Steal the sky

Chapter 862 Dark Shock

Chapter 832 Dark Shock in the Heart (Fourth Update)

Tens of thousands of troops in Dingxizhou are surrounded by more than one million enemy troops. Although the enemy's soldiers are slightly worse than the soldiers in Dingxizhou, several of their generals have more than one yuan and six stars. These generals shouted slogans, with beast souls similar to big eagles hovering on their heads, flying in the air with their bodies, and broke straight into the army of Dingxizhou.

In this million-strong army, more than 10,000 priests waved spells behind them to help these soldiers with all kinds of auxiliary spells. In comparison, the few thirty priests in Dingxizhou are simply shabby. Although a first-class state like Zhongzhou has hundreds of thousands of priests, Dingxizhou is only an eight-class state, and its Sitian Hall is too small.

The power of the spell leveled the gap in cultivation. Millions of troops besieged ten flying boats in Dingxi Prefecture, and countless crossbow arrows were shot at the flying boat like raindrops. Obviously, the craftsmanship of these crossbows is the same as that of Dayu, and they have made great breakthroughs in ideas. However, the products of the outer world cannot be compared with that of the Pangu Continent. The actual power of these crossbows is less than 10 percent of Dayu-style ordnance.

The crossbow arrows bounced on the flying boat one after another, and no crossbow arrow could enter the flying boat. Instead, the decks on both sides of the flying boat moved away, revealing the launch ports of the special large-scale crossbows. With the loud noise, waves of arrows flew out, and the dark arrows were invincible. Those soldiers' armor and defensive spells from the outside world were penetrated, and their bodies were torn to pieces by strong arrows

"Da Yu!" With a long knife in his hand, the general of Dingxizhou jumped out of the flying boat and rushed to the enemy generals.

With a flash of shape and a mistake, a machete in the opponent's hand was lightly scratched, and the head of the general had already soared to the sky with a bloody arrow. The absolute power gap is irreparable, and several generals of the other party have integrated the beast soul and have the ability to soar freely in the air. Their dexterity in the air is not comparable to that of the general of Dingxizhou.

In the void, a high priest of Tongtian cursed angrily. Tongtian Tower smashed the void, and he appeared directly above the two armies that were fighting. He shouted sharply, "How dare you attack and kill my descendants?" With his right hand to the sky, countless black clouds flew in from all directions, and the dark clouds turned into hundreds of thousands of black poisonous pythons and flew down into the air. The poisonous python brought a sharp sound of breaking the air, like countless arrows falling one after another, the cold gas penetrated the inner cavity, and a large number of enemy soldiers just howled, turned into pus and blood falling one after another.

Don't beg to take a look at Yuqi. Yuqi whispered, "The largest ancestor of the Chilin family, the Chilin family is not strong. Dingxizhou is the only vassal state of the Chilin family in other places. The child who has just been killed is the ninth generation of Chilinfeng, right?"

It turned out that the descendants of his family were killed. No wonder the Tongtian high priest named Chi Linfeng couldn't wait to rush out. Don't beg begged to be surprised, why didn't Tai Yi and Buddha, who were hiding in the void, see anyone do it? Although Chilin Feng is the high priest of Tongtian, he is also the weakest Tongtian high priest who is only comparable to Jiupin Taiyi. If he comes out at will, he can stop his slaughter.

Tongtian High Priest against millions of ordinary sergeants, this is a complete massacre, and millions of troops will be killed in less than a few breath.

Just when the magic spell of Chilin Feng killed the enemy, and even beat the enemy general who had just killed his juniors all over, a hundred-foot-high flagpole was suddenly raised in the distance, and a golden flag with a radius of ten feet was written with the word "Meng". I heard a clear voice like a dragon's voice: "The demon is powerful, which family will share my worries?"

Two dark seven-story pagodas broke through the air raid, and the huge fluctuation of mana forced the Chilin wind to retreat several miles.

On the two pagodas, two old men who described the old priests of withered and Dayu stood proudly. The high-altitude wind swept their spacious black robes, and the robes hunted in the wind. The two old men looked at Chi Linfeng with their hands behind their backs and sneered.

Many of the great priests of Tongtian hiding in the void were dumbfounded. The breath of these two old people is the same as that of the priests who practice all kinds of secrets in the Tian Hall of Dayu. But the shape of their Tongtian Pagoda is so strange. You can say that this is the demon tower of Daomen, and it can also be said that it is the Futu pagoda of Buddhism, but it is definitely not the Tongtian pagoda of Dayu.

The seven-story pagoda is all dark, and countless ghosts and gods are carved on each floor of the pagoda. From this point of view, it is very in the style of Dayu Sitian Hall, but no other place is similar to Dayu Tongtian Pagoda. At first glance, the seven-story pagoda is a common seven-story pagoda in Buddhism or Taoism, but the style is a little strange.

What's more speechless is that the pagoda is actually arranged with some Taoist arrays and the prohibitions of Buddhist gates. The dark Tongtian pagoda is wrapped in Ran Ran Xianqi, and a trace of Buddha's light rises, making it nondescript. The great Yu priests in the void are speechless for a while.

Yuqi's expression moved slightly, and he said in a low voice, "Don't be in a hurry to do it for the time being. You are plundering the battle for the Grand Priest of Chilin."

Yuqi and many other priests agreed. They quietly changed their positions in the void, covering the huge battlefield. Many Taiyi and Buddhist Buddhas hidden in the void were motionless. Not only that, they also heard a few sneerings from the void, as if they were laughing at the great priests of Tongtian, who were too careless.

Don't stamped his feet silently. The Xuanyin Star Tower, which is three miles high, opened four doors from four directions. Eight jade-clad Xuanguirtoise flying boats flew out first, and then swam hundreds of large flying boats silently like swimming fish. There are at least 2,000 soldiers on each flying boat. Don't beg for this action. Millions of East China Sea troops are also dispatched.

In particular, the ordnance of the army in the East China Sea is a good product of Dayu. There are eight jade armored turtle flying boats with strong defense. Other large flying boats have their own strange means.

Princess Le waved her jade hand gently and tore a gap in the void. Millions of troops in the East China Sea shouted out in unison and wrapped the millions of troops of the 'Dameng' country from the periphery. With a sneer, Don't beg and Princess Po Le also broke out of the air and stood beside Chi Linfeng with a smile.

Chi Linfeng looked gratefully at the beggar and Princess Kangle, and then looked at the millions of troops in the East China Sea that rushed out of the void in astonishment. Although the high priests of Tongtian are powerful, everyone's Tongtian Tower is a battle fortress that can carry millions of troops. But there are few high priests of Tongtian who really do this. An army of millions of people is really loaded into the Tongtian Tower and walks around with them. All kinds of troubles are endless.

But now there are millions of East China Sea troops, and these soldiers are all calm and full of vitality. Obviously, they are all first-class elite soldiers, which can be compared with the army of Da Meng. The faces of the two old men in black who had just been arrogant changed slightly. One of them coughed gently and arched his hand to Buqi: "Three Taoist friends, please!"

Don't beg and Princess Kangle didn't say anything. Chi Linfeng greeted him and said to the two old men with a sneer, "Wait to kill my junior, hand over the culprit as soon as possible, otherwise..."

The two old men looked at each other, and they laughed at the same time. They said with one voice, "Otherwise? Do Taoist friends dare to slaughter my Mencius? They are all people of the human race. If Taoist friends really do this, hey hey, it's not easy to pass!"

Chi Linfeng's face changed slightly. He snorted coldly, and a snake-shaped black gas hit the two old men. The snake-shaped black air flew quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a nine-headed black snake, opened its mouth and bit the two old men. He shouted harshly, "You can't kill these ordinary people. Can't you still kill you?"

Don't squint and stare at the two old men opposite. Hongmeng's eyes opened slightly, and the trajectory of mana circulation and various spells in the bodies of the two old men were thoroughly seen by him. I saw two old people seals at the same time, and their right feet stamped heavily on the top of the pagoda. There was a roar in the void, and dozens of spiritual lights rolled down with meteorites the size of water tanks.

Thirty meteorites in a row hit the nine-headed black snake, which made the black snake turn black. These meteorites come from outside the sky. They are washed by the power of the sun, moon and stars day and night, with a sharp atmosphere that is not available in the world. The black snake is just a manifestation of mana and is smashed to pieces in an instant.

More than a dozen meteorites left went straight to the Chilin wind. The red forest wind snorted coldly. Countless lights lit up on the Tongtian Tower under his feet, and the ghost fires spread rapidly along the Tongtian Tower. Before long, his dark Tongtian Tower was outlined by countless ghost fires. The triple black light burst into the air, and more than a dozen meteorites hit the light and exploded into a large fire. The meteorite disintegrated, but the light was safe and sound.

After a brief fight, both sides tested the reality of the other party. Chilin Feng's spell is much more magical than that of the other party, and his cultivation is a little stronger, but the other two can actually use meteorites to attack the enemy. Although their own mana is slightly lower, with the help of the power of heaven and earth, they can also be equal to Chilin Feng. And there are two people on the other side, and there is only one person in Chi Linfeng!

The Meng army, which was originally surrounded by the chaotic attack of Dingxizhou's army, saw the appearance of the East China Sea army. They had slowly retreated. The Eastern Navy protected the soldiers of Dingxizhou and confronted each other for dozens of miles. The army in the East China Sea is several times better than the other party, and the ordnance is much better than the other party. If there is a real fight, the other party's million troops will be completely destroyed in a quarter of an hour.

Seeing that Don't beg, Princess Wanle suppressed Dameng's army as soon as she came forward, and the clear dragon-like voice under the banner of the word 'Meng' sounded again: "The demon is powerful, can't you share your worries for me?"

The continuous roar sounded, and dozens of dark seven-story pagodas roared into the air and flew straight to the side of Don't beg.

Don't beg and Princess Po Le was shocked and ordered the Eastern Navy to retreat back.

In this district, there are dozens of masters at the level of the high priest level of Tongtian, a big Meng from the outer world?

However, among the large and small countries in the outer realm brought by Luo Tian, there are at least ten countries with the same strength as that of Da Meng!

Not only don't beg, but also the jades hiding in the void. Their hearts trembled. How long has the heavenly court and Buddhism been calculating all this? RO