Steal the sky

Chapter 715 Horrible Background

The guard of honor gradually dispersed, and in the end, only twelve elders led more than 3,000 guards to walk along a road. Dayu's palace covers an extremely wide area. Except for an avenue in the middle of the road, other places are almost barren mountains and rivers, and there is not even a path between trees, flowers and plants. Those who come and go to many palaces seem to be bound to fly in the air.

The scenery along the way also has a wild and rustic smell. There are phoenix nests on the huge trees, and there are dragons lurking in the deep pool on the roadside. Occasionally, there are groups of fierce-eyed feather warriors passing by. From time to time, some rare and rare beasts come out of the grass on the Don't be afraid of people, don't beg for them to cry a few times, and then get into the grass and leave.

Occasionally, there are some strange guards stationed on the peak of the roadside. Some people are short and thin like dwarfs, but have a pair of fist-sized eyes. These people stood in the upper reaches of the mountain and looked around, and their eyes were shining thousands of miles away. All the wind and grass in thousands of miles were in their eyes. There are also some people who are as tall as bamboo poles and extremely thin, but their jujube-like faces have a pair of huge ears like elephants. They listen in all directions, and no movement within tens of thousands of miles can escape their ears.

Don't beg for a glance, and look at these people quickly.

Those who have a pair of big eyes are also a rare race in Pangu Continent. They are called Tianmu people. They are born weak and have no combat effectiveness, but they are born with extremely strange eyesight. Ordinary people can see the wind and grass within 100,000 miles. If their cultivation is good, their eyes can peep up and down at the yellow spring. Ordinary escape invisibility is a joke in front of them.

Those who have a pair of big ears are the divine ears family. Like the Tianmu people, they are also an extremely rare ethnic group. When their ordinary people shake their ears, they can hear the sound of a needle falling into the water thousands of miles away, and those who have achieved great cultivation can use their magical power and even eavesdrop on the sound of the You can hear the howling of the evil spirits punished in Jiuyou. When ordinary immortals pass through the ground, the slightest friction can't be hidden from their ears.

The Tianmu people and the Shen'er clan once defected to the heavenly court. Before the heavenly palace, they inspected the dry eyes and downwind ears of all parties, which were their people. Whether in the heavenly court or in Dayu, these two ethnic groups are strictly protected. In Dayu, even if they are a prince, they have no right to punish the people of these two ethnic groups.

Don't beg to nod secretly. Along the way, at least a few people of these two ethnic groups patrol the four directions. This is the weather that Dayu Palace should have, which is much more magnificent than the two thousand-mile eyes and downwind ears squatting in front of the Tianting Gate. However, it is also true that the clans of these two ethnic groups are still in Dayu, in the Pangu mainland. As for those who have defected to the heavenly court, it is only a very small branch family of these two ethnic groups. Since the population is small, the heavenly court can't put on such an appearance like the Dayu Palace.

All the way inward, a strange mountain appeared in front of him, and the road at the foot went straight to the bottom of the mountain.

From afar, the mountain is like a dragon coiled on the ground, the boulders on the mountain are streaked, and a giant palace with strange-shaped tall buildings in four corners is like a monster lying on the dragon's dragon's head. The sun and moon shine in the sky, and the light of the sun, moon and The ministry was sucked in by the palace.

Take a closer look at this mountain, don't beg and always feel that there is something wrong with the mountain. The mountain is high and dry, and there is no grass or tree on the mountain, and the diameter of the base is about ten thousand miles. Even if it is coiled up in such a circle, it always gives people a feeling that the mountain is alive.

It seemed to see the doubts in Buqi's heart. Yuqi gently patted Buqi's shoulder and whispered, "This is the bear hall of Dayu. The main hall where Dayu discussed the affairs of the national dynasty. As for the face of His Highness, it is an ancient candle dragon!"

Don't beg to look at the jade in surprise. Is this an ancient candle dragon covered with countless stones on it? The legendary candle dragon is one of the ancient gods. His left eye is the sun and his right eye is the moon. When he opens his eyes, the heaven and the earth are bright. When he closes his eyes, he falls into the night. He exhales into the wind and his breath turns into thunder. He is the most prestigious god in ancient times. In the Dayu Dynasty, His Royal Highness Bear held up this huge palace, which is an ancient candle dragon?

The thick rock layer covered the bodies of the candle dragons, and I couldn't see what he looked like. According to Yulu, this candle dragon has been coiled here since the construction of Dayu Jianguo and Youxiong Hall, and has not moved countless disasters. He is still alive and occasionally squirms, but for so many years, he has never communicated with the outside world. His body is gradually covered by dust, and then the dust is refined by the power of the sun, moon and stars and gradually turns into a thick rock layer. No one knows why the candle dragon is willing to hold up the bear hall, let alone him. What is the extent of today's strength?

However, the bear hall can be said to be the core of Liangzhu and the whole bear plain. It is the highest and pure place with the highest concentration of the aura, the sun and moon essence and the pangu purple gas of the whole Pangu continent. In addition to the fact that the emperor of Dayu is qualified to practice in the Bear Hall, only this candle dragon can enjoy the benefits of this endless aura here. The Emperor of the Great Yu has changed for countless generations, but this candle dragon has been alive. From this alone, you can imagine the strength of this candle dragon now. He may be the last most powerful defense force in the whole Dayu Palace.

Following the body coiled up in circles of the candle dragon, Dayu's skilled craftsmen cut a spiral mountain road, and a group of people walked along the road to the mountain step by step. There are wonderful prohibitions on this mountain road. Don't beg that every step they take, their bodies will travel dozens of miles forward. Therefore, although the mountain is The road hovering up is more than ten thousand miles long, but don't beg them to reach the top of the mountain in less than a cup of tea.

In contrast, the prohibition on this mountain road will be a nightmare for the invading enemy. If you don't know the context of this prohibition, outsiders will invade the Youxiong Hall, and the more than 100,000 miles of Changzhou Mountain Road will become extremely long. It will take years or even countless years for you to walk from the foot of the mountain to

The Bear Hall is an extremely old hall, and its style is extremely old. Spotted moss is attached to the surface of the hall. The moss here has been refined by the aura of heaven and earth and the essence of the sun and moon by day and night, but how can the priests of Dayu tolerate the existence of spirits? The moss here has long been erased of spirituality, and the aura contained in every trace of moss is comparable to the Zhixianzhi liquid obtained in those years, but they will never calm down the hope of turning into human form.

In front of the hall, there is a huge square with a radius of hundreds of miles. A totem pole with countless runes and ghost heads are carved standing on the square. Each stone pillar is on the stars, forming a huge star secret array. These totem poles have stood here for countless years. Their bodies should be boulders cut from the mountains at will, but now they have absorbed the aura of heaven and earth and the essence of the sun and moon. They have been transformed from ordinary stones to countless times more crystal gems than the best jade, and each of which is filled with huge Strength.

The spiritual fluctuations emanating from these totem poles shocked Don't beg, which made his heart twitch in waves, and his face couldn't help but become very ugly. Is this the foundation of the Dayu Dynasty? The spiritual power stored in each totem pole here is ten thousand times more powerful than all the immortals in the immortals at the peak of the golden fairy. What does this represent? This means that once this array is opened, with the huge energy contained in these totem poles alone, there is the power to instantly bombard the Taiyi immortals into flying ash.

This is the background of Dayu, a strong race that has continued from the ancient flood and famine period to the present.

In particular, don't beg to feel that near these totem poles, the pool, fire, wind and other energy are annihilated into chaos, and then the chaos has become a new force that can't be clearly distinguished by the complex transformation. This proves that these totem poles have a small range of ways to destroy the law of heaven, and the law of destruction is recognized as a sign of becoming a Taiyi immortal.

In this square with a radius of hundreds of miles, there are a total of 36,000 such totem poles. Don't beg in your heart to quickly calculate the orientation of these stone pillars and their corresponding stars, and combine them into dozens of powerful arrays in your heart. According to the strong power in these totem poles, his heart suddenly burst into a large cold sweat. What a terrible power!

Don't beg can't describe the result of his calculation, which is a state that he can't understand today.

Even if he calculated the result, the result was the same as the mysterious heavenly way. The result was in his soul, but he could never let himself see the result clearly.

This is not the power that can be touched today.

Take a deep breath, Don't beg calmed down, and then followed the king of Yuqiu through this square. Under each totem pole, there stood a group of ministers in black robes and high crowns. The territory of Dayu is almost boundless. Managing such a huge territory requires an extremely large bureaucratic system. Today, there are hundreds of thousands of officials in Liangzhu City to welcome the begging people in the square. From the highest-ranking princes and important ministers to the large and small officials of the halls, departments and departments, hundreds of thousands of officials stood quietly under the stone pillars and quietly watched the beggars passing through the square.

Far away, someone is humming an old ballad. The tune is very simple and the lyrics are very simple. It is the song of the woman who stayed at home missing her husband who died in the war. Singing over and over, singing over and over, the tune spread all over the square, but the simple music makes this world full of an indescribable sense of sanctity.

Under the leadership of the twelve elders, Don't beg and his party walked under the high steps in front of the Bear Hall and knelt on the mottled square.

An old man in a gorgeous black robe embroidered with the star patterns of mountains and rivers, wearing all kinds of jade ornaments, and a solemn old man stood above the steps, slowly unfolding a thick scroll with both hands.

Dayu's title of Buqi and others is in this scroll.


The true face of Dayu and the heavenly court and the Pangu world gradually opened...
