Steal the sky

Chapter 525 Butterfly Fairy

As soon as he saw Diyang Zhenren, the first reaction was to turn around and run away.

But in the blink of an eye, "Thinking of the huge gap between Jin Xian and his own strength, every begging immediately dispelled the idea. Then he calculated what Diyang Zhenren was calculated by himself, and observed the current breath of Diyang Zhenren, and his mind became determined.

Diyang Zhenren's breath is weak at this moment. It's not even as good as an ordinary immortal. His face was miserable and ugly, his skin was black, and the skin of his palms was not bloody at all. Instead, there was a strong green hidden under the skin.

As soon as you see this green, don't beg to know that Nayang Zhenren is really in his own calculation.

In the Qinglin Mountain Hall, the spiritual fruits presented to Diyang Zhenren and other Qingcheng immortals are all good things carefully selected. There is no problem for these spiritual fruits to be taken alone, which will only nourish the vitality. If three or five kinds are mixed together, there will be no danger.

But after all, the spiritual fruit made of elixirs is a genus of medicinal herbs. If more than 30 spiritual fruits are taken in a certain order, and then catalyzed with three kinds of spiritual wine brewed with specific spiritual herbs, these spiritual fruits will immediately turn into poisons that corrupt bones and pierce the intestines. Even golden immortals will Body.

This method of poisoning comes from the inheritance of Princess Bule's bloodline, the technique of poison, which is the most common way of killing invisible people in ancient demigod blood. Nowadays, few immortals are familiar with this knowledge. This kind of poison technique can't be guarded at all. Unless you can understand the relationship between all the elixirs, you will definitely be plotted.

Except for the descendants of the ancient gods who condensed their real bodies from the law of heaven and earth, they adhere to the most original inheritance knowledge between heaven and earth, and are born to know the root fruits and mutual restraint relationship of all things in heaven and earth. Other immortals, except for the existence of Daluo in legend, it is impossible for other immortals The means.

In the Qinglin Mountain Hall, Diyang Zhenren and a group of Qingcheng immortals feasted and had fun. They took countless kinds of spiritual fruits and drank countless kinds of spiritual wine. The person responsible for the banquet is the don't begging demon god puppet incarnate the illusion of the heart of water and the two people. With this convenience, coupled with the rich products of the Pangu mainland, don't beg easily sent the poison of the medicine cup called "lover's tears, into the belly of Diyang Zhenren.

At first, they were poisoned. They just felt that the fairy power was weakened and their bodies were a little weak. After the pursuit of Fengling, "After the joint attack of the wonderful heart fairy and the white mountain king, Diyang Zhenren consumed a large amount of essence, blood and the toxicity of the lover's broken intestines gradually occurred, and the real person penetrated into Diyang Zhenren's body like the tears of the lover" and his body tangled together, and finally

Now it has been more than three months since the abundance of the yang real person. The toxicity has been coiled in the yang real person [body] and his fairy power and even the blood have been integrated. Relying on the power of the seven-grade golden immortals of the Diyang real person, it is impossible to disperse the toxicity. At this moment, Diyang Zhenren is a paper tiger. Don't beg, you can easily kill him.

On the contrary, the woman in white next to Diyang Zhenren is a little tricky.

The woman in white has thick hair." She rolled up layers of three or five layers of complex buns like mountains, wearing seventeen or eight jade-carved butterfly hair accessories "body-shaped" hair accessories flashed, and those butterflies seemed to be flying in the air.

The woman in white is slender and beautiful. In addition to a trace of viciousness in the middle of the eyebrows, she looks like a gentle and beautiful woman. Like a weak willow following the wind, the woman in white was timid, but she raised her head slightly. She secretly looked at Don't beg with the corner of her eyes.

Every woman's every move is as gentle as water. She is really delicate and soft. What a beautiful woman.

But don't beg to open Zhou Tianshen's eyes slightly, and when he saw a faint golden light around the woman, his heart suddenly felt a little. This woman is the cultivation of the golden fairy. Although she was severely damaged, resulting in the instability of the immortal body. [body] The inner fairy power continues to spread out of the body, so there is this round of golden light around the body, but this woman is a golden fairy.

Look at the appearance of the woman in white and the movement of walking. Although her injury is very serious, she is not so weak to take action. As long as she is a golden fairy, as long as she still has the strength to take action, Don't beg will never dare to make any strange moves in front of her.

Slowly raise your hands, don't beg to shake your body, and say to Diyang Zhenren and the woman in white with a wry smile, "Two seniors, the younger generation of Black Dragon Zhenren, are really nothing to look good.

Just half a month ago, the younger generation was looted and escaped to their lives. They didn't even have a storage kit. Where else is there any spiritual stone or fairy stone?

[body] As soon as the chaotic breath moves, don't beg to condense a Yuanying in Dantian. The unique breath of Yuanying monk slowly oozed out. Don't beg obviously saw that the face of Diyang Zhenren and the woman in white suddenly lightened, and the two of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

The woman in white took a step forward and said delicately, "This Taoist friend, little woman Yi Die, this is a little" * Zifu Jun Diyang. We were hit by a strong enemy, and we were hit hard. All the magic weapons around us have been destroyed, and all the elixirs and spiritual stones have been worn out." With a gentle sigh, Yi Die said softly, "If there is anything rude just now, please forgive me." Diyang Zhenren's face was cold, and he shouted unhappily Question mark A Yuanying monk, a figure who is not as good as ants!" Before Xie Yang Zhenren finished his words, Yi Die gently pulled his arm. Ne Yang Zhenren immediately closed his mouth and drooped his eyelids and stopped talking.

Don't beg for a moment's mind. He remembered what the Xuanjin jellyfish said to him in his life, her only friend, Yidie Fairy, was salivating in her tea. "Then Diyang Zhenren and Yidie Fairy poisoned her when the Xuanjin jellyfish was poisoned, so that her soul was scattered, and only a trace of Spirits are lingering.

This delicate, boneless and pitiful woman in white is the cruel and cruel fairy who brazenly betrayed her best friend?

I scolded my mother in my belly. Don't beg. I'm really a little annoyed. Why is he so unlucky? He randomly chose a direction to escape for his life. Unexpectedly, he could meet a pair of dog men and women as Diyang Zhenren. Pangu Continent is vast and boundless. If you run around, you can still meet these two people. Don't beg and feel whether you are predestined with them.

The butterfly's fingers moved slightly, and a white breath rotated around the beggar for a few times. It ran around him for a while. The butterfly sighed softly, "The black dragon Taoist is indeed a man of faith, and he really has nothing to grow up."

With a gentle sigh, Yidie took a few steps forward and tremblingly gave a very beautiful and beautiful bowing gift to Don't beg. She raised her eyes slightly and said to Bu Begging infinitely, "Taoist friend, the little woman and his wife have been in great trouble, and their cultivation is not one in one." Now the enemy is chasing me everywhere. Those opposites are very powerful. If the little woman and her husband are captured by them, I'm afraid it's better to die than life." The two lines of tears slipped from Yi Die's eyes, and Yi Die cried in a low voice, "If the Taoist friend is cruel, it's really not to help the little woman and his wife. I' What is he thinking?

Don't blink your eyes desperately, calculating Yidie's intention. Diyang Zhenren is abolished, but Yi Die has at least one blow. Why did she look like such a little woman? In particular, don't begging is that Xieyang Zhenren did not see the butterfly fairy when he came to Pangu Continent, but now she is with Diyang Zhenren. How did they get together?

Is it possible that Yidie has such a great magic power to travel between Pangu Continent and Outer Heaven in a very short time?

It's impossible. If it's Taiyi Jinxian, he may have such a magic power, but Yidie and Neyang Zhenren are just seven-grade golden immortals.

Ao Buk tilted his head and looked at the trembling butterfly standing there with a ticking saliva. A wolf thing had already stood up for a long time. After a long time, Ao Bujig wiped his saliva. His two front paws clenched into fists and looked at the sky angrily. He muttered to himself, "What a piece of delicious meat, but you can't eat it!" Hate, hate, very much! Practice hard and eat hard. At least you have to grow to the size of an ordinary person first, otherwise how many beautiful women will not get the Dragon King.

.. Is this rabbit's pet and heartbroken?"

The back claw gently bounced the things in his lower body. Ao Buchun gritted his teeth and said, "Good brother, if you put up with it, it will be three or five years later, and it will be five or six months soon. It will definitely make you eat happily, and it will definitely restore you the grandeur of those years Wonderful "blue blood-stained dragon gun, this treasure passes by" There is nowhere in the world!"

Don't beg to look at the butterfly for a while, and suddenly bowed deeply and said, "Why does the butterfly fairy need to say this? The poor road is the most enthusiastic to help others. It is difficult for the virtuous and the sages and the other. How can the poor not be saved? If there is anything that the poor can do, just ask the fairy to say it." The fairy Yidie smiled and glanced at Ao Buzun, who was lying on Bu begging on his shoulder, with wonderful eyes. For a moment, the romantic flow was infinite.

Ao Buchun looked at the butterfly fairy in a daze, lying on the shoulder like a dead snake. His lower body arched up strangely, and a wolf's broad thing fiercely pestered on the shoulder of Begging.

Don't beg for a heavy slap on Ao Buzun. Ao Buzun howted miserably, and his four claws hugged his lower body and turned over from Begging in pain.

Yi Die "Sneer, with a smile, she pointed to Ao Buzun and said with a smile, "What an interesting little dragon! Did the Taoist name of the black dragon friend come from this little black dragon? Unfortunately, this black dragon is still young. If you want to grow into a Jackie Chan, I'm afraid it will take tens of thousands of years of hard work!"

Ao Buzun gritted his teeth and poked half of his head out of the grass on the ground. He poked his head to peek at the scenery under Yi Die's skirt, and muttered vaguely: "Little girl, wait and see. It won't take long for you to let you know what a

Don't beg to step on Ao Buzun and said in a low voice, "I don't know what the butterfly fairy needs to do?" Yidie smiled and said softly, "Little woman, I just need some spiritual stones urgently now!"

With a sigh, Yi Die asked Don't beg seriously, "Can Taoist friends rob some spiritual stones for the little woman?"