Steal the sky

Chapter 352 Ask for help

Looking at this respectful look, the breath of the body was carefully restrained, and I didn't dare to leak the old man for fear of causing misunderstanding. Don't beg to nod and say, "Taoist friends are not too polite. Taoist friends are the landlords of this city. It is reasonable that the poor should visit."

He casually led to the hospitality hall on the north side of the courtyard. Don't beg and say, "Since Taoist friends are here, please come in and serve tea."

The shopkeeper of the pastoral house ran out happily, shouting and asked Xiao Er to hurry to get the best spring water on the top of the mountain to make tea and treat the guests. The old man and two middle-aged men respectfully bowed to Don't beg, and walked into the hall step by step. They looked reserved and respectful, and did not dare to neglect at all.

Xiong Wanling and other five genshen old demons hid in their rooms and did not come out. They were not interested in dealing with such little people in the golden period. Yan Qijun and Zhao Kuo were curious. They didn't have to beg to say hello. They went straight out and sat in the main seat of the hall first. In particular, Zhao Kuo raised his legs with a hippie smile and looked at the three people sitting aside. His eyes narrowed into a line and was robbed of the main seat in the north of the hall by Yan Qijun and Zhao Kuo. Don't beg could only sit down on a big chair opposite the old man. Then the leader smiled and said, " People and military personnel. I don't know what the three Taoist friends call?

Yan Qijun and Zhao Kuo led the salute. The old man and the two middle-aged men got up in a hurry and hurriedly saluted Yan Qijun. They looked at Yan Qijun and Zhao Kuo carefully. Don't beg in the black fog behind them. The small flying sword is still rushing around, but there is no difference between Yan Qijun and Zhao Kuo. They are teachers and elders who don't beg, but there is no sign of golden elixir on their bodies. It can be seen that they are all in the Yuanying period.

The old man obviously showed a trace of [excitement]. He respectfully introduced the identities of the three of him to the three beggars. The old man is Tian Ju, the contemporary head of the Tian family. Two middle-aged men are his two sons, Tian He and Tian Dao. Don't beg, just laugh secretly. This family deserves to be the master of Tian Lecheng, and this name has nothing to do with crops.

After listening to Tian Ju's introduction, Don't beg lean forward slightly and said with a smile, "I don't know if the owner of the Tian family comes to visit. What do you want to do?"

Tian Ju rubbed his hands hard. He carefully glanced at Yan Qijun, who was sitting there with no emperor's wind, and Zhao Kuo, who crossed his legs. No matter how he looked at it, he was a wandy. He smiled dryly and said, "Junior.



Don't beg and waved his hand. He smiled and said, "Master Tian, don't talk about the juniors. It sounds really uncomfortable."

Tian Ju hurriedly changed his words and said, "I understand, I understand." After a dry cough, Tian Ju smiled and said, "Just now, the little old man heard from the clan that several seniors came to Tian Lecheng, and the little old man naturally came to visit. Well, I don't know how many of you are here this time..."

Don't beg for a blink of an eye, and a piece of nonsense came out. He smiled and said, "Oh," we are from Qianlanxing, and we are ordered to collect some rare things of Xueyuanxing's elixirs. It's just that this unlucky time, I met several immortals who made a big fight and blocked the way in and out. "Do we dare to argue with the immortals? Therefore, I can only stay in Xueyuanxing and see when I can go back.

With a wry smile, Don't beg to shake your head and sigh, "In the past few days, I heard that the Snow City and the White Frost City have been destroyed. We used to live in the Snow City, wondering whether these people have specifically attacked the four largest cities of Snow Abys Star? If that's the case, the chaotic snow city can't wait, so we came to Tianle City to avoid the limelight.

Yan Qijun said at this time and said, "Tian Lecheng is not eye-catching. I don't think anyone will come to Tian Lecheng to make trouble!"

Tianle City is the closest to the chaotic snow city, so don't beg to say that they have just started living in the chaotic snow city, which is reasonable. In order to avoid any danger in the chaotic snow city and endangering yourself, it is also a reasonable explanation to find a small city in a remote area.

Don't laugh and say, "We see the beautiful scenery of Tianle City and the fun of the countryside, so we want to live here for a few days. When this turbulence subsides and the void shift can be used, we will rush back to Qianlanxing as soon as possible. Do you have any advice from the owner of the Tian family?

I heard that Don't beg their group came from Qianlanxing. He was ordered to come to Xueyuanxing to collect elixirs. The faces of Tian Ju's family of three suddenly laughed into a huā'er. Tian Ju hurriedly smiled and said, "It turned out to be the predecessor of Qian Lanxing." No wonder he had such a cultivation. In fact, there is really a place for you to visit this time. However, in the little old man's words, if there is any offense, please forgive me!"

Don't take a quick look at Yan Qijun and Zhao Kuo. Yan Qijun said indifferently, "That's all. You can say whatever you blame. We are not unreasonable people either. We are all the same way. In the future, we will have to live in Tianle City. If there is anything to help the Tian family, we will naturally be happy to do it. It's just that it's better not to involve those immortal predecessors in this matter.

Tian Ju was overjoyed. He and his two sons stood up in a hurry and kept saluting, "Don't get involved, don't get involved. This matter has absolutely nothing to do with those immortal predecessors!" I dare to ask a few seniors to know that this matter is a dispute between Tian Lecheng and the Lin family on the other side of Shansang.

, Lin Jia,!

Yan Qijun couldn't help but look pale when he heard the name. He instinctively thought of the Lin family in the Snow City. Lin Qiuluo, the crazy woman, chased Yan Qijun in embarrassment and almost died for the sake of such a top-quality spiritual stone. Even if Lin Qiuluo and the Lin family, and even the Changwu immortals received the most cruel revenge, Yan Qijun still felt a sigh of relief in his heart.

"The Lin family?" Don't beg to look at Tian Ju thoughtfully and ask a question lightly.

Tian Ju stepped forward, lowered his voice and said, "This Lin family has nothing to do with the Lin family in Piao Xuecheng. However, both families are surnamed Lin, so the Lin family deliberately flatled the Lin family in the snow city. Over the years, they have also accumulated some feelings.

Don't beg deliberately stiffen his face. He sneered and said, "Piao Xuecheng Lin's family, um, hum!"

Tian Ju's face moved, and he hurriedly said, "Senior, listen to the little old man. In the past few days, there has been news that the Piaoxue City has been destroyed, the three major families in the Piaoxue City have been killed, and the Lin family in the Piaoxue City has died, so the Lin family has lost its backstage support. If it's not so, how dare the young man compete with them with the meager foundation of Tian Lecheng?

looked at Yan Qijun, and Yan Qijun nodded slowly. He now has a lot of problem with the surname of the Lin family. I feel uncomfortable when I hear this surname. In addition, the Lin family also has something to do with the Lin family in Piaoxue City, so no wonder they are hot.

With a faint smile, Don't beg also crossed his legs. It happened that the shopkeeper brought up the fragrant tea. After a busy work, Don't beg to drink the tea cup. Xiangcha asked Tian Ju with a smile, "Okay, it's okay to touch the Lin family. I don't know what the dispute between the owner of the Tian family and them is for?

Tian Ju pondered for a moment, and he stretched out five fingers to Begging: "If you can help the little old man dispel the ambition of the Lin family" all the benefits, how about you enjoy 50%?" Tian Ju looked at Don't beg nervously and blinked desperately.

Don't say what's going on, but say the proportion of benefits first. Don't beg suddenly in his heart. He smiled and said, "It turned out that the treasure was found, so the two families had a dispute?" Well, this treasure should be in this mountain, and it is exactly on the dividing line between the two lands, right? Well, the spiritual grass is not like it. Is it a spiritual stone mine? Spirit stone ore with fire attributes? It doesn't look like it. Is it a spiritual stone mine with ice attributes?

The strange light flashed in his eyes. Don't beg to look at the colorless Tian Ju and his son and said with a smile, "Here, the earth fire breeds, and it is only possible to breed the fire attribute spirit stone mine. But if it is a fire attribute spirit stone mine, with the skill characteristics of Xueyuanxing's cultivation, you are stained with fire. The breath on your body must be impure. But now the breath of the three people is as cold as the old, without any impurities, so this is a spiritual stone mine with the icy attribute that is pregnant on the edge of the earth's fire magma!"

Yan Qijun and Zhao Kuo stared too much at the same time and looked at Don't beg in surprise. After analyzing this set, look at the panicked expressions of Tian Ju and his son, and they knew that Don't beg was right!

Proudly picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea. Don't beg to play with the tea cup cover, and said with a smile, "The spirit stone mine with the cold nature next to the ground fire magma! Rare, rare "This kind of opposite attribute of yin and yang must be accompanied by strange treasures!"

Coldly took a look at Tian Ju, Tian He, Tian Dao and his son who sat back in place. Don't beg for a cold voice: "Three people think" with the strength of the Tian family, can you keep such a strange treasure? Can you get rid of all the benefits of such a spirit stone vein?

Tian Ju's forehead was sweating like rain." He looked at Don't beg shiveringly and stammered, "You, you..."

Don't beg for a long time and sigh: "You shouldn't have come to us... Now that you have found us, then, Tianhe, Tiandao, worship my uncle as your teacher! Give us filial piety to this mine, and protect your rich future in the future!"

As soon as he patted his forehead, Yuan Ying, who was not begging, jumped out, suspended on the top of Begging's head and staring at Tian Ju and others.

Yan Qijun was shocked. He jumped up and shouted, "Kid, when did you become Yuan Ying? How old are you this year?

Zhao Kuo was also scared and screamed. He pointed to the golden elixir behind him and shouted, "Your golden elixir has not disappeared, your Yuanying.

.. What the hell?"

Don't beg dry and laugh a few times. He kneaded the black gas behind him into a black projectile, and then swallowed it in one bite. He said with a dry smile, "This Yuanying, which was accidentally knotted in the past two days, and I don't know how to get it out, ah, hahaha! Is this golden elixir a strange omen? It's also a good thing to fool people. You just didn't see through my [true] cultivation!"

Smiling, don't beg for black air spewing out from the pores around him, and a black cloud condensed behind him, including five flying swords flying in the air, holding the thief's eyebrows and mouse eyes. Yuan Ying suspended his head, but there was a significant golden elixir behind him. Yan Qijun and Zhao Kuo moaned feebly and sat back in place.

Tian Ju's eyes rotated for a while, and he regretted coming to them. If you really want him to give out too many benefits, his heart hurts!

But when he was still thinking about it, a mana fluctuation in the Yuanying period suddenly spread over Tian Lecheng. With the fluctuation of mana, a proud old voice sounded: "Lao Tian, that treasure belongs to our Lin family!"

, rumbling, with a sound, a thunderbolt split from the sky and hit the ancestral house of the Tian family in the city.