Steal the sky

Chapter 707 The Fall of Taiyi

Chapter 107 The Fall of Taiyi (second update, please recommend)

Don't beg to stay where you are, let the dimensional knife chop on him and bring a large piece of blood

King Yiqiu stayed in place, and he was stunned to look at the fairy soul with purple gas wrapped around the sky. The master of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, the Dingjun Immortals of the Heavenly Court, mastered half of the important members of the Heavenly Court, were killed so easily?

He was also stunned. Even if the leader of the Wanxian League was seriously injured, the immortal body and immortal soul were greatly damaged, but his foundation was put there. He was a Taiyi immortal. Even if he only had his last breath, it was not so easy to deal with. In order to prevent the master of the Wanxian League from taking out all his money, including a few secret treasures left by his ancestors, he took them with him, waiting to share the victory and defeat with the master of the Wanxian League.

But he was killed like this? When the fairy body collapses, will a fairy soul be left to escape?

All three of them stayed here, but yù Yansheng reacted quickly. He pointed to the fairy soul of the Lord of the Wanxian League and shouted, and a light from the top of his head rushed out. He turned into four big hands and grabbed a huge net to the fairy soul of the Lord of the Wanxian League.

Lu Sheng's mentality has changed in an instant - in order to make him not beg for shame, in order to make him lose favor in front of the king of Yuqiu, he must not let him complete the great work of killing the Lord of the Immortals League, so he has prepared a lot of preparations to destroy the good things of not beg But it is a matter to pre-design and release the Lord of the Wanxian League. The Lord of the Wanxian League is easily killed and the immortal body is smashed, leaving only the fairy soul to escape, which is another thing.

Killing the immortal body of the Lord of the Ten Thousand Immortals, there is only a wisp of fairy soul. This credit has become more than half of this credit. The immortal body of Taiyi needs countless careful refining and polishing to achieve it. Unless the immortal soul of the Lord of the Wanxian League can find a Taiyi-level corpse in a short time, it is impossible for him to repair it. The road rule contained in his fairy soul is too powerful for his ordinary body and spiritual treasure to accommodate his fairy soul.

Therefore, the immortal body of the Lord of the Ten Thousand Immortals League has collapsed, and his cultivation has gone 80%. Even if a wisp of fairy soul remains, he can't afford to have any strong wind. In the future, he can only hide in some Tibetan spirits, and then use countless disasters to re-cultivate a fairy But after countless disasters, when he was lucky enough to re-cultivate the immortal body and be born again, Huang uācai was cold at that time. What's the use of him, the leader of the Immortals?

Since Don't beg has achieved 80% of the credit, all the ambushes and firsts have become jokes, this credit has been firmly in the hands. Since so, it is natural for him to behave well and capture the immortal soul of the Lord of the Immortals, so that he can also take a big contribution, right?

The net carries a faint black smoke evil spirit, and there are countless ghosts flying in the net. This is the 'nine son mother yīn soul net', which combines the fairy magic and the ghost power of the Sitian Hall. It is good at restraining the soul of the immortals and all the spirits. This net is extremely dirty. If the fairy soul of the immortal is in his net, it is like a pool of water falling into the pit, and the strength of Most of it fell.

Only yù Lu Sheng himself can't refine the nine mother yīn soul net into too powerful power, but yù Lu Sheng was born in Liangzhu yù family. He is the direct son of Liangzhu yù family. He also has a strong elder backer in the clan. This net is Liangzhu y ù The nine elders of the family spent a lot of effort to refine the domineering magic weapon that took him for 49 years to achieve. The power is very powerful, even if it poses a great threat to the fairy soul of the Lord of the Immortals League.

As soon as the gray net came out, the world was suddenly dark and scolded, "Open the big array, you can't let this soul escape!" At this point, everything arranged by Lu Sheng has no effect on the trick of don't begging. He can only take a credit for pushing the boat along the water. Therefore, he is now more active than anyone else. He is afraid that the fairy soul of the Lord of the Immortals will escape, and he really has no benefit at all.

As soon as the nine-child mother's soul net spreads, it turned into a thousand-thousand-mile net under the hood. The stench was full of stench. From time to time, some unknown stench** was dripping on the thread of the net. In addition, the ghost head yīn wind all over the The immortal soul of the immortal alliance leader, who was wrapped in purple gas and flew to the sky. Looking at the cover of the net, he made a dripping turn and flew towards the oblique thorn.

Don't beg for a cold snort. His body shook fiercely and completely smashed the void around him, and then turned into a dragon-shaped black light and rose to the sky. He shouted sharply, "Lord of the Immortals, if you come, you will be at ease. Leave your fairy soul. We still have a lot of things to torture from your soul!"

With a strange smile, don't grit your teeth and say, "As the head of Tianting Danfang, at least leave me all the Tianting Danfang you remember!"

Yangqiu Wang and yù a large amount of cold light spewed out of cold light in his eyes at the same time, 'the elixir of the heavenly court'? The two shouted in unison, and also turned into a dazzling strong light and rose to the sky. The beast soul of the king of Qiuqiu flew out of the dragonfly. With the roar of the dragonfly, the space around the void around him exploded a hundred miles away. Countless space fragments were everywhere. The fairy soul of the immortals of the Lord of the Immortals could only struggle awkwardly in the space fragments, lest they be swept in by the

With a long roar, his tower flew up in the sky, and countless runes under the base flashed with dazzling lights at the same time. Countless black gas like poisonous snakes came out of the base of his tower and grabbed the fairy soul of the Lord of the Immortals. For a moment, the nine mothers' soul net on it blocked the sky, and the king of the hill shattered the void with a loud roar. The black air released by the sky tower spread all around. What's more, don't beg like a dragon in the void and chased quickly. The Lord of the Wanxian League had no way to go

With an angry roar, a purple gas suddenly spewed out from the hazy fairy soul of the owner of the Wanxian League, which quickly turned into a regiment with more than ten miles of yù Ruyi smashed the nine-child mother's soul net covered on the top of his head with a large piece of golden spirit. This is yù Ruyi, which is transformed by the original power in the immortal soul of the Lord of the Immortals League. What is used is the secret method of pure yang, which is the golden light wrapped around Ruyi is ten thousand times higher than the temperature of the sun. Don't be begging and the king of Yangqiu retreated

Lu Sheng's cultivation is not very high, and he can't control the nine mother yīn soul net as he will, which is more powerful than his cultivation. The net falls on his head, but he can't accept it. Don't beg them to dodges away in a hurry when they saw that the situation was not good, but the nine sons and mother's soul net fell heavily, and they collided with yù Ruyi.

Countless sad howls turned into a large area of purple air and drifted away, and the nine sons and mother yīn soul net also burned countless holes in the laughter of not begging for gloating, and turned into the stinky mucus of the Taoist road falling from the sky. This yù Lu Sheng consumed all his money and countless power, and begged the elders of the Liangzhu yù family to refine the magic weapon for him for 49 years and turned into nothing in the death of the Lord of the Immortals.

Leng Sheng trembled all over, and his mouth kept spewing out bright red blood. Don't beg, the laughter is like countless heavy hammers hitting his heart. He is heartache and angry, and his eyes are black and he almost faints. He pointed angrily at Don't beg, and he couldn't wait to open his big teeth to swallow Don't beg.

The fairy soul of the Lord of the Wanxian League shook and flew slowly into the air. Don't beg for a strange smile. Suddenly, he flashed to the side of the fairy soul of the Lord of Wanxian League and grabbed his fairy soul.' A loud noise came, and the fairy soul of the Lord of the Immortals was covered with extremely high-temperature flames. The flame like glass burned the palm of the dragon scales, burning his scales into ashes, and a good palm was refined into dead bones in an instant.

But the vicious secret method 'Great Zhou Tianxing Suo Lock Soul Seal', which is specially used to search for souls, has been forcibly broken into the fairy soul of the Lord of the Immortals League. Countless information flashed by in the sea of begging. He was burned so that he grabbed the palm of only five purple bones, and forcibly ōued all the memories related to alchemy and fire control in his fairy soul from the immortal soul that had become weak to a few points.

By the way, the chaotic spiritual power in the body of Don't beg is shrank. The light green wrapped outside the fairy soul of the Lord of the Immortals League. The glazed flame was also sucked away by the chaotic aura. It turned into a fire in Don't beg's body, and suspended in the sea of This light green glass flame is the 'too virtual and pure glazed divine fire' in the sky above the sky. It is the most powerful demon flame, and the alchemy refinery has a very magical effect.

Don't beg. In the past, you could only use the forbidden law Shenyan refiner, but with the too virtual and pure glazed Shenyan, the magic weapon refined by the same materials and means will definitely be several times stronger than those refined by the forbidden law Shenyan. After all, the forbidden law Shenyan is only good at dealing with all kinds of devils, evil spirits and other things, and Taixu and pure glazed Shenyan is the kindling of refined alchemy.

Quickly forcibly merged all the memories of alchemy in the main body of the Wanxian League into his innate soul. Don't beg and grab it fiercely, and find out the "Innate Pure Yang Puhua Treasure" practiced by the Lord of the Wanxian League from his immortal soul.

Quickly integrated the innate pure Yang Puhua treasure scriptures of Haohao Tang Tang into the soul of the innate gods. Don't beg to open your mouth and spit out a stream of blood and stagger back. He pointed to the owner of the Wanxian League and shouted in a fierce voice, "Demon, what kind of ghost fire do you use?

Don't beg for a long roar. He opened his mouth, and a red flame with the unique smell of dragons spewed out, fiercely on the fairy soul of the Lord of the Immortals League. This red è flame is the secret method 'true dragon soul refining red fire' in the dragon killing, which combines the original elixir fire of the dragon clan and the jīnghua of the soul refining ghost fire in the Sitian Hall. It is extremely powerful, and it has a terrible lethality for the fairy souls of immortals.

The immortal soul, who was about to disintegrate, laughed miserably and was burned by a real dragon to refine the soul red fire, which was reduced by more than 40%.

The king of Yiqiu was about to rush up to capture the immortal soul of the leader of the immortal alliance, but the leader of the immortal alliance sighed. His fairy soul suddenly spewed out a strong purple è The flame monster screamed, grabbed the king of Qiuqiu and Don't beg and fled out. He roared angrily, Soul, it's unreasonable, it's unreasonable!"

The Tongtian Tower flew up in the air, rolled up all the subordinates of the King of Yuqiu in the anti-poisonous array, and then the Tongtian Tower suddenly broke the void and fled.

Silently, the immortal soul of the master of the Immortals League collapsed and was untied. Purple è The strong light swept a radius of 10 billion miles, and the place where the strong light passed, everything became chaotic.

Tianting Dingjun Immortal, the leader of the Immortal League, fell! RA