Steal the sky

Chapter 711 Little Test Knife

Chapter 711 Little Test Knife

Walking in the deep, dark and long corridor of the Tongtian Tower, the sharp sound of countless poisonous insects and beasts came to my ears. From time to time, a team of ghost-like priests and attendants nv guards passed by. When everyone did not beg to pass, they bowed respectfully and silently, and no one dared to Keep an eye on the part above the belt.

Dayu is a hierarchical country. The Sitian Hall of Dayu is the ancient, traditional, conservative and hardest piece of granite in the ancient, traditional, conservative and boring country like granite. When Don't beg walking in the corridor, some guards and priests on the fixed sentry even held their breath. They also used the secret method to temporarily stop their heartbeat, for fear that they would disturb the big red man beside the king of the Qiuqiu.

Don't beg to go to the hall where the king of Yoqiu is looking for fun, and the heavy bronze can't hide the subtle sound from the hall. Don't beg and smiled. He pinched his finger and calculated, and walked slowly out of the Tongtian Tower along the corridor in front of the hall.

These priests in the Sitian Hall are really unpredictable. This Tongtian Tower looks only a little round from the outside, but the internal space is extremely vast. Don't beg to walk out of the Tongtian Tower from the secret room, which took him half a quarter of an hour.

Standing at the exit at the top of the Tongtian Tower, I looked at the scenery of the green wood field. At this moment, the moon is in the sky, and the white moonlight is sprinkled on the shadowless green wood. This magical ancient god tree emits a faint blue light, and the warm light shines thousands of miles, and the grassland covered by Peace. Occasionally, there will be a few roars of beasts on the edge of the lake in the distance, which are night-eating beasts hunting at night.

Looking at the hundreds of priests guarding outside the Tongtian Tower, Don't beg and said in a low voice, "I'm going to the Aoki Pass for a walk. If the prince asks, just respond like this!"

The priests bowed silently, signaling them to hear the command not to beg. In the moonlight of silverè, these priests in black robes and even their faces covered by cloaks bent down, like black paper-cut figures, with a trace of cold mystery. Don't beg. I'm used to the style of these priests. At this moment, I can't help but be excited all over my body, and then my heart suddenly has a pimple.

Shake your head, don't beg to jump down and fall to the ground. The fluctuation of a spiritual vein was quickly caught by Begging. He stepped out at will, and his father chased the sun. He twisted his body to the exit of Aoki's field, a narrow valley sandwiched by two high mountains. This valley is a hundred miles long and leads directly to the outside world, about 30 feet wide. The two high mountains are covered with countless mountains and plank roads, in which there are 100,000 troops guarding the Aoki field.

Don't beg waved to the sentry standing on the top of the mountain, and then flashed to the other end of the valley. Through a thick air as thick as glue, the front of it suddenly became clear, and a majestic city in the valley stood majestically. Among them, the lights lit up, and the night wind came the laughter of a large number of nv people and the rough cries of men.

The Xiong City is Aoki Pass. The outer wall of this city is made of metal, and there are countless runes on it. Aoki Pass is full of high mountains, and the two rows of high walls are built on the mountains. There is everything in the customs, and there is no shortage of wine and wealth to enjoy. This Aoki Pass is built for the soldiers stationed in Aoki's field. Every few days, soldiers come out of Aoki's field to enter Aoki Pass for fun.

Aoki no Ye is a key place in the zhi�. The Aoki divine liquid produced has great value, so there are 100,000 troops stationed there. These 100,000 troops are usually not allowed to leave Aoki's field for a hundred miles. Their hopes also need to be solved. Aoki Pass was built for this purpose.

Originally, Aoki Pass was a very pure military town, but for a long time, because all kinds of powerful monsters and spirit beasts were produced in the poor mountains near Aoki Pass, and all kinds of spirits and rare ores were produced, a large number of hunters and caravans gradually used Aoki Pass as a distribution center. Today, Aoki Pass has become the largest business center in this square mountain, and its hustle and bustle has even surpassed Zhongning City, the state capital of Zhongzhou.

Don't beg to wear a black robe, a blood cececece, and walk into Aoki Pass with a hand behind his back. On both sides of the spacious road, there are countless shops, restaurants, brothels, casinos, etc. Although Dayu is conservative and traditional, it seems that this brothel and casino will exist no matter how conservative it is. There are 100,000 troops stationed in Aoki's field, and their troops are particularly rich, so the number of entertainment places such as brothel in Aokiguan is also particularly large.

The army of the king of Yuqiu has been stationed here for 36 days. Begging is busy sacrificing the Xuanyīn Star Tower. This is the first time he has officially appreciated the customs of Aoki Pass. Even in the middle of the night, it is still very lively, full of barbaric life. The loud screams of the nv and the low gasp of the man roared like a cow came from the brothel by the roadside. The sound of gambling equipment in the casino was harsh, and countless extremely rich people were shouting. There were drunken men fighting with each other in several restaurants, and countless people applauded and stamped their feet to cheer for them. ..

Those shops are also open and dotted with a few dim lights. A ghostly man sneaked into these shops and showed his harvest to the shopkeeper of the shop, hoping to sell a sky-high price that made him worry about food and clothing for the rest of his life. The shops in Aokiguan have always been better at night than during the day, because if you sell at a large price during the day, you are likely to be robbed on the street in a few steps, but at night it is much more hidden and safer.

From time to time, there was forced suppressed laughter in these shops. Obviously, someone had found something very valuable between the mountains and the mountains, and those shops offered high-priced acquisitions beyond their imagination. Although there are all kinds of prohibitions outside these shops, the innate gods who don't beg can enter and leave their stores at will. Smilingly, they don't beg to sweep those goods, but shake their heads gently.

There are also a few good things, but the interest of begging is not on it.

Since Su Qin's divination technique of divination has been studied well. Just now, don't beg to notice that there is a strong intention to kill him, just like the omen before someone stabbed him with a bear arrow a year ago. Those people are really persistent. They have been following themselves for so long?

For more than a year, Buqi has been aware that someone is following him, but he is in the army, and those people dare not rush into the barracks of King Yuqiu. He is really looking for death, so he has a year to sacrifice all kinds of materials. But now the Xuanyīn Star Tower has been successfully sacrificed. Don't beg very much to let this baby see the blood. By the way, he wants to see who loves him so much.

Walking on the street of Aoki-Guan, although the streets are extremely lively, don't beg where you pass, the flow of people are subconsciously separated, and no one dares to get close to the place where you don't beg. The robe on his body shows his identity. Everyone who hangs around in Aoki Pass knows that it is absolutely not to provoke the people of the Dayu army. It is absolutely boring. There is an unspoken rule recognized by everyone in Aoki Pass - it is natural for the soldiers and Han stationed in Aokino to kill people!

There is a huge circle around you. Don't beg to look so eye-catching on the street.

On a high building on the roadside, Yuanhua Laozu and Lv Buwei squinted at Don't beg, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief. Yuanhua's ancestor shook his head and sighed, "This doll is finally traveling alone, otherwise when will the ancestor kill him? Hey hey, a fairy house, no matter what, the ancestor of the fairy house wants it!"

Lv Buwei nodded. He glanced around and sneered in a low voice, "There are still many people staring at this boy. Now that the Immortal League has been defeated, those scattered cultivation families are sad. Every day, countless scattered cultivations are dug out and destroyed, and a hidden fairy mansion is too enchanted. Master, if we want the fairy mansion, we have to work hard.

Yuanhua's ancestor snorted disdainfully. There was a ferocious blood light in his eyes, and he sneered and said in a low voice, "Then kill these juniors together!" In the past year, the ancestor has collected countless blood and souls. Hey hey, it's time for the ancestor's magic weapon to open and kill!"

A bloody flag slowly rose from the head of Yuanhua's ancestor, and Yuanhua's ancestor controlled the blood flag to prevent it from shining. In the moonè, the dark-looking blood flag turned into a shadow on the ground, just like a piece of blood flowing rapidly on the ground.

Countless scolding sounds came at the same time. Don't beg. On the hundreds of tall buildings around you, at least a thousand immortals sacrificed their flying swords to beg Don't beg. The density of the flying sword was so high that more than a thousand flying swords hit a ball on Buqi's head, and hundreds of flying swords were beaten and exploded in the air on the spot. The frightened and angry curses came from afar, and all kinds of magic weapons and thunder were overwhelming.

"Kill, kill him! If you kill him, there will be an absolutely safe fairy house!" Those immortals roared in one voice!

It's just more than a year. The situation on the Pangu mainland has changed too fast, and the living space of the scattered practitioners has been oppressed to the limit. The attraction of an absolutely secret fairy house offered by Huluxianfang has increased by more than a hundred times that of a year ago! With this fairy mansion, you will have the opportunity to survive, and you will have the opportunity to continue your family or sent to continue on the Pangu continent!

Therefore, the attraction of Don't beg is greater now. Not long after the army of the king of Qiu came to the Aoki field to be stationed, more than a thousand immortals and Sanxiu dodged the encirclement and interception all the way and came here, just to kill the begging. There are more immortals and San Xiu coming this way with the movement of the army of the King of Heiqiu, but the road is far away, and they haven't had time to arrive.

Seeing countless magic weapons and thunder light falling on the head, don't beg and laugh wildly. The Xuanyīn Star Tower, which has just been successfully sacrificed, flew out quickly.

The huge black tower suspended above Don't beg's head. The cold aurora shrouded the body of Don't beg's body. A large number of magic weapons hit the light block composed of the cold aurora, and were immediately crushed by the terrible cold, or cut into pieces by the sharp auro There were countless exclamations from far and near, and those immortals who were eager to take action and San Xiu vomited blood and retreated one after another.

Don't beg to snort coldly. He casually pointed to the Xuanyīn Star Tower, and a large wave spewed out of the base of the black tower, turning into hundreds of huge white dragons flying into the sky to the immortals and scattered cultivation. With the cry of panic, those immortals and Sanxiu were rolled up and pulled into the tower by giant dragons one after another.

The sad alarm bell sounded, and the guard troops of Aoki Pass were dispatched, and dull footsteps came from all directions.

A piece of blood gushed out quickly from in front of Don't beg, and a blood flag rushed to him in front of him with a pungent smell of blood.

The cold is not over, a zongzi goes down, diarrhea and stomachache... Oh, ow... Miserable! RA