Steal the sky

Chapter 861 Helpless

Chapter 361 Helpless (Third Update)

After returning to Donghai City, Buqi gave up and continued to practice. He began to forge magic weapons for the people close to him.

Flying swords, magic weapons, armor, fairy robes, all kinds of portable magic weapons have been forged with all kinds of rare materials. After all, the foundation of the East China Sea is too thin. Even if Ao Bu Zun and Xian Holy Spirit, they have a chaotic spiritual treasure with them, but in addition, the two of them are clean and slippery all over, not even a defensive magic weapon.

The immortals' magic and Buddhism have all kinds of strange attack methods. Except for the chaotic spiritual treasure-level treasures such as the Fudren and the fundamental tower, even the Taiyi immortal weapons rarely have the kind of goods that can resist all spell attacks. Therefore, if you want to survive the future fighting, you need not one or two defense tools, but a complete set of defense tools.

It is not so easy to refine a set of satisfactory magic weapons for everyone around him to refine their previous life. It takes thousands of years to refine a good golden fairy weapon. Even if you don't be able to divide the Tianding tripod into 180 special refiners at the same time, he can only take care of the most important people around him.

One hundred and eighty round tripods are suspended in mid-air, purple flames flash quietly in the tripod, and strange sounds keep coming from the tripod. Don't begpan sat under the tripod furnace, frowned and said to the people in front of him, "I feel some immortal existence. It's tricky and difficult to deal with. We can't be careless and can't fight hard against them.

After counting for a while, don't beg bitterly and say, "Unless there are ten mixed elements in the East China Sea and a hundred broken Daluo, we can't fight against them head-on. They may not take action on these old things in person, but be careful of some of them who are very shameless. They can do the same thing as bully the old, and although they are shameless, they are used to beating sticks from behind for the sake of face!"

Ao Buzun's face was also ugly. He first made a gesture of seven, and then made a nine. Don't beg, nod, and make an extra 18 gesture. Ao Buzun's face drooped down. He smiled bitterly and said, "These old people are not dead. Why are they still alive?"

Don't beg to sigh and stop talking. At that time, the old man of Yuanling had already set foot on the Taoist realm, but he was beaten by them, leaving only a small grain of real spirit to escape into reincarnation. In those years, the white mouse stole the blood and cultivation of thousands of Taiyi and more than 100 Taoist realms. In just a few hundred years, he reached the peak of The crowd was chased to death in anger.

After a while, the comprehensive strength of Don't beg is far less than that of the old man Yuanling and the white mouse at that time. If they were the first bird, they would die miserably! Even if you don't beg to the realm of harmony, it may not be safe. Those people have done something, and both Don't beg and Ao Buzun have knowledge in those years. The so-called those who obey me will prosper and those who rebel against me will die, which is not just an empty word.

The East China Sea continues to be fierce. Don't beg to break through to Liupin to break through the Taoist realm, and the time has accelerated to 20,000 times. There is still half a year before Fa Yanhua Luotian comes to Pangu Continent. Don't beg for them to have 10,000 years to prepare. Ten thousand years, it is temporarily unimaginable in terms of high-end combat strength, but in terms of middle and lower-level forces, the East China Sea can accumulate countless middle- and lower-level strength for backup.

Several times, Don't beg and almost sneaked into the outer world to sneak into three or five unlucky people to improve their strength, but now Taiyi lives in seclusion in the nine-day world, and the Buddha is sitting in the Buddha's Lingjiu Mountain. For example, today's court and Buddha's plan is in full swing Don't beg, you are not sure that you can hide the attention of those people. Every time I think of the notoriety of the white mouse and the terrible consequences that may be brought about by the exposure of theft, Don't beg forcibly suppress the idea of adventure.

As time went by, it finally came to this day, and Fa Yanhua Luo Tian was the first to approach Pangu Continent.

Don't beg to pull Princess Kangle, sacrifice the Xuanyin Star Tower to break through the void and rush to the place where Fa Yanhua Luotian landed. Countless dark shadows came from the void, and hundreds of Tongtian priests and Beggars broke through to the place. Everyone used the Tongtian Tower to hide in the void without showing up.

There are deliberately released mana fluctuations that spread in the void, and an unknown number of Tianting Taiyi and Buddhist Buddhas are also hiding in the void. The purpose of these people coming here is unknown. If the high priests of Tongtian do anything rashly, I'm afraid that these people will take action immediately.

Not far from Don't beg, Yu Yu, an old acquaintance of Don't beg, is sitting on the top of a tower, holding a small glass of wine with a small mouthful of wine. He shook his head at Begging and said, "There is no news from the Holy Emperor Xuanyuan and the Holy Emperor of Shennong. The information between the Empress Wa and Dayu has also been completely cut off. The reaction of the four holy beasts and the Holy Spirits who are friends with my human race are also very mysterious. This time, I am in trouble!"

Bu Begging also sat on the spire of the Xuanyin Star Tower. He frowned and asked, "What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

Yuqi played with the small wine glass in his hand, and his face became extremely gloomy. He shook his head and sighed, "What can it mean?"

Don't beg was thinking about the meaning of the sentence. The sky suddenly lit up, and a land plot equivalent to the size of four Zhongzhou was wrapped in countless earth water and fire wind, and was slowly falling from the sky to the Pangu mainland. The place where Fayanhua Luotian landed is a wild land in the west of Dayu. There are barren mountains everywhere, which is a flood and wasteland that has just taken shape. When the huge land landed with a dull roar, countless ferocious beasts in the barren mountains below fled one after another.

I heard a loud noise, and Fa Yanhua Luo Tian collided with the Pangu mainland. Hundreds of millions of miles of the area cracked countless cracks, large and small, because of this impact. The ground trembled violently, and the peaks were rushed to the sky by the huge impact force, and then smashed heavily so that the ground suddenly bulged like a drum.

The earth rushed out of the cracks in the Pangu continent, and the void around it was gray. It has become a smoky place, but for the whole Pangu Continent, it is like a small grain of dust falling on a football field, and the people in Dayuzhou County, which is a little farther away from here, can't feel any abnormal changes at all.

As soon as Fa Yanhua Luotian came into contact with Pangu Continent, everyone clearly saw that it seemed that a drop of water had fallen into the sea. Fa Yanhua Luo Tian quickly 'dissolved' and quickly integrated with Pangu Continent. All this is going smoothly, and there is no stagnation at all. However, in just three hours, a huge piece of land integrated into the Pangu Continent and became inseparable.

There is no fairy magic that works in this. It is completely that Pangu mainland actively absorbs part of the limbs that originally belonged to him.

Wait for the shock of the ground to rest a little. At the moment when the cracks of the Pangu Continent were smashed and healed, a huge roar was heard from the ground. A mysterious yellow gas with a diameter of thousands of miles flew down from the sky. Suddenly, the sky fell from the sky, and the infinite merit reflected a purple gas A heavenly fairy flew out with a purple treasure bottle in his hand. He suspended in mid-air, and the treasure bottle released infinite light, inhaling all the mysterious yellow gas into the treasure bottle.

Don't beg and Yuyu looked at each other in consterance. They counted as quickly as the high priests around them. Suddenly, a large amount of cold sweat dripped on everyone's foreheads. These outer realms are all part of the Pangu Continent that was severely robbed and shattered in those years. The original complete Pangu Continent is incomplete, and there is a taste of incompleteness.

Now the heavenly court uses such means to send these foreign realms back to Pangu Continent, but it just satisfies the desire of Pangu Continent to fulfill its own desires. This is a merit that is in line with the interests of heaven. Therefore, as soon as Luo Tian is integrated into Pangu Continent, it immediately falls from the sky. And the number of these merits is so terrible that it can almost be compared with killing 10,000 immortals in a row or a hundred general six paths.

Such a huge power of merit! Don't beg's face is a little ugly. Why do these immortals in the heavenly court collect these merits with treasures?

For a moment, Don't beg, you have to grab it. But after carefully feeling the few thoughts on the fairy, don't beg and stop carefully. Those people who make no beg for fear are all focused on this merit, and now they are simply looking for death.

sighed softly, Don't beg patted Princess Le's little hand, and whispered a few words to her.

When you hesitated here, you have been integrated into the Fayanhua Luotian of the Pangu Continent. Those immortals and Sanxiu flew up one after another and flew to all the Lingshan Rivers of the nearby Pangu Continent, ready to open up caves there. The tens of billions of mortals in the sky are under the command of officials from their countries, turning into a rolling stream of people and carrying countless furniture with their mouths moving around to the Pangu mainland with great interest.

Compared with the place where they once lived, Pangu Continent is undoubtedly the legendary danger.

The army of Dingxizhou, which is the nearest place to here, hurried over in a flying boat. Dingxizhou is just an ordinary eight-grade state. There are only a few more than 50,000 troops in the whole state, and the highest cultivation is just a general of one yuan Pangutian and one star heaven. The general of Dingxizhou stood on the bow of the flying boat and roared angrily at the people who 'invaded' from the outer world.

But he roared, and tens of billions of mortals turned into tens of thousands of large and small teams in all directions. How could he care so much?

The angry general of Dingxizhou raised his right hand and waited to issue an order to attack, but he took a closer look at the ordinary people who dragged their families with their mouths and children, and at the same time blushed with excitement because they came to life in fairyland. His attack orders could not be issued for a long time.

How did Dayu's army ever attack ordinary people?

Although these Li people come from the outer world, they are all human beings like the people on the Pangu mainland! The general was sweating all over. He looked at these vast migraters on the Pangu continent with tremble, and suddenly a mouthful of blood spewed out.

I can't do it, I can't stop it, I have no choice.

The general looked up to the sky and hissed angrily. He casually pointed to a group of immortals flying to a mountain and scolded fiercely. A small army in Dingxizhou drove ten flying boats to attack the group of immortals of the immortals.

Suddenly, a loud roar came from below: "The faint king has no way, the Holy Emperor should stand! Kids, kill it!"

At the point of the banner, more than a million soldiers who also practiced human skills rose to the sky and attacked the army of Dingxizhou.

Don't beg and shake your head. Da Yu is in big trouble! RO