Steal the sky

Chapter 351 Uninvited Guest

When there was an uproar on the Star of Wanxian, Buqi and others were hiding in the undersea cave, nervously looking at the broken forbidden runes around. I'm afraid that some immortals will find this water hole. Don't beg to take back the ring of the Dragon Bo Kingdom, and then kill Yan Xiaoqi and his party.

After waiting for a long time, I didn't find anything else. "Don't beg" Then he carefully slipped out of the water hole and carefully inquired around for a while. As a result, Don't beg was speechless. A deep-sea beast about a hundred miles long, a monster shaped like a white shark but with horns on its head, just accidentally crashed into the coral reef, and the giant beast rudely trampled the coral reef into pieces. Then he lay down lazily in the nearby undersea canyon, and .

The power of this giant beast is so great that the ancient runes under the begging cloth have been shattered by its huge power, which makes Begging really speechless for a while. Fortunately, this giant beast is only born with a strong body and has great power, but it is not psychic and will not absorb the aura of heaven and earth for cultivation, otherwise Xueyuanxing will have another amazing monster.

After searching for a while, I found that there was no other movement around. "There was no suffocating fairy power of immortals near and far. Don't beg for a group of people just like mice at night." It was time to change his clothes and sneak out of the sea.

Climbing out of the deep seabed under great dark pressure and returning to the surface of the snow abyss star. Even if it is surrounded by white snow and a vast amount of grass, the sun, the air, the roaring wind, and the snow flying all over the sky still make Buqi and others look up to the sky and laugh happily. But as soon as he smiled a few times, Don't beg and hurriedly shut everyone up. Xue Yuanxing is not too big. Don't be happy and sad. You will provoke those immortals today.

With their current strength, they use the book to plot tricks to plot one or two. Today's immortals are still sure. But if they really fight head-on, any today's immortal can easily kill all of them. Maybe only if you don't beg, you can have the hope of escape. After strictly warning everyone to keep a low profile, keep a low profile, and then beggar and others set up a dim sword light respectively to fly to the nearest city at the slowest speed.

It seems that those immortals have given up the pursuit of Begging and others, and Xue Yuanxing has returned to calm. In the process of flying, don't beg them to see mortals with snow abyss stars working in the snowfield. In addition to the "Snow Abyss Star" in the North and South Poles, there is still a solid continent under the thick ice and snow. Snow Abyss Star also has crustal activity, as well as volcanic lava. There are also hot springs spewing out on the ground.

In the place where the ground fire activity is relatively strong, the hot spring spews out the ground, melts the ice and snow, and creates a climate similar to that of March on other planets in a small range. In these places, the snow abyss star is a rare place. Some small cities with weak strength specially choose such a place to build a city with the protection of ground fire heat. There will be no suffering from wind, ice and snow, which can save a lot of the cost of building the city's defense ban.

Don't beg and others walked for a long time, and saw the white gas rising on the small mountains more than a hundred miles in front of them, and the faint smell of sulfur can be smelled from afar. They flew over with their swords and saw a small city of length and width standing quietly in this small green mountain range.

This city is close to the left. There is a village town. The mountains block the wind and snow, the hot springs in the mountains gushe out, the hot spring water dispel the cold, and a large area of farmland is opened up in the black and fertile soil.

With the help of a large number of hot springs in the mountains, this area of hundreds of miles has actually become an excellent hometown of fish and rice. The buds in the farmland are tender and green, and fishing boats are coming and going in the lake. "There are actually large areas of fruit trees on the mountains with dense vegetation." At this time, the fruit trees are hanging fruit, and at a glance, they are full of light yellow fruits.

Such a small city on the Snow Abyss Star only relies on the sale of agricultural products to make a living. Because of the geothermal concubine system, it is impossible to produce ice and snow-based spiritual grass, which is a specialty of Xueyuanxing, and there will be no ice-based spiritual stone veins. Basically, there are not many ice and snow-related specialties on the Snow Abyss Star. Therefore, the monks and small families here can only use a large number of agricultural products and other big power families to trade the materials needed for cultivation. The grain, melons and fruits they grow are supplied to other big forces, so that they can feed the mortals under their control. And those great forces gave them certain spiritual stones and elixirs, so that the monks of these small families practiced tightly. This concurrent relationship has lasted for tens of thousands of years in Xueyuanxing, and if there is no major change, it will continue for a long time.

Don't beg people to fly over villages and towns, and the mortals below saw the sword light roaring overhead. They knelt on the ground and dared not look up. The practitioner is supreme, and mortals are mortals. The monks of Xueyuanxing can deal with any mortal at will, kill and kill at will, and no one will pay attention to them. Therefore, these people dare not have one person to raise their head, but the heat has caused the innocent disaster of Begging and others.

This small mountain range, a village town with a radius of hundreds of miles. All the farmland belongs to the small town in front of us, Tianle City, and the little monk family. The Tian family is a small family with the strength to hang its tail on the Xueyuan Star. The family has two or three Jindan monks, big cats and kittens, and more than a dozen other innate monks. If you go further, there is nothing to say.

According to the rules of the monastic world, press the sword light in front of the east gate of Tianle City. Don't beg the group to walk slowly into Tianle City. In their group, there are five Yuanshen monks, Yuanying monk Yan Qijun, one person, Zhao Kuo, who hides his strength and can't figure out what the realm is. There is also Don't beg, a monster who doesn't even know how to divide his strength.

When he entered the door, Zhao Kuo reached out and took out a piece of jade slip. He drew a few seals and typed it casually. The jade was simplified to a line of white light flying high into the sky and quickly dissided. Zhao Kuo said indifferently, "I don't know if the people who brought them are dead. If not, let them find a place to hide by themselves. If it's all dead, it's just an explanation!" Zhao Kuo took a look at the worship of the three national masters of Rift Feng Zhenjun.

Don't beg for a smile and say, "Don't worry, second brother." If they are all dead, I will testify to you that it is the immortals of Xueyuanxing who killed foreign monks. You have just suffered from the fish pond. Fortunately, three national masters rescued each other, so you narrowly escaped!"

The three national masters laughed dryly, and Zhao Kuo laughed more like crying. However, the divine consciousness scanned the storage ring and took a look at the three fairy-level jade rings hidden in it. Zhao Kuo's chest suddenly straightened up, and he was in a much better mood.

When entering the city, Don't beg still using the secret method to sense the space around the Xueyuan Star. In the air less than 20 miles from the ground, a dense barrier isolates the space, which makes the void shifting array unable to operate. If you want to leave the Xueyuan Star, you must break through this barrier with a starboat. But think of those immortals on the snowy abyss star, don't beg and shake your head dejectedly.

Driving the star boat across the starry sky under the pursuit of immortals? Jiang Chengzi may have such good luck as such a big life, but don't beg to think that it's better not to try this kind of dangerous work. He muttered in a low voice, "Let's find a place here to practice at ease." Let's see what you can do with us?"

Tianle City is not big. The city is four miles long and four miles wide, and the house of the Tian family alone accounts for a quarter. In other urban areas, two horizontal and two vertical avenues separate the city. The people living in the city are all famous merchants in Tianle City or some in-laws of the Tian family. In addition, there are only two small inns in the city, as well as some brothels, restaurants and so on.

The monks who purchase grain, fish, meat, melons and fruits and other crops will be treated as guests by the Tian family and live in the Tian family's house. Therefore, the two inns in the city are only for some idle people such as merchants from other cities. The "conditions are not bad", but they are not much better.

Don't beg for a group of people in a pastoral house in the east of the city and found a clean yard to settle down.

Under the attentive greeting of the inn owner and Xiao Er, Don't beg and others settled down in the yard, and then Don't beg went to visit Xiong Wanling and He Qianqiu. Don't beg for these two old demon kings who can still protect Yan Qijun from rushing out in a desperate situation. He entered the two people's room and gave 30 blood crystals and soul crystals to each of them without saying a word.

Xiong Wanling and He Qianqiu don't know how many monks, monsters and other living things they have swallowed. They are also people who know the goods. Don't beg for the blood crystals and soul crystals" are full of extremely magical power. The two recognized that this was the essence refined with the immortal's flesh and blood soul." Xiong Wanling immediately shouted, "Have you refined those three miscellaneous hairs? Tut-tt, do you have Tianhuo with you?

He Qianqiu stared at Xiong Wanling. He put away the blood crystal and soul crystal, and said, "Tianyun Gong, if there are orders in the future, Lao He will definitely do his best to help. Old bear, what are you stupid doing there?" Xiong Wanling smashed his mouth and finally came to his senses. He arched his hand to Bu beggar and said eloquently, "The white-haired bird said yes, it will be useful to us in the future, just open your mouth. Well, with these, I'm afraid we can do it soon..." Xiong Wanling smiled so much that his eyes narrowed into a line.

Don't beg to smile, don't talk too much, just say goodbye. With these blood crystals and soul beads, as long as the two old demons digest them, they will definitely reach the peak of the yuan god. Don't beg for two more reinforcements around you. Don't beg to find a way to survive the thunderstorm for them. There are two immortals who have a friendship with them to help, and the power of Don't beg has added another point.

For a moment, Don't beg to invite the three people, Rift Feng Zhenjun, and also gave each of them 30 soul beads and blood beads. The three people were ecstatic. "I hurriedly thanked you for not begging, and the resentment of being forcibly subdued by begging" was suddenly reduced by 70% or 80%, and only the last bit of resentment. After all, how can the blood crystals and soul crystals of immortals be so easy to get? It is extremely difficult to be an immortal today.

After getting all this done, don't beg to find a room for yourself." Also by swallowing the blood crystal and soul crystal, he quickly improved the cultivation of ten innate golden elixirs. The pastoral shopkeeper attentively took an old man and two middle-aged men to visit.

Without waiting for the introduction of the shopkeeper, the old man with the final cultivation of Jindan has been deeply bowing to Don't beg.

"This senior, the younger generation dares to visit the door, and please forgive me."