Steal the sky

Chapter 709 The aftermath

The banner rolled over, the drums were loud, and the king of the spring breeze smiled and slowly floated down from the Tongtian Tower, stepping on his own Chinese army's cloud platform. Tens of thousands of soldiers rubbed their stomachs brightly, held their heads high, straightened their chests, and looked at the king of Liqiu, who fell slowly, shouting "The Lord's Longevity".

Don't beg to follow the king of Yiqiu and fall from the sky. He squinted and smiled, feeling the enthusiasm and excitement of the soldiers below. The king of Yiqiu successfully killed the leader of the Wanxian League, and the news that he captured the son of the leader of the Wanxian League, has spread in the army, and the official document of merit has been transmitted to Liangzhu at the fastest speed. With such a great achievement, as long as Liangzhu responds, the king of Yuqiu can certainly be promoted to the title, and all the soldiers under his command will also be rewarded.

It is certain to be promoted and make a fortune, even if there are many people who are awarded titles. Once you have a title, you are qualified to get a beast soul to integrate with it, which can not only greatly improve your own strength, but also greatly extend your life, which is a real benefit.

Even the jade sama, who has been full of ghosts, is very different today. He is also full of smiles and walks around the crowd proudly, showing off his strong body that has regained his youth. The huge virtues of Tiandao made the old man return directly to the youngest and most powerful thirty years old. With his cultivation, he could still have a life expectancy of dozens of yuan; Tiandao even gave him a heavy credit, and his longevity was also added to the elder for a while, and the old man was so excited that his heart was about to explode.

The elders of the Liangzhu jade family are the same age as the jade, and they don't have many years of life. After those elders who are comparable to the jade return to heaven, the jade is the king of Liangzhu, the oldest elder of the family, the highest-ranking elder, and the most cultivated elder. At that time, he Isn't it easy for the owner of the family? At that time, he will be the spokesperson of the interests of the Liangzhu jade family. Isn't it up to him to choose the high positions that the Liangzhu jade family has in the court of the Dayu Dynasty?

Kill a Taiyi Jinxian in exchange for such benefits. It's worth it. It's worth it!

Yuqi even felt that his lower body began to be hot and congested. The little brother, who had not moved at all for tens of thousands of years, seemed to have also sensed the arrival of spring. He narrowed his eyes and patrolled the young and beautiful feather girls in the crowd of the king of Liqiu, wondering whether to quickly pick up a few Do something that only young people can do in a remote tent.

In the laughter, only Yu Yansheng's face was the most ugly. He had a straight face and couldn't wait to kill him with a sword.

How can you not be begging for such a big benefit? How did he get such a great merit? Why not me? Why isn't it Yu Yansheng? Why didn't the excellent, intelligent, wise and wise Master Yusheng get these benefits?

Thinking of him, he is rich and knowledgeable, knowledge of astronomy and geography, literary ability, and martial arts ability to determine the country. He is simply an all-round talent! However, Yu Yansheng's current cultivation is just a shady 33-grade immortal. He is unknown in the court, and he is just a military counselor who is often white-eyed around the king of Yiqiu... How can he suffer such a grievance?

"Yu Yansheng... Such a talent, how can you not use it? Instead, reuse this kind of wilderness man!" Yu Yansheng gritted his teeth angrily and looked at the king of Yiqiu gloomily. Occasionally, his resentful eyes swept to Don't beg, and his heart was ticking with blood. At the same time, he cursed the whole family of the leader of the Wanxian League with incomparable resentment. Why was the Taiyi Jinxian killed so easily? Why was he killed so simply? Can't he resist? Can't you try your best to resist? Can't... Can't you kill Beggar and then self-explod the fairy soul?

The gas of resentment rushed straight to the forehead, and a scarlet blood vessel in the middle of Yusheng's eyebrows was twisted, like a poisonous snake twisting on his forehead.

The king of Yuqiu returned to the Chinese army camp with the honor of killing the leader of the Wanxian League. After a grand celebration banquet, with the dispatch of the king of Yuqiu, the Chinese army's Yuntai rose up the camp, and hundreds of thousands of troops marched to the large array set up by the owner of the Wanxian League.

The drums are loud and murderous. On the ground, hundreds of thousands of troops are rushing forward like thunder. In the air, a large group of feathers are flying in the air. The dark wings are connected into a dark cloud to cover the sky. In the high air, hundreds of flying boats galloped forward with dark clouds under the leadership of the jade This time, King Qiu unreservedly mobilized all the troops under his command, and even the six ambushes he hid in the deep mountains thousands of miles away were all transferred out.

Just now, at the celebration banquet, don't beg to tell the king of Yiqiu that because of the promotion of the merits of heaven, his understanding of the way of the formation has reached an extremely profound level. He can now raise his hand to break the large array laid by the owner of the fairy hall! The king of Yuqiu was overjoyed when he heard the words. He immediately mobilized all the soldiers and horses, ready to kill the immortals of the masters of the Wanxian Hall, and then cut off the roots of the immortals!

Don't beg to tell the truth. The virtue of heaven is an extremely supernatural power. His soul absorbs a huge amount of virtue of virtue of heaven and condenses the soul of innate merit. His understanding of the virtue of heaven seems to have been promoted from the most primitive abacus to a giant machine. The essence of the array in the stolen scriptures was completely understood by him in that short half an hour, and There are endless mysteries.

Originally, it was a tricky array for Buqi, but now it is arsenic everywhere in his opinion. With his current cultivation of the five golden immortals, it is really a giant beast that can be broken without any difficulty at all. But what's the benefit of just cracking that big array for don't begging? What he has to do is not to crack, but to plunder!

He wants to completely take the whole array for himself, not to mention anything else, only tens of thousands of sets of fairy weapons forged according to the ordnance used by Zhou Tianxingjun in the array are an astronomical wealth. After don't beg to sacrifice again with Taixu and pure glazed Shenyan, and then arrange a brand-new Zhou Tianxingchen array with the essence of his understanding array, which is powerful enough to kill any existence under Taiyi.

stood in the front of the cloud platform of the Chinese army with the king of Yiqiu, looking at the valley where the stars and silver light rushed straight to the sky in the distance, he couldn't help laughing. More than a hundred miles apart. Don't beg to take a deep breath of ugliness. A large area of Jiuming scattered ghost inflammation spewed out of his body, and his body suddenly rose to about three feet, and the dark dragon scales covered his body again.

The two ice-fire dragon pythons carefully raised their heads from Begging's shoulders, quickly glanced at the many angry soldiers around them, hurriedly shrunk their bodies to the size of earthworms, and also learned from Ao Bu-respect's appearance and got into Begging's ears to hide. Ao Buzun hid in the left ear hole of Begging, and the two dragon pythons were hidden in the right ear hole of Bu begging.

No one has any opinion about not begging to take in these two dragon pythons. Dayu's warriors have always liked to raise some strange beasts, fierce birds and poisonous insects and so on. These two dragon pythons are only rare, but the same wild species is not kept by no one. How many people know The clan that raised the ancient fierce beast Hydra is really not a big deal.

He used the magic power of the dragon to turn his body into a dragon man. Don't beg to raise your hands. A large amount of black gas shot out from his fingertips. Hundreds of mountains a hundred miles high flew off the ground in the huge roar. The roots of the mountain were separated from the earth, countless boulders collapsed, and the sand and dust rushed straight into the sky. The wind swept up in place. Many soldiers stood unsteadily and were almost swept up by the high-flying mountain.

A total of 360 mountains were pulled up high in the sky with the secret magic of the Sitian Hall. Seeing that there was such a momentum of beg, the jade on the side couldn't help admiring: "The double practice of the body is wonderful. Tan Lang's mountain-moving mantra has exhausted its essence, which is wonderful!"

Don't beg and laugh: "Yu Lao is overreputed!"

As soon as his hands were closed, the mountains flew to the Beggars one after another. His palm spewed out a dark Jiuming scattered soul ghost flame in his palm. "Sneer, in the sound, the volume of the mountain quickly shrank, and soon the mountain, which was originally a hundred miles high, was refined into a small mountain three feet Although the volume of these small peaks has been reduced, the weight has not changed at all. The density of the mountain has been compressed to a great extent, which can really be compared with the material of the star core that has been refined by all kinds of natural forces day and night.

Don't beg for the clouds to fly, hold these stacked small peaks in your hands, and sprinkle them into the valley not far away.

With the dull loud noise, Don't beg threw these peaks into the array arranged by the owner of the Youxian Hall. The most important aura circulation veins of 360 of the array were killed. The whole array immediately made a huge roar. Countless stars rose to the sky, the mountains in the array collapsed, and the immortals stationed on the mountain The star power of the riot was shattered.

Don't beg. Now the essence of the array stolen from the scriptures has reached the realm of Taoism. It really takes a lot of effort to crack the array laid by the owner of Youxiantang. It blocked the aura circulation of the array, and the whole array immediately collapsed. Hundreds of thousands of troops merged, and the whole valley was immediately trapped in the middle.

A dark cloud flew up, tied to a stone stake, and was tied up with black metal chains like zongzi. The sharp dragonfly howled and was escorted over the valley by dozens of big-waisted executioners.

Wang Zhi of Qiu proudly flew over the valley with many of his confidants. He smiled at the immortals who were running around in panic in the valley and said, "Master of the fairy hall, the master of the immortals has already given the first soul to fly away, and the fierce princess has been captured alive by the king. You still don't surrender Do you still have to resist stubbornly?"

In the howl that was hoarse, the owner of the Immortal Hall and the golden immortals of the Wanxian League sighed and committed suicide in front of everyone. They dispersed the immortal body, eliminated the fairy soul, and did not make any resistance.

Don't beg to fish out 360 well-sacrifice star beads from the pool in the valley. Now he is the confidant of King Liqiu. Who will rob this treasure from him? Each of these star beads consumes hundreds of millions of catties of materials, which are trained by the master of the Wanxian League himself. It is a top golden fairy weapon. If the 360 star beads were jointly given, their power would be extremely great, but now it is cheap. Don't beg.

In the next year, the king of Yangqiu took Begging and others to escort Li Jingdiao to travel around Dayu.

Wherever Li Yuhua went, once the news of the head of the Wanxian League was known by those immortals of the Wanxian League, all the immortals died one after another, and no one dared to fight against the army. In just one year, the Wanxian League, which once stirred up the whole Dayu, was completely calmed down!

For a moment, the Dayu Dynasty shook, and the name of the King of Yangqiu spread all over the country.

Don't beg for the pseudonym "Tan Lang", a small Zhongzhou, Jiupin Xiazhou Haizhou Donghai County guard and Haizhou Da Shiche, has also entered the sight of Dayu Chongchen.
