Steal the sky

Chapter 526 Zhang Yibaiqi

Don't beg to meet the barren mountain of Liyang Zhenren and Yidie Fairy, which belongs to the territory of Wuzhou, a Jiupin Xiazhou in Dayu.

Muzhou, a new Jiupin Xiazhou that has been opened up for no more than a hundred years. It is a large state with a total population of no more than 10 million. Except for the state of Muzhou, which has a population of more than one million, there are no more than 100,000 other sparsely populated cities, and more people gather in villages. This is a typical Xiazhou with sparse land and sparse production, but the natural resources here are as rich as other big states in Dayu.

Just 300 miles from the barren east, there is a small city called Liushui City.

There are six big rivers winding around Liushui City, converging into a big lake on the side of Liushui City, and then converging into a big river and going straight to the east. Liushui City was built on a washed plain by the Great Lake. The land is very fertile. There are 50,000 to 60,000 residents in the city, and there are nearly 100 small villages outside the city. More than 90% of the residents live on growing crops.

Don't beg is taking Liyang Zhenren and Yidie Fairy along the road to Liushui City. Don't beg to Liyang Zhenren and the butterfly fairy, saying that with the identity of the two immortal elders and the heavenly fragrance of the butterfly fairy, they should not suffer in the wilderness. They should go to the city to find a comfortable residence and find dozens of maids to serve them attentively.

Liyang Zhenren and the butterfly fairy are both well-fed, and the exodusive life of more than three months has long been unbearable for them. After listening to the begging puzzle, the two of them couldn't help but be moved.

In addition, both of them were seriously injured, and they really needed a better environment to heal their wounds, so they obeyed the advice of not begging and followed him to Liushui City.

Don't beg to tell them that in this kind of wilderness of Jiupin Xiazhou, it is impossible to wait for too many passers-by to cultivate immortals, and there is nothing to rob if they want to rob. Instead of taking a chance to rob the passers-by, it is better to rob the government of Liushui City. Many states, counties, cities and towns of the Dayu Dynasty usually collect a large number of tributes and pay tribute to the Dayu royal family every few years. In the warehouse of Liushui City, there must be spiritual stones, fairy stones and other things they lack now.

After a word, Liyang Zhenren and the butterfly fairy nodded repeatedly. They knew that their lives were in their hands, and they were not afraid of what he, a little Yuanying monk, could do. The two of them were relieved and boldly let themselves beg.

All the way to Liushui City, don't beg to look at the surrounding scenery curiously. Six large rivers flow into the big lake on the side of Liushui City in different places near and far. Liushui City is located by the lake, less than three miles away from the lake. Outside the city, there are extremely fertile fields. At a glance, the liver is everywhere within thousands of miles, and there is fertile farmland everywhere. More than a hundred small villages are scattered in these thousands of miles, and a large number of farmers are farming between the fields.

At the wind, almost everyone's chest-high rice rolled over, turning out half-yellow and half-green rice waves, and a clear fragrance of crops hovered around. Take a deep breath. Don't beg and feel refreshed all over. Hundreds of Longbo people are running wildly with ploughs on the fields in the distance, turning the sky and the earth into the waves. A large group of farmers followed these Longbo people and sowed seeds in the overturned fields. What a busy scene.

There are thousands of feathers flying high in the sky, and they are circling in the sky excitedly. Some people played the flute in the air, and the sad sound of the flute scared the birds near and far to dare not approach. With these feathers in charge of the air, no bird dared to rush to the field and peck at the rice. The defense of this Liushui City is also to the best use, and the overall planning is very good.

What makes Begging strange is that in addition to these farmers, there is always a small team and a small group of young people practicing their fists seriously on the flat ground near and far fields. These young men punched like the wind, and their fists shook the air, crackled and sounded. Once they stepped on the ground, don't beg to see that the ground under their feet was full of earth waves several inches high. They stamped down, and they had at least tens of thousands of pounds of strength.

mobilized the true secret of heaven and earth, injected a wisp of purple gas into Zhou Tianshen's eyes and looked at those young people. Don't beg and couldn't help but be shocked.

These small teams are only 20 people in a team at most, and a group of five or six people. They are surrounded by Ran Ziqi constantly injected into their bodies. They are clearly practicing the unique skills of the human race such as the true secrets of heaven and earth. Along the way, there are at least about 10,000 young people who are practicing outside Liushui City. This is definitely not the scale of force that a small Liushui City should have.

I also have a general understanding of the military system of the Dayu Dynasty. In a big state like Zhongzhou, the ratio of soldiers to ordinary people is about one to one hundred to one thousand. If it is in those low-grade states, in those low-income states with few people, the ratio of soldiers to ordinary people often reaches more than one to one thousand, and even only one soldier is levied out of the five or six thousand people.

After all, the taxis that practice the true secrets of heaven and earth are different from ordinary people. Everyone has the divine power to carry mountains and lift tripods. It is only an ordinary thing to practice to the depths, so a very small number of soldiers can maintain the security of the land and fight against those fierce beasts and other disasters.

The total population of Liushui City, plus the population of more than 100 villages outside, is about 200,000. With such a small population, nearly 10,000 soldiers are receiving scratching and absorbing purple gas for practice! The conscription ratio of 1 to 20 is definitely not the official behavior of the Dayu Dynasty. Unless the owner of Liushui City wants to plot a rebellion, he does not need to recruit in such a large proportion.

Then again, 10,000 soldiers want to rebel in Dayu? Isn't this a joke?

Looking at those soldiers who were practicing in surprise, Don't begging felt that the whole Liushui City had a strange atmosphere.

Liyang Zhenren and Yidie Fairy glanced at those young men who were training and couldn't help laughing contemptuously. Those who are the strongest in cultivation among the young and strong are just the same as the monks in the Yuanying period. In their opinion, even ants are not, but they don't care about the existence at all.

So they don't have such a deep sense of not begging, and they don't notice the strangeness in it.

Don't beg to lead the way in front of you, droop your head and think about the mystery in it. However, no matter what he wants to do in Liushui City, follow the Butterfly Fairy, a golden fairy who has at least one blow. Don't beg and he is very sure of his ability to escape, and he is not worried that he will encounter danger in Liushui City.

There was nothing to say all the way. Don't beg and took the two into Liushui City.

The scale of Liushui City is not large, and the length and width of the city wall is only about five miles, and the height is less than two feet and five feet.

The buildings in the city are mainly civil structures. Only the main house in the center of the city is a complete boulder structure. It is the kind of square, tall and simple black stone building that you are already familiar with. There are six boulder pillars in front of the gate of the main house, and there is also a huge fire basin on it, and Half of the Liushui City is green.

As soon as you enter Liushui City, don't beg and you will notice something wrong.

In the roadside pubs, restaurants, and various shops, someone glanced at the three people almost at the same time. Those people's eyes seemed to be absent, and they swept away from the begging body. There was no murderous malice in their eyes, as if ordinary people on the street looked at them casually.

Liyang Zhenren and the two golden immortals of the butterfly fairy hall, they have no feeling for this kind of look at all. These people who look at them are too weak to lift the tension in their hearts.

But for Don't beg, he is too familiar with the eyes of these people. In those years on the earth, this is what the detectives secretly whistled outside the hall! He followed those eyes one by one, full of appearances that seemed to be ordinary and were ignored when thrown into the crowd. They looked honest and honest, which was no different from the people nearby!

Don't beg to laugh in your heart. It's interesting. What's going on in this Liushui City?

Outside the city, there are Qingzhuang in military training that is completely inconsistent with the Dayu military system. The city is full of eyes and ears. How can this Liushui City look like this?

Take Liyang Zhenren and the butterfly fairy to continue along the city road. Don't beg to find a good inn or private house to board. By the way, find a way to get some gold, silver and jewelry and so on. I saw a team of people riding over the front of the road.

There are about 30 people in this team, and the leader is a middle-aged man with a haggard face, like a man who has just recovered from a serious illness. The man was born with a good appearance. He originally had a very powerful national face, but now he was extremely tired, and his whole spirit collapsed.

After this middle-aged man, he was followed by more than thirty tall and extremely strong warriors.

Don't beg felt that several of the armored men were very familiar. The abrupt armored men roared at the same time, pulled out their long swords and jumped off the mount, and strode angrily to Buqi. One of them roared, "Wu Na, since you're here, you don't have to go back!"

When shouted by these people, don't beg to suddenly realize that when they were entangled with the Qin army in the depths of Mengshan that day, these strong men were all deputy generals accompanying Bai Qi, the king of Wu'an in the Great Qin Dynasty. They were all generals of the Great Qin! Don't beg to condense into a congenital chaotic spirit, ignoring the changing face, and as a result, they recognized their true face!

Don't beg, your eyes flashed, and you were calculating how to deal with this matter. Several figures suddenly flashed out of a restaurant on the roadside.

A handsome old man with a high robe and a crown laughed and said, "Get back, it's an old acquaintance here. It's very good, very good!"

Don't beg to see this man. He is really an old acquaintance. Obviously, he is Mr. Zhang Yi, Su Qin's fellow family, and the prime minister of Daqin!

The other person snorted coldly and waved to the Jiashi. The Jiashi retreated one after another and stood aside respectfully. Don't beg at this strong man in a black robe and a bronze crown. Who is Bai Qi, the king of Wu'an in the Qin Dynasty? They are all old acquaintances. When they were in Mengshan, this group of good ministers of the Qin Dynasty would be eager not to beg for thousands of knives!

Bai Qi strode to Don't beg, looked at Don't beg coldly and sneered, "The good nose actually chased here? Ha, haven't you been following us all the time?"

Don't beg to know what Bai Qi means. He is asking if Dayan's intelligence agency has been tracking Daqin's every move. He winked at Bai Qi and Zhang Yi and respectfully said to them, "The poor black dragon is a real person. There are a lot of two predecessors. There were few misunderstandings in those years. We still don't have to worry about it, right? Haha, was this Liushui City taken down by the two predecessors as a mountain gate?

Zhang Yi and Bai Qi were stunned, and then looked at Liyang Zhenren and Yidie Fairy behind Don't Begging at the same time.

Zhang Yi smiled. He stepped forward very gracefully and bowed to the two of them, "Two Taoist friends, do you dare to ask where the fairyland is?"

Liyang Zhenren and Yidie Fairy looked at each other. The butterfly fairy came out with a smile and saluted Zhang Yi and Bai Qi, who were as gentle as water: "The little girl Yidie, was in trouble with her husband, which made all your Taoist friends laugh!"

Before the words fell, the middle-aged man riding on the horse had already roared: "A foreign demon, if you dare to invade our Dayu Jiye, you will be killed by thousands of knives!"

The butterfly fairy's face suddenly changed slightly.