Steal the sky

Chapter 547 Laying the foundation

In the nameless valley, on a square mu of grassland. Looking up, I can't see the sky. I don't know how many years of green pine and the vines hanging on the thick tree trunk cover the sky tightly.

In the valley, it only relies on the faint lighting emitted by dozens of fluorite and pearls.

In the dim light, the grass was full of people.

Three Fire Venerable, Xue Yu, You Jin, Bajie, these are familiar people who don't beg, and they are also people who can be trusted. After them, there are 600 boys and girls who are impeccable in terms of qualifications and origin. Anle County is a million miles away, from which thousands of boys and girls were carefully selected to Qingcheng. Qinglin Mountain fought a war, and finally survived and was brought to the valley, only 600!

Thousands of boys and girls have turned into ashes in Qinglin Mountain because of the tricks of Don't begging and Su Qin.

Don't beg to look at the tender faces and uneasy eyes of those young men and women, but their hearts are as clear as water, without any pressure, no guilt, no uneasiness, and no moral guilt. Their companions, and even their brothers and sisters are likely to disappear because of the calculation of not begging, but not begging is no longer the no begging in those years.

Standing on the stone platform made with magic, don't beg to look down on the crowd. With his hands behind his back, he unscrupulously released the terrible power in his body. The true secrets of heaven and earth, the dragon transformation scriptures, the wind song, the Xuanyin water scriptures, the purgatory magic scriptures, the Guiyuan Wuwei Taoist scriptures, and even the geocentric magnetic method, the ancient runes, the way of ghosts and gods, all kinds of magic secrets spread from him without concealment.

With a 'coo-dong', 600 boys and girls knelt to the ground one after another. They knelt on the ground deeply and no longer dared to look up and beg.

Slowly nod, don't beg to point to these boys and girls and said in a low voice, "You ants live under the way of heaven. Although you are born in accordance with the way of heaven and enjoy the great fortune of heaven and earth, you are confused. You don't know what the meaning of heaven and earth is. You are , but there is no way to struggle!"

"I, don't beg! I don't care what the human race should do, and I don't care what the human race must do! I give you a chance, a chance to get rid of the fate of life, old age, illness and death, and a chance to live a free life!"

"I don't care whether you are male or female, beautiful or ugly, good or evil, I don't care about this! I don't care about you killing people and arson in the future, I don't care about you bullying men and women in the future, I don't care about your tyrannical disasters in the future, I don't care about these things, and I don't care about you!"

"As long as you have the strength, you can do everything you want!"

"If you want you to have strength, you can plunder everything you want!"

"As long as you have strength, you can choose to be Buddhas, immortals, and demons. It's a pity to do anything!"

"I give you strength and the opportunity to change your fate. I just want your loyalty! Unreserved, complete, 100%, no discount at all, complete loyalty! In addition to loyalty, there is also obedience, which is also unreserved, complete, 100%, without any excuse, and complete obedience!"

"I want you to live, you live; I want you to die, you die; I want you to cry, you cry; I want you to laugh, you laugh. I want you to kill your dearest brother, your closest lover, and you will pull out your weapons and cut off his head!"

"Loyalty and obedience, this is my only requirement for you! Loyal to me and obey me, I will let you poor ants get a powerful opportunity, the opportunity to live forever, and the opportunity to stand above all sentient beings and enjoy the worship of all sentient beings!"

The terrible pressure made all the boys and girls bow their heads deeply and sweated like rain. Not only these boys and girls, but also the four of the Three Fire Masters looked at Don't beg in horror, puzzled why he had such terrible power and such a strange atmosphere.

"This door is called the door of stealing the sky for the day!"

"The ancestor of this family, his real name is Tan Lang, and he is a greedy wolf! Someone is the second generation of ancestors who steal the sky and change the day, and he is in charge of the contemporary teaching!"

With a wave of your right hand, a huge piece of beautiful jade sprayed out. Don't beg for the countless cracks of swords at your fingertips, and instantly carved the white beautiful jade into a huge jade monument. The jade monument is three feet high, with a cloud scroll vault at the top and a Jiulong Tengyun supporting the monument below. A wisp of golden light shot out from his fingertips, and five simple and powerful seal characters of "Stealing the Sky for the Sun Gate" appeared on the front of the jade tablet. Behind the jade tablet, at the top of the jade tablet, there are three lines of small words "Kaishan ancestor greedy wolf real Tan Lang", "second generation ancestor Le Xiaobai", and "second generation ancestor do not beg"!

Don't beg and shouted loudly, "The first guardian elder of this sect, the three fires!"

Staring deeply at the Three Fire Venerable, don't beg and ask in a low voice, "Taoist friend, brother, can you help me?"

The three fire venerable looked deeply at Don't beg. He suddenly laughed loudly and said, "This four words of stealing the sky and changing the day, it's wonderful! And the rules you set, brother, are very much in line with my heart! As long as you are loyal and obedient, can you kill and set fire to all kinds of evil?

Don't beg to look at the three fire venerable man and said with a smile, "Stealing the sky for the sun is not a decent family in the first place!"

It's not just that it's not a famous decent family. It's still a Jianghu gang that needs the state to send undercover agents. It's just a gangster-like role. Don't beg has deeply understood the true face of the world of immortal cultivation, so he will not establish a righteous sect at all! What he needs is a powerful sect, that's all. As long as this sect is loyal to him and obeys him, he won't care whether this sect kills or set fire!

If you don't kill people, others will kill you; if you don't rob people, others will rob you. In this cruel world, only violence and power, coupled with endless plots and tricks and mutual calculations, only the most ruthless and poisonous snake, can survive in this dark forest!

Getting the answer of not begging, the Three Fire Master laughed and solemnly bowed to the jade tablet.

Don't beg and nod. A ray of golden light shot out of his fingertips, leaving a line of "the second generation of Dharma protectors and the three fire venerable" on the back of the jade tablet. Later, Don't beg no longer asked for anyone's advice. He quickly left two lines on the back of the jade tablet, "Zhu Shi Bajie, the eldest disciple of the third generation" and "You Jin, the second generation of general affairs elder".

You Jin and Bajie knelt to the ground and bowed to the jade tablet like the Three Fire Masters.

The third fire venerable got up. He patted Xue Yu standing beside him, laughed and said, "Zhe, Xue Yu, this girl followed me, just suffered. Why don't you just put her under the door!" The eyes of the Three Fire Venerable are full of hope, and he sees all kinds of strange things that don't beg. If he feels nothing, if Xue Yu can follow Don't beg, the future of the future must be unlimited.

On the contrary, if Xue Yu followed him, he would not even have the opportunity to find some female monks to contact him. Isn't he tired?

He looked at the Three Fire Venerable with a smile and shook his head. He smiled at Xue Yu, who was born with more and more beautiful beauty, "Well, in this case, Xue Yu, you are my second disciple!" A wisp of golden light shot out from the fingertips, and the back of the jade tablet left a line of words 'Xue Yu, the second disciple of the third generation leader'.

The strict eyes swept over the boys and girls who knelt on the ground and dared not look up. Don't beg and said, "You will sign up one by one, and now you are all the named disciples of the day. I will pass down the Guiyuan Wuwei Taoist scriptures to lay the foundation for this door. If you can rely on this skill to cultivate the golden elixir, there will be other supreme secret methods for cultivation and so on!"

Guiyuan Wuwei Taoist scriptures pay the most attention to laying the foundation and laying a good foundation. The cultivation of Zhenyuan is pure and quintessential, unbiased. It has the charm of Taoists to tolerate nature. It is the most suitable to use it as a foundation.

In the golden elixir period, don't begging can let the disciples, according to their hobbies, and those who are willing to take the devil's way, specialize in practicing the prison magic scriptures or the magic battle secret obtained from the body of the demon god puppet; others, practice all kinds of secrets in the Xuanyin water sutra; plus Tao, don't beg to master all kinds of elixir arrays, runes, etc., and all kinds of magic secrets that steal the sky and change the sun gate are enough to make other sects of the immortal world jealous of it.

Not to mention these anonymous disciples, such as Bajie and Xueyu, who have a great opportunity to be worthy of trust, can get the wind song of the supreme treasure book taught by Don't begging! This is the Xuangong magic power that can directly reach Taiyi Jinxian. Whether they can achieve success depends on their own understanding and opportunity.

At present, Don't beg to copy all the rules of stealing the sky and changing the sun on the earth, and abruptly buckled the rules of a Jianghu gang in a school of cultivation. Then Don't beg the six hundred boys and girls to teach the foundation of the Taoist scriptures of Guiyuan Wuwei, and then pulled the Three Fire Masters and four others to the depths of the valley, and taught them some of the formulas of the Great Wind Song respectively.

You Jin, Xue Yu and Bajie couldn't notice the benefits of the big wind song, but as soon as the three fire venerable heard the secret of practice in a big wind song taught, his eyes suddenly straightened. He grabbed Don't beg, and tears flowed down: "Is this the secret book that can practice the golden fairy?

Brother, he is really a good brother!"

The Three Fire Master suddenly felt that the most correct thing in his life was to get to know Don't Beg, Dafeng Song. This skill is mysterious and completely different from all the skills made by the Three Fire Master. He roughly guessed that this is a secret method that can reach the realm of the Golden Immor!

Don't beg for a look at the Three Fire Master, whose face was full of tears. He coughed gently and said faintly, "Jiupin Taiyi, no matter how high it is, we will understand it by ourselves."

With a 'coo-dong', the three-fire venerable looked up to the sky and fell down. Don't beg, he laughed. He shook his sleeve, left a word to let everyone watch the door, and then hurriedly left the valley.

Since the day-to-day gate has been established, there is another hidden danger that must be solved in time.

Don't beg and suddenly found that you are really busy, very busy! Obviously, with such a good baby as Xing Xuan Lingjin, he doesn't even have time to refine a weapon. But there's nothing we can do. Who made him so busy?

Out of the mountain area, don't beg to take a step into the air and go straight to Zhongning City.