Steal the sky

Chapter 548 Secret Treasure Core

In the nameless valley, he laid the foundation for stealing the sky and changing the sun gate on the ancient continent. Don't beg suddenly thought of the information that when he was in Mizhou, the Lu family told him that there was a sub-book of the Pangu mountain and river community map, which can clearly know whether there is an activity of immortals somewhere

To establish a gate of stealing the sky and changing the sun, it is bound to need a vast foundation, providing a large number of fairy stones, spiritual stones and all kinds of elixirs to cultivate disciples. This is bound to excavate the spiritual stone veins and collect all kinds of elixirs. Don't even beg to find a blessed place to collude the spiritual veins under the ground to forcibly create a fairy mansion.

All big moves are bound to be exposed in the sub-book of the Pangu Shanchuan Sheji map of the pastoral mansion in Zhongzhou, and it is said that it will be suppressed by the violence [town] of Dayu's official. In order to avoid this danger, Don't beg must rush to Zhongning City to solve this threat.

But what to do in the end? Don't beg. You can only wait for yourself to enter Zhongning City before thinking of other ways.

As usual three months ago, Zhongning City is still heavily guarded. Even the number of flying boats hovering in the sky is several times higher, and there is one more military camp in the southeast and northwest of Zhongning City, in which tens of thousands of powerful human soldiers are stationed. The well of Zhongning City is already a sad cloud and misty fog. Pedestrians on the road are in a hurry, with unconcealed panic and panic on their faces.

Seeing this situation, don't beg vaguely feel that it seems that the situation is not good. In the face of the double pressure of the "Jiuyin Xingjun" canonized by the heavenly court, the master of the Miaoying Palace and the Baishan king of the Dayu Dynasty, Fengling, the first-class marquis of the Dayu Dynasty, seemed to be a little unsteady.

The army outside the city and the flying boat above the head should be the soldiers and horses mobilized by Feng Ling Ling.

But don't beg, you are very suspicious. Does Feng Ling Ling have the courage to fight against the Dayu Dynasty? The sky is above, and I don't know how many Dazhou is in the Dayu Dynasty. Maybe except for the Dayu Emperor, no one really knows how powerful Dayu is. But can a big state withstand the storm launched by the Dayu Dynasty?

"Maybe" this guy is just making a gesture?"

Walking on the street in a hurry, don't beg to make your own judgment. Maybe Feng Ling is really just making a desperate gesture, just to negotiate with the Dayu Dynasty? Don't beg, I can't help shouting in my heart again that the sky is above. Is Feng Ling Ling's brain broken? Did he negotiate terms with the Dayu Dynasty? Does he want to force the emperor to do it in person?

However, this kind of thing has nothing to do with not begging. Although Feng Ling was designed by Don't begging, it has fallen into the current situation, but don't beg has no sympathy for him. Don't beg and Feng Lingling's baby son Feng Jiujing still has old grievances. How can he be in the mood to sympathize with Feng Lingling?

Zhongning is full of the smell of mountain rain, and you can't help but think of Su Qin. It has been three months since he returned to Ancheng. Su Qin disappeared. According to Yan's statement, Su Qin went out to hang out and wander around again. By the way, he inspected the situation of the elites of the wind patrol department everywhere. Now that Zhongning City is in such chaos, this old gentleman won't come in and intervene?

The atmosphere of ancient books with a faint smell of blood in the city shocked Ao Buzun, who had been shrinking in the clothes of the begging clothes and absorbing the energy of the fire tiger. He slowly poked out an eye from the begging skirt and looked around." Then he said in a very determined tone, "I smell a lot of dead people! Many people will be killed! Well, "This girl has two long legs!"

Just after saying a few words seriously, Ao Buzun suddenly saw a female general in soft armor who hurried by the roadside. His saliva, clattered, and immediately flowed down from the corners of his mouth. His eyes stared straight at the slender body of the general, and his eyes turned red.

Reach out and hold Ao Bu-respect's head and stuff him back into his skirt. Don't beg earnestly and say, "Practice hard!" You can see it, you can't eat it, aren't you self-abuse? Ao Bujiun's depressed roar came from his skirt. "There is no life in the blink of an eye." This guy really immersed all his mind in the huge power of absorbing the fire tiger.

Approaching the state herdsman's mansion along the street. Don't beg to see the moving front of the state herdsman's house is full of heavily armed soldiers. Looking at it hastily, at least 5,000 powerful soldiers surrounded the moving array. Several generals in golden armor stood on the edge of the moving array. The breath emanating from their bodies made them hold their breath. This is definitely a golden general.

Lost the fairy weapons that specialize in attacking the Yuanshen, such as the Mysterious God's Skull and Flag, "Don't have a weapon in his hand, and he doesn't dare to fight against these generals who are enough to compete with the golden immortals. Carefully glanced at the golden armored generals with the corner of his eyes, and hurriedly turned into an alley by the roadside.

At a glance, Buqi found an extremely strange thing that was originally suspended in the sky of the state herdsman's mansion. The priests of the Sitian Temple, who formed a protective array with those flying boats, had disappeared. Except for 200 large flying boats, two hundred flying boats were swimming in the sky of the state pastoral house. "One priest disappeared. Without the help of the priest, the defense of the state pastoral palace was already full of holes. Don't beg the chaotic god to sweep through the state pastoral palace, and there are cracks that allow him to easily sneak in.

After meditant for a moment, don't beg to recall what Yuge said to him. He decisively concluded that Tian Yuxiu, the head of Zhongzhou Si Hall, had brazenly given up his support for Feng Lingling! Yuxiu is even likely to have reached an exchange agreement with some of the authorities of Dayu to sell Fengling in exchange for the rights and interests of the jade family of Yuxiu in Zhongzhou.

"Ha ha, Feng Ling, it seems that your situation is very bad!" Don't gloat for a while, and he was surprised to find that "a chaotic and unstable situation in Zhongzhou is more beneficial to the development of the day! Therefore, let Fengling be unlucky. The more turbulent Zhongzhou is, the more convenient it is to steal the sky and change the day!

I quickly thought about the benefits that the downfall of the wind may bring to me. Don't beg for a happy smile, twist your body, and turn into a yellow earth and melt into the earth. He quickly tentered into the state herdsman's house and easily wandered around the underground of the state herdsman's house.

In the underground of the state pastoral government, a complex array prohibition was originally arranged, but the formation of the human race is very different from the array method used by immortals. The formation of the human race must be controlled by powerful priests at all times to play a role. It is not like the formation of immortals, which can absorb the aura of heaven and earth anytime and anywhere. When Yu and Xiu removed all the priests of the Sitian Hall, only a few or three large arrays under the state pastoral palace that were obviously born out of the fairy array could still work, and the rest had stopped working long ago.

sighed with emotion, Don't beg easily penetrated the tattered defense system under the Zhongzhou herdsman's mansion and entered the core of the Zhongzhou herdsman's mansion.

A large number of soldiers patrolled the herdsman's mansion in Zhongzhou, especially near a magnificent hall built around the huā garden. Nearly ten thousand soldiers surrounded the hall. From time to time, officials in robes and armored generals with complex faces went in and out. From time to time, there were several crying voices of women and children in the middle hall.

The building will fall, and it will be a doomsday scene. Don't beg, you can't help shaking your head. Feng Ling Ling actually fell to such a point, which was really not expected by Bu Qi and Su Qin, who designed all this. At most, he thought that Feng Lingling would be in the bottomless abyss of Beimeng, but he didn't expect that he would escape back. Unexpectedly, he even fell into turmoil in the whole Zhongzhou.

After wandering around for a while, don't beg for God's consciousness to sweep a temple behind the lobby of Zhongzhou Pastoral Mansion. "God's consciousness found an interesting thing. Don't beg to move your mind. That's what it is! He immediately empted into the hall and emerged from the middle of the hall.

The hall is empty, and there is no one figure. Don't beg's consciousness found that not only this hall, but also some important halls around with a large number of gold and jade jewelry, spiritual stones and official documents are unattended. In the state pastoral mansion, only nearly 10,000 soldiers are strictly guarded near the halls near the Houhuā Garden, and the rest of the places have almost become an empty city.

Looking back at the tightly closed door, Don't beg for a smile and walk to a strange screen at the end of the hall.

Puyi looks that this screen is an ordinary white jade screen 18 feet long and three feet high. A clean piece of jade is inlaid on a bracket made of black volcanic stone. It is simple and thick, and it looks ordinary.

But look carefully. From time to time, a wisp of clouds and smoke flashed on the screen, and a glow flashed. Among them, a large number of pictures of mountains, rivers, rivers, towns and villages flashed. Countless fine light spots are hidden in the screen without spitting out, and there are thousands of times more thin light between light spots and light spots than hair. Don't beg to move your mind, and remember all these light spots and the distribution of light with a huge mind!

If you guess correctly, these light spots are the place of all kinds of spiritual caves in Zhongzhou. And these lights are the spiritual veins between the spiritual acupuncture points.

The chaotic god opened his eyes and looked around the screen for a while. He found that there was no forbidden defense around the screen. Don't beg to smile happily, and the huge consciousness suddenly threw into the screen. He immediately felt a wisp of wisdom in the screen, like a newborn baby. This intelligence sensed the invasion of the god-begging consciousness and immediately dived into a certain point in the depths of the screen.

Following that wisp of wisdom, "Don't beg for the innate chaotic soul like an invisible ghost, not affected by the prohibitions in the screen at all, and with the wisdom rush to somewhere in the deepest part of the screen.

In the vast clouds and smoke, a small continent is floating on the clouds and smoke.

There are mountains and countless villages and towns on this small continent. Don't beg for God's knowledge to sweep the past, and immediately find familiar mountains and rivers such as Ancheng and Anle County on this continent. As long as he is moved, this small continent can immediately show him the imaginary Zhongzhou terrain.

This is the treasure core of the sub-book of Pangu Mountain and River Sheji, right?

Don't beg for a strange smile, immediately separated his innate chaotic soul and bombarded the core.

A large number of clouds suddenly broke out in the sub-book of Pangu Mountain and River She Ji Tu, and countless mountains and rivers flashed, and the Taoist electric light went straight to the head and cut over.