Steal the sky

Chapter 864 Weird Priest

Princess Le condensed the golden body of Thor, and the thunder between heaven and earth drove freely like her arms, and as flexible and relaxed as breathing. Where the mind is moving, the sky is full of thunder and rage. Compared with those immortals, they have to curse and borrow the aura of heaven and earth to release such a powerful thunder attack. The speed and power of Princess Pule's spell are much stronger than that of the immortals at the same level.

But in this thunder attack, Princess Kuan Le didn't have much strength. After all, the realm is different. If Princess Pang Le kills more than a thousand priests in front of her with a thunderbolt, it will inevitably attract the attention of some people. But this kind of attention is to be avoided now. Therefore, Princess Le only took out a little insignificant strength, and the power of the thunder in the sky was similar to the strongest attack of the ordinary priest who had just stepped into the realm of heaven.

Thousands of thunderstorms hit the priests opposite. The priests recited mantras calmly one by one, and the seven-story pagoda under his feet released fairy light, and there was a faint Sanskrit singing from afar. There were also some ghosts and gods behind them. Only from this momentum, he They are not much worse than the priests of Dayu.

A number of seven-story pagodas suddenly soared to a thousand feet high in the auspicious atmosphere, and the clouds and smoke fairy light spewed out in the sky. The biggest priest of the year sneered there: "Daughter, how can you get us?"

Before the words fell, the thunder stimulated by Princess Pule blasted on the cloud fairy light. At the sound of a huge explosion, the clouds and fairy lights of many pagodas were blown to pieces by dozens of explosive thunder. More than a hundred seven-story pagodas were blown up, and the broken copper and iron flew all over the sky. These priests who were still in the right time to recite the spells were beaten to death, and dozens of priests were huge The copper and iron fragments broke his neck, and even the wailing had fallen off the ground and turned into a meat pie.

Princess Le, who launched this wave of thunderous attacks, was stunned. She just prepared Leifa to harass the other party first. The main force of the battle should be the old priests such as Yuqi. How could the thunder she spill at random hurt these priests who seemed to be arrogant and not low?

Especially those seven-storey pagodas are obviously made by imitating Dayu's Tongtian pagoda, and there are more fairy arrays and Buddha's access control system. It is reasonable to say that the defensive power of these pagodas should be a little stronger than that of Dayu's Tongtian pagodas. But at present, the defensive power of these seven-story pagodas is not much better than that of ordinary fairy weapons. In the battle at the level of Tongtian High Priest, using this level of defense weapons is simply looking for death.

Even the dozens of old priests whose necks were broken by the fragments of the pagoda, they died as a grievance! They don't even have a close-fitting life-saving weapon! They are all fragments of the pagoda that have been smashed by thunder. There is no magic power on it, just a pure physical impact, which can kill dozens of people? What is this? Are you kidding?

Princess Le looked at Don't beg in a daze. Don't beg, rubbed her eyes, and looked carefully at the priests opposite. That's right. Although their cultivation is generally weaker than that of the Tongtian priests of Dayu, they have also stepped into the realm of Tongtian, and the fluctuation of magic power can't be hidden from others. Why was so much killed by Princess Yule like tofu dregs?

The thunder of the group of knowledge is still roaring down. Just now, those who are calm as if they are the first in the world to see the old priests who don't beg for their eyes are like rats burning their buttocks, screaming and flying all over the sky, and even their seven-story pagodas can't When the thunder fell, the pagodas were blown up, and the sky was full of strange-shaped broken copper and iron. Those small pieces were the size of fists, and the big ones were as big as hills. More than a thousand old men in black robes flew around in the copper and iron fragments all over the sky. The scene was so sad and desolate.

In the wailing, several old priests were broken their arms and legs by the fast-flying broken copper iron, pierced the chest of the belly, and the shoulder of the cervical spine. These old priests fell from the sky with howls. They didn't have time to cast spells, so they fell directly to the ground and fell into meat sauce.

There are also some old priests who have been cut off large pieces of flesh and blood by sharp iron. These old priests are all hundreds of years old, and they are not as well maintained as the priests of Dayu. These old priests did not have three catties of meat on their bodies, but as a result, a guy was taken away seven or eight taels of fresh They are so heartbreaking and howling in pain. How can they have the time to fight with them?

Don't blink your eyes desperately. What kind of people are these? Their cultivation is quite scary, but their ability to fight is really not flattering. Princess Le shook her head around Buqi, and she was not interested in making up for these people. After being in chaos for a long time, after being killed and injured more than 300 people, the seven or eight hundred old priests under the dose retreated more than ten miles with dripping blood. They stepped on the dark clouds and looked at this side in embarrassedly, pointing angrily at this side and howling like thunder.

Yuhu, who stood aside and was also dull, easily swallowed a spit. He made a casual move, and a piece of black pagoda the size of a human head on the ground flew up and fell into his hand. A black flame spewed out from the palm of the jade and burned at the fragments of the pagoda. He heard a few "sneer". The huge fragments were burned clean and purified into a piece of blue smoke, leaving only a silver dot in the palm of the jade that was only one thousandth the size of a sesame grain, which was a circle smaller than the

"Tut!" Yuqi laughed mockingly: "The Tongtian Tower of my Dayu Tongtian Priest is made by collecting all kinds of rare materials. Each Tongtian Tower only costs billions of jin for the essence of the innate and acquired five elements. Hey, I'm afraid that the acquired essence of the five elements in a pagoda of these fools is less than half a catty. How can such a fake thing get to the battlefield?"

After listening to the words of the jade, the other Yu Tongtian priests couldn't help shaking their heads and sneering at the same time, and the pressure in his heart suddenly disappeared.

The reason why the Tongtian priest can become the strategic force of Dayu is not only that their mana Tongtian has infinite vicious killing spells, but more importantly, every Tongtian priest has a Tongtian pagoda, and there are countless wonderful prohibitions in the Tongtian pagoda. A powerful Tongtian priest sacrifices the Tongtian pagoda, which It's all a war fortress.

Just like the Xuanyin Star Tower, which is usually used to drive on the road, it looks only a few feet in size. If you really try your best to change it, it can become a huge pagoda with a base of tens of thousands of miles to a length. With the countless prohibitions in the Shangtongtian Tower, coupled with the strong and abnormal materials of the Tongtian Tower itself, as long as there are more than a million soldiers stationed in the pagoda, it is a golden iron city that makes the enemy extremely big. No matter how you attack, it is rare to overcome it.

Each sky tower, even if the time flow rate cannot be controlled, is just the most ordinary kind of sky tower, which consumes a huge amount of materials to forge. All kinds of hardware elites should at least consume all the reserves of hundreds of veins, and all kinds of innate and acquired five elements should be added to be engraved into a magic array. The more exquisite Tongtian Tower should integrate all kinds of innate spirits such as five-element beads to provide huge energy support for the Tongtian Tower. Each Tongtian tower takes dozens or even hundreds of Tongtian high priests who are proficient in refining to finally cast. On the day of successful casting, a Tongtian tower has the defense to compete with the Taiyi fairy weapon.

However, the seven-story pagodas of the priests in these places in front of them seem to be extraordinary, but in fact, they have cut corners to the extreme. The quality of their pagodas is at most the level of middle-grade and top-grade celestial weapons. It's like two equally strong men are engaged in a duel in a hundred steps. One person is carrying a small toothpick in his hand, and the other is wearing a full set of armor and carrying all kinds of powerful long-range killers. Such a duel is completely brutal killing.

Don't beg for a crooked mouth. He sneered and said, "If these priests in the foreign country are at this level, I, Dayu, can match thousands of them!"

The old priests all laughed easily. Yu Lin shook his head. He waved his hand and said with a smile, "It's really vulnerable. They... Huh? What's the do you do?"

Don't beg for them to laugh here. Hundreds of priests over there have raised their hands at the same time and recited exactly the same spell. With their spells, a large water tank-sized meteorite dragged a very long flame tail down from the sky. These meteorites were dense and probably not hundreds of thousands. Waves of meteorites rushed straight to beg them and smashed them.

Yuqi laughed loudly. He pointed casually, and a mysterious light from the Tongtian tower under his feet soared into the sky, turning into a huge tower of a hundred miles to firmly protect everyone's heads. The meteorites summoned by hundreds of priests at the same time hit the jade tower in waves, and only the violent explosion sounded. The jade tower exploded countless small mushroom clouds burst at the same time, but the jade tower was motionless, and there was not even a trace of scratch on the smooth surface. Yes.

Even the jade was not turned on the defense ban on the Tongtian Tower, relying entirely on the solid material of the Tongtian Tower to resist the opponent's attack. A wave of meteorites crashed into pieces on the Tongtian Tower, and countless gravel and dust poured down with a large area of Mars, but failed to hurt Don't beg their hair.

Princess Yule suddenly said, "It seems that they can only do this spell."

Don't beg and stunned, Yuqi was stunned, and hundreds of priests of Dayu were stunned at the same time.

The reason why the priests of the human race make those immortals and Buddhas so afraid is that the priests of the human race have mastered too many fierce and vicious spells, and countless spells have the terrible power to kill people.

There are hundreds of powerful spells mastered by the priests of every human race. If the priests in the secret temple are responsible for studying spells, they may master thousands or even tens of thousands of thousands of lethal magic spells.

Complex and changeable but vicious spells are combined to cast a reputation that is difficult to provoke the human patriarch.

But these priests from the outer realm in front of them, how can they only do this spell?

The jade flattened his mouth. He gritted his teeth and said, "I thought it was a group of white tigers, but I didn't know it was a group of white cats. Brothers, slaughter them!"

Several old priests smiled strangely at the same time. They waved their right hands, and a large area of black smoke, poisonous gas, phosphorus, fire and wind rushed out with countless strange monsters.