous water almost in the blink of an eye, and the bones and internal organs collapsed and piled up in the poisonous water.

The strange beasts are powerful, and the three black-wrapped barbarians are hissing at the same time, hissing is like a poisonous python, which is indescribably unpleasant and harsh.

With the hissing of the three barbarians, countless strange poisonous insects fell down one after another on the big tree above the heads of others. Viper, caterpillar, scorpion; a section is like a bamboo worm, a strange-shaped poisonous insect spraying poison; there are also a Tianniu spraying poisonous water, a centipede with thorns, a poisonous moth the size of a water tank mouth, etc. There are at least two or three kinds of strange poisonous insects, and they

Among them, two buckets were thick, and more than four feet long poisonous pythons spit out long snake messengers and fell from the tree.

Lu Quyuan, who was fleeing in confusion, screamed, and a poisonous python fell right behind him. With a long tail, he entangled Lu Quyuan. With the force of the poisonous python, Lu Quyuan's bones all over his body made a crisp sound, and several ribs were twisted on the spot.

Fortunately, Yan did not return to the rescue in time. He shook the long sword in his hand, and the sword was swept out like a practice, and the poisonous python was cut into seven or eight sections. Before the poisonous python's head fell to the ground, its sharp fangs scratched Lu Quyuan's left arm, bringing out a small blood cut. Lu Quyuan's left arm expanded rapidly like a balloon, and it was black and shiny in the blink of an eye.

Yan Bui shook his head helplessly, split Lu Quyuan's shoulder with a sword, grabbed Lu Quyuan and threw it at Lu Chengfeng: "Mr. Lu, watch your brother."

With his backhand, he grabbed the whole left arm and was split. Lu Quyuan, who was screaming in pain, Lu Chengfeng shook his head helplessly, reached out and clicked his shoulder a few times, stopping the blood spewing out.

He waved his sleeves and shook off the poisonous insects that kept falling within the top of his head. Don't beg for a strange face and sneered at Lu Quyuan, "Mr. Lu Liu, you'd better be more obedient and be respectful to our prince. Otherwise, we will feed you to the snake!"

Lu Quyuan's face turned pale with fear. He hurriedly grabbed Lu Chengfeng with one hand and screamed, "Brother, I'll listen to you in the future!"

Yan did not return with seven subordinates, and the shadow of the blue wolf appeared behind him, bringing eight swords and straight to the three barbarians behind him.

Three strange beasts rushed forward a few steps, and three black columns of water spewed out with their mouths. Yan Bui's wrist was shaken, and a several-foot-long sword on the front of the sword shot out, shaking the three black waters back, and spilling the three foreign beasts and the three barbarians on the back of the foreign beasts.

Black water has no lethal power to the three strange beasts, and the three strange beasts continued to rush forward as if nothing had happened. But the barbarians riding on their backs howted and were quickly corroded into poisonous meat by the black water.

The strange beast roared angrily, and the huge body with a height of two feet rushed forward, and the sharp horns on the top of his head fiercely hit the sword light of Yan Bgui and others.

In the loud noise, the heads of the three foreign beasts were shaken by the sword, and Yan Bui and others were also shaken by the huge impact, and the field was in chaos for a while.

Don't beg for a flash of cold light in his eyes. He looked at Liu Suifeng, who was shrinking behind the guard and shouting to protect him, and his fingers suddenly flicked. A small worm the size of a mung bean with a long black poisonous hair just fell from the air. Don't beg the wind to stimulate the poisonous worm. It shot out like lightning, and just shot into Liu Suifeng's ear.

The poisonous hair of the little bug suddenly stood up and pierced Liu Suifeng's skull. After a highly toxic attack, Liu Suifeng fell to the ground without humming.

Liu Suifeng's guards exclaimed sharply: "Son!"

Don't squint your eyes and smile. Now there is no one to fight for credit.

The willow hung up with the wind.

Comrades, tickets, tickets! Keep smashing tickets! X