Steal the sky

Chapter 710 Xuanyin Star Tower

Chapter 710 Xuanyīn Star Tower

The cloud platform of the middle army of the king of the hill was stationed in the field of Aoki.

On the plain that is more than 100 million miles long and wide, it is full of green grass. Tens of beasts lurk in the green grass that is almost deep around people's necks. Countless wild flowers are blooming in the grass, and the petals the size of the mouth of the water tank are blooming gorgeously. The vast green wood field

There is no miscellaneous wood on the huge plain, only a thousand-thousand-mile-high shadowless green tree stands tall in the middle of the plain. Near the ground, the green tree is dozens of miles thick, and the bark is as smooth as a glass mirror. The green light comes out of the bark and has been shining thousands of miles away. This shadowless green tree has only dozens of clean branches from top to bottom, dotted with thousands of square giant leaves. Whether it is branches or leaves, they are carved like blue yù, and the whole body is clear without any impurities.

Even if it is noon, the sun is facing Shadowless Aoki, and there will be no shadow on the ground. This divine tree has grown silently in the green wood field since the great saint of Pangu incarnated the Pangu mainland, absorbing the day and night. It is the most famous ancient god tree in the land of Dayu.

Every day, Shadowless Aoki will secrete about a thousand drops of Aoki divine liquid that is as sticky as glue and fragrant. Each drop of this Aoki divine liquid weighs up to 10,000 catties, which has the magic effect of strengthening muscles and bones, strengthening internal organs, replenishing vitality, and stabilizing the soul. If a Dayu warrior whose cultivation has reached the peak of the Taishi Pangutian nine-star heaven, can take a drop of Aoki divine liquid, his cultivation can steadily break through to the one-yuan Pangutian overnight. If the warrior whose strength has reached one yuan Pangutian can take a few drops of Aoki divine liquid, he will definitely be able to break through the one-star heaven.

Aoki divine liquid is extremely precious. Only a general who has made rare military achievements are qualified to camp in Aoki's field. During the station, all the Aoki divine liquid secreted by Shadowless Aoki is distributed to the meritorious general, and can be given to his generals at will.

made great contributions, camped in the field of Aoki, led the army straight into Xiongyuan, and entered Liangzhu to receive a reward from the emperor. This was the most solemn reward ceremony of the Dayu Dynasty for the generals with military achievements. According to the size of the military achievements, the time of stationed in Aoki-no for three days, six days and nine days, while the central army Yuntai of King Yuqiu has been stationed in Aoki-no for 36 days!

The huge green wood field, the green wood field with a radius of 100 million miles, was cultivated by the amazing high priest of the ancient Sitian Hall. The huge green wood field exists in the Pangu continent, but it is isolated into a separate small space. The generals who have not made great contributions and his generals are not allowed to enter and station. King Yuqiu's army was stationed in Aoki-no for 36 days, which is the longest since the recent robbery.

Kill the owner of the Immortals League and capture Li Yu alive. In a year, he toured the world with Li Yu. The power of the Wanxian League collapsed, and countless immortals of the Immortals of the League committed suicide. The scattered cultivation forces on the Pangu continent were almost completely destroyed. This shocking credit is worth letting the

The Tongtian Tower over the king's barracks is suspended on a cloud. This time, yù Yu assisted the king of Yuqiu to kill the leader of the Immortals and won the reward for the merit of the Tao of heaven. The emperor was very happy to go back to Liangzhu and will definitely receive a great reward. In the system of the Sitian Hall, yù The dragonfly is bound to hold greater power. The happy yù Qi simply followed the army of the king of Yangqiu to cruise in all directions, cooperated with Don't beg to break through the data point of the Wanxian League, and killed many immortals of the Wanxian League.

At this moment, there is a banquet in the Tongtian Tower. In a palace, the king of Yiqiu and a group of close ministers are releasing the skeleton and a group of feather people are mixed up. If in the Chinese barracks, King Yangqiu, as the head of the army, dare not put it like this, but in the Tongtian Tower of yù, King Yangqiu can leave the restraint in his heart and enjoy everything he is willing to enjoy.

The naked feather man young nv exclaimed and ran in the hall, and the almost naked generals such as the king of Yiqiu and the king of Yiqiu Fengbo chased and played behind these young nv. If a feather man and a few nv are caught by them, it will immediately be a sweaty battle. In the corner of the hall, dozens of mackerel people are soaking in the pool, stroking musical instruments, or whispering the mí soul music that mackerel people are best at. The fragrance of the amour blended by the heart is floating in the hall. The aroma is gentle, smooth and has a great aphrodisiac effect, and makes the king of Yiqiu and others breathless and entangled with those feather people.

In the corner of the hall, there is a small secret room with dim lights. The dead wood is fighting on the huge bed with dozens of young nv of all ethnic groups. Like **, the old wolf looked up to the sky and shouted, and excitedly twisted into a pile of mountains with those few ns. He was embarrassed to fool around with the younger generation such as the King of Yangqiu, but in this relatively closed secret room, the anger that had been aggrieved for tens of thousands of years was released. It was really unstopp

These beautiful scenes have nothing to do with not begging. At this moment, Don't beg is in the deepest secret room of the Tongtian Tower, surrounded by the ancient divine text in the Ancient God Book, which completely isolates itself from the outside world.

The king of Yuqiu spent a year to quell the Wanxian League. In this year, in addition to helping the king of Yuqiu break down the strongholds of the Wanxian League, he is more about sacrificing all kinds of materials. Now he is a first-class red man around King Yiqiu. He is one of the three people who killed the leader of the Immortal League and won the Tiandao Merit Award. Therefore, the power of not begging has become extremely great. He can arbitrarily extract a large number of rare materials from the ordnance warehouse of King Yiqiu, but no one

The small secret room was originally only ten feet long and wide, but after being hit into the surrounding walls by the ancient divine script recorded in the ancient book, the space of this secret room immediately expanded to a length, a hundred miles wide and a height of about ten miles. Nowadays, there are countless materials piled up in the huge space, which are all rare materials extracted from the ordnance warehouse in the past year, and they have been refined by Don't beg's too empty and pure glazed god, and all the impurities have been removed clean.

Sitting in the middle of the secret room, he proudly looked at the countless materials around him. Don't beg to carefully sweep the void around with innate knowledge, and completely put an end to the possibility of being peeped at, then carefully spit out a cold futon from his mouth. At the same time, what is spit out is also the soul of this Xuanyīn futon's weapon "Da Ming Divided Water Beast"!

After Don't beg for so many years to provide the nourishment of the aura of Guishui, the soul of the water beast has been raised about three feet high, and the body is condensed like a physical body, and there are forty-nine white dragon-like water waves circling around, which is so powerful that it is frightening. Being begged to come out of the sea of knowledge, the water beast lazily opened its eyes and woke up from sleep.

The soul of the water beast soul, shaped like six transparent wings on the hippocampus, clicked his mouth. His wings rubbed against each other, looked at Bu Begging in a daze, and then suddenly jumped up and exclaimed, "It's only been a few years? Why do you have the cultivation of Jin Xian?

Don't beg for a smile and look at the 'putuan'. He spewed out the star shark blade and said lightly, "My luck is better. I killed a Taiyi golden fairy, and the heavenly merit pushed me up to this cultivation... Well, don't talk nonsense. Your promise in those years is about to be fulfilled now! I want to refine a portable magic weapon, Tongtian Tower. You have to be the spirit of my Tongtian Tower!"

Futuan is also a bachelor. When he met Don't beg, he promised not to beg once he reached the realm of golden immortals. Today, Don't beg has reached the level of five-grade golden immortals, much stronger than his master Xuanjin jellyfish. Naturally, he obediently obeyed Don't beg's mind.

Now the cultivation of Don't beg is incomparable to that of those years. He shattered the star shark blade with one finger, and completely swallowed the star shark blade to Xuanyīn futon, and even the soul of the green dome star-striped shark was swallowed up by the 'dandel'. Then Don't beg for a slap that smashed the body of the Xuanyīn futon, and the palm spewed out a too empty and pure glazed divine flame, burning the soul of the futon and the debris of the Xuanyīn futon.

The sad cry came from the mouth of the futon, but the painful cry was full of excitement and joy. Taixu and pure glazed Shenyan constantly refines the impurities in the soul body of the futon, and at the same time, a trace of chaotic aura is constantly replenished into the soul body of the futon, making his soul become more purer, more and more condensed, and gradually transformed from the acquired to innate.

The turbulent Taixu and pure glazed Shenyan, which is like an ocean, gushes out of the body of Don't begging, and countless materials piled up around it melted at the same time. Under the control of Don't beg's huge idea, countless kinds of materials are perfectly matched in the air according to Countless metal solutions emit strong light in the air, constantly merging and colliding with each other, splashing a large area of dazzling sparks.

Just in the blink of an eye, an Egyptian pyramid appeared above his head. The whole body was dark, the highest point was Li Xu high, and the base was also about Li Xu's tower. The huge divine consciousness is constantly thrown into this huge tower. Don't beg to pour all kinds of magical ancient divine texts in the ancient divine books into this pagoda. Countless divine texts in this tower have turned into huge and extremely complex divine text arrays nested into a perfect whole.

A year ago, 360 star beads taken from the core of the star array arranged by the owner of the Youxian Hall were beaten into the giant tower one by one, and a complete Zhoutian star killing array was laid inside the giant tower. These star beads are all spirits sacrificed by the Lord of the Immortals. Each of them can touch the power of the stars and has great power.

The flame of greenè swept everything. Don't beg has been preparing for a full year today. He spit blood and sprayed it on the huge tower. With his hands, he turned over and broke the debris of the big water-splitting beast and the Xuanyīn futon into the giant tower, completely integrating with the star array.

The infinite cold air spewed out of the giant tower, followed by the colorful aurora transformed by a large starlight. The dark pagoda does not have any luster, but its periphery is full of all the light in the world, which is particularly mysterious and magnificent.

Don't beg for satisfaction, nod and smile, and put this huge tower into the sea of knowledge with your own temperature.

King Yiqiu has mentioned to Begging that he intends to cultivate Begging into a high priest of Tongtian, and he is a high priest of Tongtian. Every Tongtian high priest will forge a Tongtian pagoda for them by the Dayu Sitian Hall, and don't beg without their help. He can sacrifice a Tongtian pagoda for himself that best suits his heart.

'Xuanyīn Star Tower', Don't beg for the Tongtian magic weapon made for yourself, a refinery method that integrates the immortals and the priest of the Sitian Temple, and also integrates the chaotic aura of Don't beg. In the future, it can also devour foreign objects to improve itself to the freak!

Feeling the energy tide caused by the chaotic aura of the Xuanyīn Star Tower in his body, the heart suddenly beat a few times.

With painstaking effort, don't beg for a sudden smile. RA