Steal the sky

Chapter 706 Kill easily

The car entered the battle, and the purple gas dispersed, revealing more than 300 immortals of the Wanxian League in purple Taoist robes and more than 30 strangely dressed young people hidden in the purple gas. The immortals of the Wanxian League in purple Taoist robes don't need to ask more about the elite brought by the Lord of the Wanxian League, which is almost half of the number of golden immortals recruited by the Wanxian League. And those young people dressed strangely, but no one knows where they come from.

These young people are tall and strong, and their raised muscles are full of strength, but their bodies are not as thick and inconvenient as Fan Yuqi and Fan Yu. They give people a sense of vitality and agility. Their hair shows different colors, such as purple hair, blue hair, red hair, white hair, silver hair, etc., and they have long waist-length hair scattered behind them.

The robes on their bodies are ancient, and it seems that the lines are very simple, but the simple lines are full of indescribable nobility and majesty. They are handsome, and their eyes are full of a natural nobility and pride. When they look up slightly at the crowd, there is a charm of a god overlooking all sentient beings in the clouds.

They are excellent young people, but their strength is really unbearable.

As soon as he entered the array, the owner of the Wanxian League drove the chariot to Buqi to chase and kill him. Behind the chariot, more than 30 black dragons emitting a strong black and smelly nose rose up into the air, spitting out a large area of venom venom, and separating the carriages of the Those golden immortals scolded repeatedly, waved their hands and released a brilliant sword light across the void for several miles to cut at those dragons.

The black venom splashed on the corrosion sound of the sword light released by these golden immortals. The sword light quickly faded, and the halo of many sword lights cracked. The venom venom directly touched the flying sword and corroded large and small pits on the flying sword. With a few flicks of time, a large bursting sound came, and dozens of fairy swords exploded into countless light rains falling at the same time.

These dragons are all vicious creatures cultivated with countless efforts. They are no longer living things, but a strange existence between ghosts and zombies. What they usually devours are carefully prepared venom poisons, and the jade yu also constantly refines them with various vicious prohibition methods. Even if the venom stored in their bodies is Taiyi golden immortals, they will have a headache, not to mention these golden immortals?

After all, the jade is the high priest of Tongtian. All his means are to take Taiyi Jinxian as a hypothetical enemy. Dealing with Jinxian is really a small test.

Jiaolong stopped these golden fairies a little, and a large area of clouds and smoke gushed out from the 49 high mountains below and quickly rushed into the golden fairy queue. There was a twist in the void around, and the colorful flags shook in the air. In the rotation of the world, all the golden immortals and those young people with simple clothes were thrown away by the big array and poisoned everywhere.

Those golden immortals didn't say anything about them. Naturally, there were masters from Qiu Fengbofeng to cooperate with the array to deal with them. These young people in simple clothes were dark in front of their eyes and were thrown around the valley in the middle of the array. They heard a dull drum sound, and hundreds of thousands of arrows were wrapped in black flame The miles-long black smoke tail roared from all directions and shot at these young people crazily.

These arrows are all recorded in the all-poisonous array provided by Begging. The "Flying poisonous centipede" is to collect all kinds of strange and poisonous centipede, collect their venom and essence, refine and shape them with ghost fire and phosphorescence, plus all kinds of poisonous run Among the arrows, these arrows can fly in the air for several days. The flame on the arrow is a vicious centipede poison, and each trace of flame is equivalent to the sum of tens of thousands of highly poisonous centipede venom. Su was accidentally invaded by this poison in the body, and even Jinxian had damage to his limbs.

In particular, this crossbow is carefully forged by the master craftsman provided by King Yangqiu. It uses the top forging technique of refining all kinds of ordnance in the Dayu Military Hall. The crossbow body is cast with 36 metal alloys, which is sharp enough to penetrate the fairy weapon. In addition, the Japanese high priests who sat down and engraved all kinds of charms on the crossbow arrows to increase the speed of flight and the penetration of armor, the power is really amazing.

More than 20 young people watched countless crossbow arrows flying in all directions. They just screamed in horror and failed to react. The arrows penetrated their bodies with a sad roar, and arrows kept penetrating their bodies one after another. The poison raged in their bodies, the flames burned in their bodies, and their skin gradually turned black and green. These young people made a sad howls, and soon died tragically under the shooting of these crossbows.

The general who was responsible for controlling this highly poisonous crossbow array stepped on a poisonous cloud and soared from the back of a mountain. He looked at these tragically dead young people disdainfully, shook his head and sneered, "How dare you follow the Immortal League to die? These people, are their brains broken?"

The poison on the flying poisonous crossbow is too vicious. The bodies of those young people began to rot and dissolve as soon as they fell to the ground. Their bones were also quickly corroded by venom, and only the strongest teeth in the whole body barely remained in their original state. No one has anything to do with the life or death of these twenty young people, so no one has found that the teeth left by these young people's bodies are not like human beings, but extremely long and sharp like animal teeth.

If experienced Dayu priests come to explore the bodies of these young people, they will be "surprised" to find that the teeth of these young people are almost the same as those of mythical beasts such as "White Tiger" and "Xuanwu".

Some young people did not leave any trace. After they died, the bodies quickly rotted and dissolved, and then a trace of pure aura in their bodies gradually drifted around. The fist-sized crystal nuclei in their bodies gradually disintegrated, and the runes representing the law of heaven and earth gradually collapsed, and also turned into reiki. Return to heaven and earth.

No one pays attention to the life and death of these twenty young people with low cultivation. Naturally, no one will think of what the death of these twenty young people represents here.

All kinds of vicious ambush prohibitions in the poisonous array broke out at the same time. Yuqiu Fengbo and others cooperated with the array to attack everywhere, besieging the hundreds of golden immortals brought by the leader of the immortals one by one. The power of the poisonous array is great. No matter how many golden fairies clash around, they are faced with endless poisons and all kinds of evil poisons that are incredibly fierce and forbidden. Their fairy power is constantly consumed, and their protective weapons are gradually eroded by all kinds of vicious venom venom, and their power is gradually decreasing.

Don't beg to become a five-foot-tall dragon man running quickly in the big array, gradually leading the leader of the Immortals and his chariot to the core of the poisonous array. At the entrance of the valley ahead, there are two high mountains on the left and the right, and there are huge flagpoles and flags swaying in the wind on the top of the mountain. On the left flagpole, there are more than 30 ferocious red and ugly fire-red snakes, and on the right flagpole is densely lying on thousands of thumb-sized green coral sea spiders.

Don't beg to turn around and wave to the owner of the Wanxian League sitting on the chariot. He laughed loudly and said, "Old man, come in if you have the guts!"

After a few laughs, Don't beg and rush into the valley.

The owner of the Wanxian League laughed a few times and drove the chariot quickly into the valley. He didn't care how the array around him changed at all. He didn't care that the colorful poisonous smoke had been blocked in all directions, and he didn't bother to look at the countless large and small runes condensed into colorful poisonous smoke in all He rushed straight into the valley with a smile and chased straight to Don't beg.

"G hand over my child, hand over the two dragon pythons!" The owner of the Wanxian League laughed loudly. He brushed the dust in his hand, and countless green silk swept out, turning into a surging blue flood and rolling over. Don't beg's body suddenly stiffened. When the master of the Wanxian League rolled out, the void around Don't beg suddenly stagnated. The void was blocked, and his body could no longer move at all.

In a hurry, don't beg to look up to the sky and roar. The black Jiuming scattered ghosts around him rushed dozens of feet high. His body size swelled again, and the black dragon scales on his body became thicker and thicker. Raise your arms and wave them heavily. With the crisp bursting sound, Don't beg the dozens of square void around you suddenly cracked the white crack visible to the naked eye.

Strong light spewed out of the white crack. Don't beg to shake the body with all your strength. The power of terror gradually shatters the void, and the strange space energy in the void barrier gushes out, turning into countless dimensional knives all over the sky. The cyan torrent rolled out by the master of the Wanxian League was pierced by tens of thousands of dimensional knives, and countless green silks were broken one after another, turning into blue light rain all over the sky.

The Tongtian Tower of Yuqi in the high air quietly appeared. The king of Yiqiu, Yuqi and Yulu Sheng stood at the top of the Tongtian Tower and looked down at the in-depth temptation of the enemy.

Seeing that Don't beg can actually shatter the void of the blockade of the Lord of the Wanxian League, the king's face was full of ecstasy. Yuqi's eyebrows were constantly pounding to calculate how many beautiful daughters and granddaughters he had not married. Yu Yusheng was like a ghost, and his eyes were Keep an eye on it and don't beg.

With the crisp sound of cracking, Don't beg to move forward step by step in the broken void. The dimensional knife tore open his dragon scales, tore open his skin, and break his muscles and bones. However, under the powerful effect of the true body formula of heaven and earth and the dragon transformation scriptures, Don't beg for Before walking, he suddenly looked up to the sky and roared angrily, "Thunder, help me!"

The Danding on the lotus platform above the head of the Wanxian League spewed out a double-shaped purple gas of the dragon and tiger and grabbed it. On the Tongtian Tower, the jade duck drove the Tongtian Tower and smashed down. A hundred miles of void in the void suddenly broke up, and a rolling thunder cloud rushed out of the void. A shadow of a hundred miles tall and flashed with terrible huge lightning slowly emerged from the void with the dull thunder.

Yu Yansheng's fingers moved slightly, and a piece of jade broke at his fingertips. A treacherous cold light flashed in his eyes, and some of the means he ambushed in advance were enough to make it impossible to beg!

But Yu Yansheng's smile suddenly stagnated.

The Tongtian Tower controlled by the jade is unobstructed and hit the chariot of the owner of the Wanxian League, smashing his chariot to pieces.

Countless poison gases roared away and successfully penetrated into the seven orifices of the Immortal League. The body of the Wanxian League suddenly turned into a colorful color, which looked like a humanoid python.

Don't beg for the ghost and god Lei's body rotated and turned into a thick thunderbolt of a water tank. The flame on the head of the master of the Wanxian League, the furnace tripod and the small shadow of the child were blown to pieces by the thunder. The leader of the Wanxian League howled and spewed out the

The cold light flashed in the eyes of the king of the Qiuqiu. He suddenly jumped down in the air, brought a large amount of cold light with his sword, and suddenly stabbed into the eyebrows of the master of the Wanxian League.

The owner of the Wanxian League roared, and his immortal body suddenly exploded, and a purple-wrapped aura rose from his exploding body.

The immortal body of the Lord of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance was beheaded, and the immortal soul is fleeing in confusion!
